HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-11-4 (2) . .. RESIDENTIAL.' APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North .5th Street SpPingfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 /09'7 J::'e../l.,/ ,\.., O~ ~..-{ Describe rlork: ;Jjj &/!"-"u,-,, <t' #c(' I-i"c Cd 3c!..LUJo..... . ;:10' .Y I'f ' Ie 1.11 the respondbiZity of ens perr.rit holder.'ttJ ue :ha: az.z. inDpectio'ftS ars r.uuie at :h" prope:r ~imc~ . t.l..at. ""h '=ddrS88 is from th" stl'eet, end that the perrrrit ecnod is l..x~t6d.:t the frcn.t of ths prO'per'ty. .~. --El.I.i!di.!".g Di.vi=io~ cp;ro::ed.;:lcn sr..c.Zl. rena:.n on tht Eu:.tdin:: 5f.t:; at aU times. ?ROCnJUP.E FOR Il.'SP!C'!'IQU R!'OUGST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) stc:te you:r City 3.esigr.ated joc nurr.bel'.. Job adCrcS~.....typll raqilestcd cr".a when you :.JiH oe ready for ir.spcceio7lj Cor.'tractcr8 :;1' G\..'n8::""S nc;ne end fhons number. Requ~sts;rtlcs~r:ed :."iLl be made the same dc:b requests mc.d.2 aftc:r 7:00 en wiLl, b~ made 'C.lts nc:t :.xJrking day.. . . , " . '.' 1~ City. Desiqr.atcd Jab 1Iumb<J" 13: . 2?''::; 2/ i/7 ,i::)" ./ rJ,A'NSl/LAT!ON/VAPO.'? BARRIER INSP::CTION: ~ To be-rr:ade after all. insul..::ti.:m r.r-.d .. raqu:~red vapor cCI!'T'iers are in place . but cejere any lath, gyps-..un board or wlZ cover~ng is c:ppZi.ed, and . before any ir.:r..d.aticn ~s concealed. All project cor.~~:~ns, ~~c~ cs ~he ins~a~Zation of street =reBS. ~~~!at~~n of the _ 7ired iAndsccvir.q, etc., :"ust be satisfied Defore 1;;-.9 8l..IIUJINC :I.~'riL :::!ar. be rZ<;'olBs:::d. (6 ~i~~L BUILDING: The hnal Building Ins",ection .-ust be reque:;ted :="-1;er the Final PZ:ur.:bin; 5lectriaal, ani Neahar.~cd Ir.spect~ornJ havo been made and approved. -J Job !.ccati-on: AsaeSGOr3 ,\!tIp Subdiv-:.sion: C'.mer: d + m~ ? /1. 1/ Addrm:. /.?jf17gLl;; I C~ty: ~.u./:t-n. ~___'I!.1 -) I~'" n f71 n n .'l",J AdCiticn Remoeel ,'.fobile ,~omlZ Dcrte of AppZica~icn :,.'on":r::zc:-o:"s /0-- 24--rf 3 'I-1n-,.--I JrF 5 . /1'1 Genera! / / / Vi'~V.s PltL'1tOing ./17""../,_:' ./7J-7 Electrical l-fechm:i.c.: 1 (".J .5 ~~1t'/"l"_ __ s~Co~9tr~ctian Ltnder _ qp,.,.,,,:.,.,,,1_ T",.~"("'''f:.1:r.l1.q o o SITE INSPE:C':'ION: To be made fUcat.'a'tion, but prier tc 8"= f:JrmS. UllDFRSLAB P!,['.'o!BI,'IG. Er:i:C':'.t?IC,1!, ~ MECH.J.JICAL: . ';'0 be nr::ae DeTore . is ~ov~~ed. - afta Lip of any ! FOU,'lD,1TIC.'1: To be :rwie after trencnes arB e=cavatoi!d and fc:rms are erected, but prior to pourir~ cencret.. Il UNDS:iC?Ocr.!D ?~Uf.{3LVG" SS"~R" :J.lTER, U DRAD1AGE: To oe r:r:::ie ?1"""~or to /ii.- l.ir.g :rer.c:r.Js. ~D!.t?FWC.q P!.~.'.!3r:.'G ~ :'.fE~~f1ICA!.: 4 ~. ~~ be moae pr'LCr to ~n31;a(.t.at~cn oJ ~or insuZc"tion or decking. POST AND BEAN: To be rr.aLi.c pr"~r to I inBtaL?-aticn of floor insulation or decking. r-l~GH "W:!EIT:!G. ,'2c:':.o!C"~ J ".fEe.'!- W ANrCAL: :'10 :JO~k is ::0 fJc CQL'e:>ea ur.:-i3. ~hcs€ ir.s:lec:i.:n:s ;,,,=voe' ~eer. maee end ::??r?Ve.:. D Fr.:~E:Pr.Acr: ?:>ior;o ?l.c::"~r.g feeing me". La Gr.d b~fol"e lrar.ring inspec- + or.. ~~3t be re~~e3ted after of rough plWi.Ding, e!ecr;ri- cal & mechanical. Al! roofi.ng brac-:.r..g & churrru;.y8~ Bt.=. t:'i.lSC be co1'l1Oletcd. !lo :.:.?r,ic is to De con- - csc-led unti 1. :J:ia inspecticn ;..as . been rna.:l8 and c?pt'OL'edo. ~/r;:AZ; -:u.'..'B!,1G HE~HA!1ICAL ELtr::RIC:..L ,...----, .SPRINGFlELD ~\ Ta:: Lot , O~'LCY::J ?rol'lW Pr.or.e:" Zip: .'hq C.-(-:'(j' .00 Value "-I ) i ACi.-ess /7! <7 P/,1[:,. f:Lj To be made after all dr-:f'~tz -ts in place, . but prior to t::rly taping. o MASONRY: Steel 7..oca.tion~ bona. beam3, aroutir~ or verticals in a.c~o~ce !J'i-:h U. B. C. Section 2415. i/OODS'!'O'/E: After installation is o;mpLe::;;d. ..... D o CURB ~ Ai."PRCACP. .4P.~N: Afte:o forms are ere~1;edbLlt priozo to pouring .=on.=re te. SIDEJ,lALX & JRI'.D'A?: For all. con- crete paving 'Jitr.i~ street right- of-IX.Y" :0 be J7!.a:ie a;-t.:!r aZ! e:rca- vatinQ CCTlTOZete & '''0r::7 work & .:':uD- base tt:'ter':al "-:.n ?~~e. o D !TNCS: Wher. co.71'Dli:te -- Provide gates or movable" sections through P.U.E. D . .,cce~" , lL,~ (Lie. 0 " Siqr.ed: Date: tu I -'-( - >( '- Lise.!! E--r;;ircs ~~ 5{5' ' ( 7,1./'7-t/.-e;t-) :::Jt.j(){ 0 ? _ , --- re,"""J ~f in:;pe:-:icn ~.Bfcre 7.- 00 c;: DEf.!OLITIO.'! OR .~:OV=; BUILDIilGS =:J Sani::ary Be:Jer ::apped .:::t ~~Pcrt:":l li'!":.e :=J Septi~ tank p-..Jr.?d crr.d ff.ll.d uith ~:'''B~ ::J Pinal - :lhen cb...-ve i~e::!s are c~"m]let€d ar~ when i~litior. is compZBte or s~~=- twos moved and pr~36s cl8aned up. Mobi 7..8 Hc:r.es ~ Blocking and SBt-~ ~ Plumbing connections Bo::Jer and tJa:.r ---, Electrical Canr.ection - Blockir~, set-u? ..-J and plwnbing con7:Bctions nr..:st ?:e tI?pr~J,;3c. before request~ng eZectrical ir.spec=io~ .=J Acaessol"".i ~it.C..;ng. ::J Fir..::l - Aft;;~ F~rcr.es, etc. are c~7..e.;;d. skirti~4, decY~, o --; i JOB NO. '03Z/05 SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-" \~ i ?a-:a: \~ L cc",",=ar.c"." ~ _'?-. I i:ct Sq. F~. LCT ':'7!P! I: jf !.:;: C.::Jerc.;~ Ir.:er-:.cr I.;; of Star-:.es \ Corne:' I ... ... ~ :r . . ! .O..CL _.r..qr.:: 1 I Tcpo~ir,:! I. I ~,...:-u l.'l:::n tIl\A. I~.==. i i :..:r:'C1"-; 1.-iC::C33j:-o/ I I Is.o.c. :~T.~!. I '0 --0 .:::..:. I?Olo I I I x Pa:nit.auil.a CUl-dr?-sac I Q,NX:L VaLue I I I q.';yy) I r- I . . I 52,00 I ?~Oe I 54. oed.. I I I I I' I 'IA!,!:E i ::'::;';J.C) 1.S = 3l1.ild";r..g P~t Sta:ea SUZ'ciu:rgs 70:.:::l C1-.a.""ge3 I'i'!.\f .r:"i-.-:u.res Residzntial (1 bath) I Sar.it.:zrJ Sewel" I':';=tl!..~ I Pl:mrbi,..g Perr.:i t seat' Surdo.a.r;;e T.:1taZ C1-.c::-'1es I lID/ I Res. Sa.' f";a. I NaJ/E-"-ttTnti Cir~..(i:s t '!'empcrcrry. SU'"'Ji.CB ." I !'!4~trical Peme ":-""'s"t::.ts'" Su:r::;..t:rrOB ;. l::-.. Total Ch.c;rces IIr~., I Puro-"'::Cq :!TU'S I E=hau8t Hoo..: I VQ1It P=n I . '."f.<;, I ;.':J.OdS'CC-JB :f:~' PS!"m"';t ISsuarCa ",.. .'tfe::r.arr';c:::.L Permit State Surchcrae ,,':0., i'rr I 1\ 1?5.CQ I f2..~.CO I I ~ I : I ?'5. 00 i \.ce. 1'2.f.D . CO ,,~ I :iO'I"w I I \ I. \ ~~ I \~. CO I I I I I I I :.'C.t ;"'1;'';' I I I I I I I '!'~'t~l crcr7l?S -- ~:ICRCAC.':J.'.!E:!'!' -- lco ..... J"\ . l~e~~1"#~u ~J~03~t I Seor~. 1.'-fc:ineom...'7"..::'Q P(!...~t Tota l q-.al""7CS I q-.i.r"C'~: Is'"' L. rt.::::~.( I :er'.::e . j !'1.ec-:r-:.ca! ::6el , ! .Votri.!a .:[ar.:e '. I ~1"'I'7".r "U"U'~ 'U." . '-1.1"'1... .....;..... .;~ ... ... Cr.AP.GE ~'.~_='GZ \~,oo .1 c..o I.. \~.~ I Ct!AR!:S i I 1 I I I 1 I I , .. f I I I i I I I a.. ~ ,(,,8 I. I I I L-COG"" .- . -. ?;;~"/ccr..t.-"\ . 3eero","s: lot Fa.ces - \ \ ~ ~ /1 =narrr.J So:U'':es Setb:ZCKS . l I }:'ea: I House I r.c..."'C.ae I Access. Ii I "dC.1;2r' _:J~~"::!'l" 8anqa I I :~reoi..c.ce I I I :.raoa" '00" I II 1;;:'6 I I I P.L. ItlO:->th lEast ISOt.:t:h Ir'.st ~ i ~ 1, jl This . pe~t~! Ig~~~; on ~ea ~~e: C:i t~ne=~~~=!..t .~id =on3tr",c=ion I shall, in all resyccts. conjcr.m to the Ordinance ~o?ced cy the C~;j of SpT""'~r:g/ield. ~"'.c!ud~ng :r.e Zon-:.ng Crd~nar:ce. reg-..tlc..:;~r:g.':;;:8 ccr:.:1t::"'".l.::::#;cn cr~ uae of ~uit~ings. and m=? be su~pended or re~oked at cr.y :~~e u;cr: u~c~ Zation of any ?:",vi3ions of said Ordir~es. F2e,~ '" I Plan Check I Cate Paid: Rec~ipt II: IS,:g".d: Fe.::1 ?jn~()n In-,:)4.-f3 (0 J [<R '1' ;'1; Ild I ! .' Plumbing Permit No person ahall cons~~ct. instal!. a!ter or change any r~w cr e--istir~' plu.miJing or drainage syste:n in ;.;hole or in part. unless such person is tr.s legal possessor of a ualid plumber's licensB~ e=cspt tr~t a pe~son may do pll4::bing work to propert-oi which is or.med~ leased or operated by the Ci.ppli- cant. .. Electrica I Perm it Where State LaLJ requi:oes tr.at th6 electrical work :,e dens by an st.e~tM.cal ,Contractor. th6 electrical Fortion at :hi3 per-mit shall roOt b6 ualid until the label has been 3ignBd by ehe Etectrical [;ontractor. 'c M'echanical Permit " ~ 1'A\\~~ ~\~~\\ P t.an E::crm.ner )g;'L'b-~ . I HAVE CAREfULLY EXA."!I;"E!J the comp!.3t~d application for pemi-:::, ~ do ~ hereby certify that all i~fo~.ation hereon is true and correa:. and I f'J.I'the1" certify that :my c.r.d all. work perlor:ned 3hall be do:"ts in ac::or- dance :uith tite Ordin..:mces of the City of S?l"';ngficZd~ and ~hz La-..:s of t;:3 State of Oreg:m psr-r:.::in~ng to the work described herein. O".d :;..a: ,va ~CC:.J- P.~!lCl !Jill be !1rJ.:ie of tZ'ty struct".u'S withe:J.: p2rmis3ion .;)f the 3uilding 0";- vision. I fta"ther aertif'i eha.t o:-zly !Jontra.::ors a;;-.d e."f'!'?l".;yees r.:r.a as: it: ~liance with CRS 101.055 will be used on this ~rojact ,/7 ,//~/.~~///.- /"---':~-'/~ .,' ".'# . I. /"_".'~,' ~.<."~ .:-/<, I//V;?::'_. Da<J . / " /Si;r.3a ~ ./