HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-11-4 . .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpP";ngfieZd, Oregon 97477 Bui~ing Division 726-3753 Job Loc:ltion: F597 J::.;iv N\'1 (')~ ~ ~ AS3eSGOl"Z .'.!ap Stdxiil.,..':sicn: Cl.mer' /Jt -I- nZ~ ;:. j Lv . - ) Addr.ss: /.Q<r7 Ally; City: ~u./;Yr. /),./,/;! -J ,/7" n [')(l n n 'JP'.1 SPRINGFIELD .. ~\ Tc;: Lot N n~'2J)(J 0rO!NW I Pr.or:e: Zip' DesCI"";be [lark: Adai ticn I/jJ f3.a1~..... f3"lhNd- dll?d ;20' 1'1"/' ~w Ramode! ,~!obiZe ;~or.:a Date of Appl icaticn J()-24~.3 ~:ont':ract'ol'S Genera! /"71;//,v.t:: 'J-1,..C{/ j ~f' S Pl.umbing ~//c'"""'j- i ElectricaL (? ~ ~S I "'echar.icc! M~/.._ ,JbJ:Ol'lSt1""..u:tion r.C11der- va!u.J$ qC;O(). 00 Add.-es3 /7tFi ~.., ~/ . .;ccs,ct , lL,G? f1~ 0 PJ c9~) &Q '\ '~0 / \ q / ~\ f G Siqr.sd, Date: tv I (-'1'- X'<." I I Lise..., - :~l(Xo? . E::;il'C8 .------Phb~ 5<5" ( 7"-/9-V...6c,.J " -- It; 'is the :responfJibiZity of the permit ir.older to see that aU i7LDp6Ctions arB made at the: ;;roper ~im~~ that .u:ch =ddrs88 is l'eai'...n?;.~~ fl'Cf1/ eM stl'eet, end that the permit cazod is l..:x:ated at the f1"07'1t of eM property. .t!!ui?di!".g j){.'lJi::io~ appl'cr.:ed pl.an s;..cZZ 1'e1:7a-:n 071 ehe Bu-:t.dinq Si.t.z at all times. P."?OCSDUP.E FOR INSP!CTIOll R!'~lZST:CALL 726-3769 (l'ccol'derJ state yOUJO City desigr'.ated job 1t'..Ir.:bel', job aCC.rcss, type of ir.:>pe=;ic7I l'aquestcd w.d lJ.':en .You ;.;iH be ready for ir.spcct'':on.. Contractcl'S or OI.,'ne::"'S rv::me cnd phone nu:~bcr. Requ~s;s l'flceivBd ce;cl'e 7:00.:.: :.'iLZ be made t1K same &1.. reques:s .'nCde afta' 7:00 am lJizz. be made the nc.=t :xJrking da:J" >? ~ 2/ //J ,~ Atl project aor.di~ions, JUC:: as ehe ins=aLtction of street :rees, ~~~La;i.~n of the ~"e uired 1.andsccpir-(i, etc., .""st bs satisfied bejor. tr.a aUlu:r;:c ,I:IAL zan be r.".estad. .':'INAL BUILDING: The f'ina~ Buil.dinq !ns?8ction .':";'olSt be l'f1quear;ed :::t"':21' the Final ?~ur.:bin; 2Z2Ctr>i~al., cutC Nechar:ic:::.l. Inspect;iQ7UJ .'lalla been made and approvad. ~R""J1: "'pr1_ T,.....C!,.,P'1~1:r.n." O SI1'~ I!lSP!C':'ION: To be rrr:de after e:rcavati"n, .;ut pr>icr tc Bet up of IOrms. O UllDF:.~SLAB '?!.L'MBI:/C, E['2C":',,?IC:'!. j '.~CP..J_:IICAr.: To be made before any ~r' is .:ovc:oed. FOOTING ~ FOU.YD.1TIC:l: To be .mde after :::rencftes Q"S e:::cC!Jat~d and terms are erectad.. but prior :.0 pourir4 canere:.. il W1Di::RG"~U.'.'D ?:'U'CI:'IG/ S!:'..!ER, ;,r.t::E.;'. U DRAiNAGE: 'To be rrr::.:::e ?1"'':or to fi~- Ur.g tl'enchas. ~DERFWCR P!'i}X3I:.'C j ,'{EC!!AN[C:.L: ~ ~~ be ,':'XIaB prier :0 ::ro..3t:al.Zat-:'071 of fleor ~nsuZat:ion or deckiro.g. _ ~ST .4,'/D 3EA..'.f: To be r.~ pr-:.or to ~ ~::Stal.l.a'ti.cn. of [ZOOl' i1'lStoZation or decki.ng . r---l~'C;; ?'CmfBI:!G, Er..Z::;'F?!C:'r.. 1 ,~rzC.'1- ~ ~CAL: No ~:,k is ;0 ~c cove:'ea ur.~iZ ;hes~ inspec;i~s ~~e ~eer. maCe end =?pl'~ved. O F-:l:':Ir'c-. ;:Jo",...' ... 1.c. ' J._.='.~",':'. .. ...01' ;o? ::-':1".g: c.oin.g ~~~iai8 and b.jore f'I'=inq in spec- i FP.A..'~ING: MIA::s: be req"..L83t:ed altar I appl'cva! of rough pZur.~ing, aZec:~- car & mecnani.::zZ. An roOfing braciro.g & chinm~ys, at.::. r.r.J.sr; ';8 cor1TOlatcd. !.'o wric is to be C07l- . csa.~ed until tJ:ia insoecticn ~.as 'be~n made and approved. ~./r;:AL -:u:.aJI.1C o FIN'l ~L ....'Ef:P.A.'lICAL !LEC':'.9IC:"L [] lour City'De8igr~ted Job NumbGr 13: ./ ~SULA'!IONIVAPO.Z? BARRIER f,'ISPE:CTION: ~ To be rr:a.de :zfter an insukti.:rn: ~.d . required vapor barriers are in place but 08fore any t.ath, gyp8"..mI boa:rC or wtz covering is appti.ed, and before any i1"..oulatton ~s conceal.ed. ~"AL' I"Sp.~TO'" .7'. . _of. J.., ", ~....._ '.' .0 oe maae atter al,l dr'.1'.Jall, is in place~ but prior to any :apiT'.g. O MASONRY: Steel beam3.. grou tiT'.g accordance lJi-en 2415. '.JOODSTQVE.: After instal.lation is ac.-rrpL8-:~d. ., l.ocation, baiui or vertica ls in u. 8. C, Seation D o CURB & APPROACP. AP_r~:JN: Aftet' forms are erected but priOl' to pouring ~ncrete. DE"':OLITIO.~! OR .'.:av;:o; 3UILDliJCS :=J Sanitary se:Jer capped =t ~O?&rt":i Zi'!":.6 =:J Septi:: t:ank p-....y€d cr.".d f.;z,zad. tr':th ~""B~ :J Pinal - rlhe1'l ab~ve itB::ts are c::!:1pZetcd ar.d lJhen l~Z';tior. is complete or st~~~- t:.aoe moved c:nd pr~~3es cleaned up. NoM. Le Hc:r:es ~ aZocking and Set-~p ~ PZurr.hing C'onnecticms -- s::;,)er end lJat.r ~ EZectricaL Connection - BLockir~~ set-u; ---1 and pl:unbing connections trr...st ce appr~vad before requ8st';ng eLectrical. ir.spec=io~ ~ Accesso1"'.i Sui Z-:iing ] Fir..'lZ - /.ft::r ;Qrcr.es, etc. are C'~Ze~;d. skirtir.g, decy.s, D SIDEWALX a DRnT"A?: For aU con- crete paving ~ithin street right- oj"-/.JCY.. :0 be made attar aU oi/.Zca- vatina ~C11rDi.ete oj lam work & sub- base ~teriaz. -in p~e. D .tAU ,'.!ANHCr.=S AND CLEANOUT5 .'tuST BE .4CCESS:"3Lf:, AD.n./ST.':!:.'T :0 SE :.~1CE .'~7 :,'0 C'JS'!' TO CITY I :l""~e of 2 o ?'ENCE: When comp~.t8 -- Provide gates or o7fovahZe sections tr.raugr. P.U.E. o i JOB NO. '332/f.t;S' I Zo-:e: . \'" L 1- t 0 -. ~ ""q. r...;. I: ,r !$: C-"J.r:;< I. r -.' \ .~ 0 ::.."r-:.63 I...," .o...at. ~o:.qr:~ I I :opogro;;hy I ::;:,~ I"l:~n Cl(\A. 1=00. i 1 :'.::r:.-c!';; I. I ...C::C3S~!'~J I I I 15;.F':'G I~'l I . I :'~'TA!' VALUE IS.D.C. i ~'C:';.J.CJ 1.5 = Eui tdir..g perm, t Sta:a Su.."'::r...:rrge ::'otaL cr.a.."'g63 II:J.'.J Pi.....-:ures ReaidantiaL (1 bath) I Sanit::r! Se'.,)6r I ;;ctlL.... I Pl:unb{.l".g Perr.:i t S~at8 Surcr.a.r;e T~ta~ cr..c::'aes I ::~.., Res. Sa. f4;o. Na;/E--tend CirC".J.i:3 '!'enrpo,.~ Ser;ic8 !14::troical Per.r.i t St.::ta Sur::iurrce Total O.cr~es I :r'O)f F'uro-..:zce 2T:J'S I E=naus:: Hood I V8?1t F=r. I . I ;';"OdStO:J6 PS!'!'I':";t !ssu::nca .'.fe::r.cnic.::l Pc~t State Sur::ht:rac ,!,.,~,~l C'raT'~l!S -- FtiC.=':;AC.:J,~!E.'!'! -- I Sec:""l1-;t"J '2::csit I SCor=.qe Ya:i7tt€T'~...::q Pa..~t To~aL O.ar"1cs Ic-"ao,;C'..r: I SidIM1Z< I :en::e , I E:Zec::rica.! :"":"81. ! W .. ., : ..obi:.e .-:.or.le 1'0"" r .......U."'" "U"" " ..,.u.. .....;v .... ... .... SOLAR ~CESS ?:::.ae 2 - L-COG~ REQ.-\...\ ~ ,r"",, ~ -=, T....-:Je/Cor.st;: -\\..~~ n ,,\ 3.aeroor,:s: 11 ~nara" 5O".<1'Oe8 I I E.a: II I I I I T,,~e ,:;cC"",=ar.c~ :'CT ':Y?~ Ir.-:aricl' Corne:' Pcm;.,cndl~ cu.Z-de-sac x I ;'aiue I I Q,'N::{) I I I I Q. '":{y) I I ,. I 52,00 I ?:.oe I flL.l. cB I. I !i0'1 FIT 1\ I?~ctl CHAP.GE '2.~, CO ~ I ?'5. C:J:) I \.CO I 'li..<), CO 1.'0., --- I \ I \~~ \.....00 I I I. I I I I I \ ";:}, a:>.1 .c..c I \~.~ I. f.;.~'r_=:GE /.,c./ I I I j ;Or:":> Cff.AR:E I I I j I i I C\'5.G.8 I Lot Faces I I 2.&. IUo:>t'h IEnse jSou th I"..: Setba.cks I House I t;ac.ce I I I : I Aocess. I ilc.te!' _:"I?~~P.!' Ranqe 2-:.revlGce }looa;; ;ot;e Fees Building Value & Permit This-'perrrr~t i.3 gl"Cnted on the express condition thet the said_ construction s~~ll. in all res?ccts~ cOY:jcrm to the Ordinar.ce ~pted ~y the :~t~ of SDF'~r.afield. -:.r:c!ud:.n.o ;r.e Zod.no C!-d.-:.ru:::r.ce~ !'eO"dlr.:::::.r:C cl:e ccr.St:!'"'....ct:.cn ~ u;~ of buildings.v~d m~y ~c~su~pended o!' r~vokec;r: ~y time u~cr. uic- tc.tion of any p!'~visior.s of said Orcir~nces. I Plan Check F.e: <1 '7) n.() () ICa:e Pa~d: /A-~4-!f3 IR.o.~pt #: (DIF.R'7 .IS,:g,:ed: (1; /1/'1 , J .I Plumbing Permit No pers:on chalZ constro.lct~ insta:l!~ alter or ciumge any r.sw cr e--isti:r.g plumbing or drainage system in ~hole or in part~ unZess such Ferson is tr~ legal possessor of a vaZid plumber's Zicense. except tr~t a pe~son ff4y do pZzq::bing work to propert"d lJhich is olJrl.ed~ leased or operated by the appZ-i- cant. .. Electrica I Perm it Where State LaJJJ requires tr.at the electrical lJOrk be done by an Slectrical Contractor~ the elect~~cal portion of ;his permit shall. r~t be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical ::'ontl'actol'. I I I I I I I I I , I I Mechanical Permit ~ ~\\\>0. \==\\~~\\ PI-ern Ezarm.ner \(\~7'1\- 'lQ-.. ~;e I. f j J I I I HA VE CAREFULLY ~XA.v.L'IED ;,l-:,e completed application far ?e~,>;. and do hereby certi.fy that all i:-:,fo:,,-.a:ion hereon is troe and C01'zocct. and I !,.ll'ther certify that :::n.y cr.d all 1,.;ork pel'fo~ed shall be do;-:e in accor- dance :.lith tha Ol'din.:::.nces of' the City of Spp"~ngfidd~ and ch$ Lc:..:s of th3 State of Oreg:m pzr-:;.:;:ining to the work desCl"'~bcd herein. end :-r.a; ,vo OCCU- PJ.llCY '.JiZZ be made of any at:-uct".i1'a ~thou.t permis3iorl .:Jf the 3uiZding Di- vision. I further certir~ tr~t o~ly ~ontrac;ors a;~ ~loyee3 Wr~ are in campl~nce with CRS ?Ol.05E will be used on this ?1'Oj3ct I. /{4f~