HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1983-3-2 .. RESlrtNTIAL': APPT.,ICATION/PERMIT 225 ~orth 5th Street Sori~pfieZd, Oregon 97477 . ". BuiZding Division 726-3753 llLJ ~~o~ :',~~q W. iD' sf. - :J.pftl .lob Loc:::io'l1: 9.~~ ~ .1 \ !\()?::,34 \, AS3BSGOl"= .\!ap St.t.bd';tr~sicl1: ~"'er: Add..-es3 : Ci.ty: n n '117',1 SPRINGFlEl.O ; .9.i. - CA-'LJ. j{ ) Tc;;::: Lot # Pr.one: 7 V7 - .5 393 Zip: q 71(77 DescPibe il'ork: Add;.xcn [hodeL ~;&wJ n""1".1 "QD':. ~2 ..oma Va:e of Appli~:icn :'~l1rrcc:or8 3- z. - 't3, 1~#_ GJ7'U3l'al Plumbing !lectricaL .'-/{lchar.i.c:: L Constl'"'.<Icrion [,c:rw.'6l" Varus Addres3 . .,cceo,o' /l, (" il.;-O 2..- ~.~~ '(vie) 15'.00 .~o - 15.(00 -A A/J j~ 4:1 O'i(goG * Siqr.ed: Date: )"e..-. ~'?- 2-[(3 Liae. II Er:>ircs Pr..ont; I. 11 c:1q,rS~c . Xp. r'30 -8's- V.'oJ/J .f,L. A/)/M ?)/ /flOC,' ~f ~OI_;'{) rvu f.t>Gf. [:.1.8 :hQ responaibiLi.:y of ths permit ho~6r to see that at! inapectionB are ~ad6 at ;he proper tim~, that ~~ch ~88S is re~:6 from ehs street, and that the pC1"111it c.:zrd is t..xated at the ;i'>on.t of the property. .Sui!di:".g In:.ri=io!'". cp;r01:ed ;lan sr.t:l.l. remain on the It.J.il.ding ;~ta at a.l.l. times. PROCEDVRg .::OR I,'lSPECTIOfl R~QlJ!ST:CALL 726-3769 {rcaorder} state your City desigr.:lted job nur.:ber.. J'ob ada-css.. type of in3pec~icn r"questcd a~.d :Jhen you tJi,l.l. be ;oeady for ir.spcc~';an.. Contractors or Ct..'n6rs r.ane c:r.d phor.6 11Ur.'lbcr. RBqu~sts receit;ad b9fcr, 7: 00 ~ :..'izz. be made ~izc same day.. requests mc.de aftr:.r 7:00 a'7J wizz. ba ~e the rn:xt :.JOrkinq day. ~ t') 11"1Cf.3 !?3-}-()-5r; . Qp''''1'f:'''~1 'f,.,,~>:''''~t~:.r.!,q O C,'1"7't' ~"S!l"f""''''''II' T' . _J.~_ ~,' .:....*_'J,. 000 maae excavation, .=;-ut prier tc set [o=s. o aft~r up of UND!RSL,:.3 P!.i.','.f3!.'IG. ~!,EC':'"'qIC,t!. ;~.'ECH.':',liC':'L: To be mada "befo:"a wor,1( is .:ovcred. o PCOTI:lG ~ :'OU,','DAT:C!l: To be ~6 attar :rmcit~s a:re cz::ca-Jated ar.d forms c:re arec:.d, .;ut prior to pourir4 c~nc;oet~. V.'1DJRGROfj,~ID P!..lJ!.f;JD"G. S!"..IER. ;;.1T.:.'i'1 DRAI/lAG2: !'o oe rr.a.is p1"'';or to fi~- Ur.g crer.cr..ss. [] 0- U"'DE.~Pr.:JO.~ !'!.U,'.f9i:lG ~ ,'.f::CH.4..VICAL: To be mr::.C.s prier :0 in3ta~l.:J:t:.on of noer insuZa::ion: or deck.ing. POst AND 3EAU: To bEl' mcdc pr"'i.01' to ins::all..;:-icn of floor i,..s~Za:-ior. 01' de .n;;. o o RD~IGH ?[W'BI:/G. ~!.ECT!?ICA!. ), -'.fEC.q- ANICA!.: .~'o :Jor;': :,3 :;0 ~c COI:Groee: until ;r.cs~ ~r~=ect~ar.,3 ~-V€ ~eer. mad.El' zr.d -=??ro:nl'4.::. F1'.~!?LACZ: Prior ~ plccir,g facing mc:;ariaZ.s ar.d bo;fo1"g fra:r.ri.r.g inspec- :ior.. PR..4}~i.'Ir;: ,\!u3t.;e :oet;'.J.El'3tEl'd af':er approv~l of 1'ough ~l.~hingJ ~l.ectri- cal. j mech::mi.:;aZ. At! raof-:.r.g brcct.T'.g ; chi..'m1cys.. at.::. m"'.J.St :,e . cOm'DLatcd. ,'10 -.;arK is to be cor.- .;. cec:Z.tld ur.:il this ir.soec:-icn J-.as .b6en mad~ end approved. o Your City'Desigr~tcd Job j~€r 10: , any O IUSUl.AT10N/VAPOFl BARRIER INSP~C'!'ICN: To be made after aLl. insuL.::ti.:m a:-.d .. requi1'ed vapor barrier'S are in place but Gafore any lath, gypsum bea:rd 01' t.l:Iz,z covering is cppl.i.ed. ar.d befor6 any insulation i3 conceaLed. DEUOLITIOH OR ;~:OV!'.::; 30ILDliiCS =:J San.i~:J BEl".)er capped ::t ~op"!'t:t' lir:e ::J Sspti:: tank P:"7ed and f!Zl.ad :.nth 3T'::::JfI~ :J Pinal. - {!hen a.bcve ";:e:::8 ars cc:~:'OZ.6i;ed ar.d when: d~Z-:.:ior. is compL8te or S:~.J.':- tUI'e r::oved ar.c pr~sBs cleanad :J.p. Nooila Hc.~es :=J 3lockir~ and 5a=-~p :=J PL~~in; connec:icns 8~6r ar.d wa:ar ~ ELcct1"';cal Ccn~ec:-:.on - Blockin;, 8st-U; --.J and pLumbing con:r.sctions r::-.,.st t. C?pr~t:fld bsforc request~ng QZec~rical. inspec=io~ .=J AC.::'6sac: ':1. 3uild:.T'.t] :J Fin:;l. - ttft"r ;~rcr.es. etc. are c~ple~~d. ak.!rt!ng, dec;'-.3, o DRT"'AL~ I.'lSP!C'TrGN: T~ be mac.e a.j'ter all. dr,lJal.l. is in p'Lace, but prior to c:r.y taping. o Al~ projec: c~ditions, J:J.c~ as e~~ ins=aLZa~-:.cn of street :rJfls. ~~~Zoe~o" 0; ;~ required Zandsccpir.g, etc., ...:ust be sar;:.sj'iaa 00:[01'6 tJ-.a aUIr.DI:;G FI:;AL ::an be requss:03d. '---'. L..J Flj'lA!. P!'U;'.fB[,'IG ".---'. U FINA!. ;"''E~P.A.'IICAr. [J ?!.'IAL ~r.Ec:'R!C/':' ,0 o FINAL BUILDINC: The Final E:J.iZding 1ns:)ection: ,~st all l"eaue3ted -=fter tr.Ol ?ir.:::.l ?l-ur.:bing rleccrical, au! Heor.an-:.cc.l l~specticno itava been "'lade ar.d' c.pprcve::. o MASO"'IRY: Steel l.ccation, bond be~3, grouting or verticals in acco~-ance ~;th u.a.c. Section 241E. :.t"OODS'!'O'fE: Aftar instal.lation is cc..np~de~d. .ALL; ,'.f"WHCLES AND CtEANO!JTS :WST 3E ACCESSI3!.2, .~t.n.'S'i','~~.~',!, TO 3E ,~~.1CE ..!! ;'.'0 -::57 T'J Cr:'! I :J""'e of 2 D o CURB & APPROACH AP.~N: Afta-:.' forms are ereci;ed bu.t pz-..:or to pC".J.r":ng .JOn::rete. SIDEWALK & DRIYE;WA'!: For al.z.. ccn- creta paving ~i~hin street right- oj'-wcy, to be made a;'tel' aU ezcc- vatina comvtete & fo~ ~rk & ~ub- base ,;e,teM:aZ in: pZ.ace. D o !'!NC~: IIhsr.. COo";'ltll..te -- Provide gates or ,~able' sections through P.U.E. o I JOB NO. 25 ::,;()~C( I i:<7."!l!: ILot Sq. F"J. l~ ~f lot Caverag~ "i of Stori.es I Totat HeiGh: 1 - I Topography I I!!~~ I SQ.F!G I ,'hi" 1~~c2 i I Car=~rt I l.4c~essor"l I I t'OT.4L ;'ALUE I S.D.C. I 1.5 ;:; ( l)C~UC) Building ?er:r.-;: State' Surcharge .' . Total Cr.a:oge3 II!2~ I Fi-.-tu.res IResidential (1 bath) I Sar.it.:rr'j SetJero t wate..... I Plumbing Perrr:it Stats Surcr.a.1"';8 T::ta! C't1.C'!'ces 11TDt I.flea. Sa. ft:!. IN~/EZt6nd Circuits Tempcrcry Service ,.!)-IJO ~I Ele~trica l Pel':':'ti t St.::.te Sur::narae Total C't'I.m'ces I 17",~ 'P:.a-r..::zCl] ETU'S ! E::haust Hoed I Vent Fan I ' I ;';ooasto;;e I Permit I:;suartca Me::r.an.ic:z l Per'r.":i t State Sur::ho>ac Tn"!;~1. Chzr':U:1!J -- ~:lC.9.:;ACE:(:;:!': 10' . !~e~~~~~ D8~03tt I Stor~qe j 1'.faint€"ItCr~e I Permit I Total C'1lC't'-:!(!S I ,'lO. I.m. I SOLAR .CESS CC::!'J.:::anc:; Gro-J.':): LCT T'!?S Interior' Corner P,znhandle Cut-ae-sac X Value I F~E CIiAP.GE :"::'1;' I. I I I j<;',()D I I .U{) I to), &0 I. CHAF/GZ ,'Ie. F~t' CHARGE I Cur ::](:'.1. : I Sideua z..< I,."". I eZolc'C.,.icaZ , ! Nobi la Hame [.d;e l t TOTA!. ANOV:IT DUE:. /.;, lj 0 P:::qe 2 /1 I! I I I I I . l-COG~ REQ.- T;'oe/Cor.sr;: 8ed."'"oms,' I &ot Faces - j Setbaaks I p,:-, I House Caraoe IlIorth lEast I~:~h II 2nertr.J Sou.r~es Heat Ii II II II 1:J~e I Access, I I I ;Vater :"('ur,;;n' Range ?~>"tinic::ce ;""ooG.1to:;e Fees Building Value & Permit This permit i:; granted 011 the e:::p1'6SS ~ondition that the said. constr',,(c:ion ShaU, in ~ZZ respects, -:onfo'ml to the Ordinance adop-:ed by the Citi! of Sprir'.c~~eZd, -::ndud"':ng ;he Zon:r.a Crd:r.a.1:ce, l'eO"",lcti,:a ;;;e CCr.S;;:-:IC:-::Cr. ar.d u;~ of buildi7'~s, and m:::u bev3usDended or revoked ~t cr.~ t-::~e ~?~r. vic- lation 0/ 'I1'..y ?r:)viaions of said Ol'd~.>".ances, ~ . Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: Rec.ip t ,#: IS::g,:ed: Plumbing Permit no pereon ar.alL cons~",ct, instalZ~ a~ter 01' change GnY rAW cr e:isting plumDir~ ar cL"'ainage syste~ in ~hole 01' in part, unless such person is tr~ Legal possessor of a vaLid pLumcer's Zicense, e:cepc tr~t a pe~son ma~ do pZumbing work to proper~~ which is owned, Laased 01' operated by th~ appZi- cant. , Electrica I Perm it wnere State Lc::u requires tr.at the eL6ctr"'~cal work be done by an ELet:tricaL Contractor, the eleat~~caL por;ion of ;his permit shalL r~t be vaZid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. Mechanical Permit P~an .:=a:r11..r!er L.'aca I HAVE CAREE'ULLY EXA.tfIN2D ;,'uz coa:pZatad ~pl::cation far permit. c:n.d de hereby certify chat alZ i~fo~atien hereon i8 true ar.d ccr~cct, ar~ I f.J.1'ther ce!'-I;ify that any cr.d aLL ,-.,ork perfom:sd shall be do':1e in ac::ol'- dance with ;he Ol'din:::.nces of the City of SpringfieLd, and thz [.C;-"';3 ot th3 State of Oreg;;m psrt.;,ining to the work d.esc:-~bcd herein, c::r.d tr.a:: NO CCC:J- Pt'.;'/CY wiU oe :rr:..::.e of !;,','11y struct::.a'S witho~c ?~r'mis3ion of t::h~ 3uiZdir:g D-i.- vision. I fupther ::ertify tr~t o':1ly ::cntTac;ors ar.d ~lvye~8 ~r~ ~g in c~pZiance ~~th CRS 701.05& will be used on this projzct -;r:~;;r~ :Jtgnzd ~2--/qJ Date