HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-2-5 .. RESID.TIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: /o~~ /(PjJJJ.A '/i1!r.rI I r-J 0 3 3 L( / / {[ Taz wt # 0360V Assessors Map # Subdivision: (j~ 17 Oomer: ~ Iil!J'fl'I 6tM Y1 d / Address: /9St/ ~M.li~ rt Plume: ,3!/5-:J-f'9s- City: fuJ'A-P IJg Zip: b f?'&r 77/.;2. n n n n Npt,) Addi ticn Remodel Uobile Home 2-.S~?!7 Date of Application Contractors General. PLumbing Electrical Me::har.ic:ll Describe rl'ork: .~ ~ Value C;C?O Address /' /l / --.I- t-tUe~. t/JuU"cl/d 1/ Construction Lender v .~ee~Pt Ii /l /~!/J /f/j I/J j- . '" I .v' ~ cil-() K-- ,,1 , ~iJ)' . 0'\~ ~ Sigr:ed: Date: 0:::/ ~ -c;-P'l' Lise. # Phone Eroires It is the resp071aibility of the permit holder to see that all inapections are r.zade at the proper tim&# tr.at each .::ddres8 is readabLe f1"Cl'fl the street, and that the permi t ca:rd is Located at the frent of the property. ABuilding Di.vi::ior: appl'ol-'ed plan shall remain on thE Building Sits at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City designated job nur.:ber~ job adire8s~ type of ir.3pec.;icn requested ar.d when you lJ)iU be ready for inspection~ Contractol"S 01" Owner's name and phone numbCt'. Requests l"eceived before 7:00 ~ z.'>i7.Z be made the same dcy~ l"equests made afta' 7:00 lr7I will be made the n€:Zt :JOrking day. R,ur;n:Y>,ul T'1~n~"fJ+:icrm D. SITE INSPECTION: To be TTJ:Uie after excavation~ but prior to set up of forms. O : UNDERSLAB PLU/.mINC. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be made before any , work is ~ovcred. I . ,0 FOOTING & FOUND.1.TION: To be TTJ2de after trenches are excavated and forms are erected~ but prior to pouring ccncret~. o UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. DRAINAGE: To be rmde. .lir.g trenches. SEWER., W.1TEJ1 prior to fi l- o UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAU: To be "..ado p1'ior to instal-Lation of floor insulation or decking. ROUCH PLlP.!8I!JG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No :Jerk is to be covered ,until these inspections have beer. made and approved. FIR.EPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. o D D O FRANING: Must be requested after i approval of rough plwr.bing~ electri- .cal & mechanical. All roOfing bracing & chimncys~ et.z. TTr.J.st be ;' completed. tlo work is to be cen- .' ....cealed until this inspection has ~be~n made and approved. .Your City Desigr.ated Job Number 10: D.INSULATIONIVAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulati::m (V".d '. required vapor barriers are in place . but before any lath, gypsum boaI'd or uzU eovering is applied, and before ~y insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all drywall io in place, but prior. to any taping. O. ~SONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grouting or verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 2415. ~ODSTOVE: After installation is BJ ccmpleted. ... . ?,). D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte~ foI'ms are erected but prior to pouring conarete. D SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-lX.y, to be made after all exca- vating complete & form work & sub- , base material in pZ.ace. D D PENCE: When co.'7fPl~te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. . o f1fftJ q[) DEUOLITIOH OR gOVE!; BUILDIilCS :=J Sanitary se'.Jer capped at ~op~rt'~ lir.e ~ Septi:: tank p-..."'7:pcd and fille~ with gra~el ::J Pinal - II'hen above ite.'7IS are cc:rrpZeted and when demolition is complete or stru~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. Mobile Hemes :::J Blocking GDUi Set-~p :::J Plumbing connections -- 8~er and water :::J Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up and plumbing connections nr~st he approved before requesting electrical ins?ectio~ :::J Accessol".i Bui l.ding ::J Pinal - After p:Jrcr.es, skirting, decks, etc. are camplet~d. D All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, co~letion of the required landscc.pir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. o FIliAL PLUM/WIG [J FINAL I1E~HANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL .=:J o FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must be requeoted after the Final Plwnbing EleotrioalJ and Mechar:ical Inspectionn have been made and approved. ,', ItALL NANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS !lUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJVSTlfE:JT TO BE !,~IjDE I!T NO ('5T TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 I JOB I Zona: NO. X1fJ7JiltJ SOLAR A.SS OccuoonC1( GrauL]: Lot Sq. Ft{;. S Df lDt CDlJerago #. of Sto'ries Total Height Topography ITEM Main I Ga:t'ace I Caroort IACaeS80l"U I I Is.D.c. , SQ.FTG (vat.uc) 1.5 :r TOTAL VALUE Building Pernrit State 5uI'charge TotaL Cha.~ges lITEM Fi:r:tu:t'es Residentia L 11 bath) Sanitary Sewer' WateP Plumbing Fermi t State Surcr.azoge Total Charoes lITEM I Res. So.' fta. I NQ,J/Ertend Circui ts I Temporary Service I EZeatricaZ Per.mit State Suraharae Total Ch.aPC8S iITSM I FUrnace ETU'S Exhaust Hood I Vent-,Fan I. . I Woodstove Permit Issuance Mechanica.l pernrit State Surcharoe 'l'ot;a l CharORfJ 1110. I I I I I I I I I NO'1 I I I I I I I NO. I I I /1 I I -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SeC"'Mrittl Dozoosit I Storage I Maintenan.ce r Permit Total Chat"Ocs Curbcut: SidewaLk Pe~e EZectpical Label Mobile Home TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:" LOT TYPE Interiol" Corner PanhandLe . Cu l-de-sac x Value FEE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CHARGE CHARGE FEE FEE CHARGE REQ.- - -C)- L-COG~ . I I EnerGY S~Ml'Ce8 I Heat Access. I I Water .'lp.atp.1' I I Range I I FirBDlace I I Woolfutove II Type/Cor.st: Bedrooms: Fees I I I I I .1 I , . I I I ,. 1 Lot Faces - I Setbacks I p, L, ,House Carage fNorth lEast South IWest Tuve Building Value & Permit This permit io granted on the ezpress condition that the sciid construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the ccnstructicn and uae of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upon vic- Lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. \ I Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: IRecdpt #: jSigned: Plumbing Permit No person ahalZ cons~ct, instatz., alter or change any new or e:::isting plwnbing or drainage syste:n in 'Whole or in fXU't, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plwnbero's license, except that a pe:oson may do pl.umbing work to property which is cn.med, leased or operated by the appli- cant. I I I i I I . I I I I I I I . Electrical Permit Where State Lalu requires tr.at the electrical. work be done by an Eleatriaal Contraator, the eleatrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electriaal. Contractor', I I I I I lC:;.oo I I . bOr.)(." I Ie;. GoD I . I I f I I. I I I I I /S.fo9 I. Mechanical Permit Ptan Exarmner va.e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that aU inforomation hereon is true and correct, and I fo.trther certify that any ar.d all IJOrk pel'formed shall be don.e in acaor- dance lJith the Ordinances of the city of Springfie7.d, and the. La;,.;s of tha State of Oregon p2rtaining to the IXJrk described herein, c:nd that NO OCCU- PANCY lJill be m:z.de of any structW"e without p21'mission of the Building Di- vision. I further cerotify that o~ly contra~tor8 ar~ e~pl~yeeB who are in ~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project ~ 2-5-87 Signad Date