HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1987-1-9 ., RESIDE,-IAL.. APPLICATION/PERlfIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Wner: dv,/}L --IY/~?r~ Address: )((n(() U/t.J.l-<'4 l3iLud. l Job Locati:m: 15(00 IUli. R / ,/053 '-/ /~ ASGessor= Nap Subdivision: City: I I I I Nr>:,' Addition Ramo.:el ,'10:'-::7.8 .::Oiil\! /-tJ~f? Date of Application ~or;r:.r''::':::;o:,S (;enera 1. ?It-ln".bir.g ELectrical ~~ Nechar.ical C~nst~~ction Lender SPRINGFIELD ~f"rl Tex Lot /I tf7 0 2f) /J .' ?eee:,', IS It; '7/(7 1- (' .~ ( ciJ-OIJ ~'r.; ~~ ~ '. 11I1 l aJ<;" ,~. . ,,,I'll Siar:cd: cu (-~~P// Phone: '~c{r; ~S~7 Data: L-:"SC.f; rr.or::: zip: ~:MJ~ ~~ Value Add.."es.::: ::.=:;''1,1'0$ , I ! I r.n~-;'< I . I !: is the respontribiZity of ths permit holder to see that an inapections are r.:ade at the proper tim:;~ that ec.ch .::ddross is -rom the street, anti that the permit card is 1.ocated at the front of tr..e property. tEui!di;..g Di;)"i.=io~ CI?prot:ed pZ-an sh:::z.z. remain on thE Bu-:.Zding sit:; at all times. ~.'?DCSDVRE FC:? I!.'SPE~IOl! P'!,QUE'ST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City desigr..a.ted joc n:.a:':.ber, job ai.6-ess, typo of ir.::poc:icn t:;u!'..les1;cd a:'"..:; lJ.~en you wiLZ. De ready for ir.spcction, Contractors or Ot.mers r.c-ne c:r.d pr.or.e r.u.-:tbcr. Requf:s;s recoit:ed cofore 7:0rJ .:':': .'in be rrade thf: same day, requests mGlic afta' 7:()O an L1ill 02 made the m;:t :.JOrkin; da~'. , }1'Ir.'~>""'l T~.,::,,:~~>::"','" 'J c:'T'i't' T"-:::==-""'IO'" To o' e maa', I ;;~~v~~~;~:~bu~'prior tc set I , foms. ] after up of UllD!RSLA3 PUI,~!3I.'lG. ELE[;T.9.IC.1L & . XECh'A:.'~C;"i.: To De made beiora worK is ~oVcred. any ] FeOTING ! FOUllD,1TION: To be m:uie af;er ~rer.cnes are excavated and forms are el'ected, but prior "to pourir~ ccncret~. U.'/D'ERG.C?OU.'.'D P:"V"'.'EING. SET"::R. &l-l.TER, DRAIllJ..G::.' To be ma~e prior to fil.- ,l.ir.g 1;rencnee. ] ] U!lD::RFLOO.~ T'LU:'.'3I.'IG & MECHANICAL: To bo ~~8 prior to in~:aiz.ation of j100r insu~tion or decking. POST M;!) BEAt.!: To be ~adc prior to' ir.staL~~:ion of floor ins~z.atior. or deckirofj . ] ] ROUGH 'F~!.:?~EI!.'G. ELECT.'?!CA~ & MECH- AVICAi.: ~o ~ork is to DC covered ur.tiL ~hese insoectior.s ~ve beer. made ar~ approv~~. FIREPL/..C::: Prior to plecir.!J fecing m~teriaZs ar~ before framing inspec- tior.. FP.A.'~nlG: Muct be reque:Jtcd after approv~z. of rough plur.hir.g~ ~loctri- cal & mccr.anical. Al! roofing bracir~ ~ chimneys, etc. nr~st be . comole:ca. !lo lJ:Jrk is to be con- .. cec.'led ur.til thia inspection has 'bs~n made and approved. ] ] .Your City. Desigr.atcd Job Number Is: D INSULA'!.'ION/VAPOR 8.4RRIER r!!S?ECTIOtl: To be rr.a.ie after al1.. insul.:::.twn w.d required vapor barriers crre in place but before any lath, gypsum beard. or wall covering is c=pplied, and before . any inouZation is conceaLed. fl t!/)JS I DEg~LITIO;'.' OR :.:OV;:; E~'ILDI":GS ~ Sanitary Sf!'..Jer =appsd ::t p~op~rt:':i Ur.a ~ Septi~ tank p~~ed and fill~~ with graJ~i ::J Pinal - r\'hen c.xve itc.":1s arc cc.-:olctcd and uhen d~litior. is c~~Zete or Gt~~:- ture moved ar~ pr~3es aleaned up. Nobi le Hcmes ~ Blocking and Set-up ~ Plumbing connections sewer ar~ wc.:er ~ Electrical Ccnnection'- Blockina. sat-u~ ~ and plumbing connections nr~st b~ appr:J~ci before requost~ng eZec~ricaZ ir.spectio~ ~ AC~e8COI".i Building :J Fina.Z - After ;':1rc1:08, skirting, deck3, etc. are campZc:cd. o All project conditions~ suc~ as the installa~ion of street trees. c~~letion of the required Landscc.pir.g, etc., must be satisfied befora th~ BUILDII;C FI,','A.L can bo r3quest:::d. ] FIliAL PLW~3I::G , ] Fll"L /-'~"lJ'''IC'L .~/ .~c\-...^.. ^ \.:1 FI.'.'AL E:"::-:-:.=:!C:'L l, '\ .- o FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must be requested c..r~e,. the Pinal Plun:bina Elcctrical~ and Mechar.ical Inspection3 have been made ard approv~d. D DRYWALL INSP::CTIO.~': Tc be made after aU drywai.l is in place, but prior to any taping. MASON.'?Y: Steel location, bona. oeam3, grouting 01' verticals in accordance uith U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: Aftel' installation is ccmpLeted. ] . , .:..:'L U,V;HCLf:S AllV CLEAl;Our$ ,ft,'~ EE ACCES$IBr.f:, ADJL'S7'.':E.'.'T TO BE t.~""[)E 1'.7' ';0 C~S': TO CI'!'Y I P=f'a :1 of 2 o o D CURB & APPROACH AP.l:?ON: Aftez- forms a:re created but prior to pouring c:on..:::rete. o SIDF;r{ALK & DRIt'EflAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-L>Cy, to be made aftor all exca- vating complete & form ~l'k & sub- base material in plaae. D ~EllCE: ~'her. CO:11pZ~te -- Provide pates or movable sections through P.U.E. ' D JOB NO. 31 ()Oc2~:a~~uR G:~. s s 2~c: Lot Sq. Ft.g. :; :)1 bt C:7l)crc;~ ii of Stories :Ootal Heigh: ':'opogrcphy :-:::.'..' S:;.F':'C .~!,,:ir. ~c::,,, C'a1"":':C'!': ~cccssor" " , TOT~[. t'ALVE' LeT TYPE Ir:tcricr Corner Panhandle cut-dc-sac x ~'aluc liJ':::'I.:.4C) S.D.C. 1.5 = Eui Ziir.p Permi t St.:ze 5:.a'cnarpc To-:.:Z Cr.a::tge3 -"":"'.' I ;:~). t I I I I .=-i==-..a'CS ~esidential (1 ba;hJ -:=r:it.=r:J 5e:..'c:, "''::::'!:e!' PlU.:7:::-:r.g Pe~ t Ste;e Surcr.::zrpe Tc~::: C"rL:.rtuJs ~ :.:::.: I ::..:. ) ~es. So. ft.::. :;:z.)/E::ter~ .Ci:,=-~its :~arary Sc~~icc Ele~:rical Pe~it St::te SI.U'~}-.a.."'ae Total C'r.a......ces 7~" ,','C. I I :a"r.ace ETUr~ ".:::r.aus t Hoc'::' "en:: Fan ":;;ocstO"JC Perr.:-~t I:;su:zn.c2 Mc::r.::r.::.::::.Z PCl':r.it StC=lJ SW"ciu:l'ac To::! C-r.:1roar,,,: E:;CiiD;.CHIE:.''[ -':r::".J.ritu D;:;:"o::sit ,,;orcae :il'lter.cr...zr :~t Tete Z. CI:cr.?Cfi I!"~C-.J.t :,il.""..Jalk -r:::r. ~cctric::.Z Lc"'~~ 'bile H:>me ....... AN:JL'.':: I ....--1-....., '" I~ Where State Law requires tr~t the electrical worK be done by an Elc~:ric~: ~ ' "Conrracror, the eZec~~~caL ~ortion of thi~ Dermit sr~LZ not be u~ZiC ur.:iZ \z7,x-t51, / I \ C:f.~Co .1/ ~I I I I I I I I, I I I I I, I I I I I I I 37.g-D i i'::~ Cr~r:C=: FE:': REQ.- L-COG"'" . II I F'n.er:nJ $O:lr"!(>3 i.iea:: II II : I I II i T;,,''Oe/Cor.:: t.' Ee:i.roo~s: I Lot Faces - I I P.L. IUort;l lEast ISo:..:tn jl<cot T;;,:,l' Sctne,"'!.::: I h'ou::.? I (.'al'aoc I I I 1;:=00.:>3, I J,'r.t....... Yr.2t:,"~ f1an.p(! Fircr,iacf? Wcoi:;:ot:e Facs Building Value & Permit Thi.:> pe~;t is granted on the express condition that the s~id.construction shall, in all respects. conform to the Ordinance ~dopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccn.:>tl"'..:.=ticn and USe of buildings, ,and m~y be suspended, or revoked at cr.y time upon vic- Lation of any provisior,s of said OrdirAnces. I Plan Check Dar:.c Paid: IRec.ipt H: ISig"cc!: Fer'!: Plumbing Permit No per~on shall construct. instaZ:, aZ~er or char~e any r.e~ c!" c=i:tir.~ plumbir~ or drainage syst~ in ~hoZe or in part, unless sucn Fe~sor. i~. the ZegaL posse3sor of a valid plu~ber's license, excepz tr~t a pe~son ~~~ co pZumbing worK to property which is o~~ed, Leased or operated by the cp?Zi- cant. Electrical Perm it signed by tne Elea~icaL ~ontr~~tor. ." Mechanical Permit Piall Excr.l1..neJ' t..'a;:;c I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed applicati011 for permit, c:nd do hereby certify that all i~fo~~tion hereon is true ar.d ccrrcct, cr~ I f:Jrthcr certify that any arn aU lJork perfor-;ned 3;J.:;U be done in ac~or- dance ~th the Ordin2nces of tha City of Springfield, and th~ L~~s of the State of Orcg:m p~rt::.ining to the lJOrk cescribed herc-:..n, crod ::r.::t NO CCC=-'- P/'.!JCY will ba. made of any structur<:? withou: pa.~is~io:-: of the 3uildir.g rr;. vision. I further certini th:::t o~ly contra=tor'S m~d c.":'lpl.:;yccs l.:r.o are ir.. c~pliance with ORS 701.05E will be used on this pr'oj~ct \ Sign2a"' ~J\r'lvT">..A__ \) fute l -cr ~ 8' '} ! , J I