HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-5-10 .. RESlDtNTlAL': APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spri~~field, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 SPRINGFlE1.D .. Job !.oc.:::.tion: I.~ t( () ~. -1..+. \ (] n~~ 'lltU T= f"t # n ~(y)1 C>.mer: a -:; ;f(J /'o.IL~~ AdJ."es>: 0 L{ <;, 1 ~ 1 ~ yY)C AC~,,;/ Cito,!: t4...Lv.lAd ~p A8~eSGOrZ ,\!ap .Ii Subd~:r;sicn: r;::v.;~., n Add":ticn n Remodel n .'!Ob'f.Z2 .=tom3 ~Phcme: Zi;,: '1 ~- 97Y8.Q ~/ De8C1""~be fl'or/<.: ?~(j)~ w~-~d...U-~ ~~ - Date ot AppLicaticn /;-ID ''63 ,,:ontrector'S ? u>J.vv Va!ue ~ ~~I . _'cce:"~' 0& O~8 ? ?..........u. p~ JI(;.oo GJ,j-O."I Ar~ <t rfoJ IS-. 00 . (,,0 ---- .#j5.(P Siar.ed: ;jc., ,"5-/0'~ 7, Date: ~ - (~fl1~ 7f-^-r.c. r I Liac. P- I " h~-~ ~7d-<f-L/ E:r::;il't!s Phone Genera l Plumbing ~lectri.cal Nechar.i.c::.l Con8t~Jcti~ Lender Add1-es3 [t. is the resFonaibiZity of ehs pel~it holdu to see that aU incpections are .-::OOe at ::he proper til7f~1 that ~::.ch =ddress is rea.::a.;:e from ehe street, and that the permit c.:uv1 is l..xated at the ;)ocnt of eM. property. ~Eui~i~4 D{~i=io~ ap;roced FLan s~~ll remain on the 3ui~ing Sits at all times. P!?OCSDURS FOR INSPECTION R.:OUEST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City desigr.::zted job nur.:bel'J l'aquestcd a~d when you will be ~eady for inspcction~ Contractors or OWne~s r~e cr~ phone number. :.'ill be ".ads th€ same dcy~ requests mc.ae afta' 7:00 rX'I'I wiLL be made the n~t :xJ'l'kin.g day. ~eaui""Dd 1"1!sr:'Dcticl'!'l O (,''''''1:' T'IS"'~f"""'<O>~\1 "'. . _l.!._ _. r:'J. ~'-'I.: .0:Je maae ucavati.:;lnJ but proior tc se; forms. o after up of U;'/D.:PSr.:.B PLU.'.l3INC. 2[,2C?PIG.!I. l' ;\'ECHJ..;iiC.:.i.: To;.e "..cde before any wo:""i( is ~O"Jcrec. o FOOTING ~ :OU1~rDAT:C.'l: To be .mes after :renches are ~cGrJated ar~ forms are erect2cJ out prior to pourir.g ccnc:oet.o=. [] W1D'SRGROlJ,'.'D ?!.LU;;n:C. S':-.lFP.. ~:1TER. DRAINAGE: To De ma.:ie prior ~o lii.- lir.g ;rer.cr.2z. o VNDERPVJO::? ?LlJ.'..'9T:Jc 'J .Y.'ECH.4.VIC:"L: To 1;e maee prier :0 -:;n~;;cLi...It~011 of noor insulat:ion or decking. ?QST AND 3EAN: To be ".de ;"('''';01'' :0 ins-raLl.a'tien of noor ir..st.:Zation or decki"!;. o o RorJG,~' pnr._'er.'!C.?t,EC?~!C~!..{ .'.f'€C,9- AHI~A::. 30 ~ork -~~ .:0 ~~ ao~~red ur.=~l ;r.esa :r~~ec;~Or.s ~~~ ~~er. made -':Z1".d C?pr~nJed. r:.~::p!.AC2: Prier ~ pladr.g !:::.cinq mc.-r~riaLs ar.d b~fore frar.rir.g inspec- tior.. PP...4.~I,'IG: Must be ret:;ue:H:ed cf";er tI?prov..:.l. of rough -;lur..DingJ electr-;- cal & .',:ecr.ani..:a!. Al~ ~oj:.r.g bracir.g ~ chimn~ysJ et~. .~~s't be . corrro Zet:cd. ;'10 ;;ark is to be con- . cec:Z.lJd ur.til. this instlec~en r.aa . bee.n made c.n.d cpprot,'ed. o o Your Cit'~. Desigr.atcd Job Number Ia: U INSVLATIONIVAPO.9. HARRIER r.vSFECTICN: To be mads aftel' aLL insuL.:;ti.:;m w.d . required vapor carriers are in place but cefore any lath~ gypsum oeCll'C or wZZ covering is cppZied, ~.d oetore any insulation is conceaLed. o D.9.'fWALL ;NSPECTIO,V: To be ,"!'.ade after all drywal.Z is in pZace~ Dut prior to any taping. job acarc3sJ type of ir.~pec~icn Requests recei~ad c~fer9' 7:00 ~ 'gSJ&7Y' DF.'.fOLITIOH OR ;~:QV::;-:; 3UILDI;iCS :J Sani ;ar':f se'Jer ~apped =t p~~p~rt;. U....:2 :J Septi~ tank p:.:yed cz7"wd f:.Zlac. :.nth gr:z:..:e! J Pinal - [{hen ahcve ite~s aJ"e cc.~Zeted ~ and when demolition is c~Zate or st~~~- tu.""e moved ar~ ?p~3eS ~le~ed U? NODila Hcmas =:J Blocking CU'.d Sat-:.lp =:J PLumbing cor.nec~ions .- s~er cr~ wa~er ---, Slectriccl Connection - BlockingJ set-u~ ---1 and pZwnbing connections r.r..st !;e c:ppr:;Jl:ed befor~ request~ng ~Zec;rical ins?ec";io~ ~ Acces~c,';;" 3ui l.::.r..g ] Fin:: l - Af't::r ;:Jrcr.es J etc. are c~pLe;~d. 3,1(~r::~ngJ dec/..3J o :<<SO.'IRY: SteeL locationJ cond oear:u3J grouting or verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 2411:: o ALl project cor.ditions~ ~uc~ as t:he ~ns;aZ.laL~on of street ~2eSJ :~~Zc::.on of the required w.ndsccpir.g~ etc. J must' be sa'tis{r.cd o;);ore the Bf..'I!.iJI:'/G Fli~'AL =,an be r:u;uss:.:zd. 0.' FDfAL PLUt1BI.'/G D. n:IAC NEcHA:IICAC O. ?I.'IAL 2LEC':'RIC';':; [] o PINAL BUIf.DINC: The Finel Building Ins",eatian .-:-:USl: o<a requefJtea ::fter the. .7ir.aL Plur.:bin.; ELeotrica!..J and Neaha.....icc:.l inspe:ni.cnfJ nave been .7Zade ar.d :=pprcIl2c. Aftar installation :.s ~ALL NANHC[,(;S AND CLEANOUTS UUST BE AC~ESSI3r.2J ADJL'S7','S.~'T TO 3E ,',L1DE ..!T :','0 :::5':' TIJ ':I':'Y I ;,......01 of:2 o CURB & APP.rWACH .4P.'~ON: Afte-:o forr:rs ere erec'ted but prior to pouring con.::!rete. SIDEWALK & DRI~,'E''';A?,' For all ccn- crel:e paving wi::hin stre€t right- of-r..x:YJ to be mde attar all. e:cc- llatina CC7f1DZete & f'orr:! :.;ark. .i $ui:l- base ~terial in place. o ~NCS: Wher. co."11plote -- ?rotJice ~ ~l:es or ::tovabZe s6ctions through. P.U.E. o I JOB NO. <:J,;~1c'7q I i:or.a: SOLAR .CESS CCC'.,l::;an.c:J Grou:;: LeT TYPE Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ ~f lot Cavera.g;; .# of Stories I TotaL Heic;u:: I - I Topogra;;ny I I II'D! I".lain I SQ.FTG 1~,,"c2 I - I Car::~r't I. 1.,ccasso!":J S.D.C. TOTAL ;'ALf.JS lVa~UC) 1.5 = ZuiZding ?eTm"';t State SUI'cnarge Total f:r.a:oge3 11':'::11 liD., FEE I Fi-~es Resiaentiat (J bath) I Sc:nit.:tI"'d Sewer I :tct€..... I Plumbing Pem t Stat6 SW'cr.arge Totat cr.c.!"ces I I!'EN l."?es.' Sa. fta. I Nw/Ertand Cif'CUi. ts I Tempcrary Service i i ''iO./ I I I I :.";"'1;' Electrical Pe~t St:::te Surcharae Total. C'tta.!'ces I =.o:ae 2TU'S I E::haust; Hood I Vent Pan I . I ilooasto:;e I ,'lC. I ,:;':'t' J Per:m.t Issuance Mecr.anic::l Pernrit State Surchcrae '!'r'Jtct Chzr-:1"1!f -- ~.'lC:~CACH.:,fE;'!':' Se~~;tu D2~o3it Stor~qe I Maintenar.::e I Parmit I ~.~/'lCr;:es I CUZ'':'C'.4t' ISid"","Z< I !'en::e 12Z.aC'Cl'ical I Nobi Ie Hxze lahel. 1.:rOTA! ANOU.'lT DUt:" Ir.teZ'io'l' Corner Panhandle C'.J.Z-de-sac x VaZue CilARGE CHARGE CHARGE I I I I 16,00 I I /5'.00 I I ,(00 I , . I I f I I /<(.00 I I I I -33,(00 P::.ae 2 . L-COG~ REQ.- T~'.;e/Cor.3t " 3edr.,or.:s,' I E,ot; :~ces - I I P.c. Wortn lEast SG'....:h [:V'est Enerau SOUI''1es Sea:: :;;J~e Setbao,i.:s I Ro"se Caraoe I Aaeess. I I I II II {lrr.t8t' Y.ecr.o;,<>.r' Range - Ptroeoiac:e Wooa.:;:;o~e Fees Building Val~e & Permit This permit is granted on the e:::press ,zondition that the s~:iid. aonstl""..tc::ion shatt, in ~lt respects, confo~ to the Ordinance adopted by the Cit: of Sprir.cf'ieZ-d, -:.ncb.ding :r.e Zon:.r.o Crd-:.r..a1!C6, r>€a'..tl.c.til:o the ccns"t:>:,a-:;"':cr. ar.d :.<;~ of buildings, end m::.u b(;~ auzDende.:i or revoked ~t cr.:J t-:.:::e ;<;:::r. vie- lation of: '.Ir.y pl'OVi3ior.s of ;aid Ol'dir.cnces. .. . IPlan Check Fee: ICatc Pa-:.d: 1 Ree<i?t #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No pereon ehaU construct, tns;aLZ, aLter or change any Y'.eW or ezis7;ing pLumbing Or' drainage sY8te~ in ~hole or in part, unless such person is the legal, posse3sor of::z valid plwnoer's 'l,icense, e:::cept t;-.at a pe:'son .'i'.a:; do plumbing ~ork to proper~d which is ~~~d, leased or cpercted by the ~pZi- cant. .~ I I. Electrical Permit Where State Lc:w requires tr.at the etectr--~cal work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the el,ectrical For::ion of thi3 per::rit shall roOt ba vatiC ur..til the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical, ~ontractor. I i I I. " Mechanical Permit Plc:n. Z=....--n'Z-r!el' t/a::.a I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAA.JINED t,l...e compZ.ated =?pZication jor permit. end de hereby certify that all inJo~at~on hereon is true a~~ correct, ar~ I fur-:hel' cBzotil:; that any cr.d all. 1.:ork. ;erfor:ned 3haZl be do:1e in G.c~or- dance :.lith ~h.a Ordinances o{ the City of Sprinqficz.d, and ::hz Lc..;a of :;(:3 .. Stat.a of Orecon osrt.:;:inir..c to the work descr-;bcd. her6in, cr.d tha: :'iO OCCU- PJ.,NCY ~lZ. b~ rrr::.d.e of cznyv structure wi thou.: pemr;s3!.or: of the ?uildir:g 0";- vision. I further ~ertif~ tr~t o:1ly contractors and ~loye€s wr.o a.~e in c~pZ.iance ~;th CRS 701.05~ wilt be used on this projsct :;;;~tl. Cd n3~ /