HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1990-9-19 .. RESI.NTIAL-" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street sp~ngfieldJ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 YOt) K~+ ~rt N \ flO~ '2A \ \ U Ta:c wt# , Job Locati::m: AoocsoorD Map Subdivision: Q,mar\ bC\t' J. fMtY) i. t \~~Q\\()W, '\j l o<K<K' ~ s<:~ o?< AddreGs: City: QNttI" n ,1dditicn il Remodel Phone: Zip: Describe h'ol'k: Value "to Rl!(tuit,''''.r{ r~1/n......I:7:r.>>!-1 D SITt.' INSPECTION: To be made after e.rcaLlation, but pl'iOl' to set up of forms. O UNDF.RS~Al) PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL .e MECHANIC/lL: To be made before any WOrk is ~ovcl'ed. o FOOT [NG ~ FOUND.1 T ION: To be m:zde after tre,lchco are excavated and formn are cl'ectod, but prior to pouring ccncre t~. . UNtYSRC.W1J!!D" P~UM.'1jN~"") W.1TF.ll. D,qAINAGE: To be ma~ to fil- l.ir.g trenchet:. G o UNDERF'UJOR PLUMBING .< MEC!/ANICAL: To bo mado prior to installation of floor inDutation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made proior to insta~~tion of floor insulation or decki1tG. ROUG/1 Pf,fI.I!RTllG. Er.F:CTR!CAl. ,~ MECI/- ANICAL: No wrk is to bc cOI:ored .until these inapections have beer. made and aPPl'ove.:!. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materia ls and before framing inspec- tior.. FRAJ~TNG: Must be requested after apPl'ovaL of rough plUffbing, alectri- cal & mechaniaal. AU roofing bl'l1cing l!; chimneys, eta. must be . completed. tlo LK1rk is to be con- , cealed until this inspection has . be~n made and approved. o D D D ___Hee.iPe ,~ /K,~ -I Siqr.ed: r%~n Data: gXI>:'!. ('(~S ll!JOllt' Addrp~~ L'ise. tI BId rs llo~ rd RCI'. I n~ &')'\ -' "l (,';21 ICf I 4&L\-~o...~~ . I ~ , -j Contractors , General........ i P lumbing\.XC\ if\ [1)l 0{) p~ i t'lcchan:ic~i I E~"ctci.!;~ 1 I SllPe.li~~1:;;,..lg_Electrjci<.ln It is ths responoibility of tho permit hoLder to see that all inspactions are made at the proper time, that Dcch ~dresD is raa~ab:e {1'0111 the streot. and that the permit cazod is located at the front of the property. "8ui!di.'1f] Divi::io~ approt:ed plan shall remain on th8 Buildina Sr:t;; at all times. PtlOCSDURE FOR INSPECTION R~aUEST,"CALL 726-3769 (rccorderJ state !lour City designated job nwr.be1*, job address. typo of im:poo~icll I req~cstcd ar.d when you will be ready for inspection. Contractors or Ownern ~o and pJwne number. Requento receit:cd befere 7:00 ~, ;",'ill be made the same day. requests made afta 7:00 c;n /Jill ba made the next :.JOrkin.] day. " Your City Daeigr.aead Job Nwnba Ie: q () II Lo~ lt1 '05 aJ.J,\(\q!\\G\9- ~ _~Yi- o J 0 O INSULATION/VAPOR HARRIER INSPSCTION: To be rmde after all in8~k;tion a:--.d '. required vapor barricrB QJ'C in p laoe " '. but b'e[ore any latll. gypsum beard or Ll'lll. covering is applied. and befo)>o any insulation is concealed. D DRYWALL INSPECT TON: To be made aftel' aU drywLl io in place, b~t prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location. bond beamo, grouti1lg or verticals i'l . accoJ"daJlCB IJith U. B. c. Soction 2415. D WOODSTOVr:: Aftor installation is ccmpleted. D CURB & APPROACII APSON: After forms are created but p).ior to pouring canare te. SIDEWALK .~ DRIt'f;r{AY: Fol' all con- crete paving within street right- of-/X.y, to be made after all exca- vating ccmplete & form !JOrk & ~ub- base material in pla::e. ) DE/.IOLITION OR ;~.'OVED BUILDnIC$ ~ D o ~ENCE: Wher. ca~pl~te -- Provide gates 01' movable seotiono through P.U.E. ::J Smlita:ry se'..1el' ::apped at propozrty lir-o .. .. III~, I .."Phll tf,~N~1 "'.:~I . .'.1~,1, ,~ =:J Septi:: tank P:'9cd and filled with tjrll:JaL -, Final - tl'hen a1x:ve itc~s are ccmp. l.lted I ~ and whon demolitior. is complete 01' Btru~-' ture moved and pr<:r.rL3eS ~leancd up. Nobile /femes =:J Blocki'lO and Sct-:.Ip =:J Plumbing connections -- SL'tJDJ' and /Jater --, Electroical Connection - Blocking. net-up ---.J and plwTlbing conr.actions nr",B t to approl:ild bs,fore requesting olec~rical insi'ec~io:: =:J Accescor~ Building ] Final - Aftor p~rcr.es. skirting. decks. etc. are completed. D All. 'pro,ioct conditiono. :Juch as t.he i,nstaLlation of Stl'OOt trBSS. "co.":1pLati..:m of t~f: requirad landscc.pir.g, etc.. must be satisfied before tho BUILDINC FINAL l:ml be r.zqueoto1d. o FIliAL PWMBlIIG o FINAL ME~IIANICAL o FINAL ELECTHICAL o D -,- o FINAL BUILDING: Tho Final Building Inspection must ba requeoted after tIll! PinaL Plwnbi,13 Electrical, and Mechar.ical Inspcctionn halJo been made and approlJ"d. "AU. f.lI1NII01.F.S AND CLF.ANOl/T[; .'I1I.'?T ffF: IlCCg:;::;[[1{,f.'. AIJ.Il/;r;rW:'~'T TO BE J",~.lm: ..~T 1:0 1-:..lST TO C{'."Y I I'.l::.~ of:? I JOB NO. Zone: Lot Sq. Ft,. S ,,[ lot C"lJef'ag~ ,f of StoneD Total Height Topography I liTEM IMain CrJ'nal! CarOOl't ! I AccessorII SOLAR AC.S OcCUOJllnCI/ Craun: LOT TYPE Interior COI'ner Panhandle cut-de-oae SQ.FTG x Value Is.D.c. IVC,/.UCJ 1.5% TOTAl, VALUE' Building Permit Sta te Surcharge Total Cha;ogea FE'E lITEM I pixtw'os IResidentiaL (1 bath) I sanitary Sewer I Water I Nwnb1:n(J Perrr:i t State Surc1-.arge Total ChnMCS 11'1'/.'11 I Ren. So. fta. INOLJ/Extend Circuits I Temporary Service I Ele~trical Permit St::;,tn SurdlllI'qe 'fotal CIU1.rqes I iTEM I F'urn..1ce .~U'S I E::JunIO t 1100d I Vent Fan I Wood:: t.O:Jl1 f'm."rit IS!Jumzc2 Me::hn.nic:11 Permi t State Surchaf"{'C I NO. CHARGE I NO. ' I I I FE'O' ~cn C?--! L~S jlo.~' CHAHGf.' I I I NO. I FSE I I I I I Ol/ARCO' TotaL Charaeo -- ENCROACHMENT -- ISCc:t4rttll I Stm'n(Jl! Daooait Main t.cnan~e Permit Total Charf7cs I CUl'hcu t I Sidewa.lk .1;'n.II:.:e Electrical Label I Mobile !lome I I I ,/,O,{,,l!. ,INOU.'/1' /lln':' ~.J..{} . -;1- - L-COG~ REQ.- . Bedrooms: Type/Cor.at: I Lot Face. - I I p.r" North gast South Irent I I Ener>nu Sources ,1 I iieat Access. 1 I Water .tInatnro 1 I Range I I I Fir>enZaca :: ' Wood:' to"e Ti/l1C SetbackD !louse ' r.arage -- Fees [ I I I I 1 1 , . j' Building Value & Perm i t This permit io granted on the express condition that the said aonotruct..ion ahall, in all r>espccts, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, inc!uding t.he Zoning Crdinance, regulating the cmtotru.::ticn and use of buildings" and m:J.Y be BUDpendcd or revoked at CI:Y time upon vic-, lation of any provisions of oai~ Ordinances. , I Plan Check loate Paid: IRecdpt II: ISig~ed: Fee: PIl!mbing Permit No perco'l ehaU conDtruct, instal!" atter or change any new Cf' e:::istina plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part" ur.less such person io the legal pooseSRor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plwnbing work to property which is owned, leased 01' operated by the appli- cant. ElectricalPermi t W1lere State Law requires tr.at the electrical IJOrk be done by an Ele~trical Contractor" the electr>ical portion of,this permit shall r.ot be valid until the label haB been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit I I. PLall E:a;:nll..ner va,e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all ir;fo:m:z.tion hereon io true and correct, and I further ce1"tify that any ar.d all. LJOrk perfor:ned shall be do:1e in accor- dance r.n.th tha Ordinances of the city of Springfield, and th& Ltr.J8 of tllO . State of Oregon p$rtaining to tho work described herein, end tJ~t NO OCCU. PANCY will be mae of any struatura without permiD3ion of tJle Building Di- vision. I further certify that 0:11y contractors ar.d c:npl"yocB wl:o are irz co~plianco uith ORS ?Ol.05~ will be uoed on this pr>oject ~2. 4'-/'7'-40 n.,t,(l