HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1983-7-7 ,:_~ , .. RESIDENTIAL" SPRINCFlELD " , AFF~;CATION/PERMIT 225 Jorth 5th Street Spl";r.gfield, Oregon 97477 BuiLding Di~i3ion 726-3753 ,Job :Oc.::et::m: YQlo As.::esGor.; .~!ap' Subdi:r:3icn: ,. \-<0 ~~ , A~\ 1 IAL ' lL (j Tc::: wt .II Md.-ess: q s\ () Cioy: \,(\LQ rt \, ~ \ \) n\ ).t)J\ ~ ~~QJ:J \< Q. ~~ Jl ~ 'td,h:rl..lr"",e: ('\.4 r"I-~ \ q \ Q.[J Zi?: Q'l4 l\ ') 6suW\ro) ~t)J\~ I: is :he responaibil.i:y ot ehs pel""ri.: holdBr to see :ha: at! irwPBenoM are .~..ade at ~he ;;ropero tim~, t.~.at ~h .:drb-€Ss is readaJ,:Ol ;"rcm the serest, and that the pC1"1:Tie C.2..""'Ci is t-"Cated at the frent" of the property. .teui!di!"'.!J :r::Ji::io:". cpprot:ed ;:l.an sr"d: l'er.:ain on the Eu:::Zd-i1tf1 Si.ts at aU times. P"~OC.:..?~!.:E F()Rt'ISP::~IOl1 R!'OUE'ST:CALL 726-3769 (,l'"caor::erJ state your City desigr.a.ted job nur;;bel', raquesr:cd c.:-..:1 when yeu :JUZ bo ;oeady f'or ir.spccdon, Contractors or C'l.m.ers r.c;ne ,;:r.d phone nur.tbcr. ~>iz.z oe 11"4de the same dt:=y, l'equest:1 r.:de aftao 7:00 ern /JiZZ be made the nc::rt :.JOrkiftJ day. R 31 b0S ~"7'Iel': n n n n '1e-.I Ad.cEti.cn. Remod.e~ .'!cEJ~!.? .=tema rc.':a of AppLi.:a:~cn ,;.:mtrcc;o:,s GeneraZ Plz.m0ing " 1\ ~!eotrioaL ( '--)u"n1 0 1--' ."!lIah...-r.i.c.:l Co"strAc~i~ !zna'er :...,.....J~"."ti~ ~yr><;...."r"f.:r.T!q O (!.-:O~ ,.'S?:',...,.....". T' . _1._ ..' _..__-..1... 0:J8 mace e:cav~ti~", ~u': prier ta set forms. o ajt~l' up of V"D~.~Sr.':'3 ?!.:.f,'.S!:/G. ?!Zc:'RIt;',\! ~ ,~~Cr:';";iir:':'i.: To be rr.aae bejo!'tiJ wrk is ;::;)".;crec.. o F'CC'!'~"':;"G ~ ?CU;l!JA.'!':C.'J: To ee .-:-aCe cf~t!r ::rencr.2s .:.re ;z:::ca".Jc.ted ar.d f:rms c::re arec:.2c, ~ut prier ;0 pou!"ir.g c=n.C":'etc:. t:.VDtRt;.-:;~r;.'.':J p:'l..?-f:!r;c. SE:/FR. ;,l.1'!'!R1 DRAZ,~'AG~, :0 be ma..::.e pr-;<:;:, :-0 /i~- Ur".g ~rer.cr.e~. ~. o V.'1:JcRF:.;C.~ ?!.U.'.f3.!.?C ~ ,'.~':.:!.4.Vle:..!.: To ~e m--es crier :0 ~n3:a~Za;ion of floor -::nsuk:::icn 0:' d.eci<ing. o ?'JST AND 3tAM: To::e r.:cdc ::0:-;01' =0 ir"03'ta~w;ien. oJ.. floor ir..3t6~:icr. or Ceok;,.,. -5e. . PC~"~.~' ?!.~~~~:_'!C. ~~~ ~ .'.fE:.";.'1- A;'II';A:': :;0 :.:ori-: ~~ ;a ~c co::erec. ur.:~~ ;r.cs~ :r~=ec;~~s h=v~ ;e~r. ..,..a.:ie zro.d =??r?:J~.1. f'::~::?!.:'C!: ?r-i.or ';0 mC::Ql"'ia~s ar.d b.fore ~ior.. P1 o pi.c.c-:.r.q /'!'Ztir.q ..:'~~n.g in.3pec- [] P.q.:J}~I.'/f;: .'-1u.3t.;e :"eq--,ecrt€d cJ.:':€r G??r'a!J~i of r''.]J.:git ~lur..Ding. .zZec:r--;- cal ~ :::ecr411i.:.:::z!. .H~ 'f'Qof:.r.q brccir.q ~ Ch~.'i:r.i:YS, et~. r.:-.lS; .;e .co~Ze::cd. Jo ~r~ is to a~ CDn- . ce(;."ttld ~r.::::l :hi:; ir.,itlec:-ien ;-.as 'b€en .Toade end ~~pr'?~ed. Descl"";ce fl'ork: Va!ue Ad::ires3 Your City, Desigr.atcd Job Numbu- 10: o Ii:lSULATION/VAPO.l'f 2ARRIEl? D1SF::C'!'IOt'/: To be made after aLl. insul.::.ti::m ar.d reauired ttar;or 'Carriers are in D '!.ace Cut before any tath, gypsum cadre. ar wZI. covering is cppI.ied, ::ro.d oalor'e any insulation is concealed. - .~cce-:::; ~ 10 (/-J4A cny o r;,r:?Y'..IALL INSPECI':!O.V: Tc be made ~:lp;er aLL d:/'ywan is in place, but prior to any ta.;n.ng. MASONRY: Steel location, bona. beamcr1 grou~iT'.q or verticals in a::corda:nce ...,.;th U. B. C. Section 2415, ilOODSTOVE: After instaZlaticn ~8 cc.':,rpl.e::ed. , Lise.tI siar.r:ll/1 Date: ( JJ~ J{ A.j 71 r1 Ebir::!s 'v p,l..on.c; o o o CURB & AJ'PROACH _4?PON: Af'ter> forms aTe erecr:ed aut pPior to PC'J.r!.r'.fJ OO1"..::rete. . 3ID2:').Li< & DRI;rc:r./A.?: For aU ccn- cre~e paving wi~~~n street right- oj-wcy, to be mcdf2 a;"t.er aU e=:cc- vating ecmpZete & fo~ ~rk J :ub. base tr.c.teriaZ in. pZa.ce. Ir;, B-<:., - job address, type Requ~sts received o~ iT'.3't1ec-;icn. l;~fcrg'7:00 oZi o o :-rNe!: inter. co~':Jlota -- Provide gates or' movable' 3ectiens througr. P.U.E. DcUOLITION OR ;'.:OV:;; 3!/ILDI~;CS ~ Sani:ard se".Jer :::apped =t p~opt'r-:--:i lir.J =.=J Septi;: tank p....~ed !Zr'.d t~Zled :.lith ;r=:.:ez, :J Pinal - rl1um c.bcve ite,~s are cc.~Zeteci ar.d ~hen i~oli;ior. is c~~e~a or st~~~- tu.....s r.:c;vea ar.c ?r~;:3es ale.::r.ed U? Nobile HC,'i:2S ~ Blocking and Set-~p =.=J Plu~bir"~ ~:J1".nectior.s 3~2r' cr~ WC=2r --, Electr-:.caZ Ccnr.ecticn - Sl..?cki11.3, set-u:;. --.J and plumbing com:ections r.r..st =a c:pprot:ei be;orc requesting elec~ricaI. ins?ec=io~ =.J Acaes~c,,'u' 3uit:i:'r".g :J Fin=l - A~t~r ~~l'cr.es, etc. are ~cmple:~d. a;d!'=~nG'~ dec;:.3~ o o AZL projec; cor.ditions, J~C~ as eh~ {ns;aila=-::on of a:reet =rees, :c~!a=~on ~: :hc requirqd UznCsccpir4, etc., .~st be sa=isf~ad be;ore the 3UI~DI~G FI~AL :cn =e ~a~J.3s=~d. CJ. :Il'lAL PLU~~SI:;G =:J. FI,.'Al. :.~~HA:IIC,1[. :=:J FI:JAl. 2:'ZC:RI';,.;:' U o PINAL aUI:VI.'/C: The F~n.c.~ 3uild~Y'.g !r:s;;ection ,~st boa reque3tea -=.fter ~r.e .:':r..:::.l ?t:.J.!i.bir..; 2Z~ctricaL. end Nec~~~iccZ :nspectian3 ;1ava been. made ar4 c;prcved. .AL~ MA:JfiCL~S AND Cl.EANO!JTS <'fUST BE .!oC::ESS!3LZ. ACJ!.'S7.'~.~',!, ':'0 32 .~~1{iE .'!!' !.'O :::5';: TO eIT'! I ?';;~il of 2 I i JOB NO. , i :7f!e: ILot Sq. ft;. ! ~ "f !:;: ~JUer~. :..1 of Stor";es ! TotaL H.~ir;it.: , . I~ . I J. apogrc';r:'1 I 11:'2.'-1 . 1 ,''''in S;'.P:~ !~~ca , !C~:-~I": i. r ...C=CS3:JI"" ';'~.~!, :'ALt.'!' Is.o.c. , 1.5 ::: ( uc:,,~;:; EuiZding ?e~~t St;c.te Si.lI'cn:zrge ':otaL :r.a:-ge3 II~~'I I FL--:w-es 13esi.i8f1tiaL (J bath) I Scr.{.t.7r"'! Seue-:> I ;J'c:~.e!" I 1,:0. i I I I I I I I I PI;.qnlr~ng Perr::i t Stete Surcr.ar'ie T~ta! c<,..arces I lIE." I.f?~s. Sa. rta. I :l:!:1J/Eztand Cil'!:".ci. ts 1"0. i I Tempcrc::ry S-zrJica Ele=t~;c~l P~t State Sur=har-::e Tatal O.t::.Z'ces tlI7;,'.1 '::Q. I I I I I I .- ?:.a-r..::.:q ?TU'S E:::htmst Hood I ;rent ?::n. ;;i;oc's:o:;e P~~;t I3~.c2 .'1e:;..an::.c::l Permit Stat.:! Sr.a-cJu::::u:rc .1 1''':':.-:! -:-r~~~tl I :;:!QCAC.,.'E:!~ I;" l~eC"-l't""';t:J !)2t~C3i.: . SeOI"':lqe I Mo--:'ntau:r...za .IPcrr.rie: Tctal ~I'lar":as I CUr"",,,, I 5 idet.xz 1 < I. I :~n::e j E1.<lc~z-:.ca t Ld;e i 1.'ofobild H:;me ()sfoS ~ . ..I-,OT" ."" n... ANOU,'lT DUE:" I I I I J Q.{) I I F' I yA#1~ !Q, too I. S;LARlcESS ~C~..t::C:7'.c".J t;(";"J.::: ~."'" -yo::- ...... ... ~ Ir:r;erwl' Corne':' Pc:nMr.dle c-.J l-de-saa x i'aZue I I I I I I I , . I I I , I . C2A?GZ :,;.i';3.G2 10 .00 .LlO I In 40 I. C.'!)JiCE P::.~(! 2 , ~.,. < ,,. I I 1 i I i i 'I I I I REQ.- . L-COC;j, :';:pe/Cr;r.3t: 3e:i!".,o"~s : I ~t: ::1.ces I l _::J.:'. IlIar'" lEase . SO'..oZ.1 l:iest I I ~r:2!'~~ So~!'~~s II i I I' I i I II I i':;=~ Eeat 3etca~;':s I ::""..~.. I r"""G"e ........."'''' ~.......... , i I I lA..:cess. i 1 I :;G.1;~,!, :./"1!:,,;.:n' Ran.;e Fi.!'eoiace 'ilao<.W :;o:.:e F.f:es Building Value & Permit This pel'm";: i:; granted 011 the e=Fl'tJss ~ondit;i.:m that the said. ~on.S'Cr"'.J.c:;iOTl s~a!l, in. all respects, ~onf~rm to the Jrdinar.ce adop~ed cy the ~it;~ ~f Spril".af':eZd, :.nduding the Zoni,7'.G Ordinance. reO"J.lc:til:a t;i:;a ~cr.J;:-:j.::.;.;r: ar.d ~;~ of ~uildil"~s, and ~y ce~Juope7'~ed or r~vokec;t cr.~ time ~;~r. vie. Za:icn af ~y pr,ui3i.ons of aaid CTdi.r~ces. I P!an Check Veto: ?a:.d: IRec<i?t #: ISi.g::ed: Fee: ! I I Plumbing Permit NO' person ~hall construct, instalZ, a!ter or ehange any r~W cr e=ts;~ng plumbing or drainage sY8te~ in whole ar in p~t, unless sueh person is ~r.e legal possessor af a valid plumber's license, e:cept tr~t a pe~san ~a~ do pl::-,,,:,:bing :':O't'.'I<. to' propet''t'':;I which is O'I.;r.ed, laas&d at' operc:ted by the appli- cant. / .' . . , Electrical Permi t Where State Lc:J.J requires tr.at the electl"";cal work be done by an Ele~tM.cal Cont~ctor, the elect~~al por~ion af ~hi3 permit shaLL r~t'ba valid ~ntil the. labeL nas been signed by the Electrical :antractar, I , I I I I I I I I. t Mechanical Permit 'Pi.c:n '::=""-rI1.r:er L.'a::-,a r HAVE CAREFULLY ELt."f.INED the aO'rr.pLeted G.pplicatiO'n for permit. c:T'.d dO' hereby certify that aLZ i~fo~ation ~ereon is true ar4 ccrro:c=, ar~ ~ f.lr-:r.er cer:ifFJ' that any ar.d ail. :.:ark pel"la~ed shalZ. be do~e i:o: ac~or- dance :.:ith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th:: L,a-..;s af the ... St.:lte af Qrec.:m D$rt.::inina to' the uork desr::-~bcd heroei71, and tita= ....0 '.XC!.J- ?1'.~'1C:! :dLZ b2 nr::.ie af 0!.'/3CI"Uct::o.ra withaut .?srmiaJ:iar. af the E:.d.!dir.q rr;- vision. 1 further ~ertif~ tr~t o~Ly ~C71;ra:t:Qrs ~.d ~l~yees ~r~ are in ~pZiance with CRS ?Ol.DSE !JiZZ be used en this prQj2at 7-7-83 Sigr.3d Da;e