HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-6-23 . .. RESIDENTIAL" A~~r -"m-O"/PE-"I'T' :_"'~':'(.,t1,..1 t'l .. liN.... 225 Jorth 5th S~reet SOr"~r.afieZdJ 01'e;ccn 37477 ~ ... . ... Build~ng Di~i3ion 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD. ... ! .:ob !.oc.::ti:m: .\ \ <-\ 'lo u-<.,d L \ f")a~~ \L\ k ,~~')d"J \J= wtf 0(") ~f) \ Asaesaor: Xap !I 3uhd';:r;3icJ1.: . .:::cee::::; i ( 0 1/'-10 .-' ~.:"er: G~o Q . \\ ~x \\v'{y~ , Md.-.,,: \'\C\t() 'i~~~ L \?i~A-Jhcne: f\UT\-\oI1Rg Ci;y: ~ ~ ~ \J A \ ~.xr- Zip: q if\4 f\ II ~\-\J ~~/~. - n n n n 'lC"J Add~ e::cn iler.-:ocel. .'~Gb~!,J .?cr.:a ~:B of Applicaticn :,.'",;In:=rCC:O:'8_ Generalt G a~C'\< PI:.ur.bing !leetric::l .'-!(l~hcr.ic::.l CO"st~~c~i~ L~~er De8al""~Ce r~'OI'k: , wU\cl~ 0)( . Siar.ed: RlliU (.~Q,:J",) FR I ' .:.....L Er:;ircs \.. PhonQ Vatue Addres3 /i~\)~ Data: Liac.R ,. J I: is th. 1'6spmoibiliey of erA permit haldsr ta S66 that at! incpectio7t8 are .~adB at: :hG ;;ropsl' ti.m~~ 'tr.a:t ~ch ::.dd:rflSS. is rea.::a.;:~ .....rom eha streee, ar.d :hat: the pcr.-:r;c C.3..-a is z...."'Ca:ed at the [rent of t;hs property. "~ui!di:-.g >::Ji=';o~ c:p"ir~n;ed F: " v.-='z" r . ;;..a Bu.it..ai"f' s~ea at 2Zl eimss. ?"?O(..:.'}f!.:?': :!'}fl D'SP::~!~ll REeL LL 726-3769 order) stata you:r City .1esigr.ated job l1!.lr.:ber" job adi.rcss, typo of" ir.3:lec::icn r~qu.es~cd a:-..::i :.:.':el1 yeu ..n"z. ::0 :-ec:.dy jOr , Contractors Or' a.,'ne:'s r.c:me cr.d phone n:.-m.bcl'. Requ~sts rflcsit:ild b~fcl''1' 7:00 G:":': ,";ZZ bs "."tie the scr.:s "y, request. "cds after 7:00 '"" /JiZZ bs made tile =t :.;orking d::~ ~.-:::> \(?'f)r-Y""'\ Your Cit'oJ' Desigr.ated Job Nu:nbu I3: ( )..1 r-\. Jl.. ) ..11ir'"d~,.."tf ....,J~...I>f'+:.:r:'I"" o 01 U:"=.~SZ;:'.3 ?!.:::.f3!':;G. =!.2::,:,.r?[t;',I!. ~ XECH;;itC;'[.: 70;,e rr.ac.-,z be;"'v'!'oa eny :.:ol'k is .=a:Jarec. Si:-~ I,'.'S?!'::':;.'.': :0 ae r.r;.da ucav.:ti':l1, ,;u:: prier tc 3Qt forms. aft.?r up of o :'CC'!'..~;G ~ :C!.':.'!)A'!':~:I: '::'0 =e xC:: eft.?r :'!'el1cr.es ~e ~c~Jctad ar~ farms are arec::2d, ::u: ;;1""';.;r to pcu~r-9 ccnC":'e::.;. CJ (}.~'[)ZRr;.,::!':TJ,'!' ?:'r..~.!2!::C. S::-':=.':!. :/.;7'':.1 o.:?A.I.~'AG2: :'0 be ~e ;~"r ::0 J"'::~- Ur.g :rer.cr.ol~. o U.'l~ERP::CR ?!u....'E:..-:JC :~ ~e ~-ce ~r~cr =0 f7.00l' tnsuk::icn c:- ~ Y::-:.~.J._v!".;:.:.: -::n3~c:Lw:::~on 0/ ~eci<.ing. o ?JST AND 3E~,'.{: To;,e r.:c:dc ;':-;01' :0 ::r.3~aLL..:~~n 0:" neor tl".3t.:!.a:-icr. or dockinq. . . o .~~r.'t;."-! ?~'F.~!!T_'.fC. ~~::~!?r-:~!. .oJ .'.r:;::.'":!- ~: :0 ~or~ :~ :0 ;c ~o~el'ec ur.::~L ;r.C3~ ~r~:-ec=i~3 h=~~ =e~r. .',..ade ::r.d =??:-,,~.:. F:.'::!::?r.:..-::::: ~;or:o p"i,.:;,c~r-9 .-:'=~ng mc:::::olriaZs cr.d ~t;r~re J.r:::::r..r.g insp6c- :ior.. o D PP_~..'~!.'Ir;: ,'.!oJ.3t ~e :-eq.J.e3t.lc:! c;:al' approu.:;" ol r%gh ;~ur..h{',..g. oz'l..ec:1"i- caL 3 .':,;ec;'''::l1i-=:.:z~. ...tz.! !"':Jofir.g brc~;r4 ~ chiT.r.~us. ee~. .~J.3:: be . CO~L6::cd. .'/0 '';;1'<. {,J :c ~4' c(Jr..- - cec:Zo/d ~r.:::l :i:';3 ::r..:I=,ec~cn ;..aa . b6e::- :rudJ end ,::,?pl"Ot.'2d. o INSll!AT!"ON/VAPO.f? :.4F1RI::.=t l.'!S?=C':'ICN: To be made after all. insuL.::.tion er.d ratr..lired V~ozo t~ers are in 0 Lace Cut cejol'e ~y tath, gypsum bom.c. or UIn coue1'ing- is cppl.i.ed, ar.d before ar.y insulation is concealed. I {)'2UOl.ITIOH OR ;~::)V::; 3!.JILDI;;CS ~ Sani~:I se".Jer ca:pped ::t ~~?!'~' Ur:a =:J S6pti~ tank p"...;.:~?c:d and f.:....Z.l..~ ..nth ;r:::.-;.z. I Pinal - r/her. aXve ite.~s ar'Q cc::':o'l..et~d ~ ar.d when ~e~l::tio~ is a~ia:a 01' st~~~- ~~a ~oued ar~ ?r~;3aS clB~nad U? Nooila Hc:.:u =:J =:J Elockir4 ar~ Sa:-~p Plumbing connections s.:wa1' c::r.d. we:"r O D.9.YWALL INS. P::CT!"D.'l: Tc be rrmie af~er aLl. drywall is in place, out prior ~o any tapi7lfl. o ,~SO~h?Y: Steel location" bond Oet1l':';3, grou:ing or '.J6l'tica Ls in accordance ~;th a.a.c. Section 2415. . ---, EZectricaZ Ccnr.Bct~on - BZockinJ# SBt-~? --' and piWilbing conr.ections IT..-S t :. CI?pr:n:cd be;orc request~ng sZec=ricaZ ins?eatio~ .=J ACCQS3C~.~' 3uiZ.:ir.g ---, Fin::.l - I.ft;;r ;~'l'Cr.BS, ~ etc. are C~pl4:~d. sk.::r::inG'" dec;::;, o ilOODS'!'OVE : cc.-:rpl.e:c:d. Aftolr instal.Zation is o All. p't'o.jec: cor.dttio11.s, ;J:.lc':: cs ~;..e i:ns:aLlat:ion:J,f streer: :r.zes, :c-;!a:;;;.:Jn :;r. :i1& required l.an.dsccpir..g, etc., .~sc ~e sa::isjic:: b;:/'~re tr.a 3f.1I!.DD'~ ?!::,U. :cn be r3Cj.l3s:.2d. D. .C"'I,'!A!. Pt."':~!S;:"C ~, FD'A!. ,'.rS':HA..'lIC:':' ::J P!.'IAL Z:;::C':'.~!C;.:. ~ o ?!RAL aUILDIJC: The Finc! Euil.dir4 !r.s?Bction .~B~ 09 !'aque3cad =(:a1' cr.. :~r4l Pl~~ir~ Elo/ccrical, c:ni .'fecr.c.-:icc.i.. Ir:s?ecc:.cm; ita.ve been ,~adil ar.d :;;prcJ)~:i. o CURS & APP.9.CACH .4.P.~N: Afte:o toms are ;:rec~ed but proior to pc-...12-;"-9 ..zo"..:-rete. .tA'i; ""A;~'F.C!.!S AND CLEANCUTS .'IUST 3E .~C::ES$r3L2. ACJ!.'S':,'!Z::'!' '1'0 3E :.:'1C! :~1" NO -::S7 TO err! I ?z.,?~ o srV!r"ALx. d DRT/EWA?: E'or alZ. con- crete ?QVing with~n street right- of-I.JX:.'?j" to be madol a;":er al!. e:::cc- uatina ccmotate & lor::: :.x:lrk. & zub- base ,;'.aterial in p'ia.ce. o :O!Ne!: :men co::tpZ..t.a -- ?!'ovi.de gatas or ~oJ)able aecticns through P.U.E. o oj ~ I i JO B Np. \ \ . , i :=r.a: jwt Sq. Fe.;. ~ 'f 1~. ~-'.ror' I' .., ..>J", ,..."v -::. ! ,i of 5tOr";83 I ~ .. 1 :J . . .O..\:.. ua1.Cflt ; - I TcpoG~i:y I !:'!.'.t 1".l::in I l~~ce I I::ar=~l'"': i. 1...C:ZCS3j!"'J I SQ..=--:C Is.u. I ,;,~..g 7A[.[;:: (:.;(:;'~o;) 1.5 = EuiZdi.ng Pe~~: State. Suren::!"28 ~o~L ::r.a.....ge~ I I~,,'I I.:L-:"'..u'es ! .:'lesi..ientiat (J oath) I Scr.ito,.., S"".r I ;..'C-:2:" I Plum1r;ng Perr.:i t Stats Swocr.arge T!:t,'1"!. r;rc'r'ces I :?EN l.r?es. Sa. fttJ. I ,'/;;lJ/E%tand Cil'C"..I.i. ~s I Tempera;., S.trViCB Ele:::T"'~cal ?e~: St:.::te Sur:zr.a:r-::s Total O.tl!"ces 1.-'7"':"'.f ?-..a-r..:::c~ 2TU' S :;ha:.lse Hood I 7ent Fan I . I 'i/:Jocsto-.;e Pe~; !:;3U=r.c= Me::r.c.nic::l ?err:r;: State Sur;:1u:...-:1f: """':r.! -:"r.c!"?~!J ;:/C:::'CAC;;-gS:.'':' 1<. . l...eC"..I.Z"#~:J !]2:;-03t,: I Stol"'.1qe I :k:I:"':r:tcr.cr....,a I Pc"",:. J Tt;tal ,':"'r"::!"':'I!S C'...lJ"":'C"'.,l': Side:.;aZ;': :en:;e ~Zcc~ricaL !~eL .Yobi tel H:;me :'OT..;[. AA'OU:rr OUE:- ,.'10'j I , I I ,','G.' SOLAR'CESS t;c~J.=::"'.c".J 'Jl":'".J.::: L...,,.. _.~=' "'. ..... Ir:r;e~or Corne~ Pc:nital".dZe c-",Z-de-sac x :talus r...~.OO .()..Q ,,--S. QD ,':0. FE~ C2A?GS ...:.iARG2 -- .:":> CHARG~ I i I (S. Q.O ?::qIJ 2 . 'L-COG~ I j i I I I I I I j R EQ.- ::~':Je/C~r.3t; 3edr"or.-:s: I :"0:; ?~ces - I I =1'!2:'T...I SOU.1'~1J3 I 3etca::,~s I I ::ec.: I .j,:,. I '=:C:.;,313 I C~c.ce !.-i.;ces3. I I ",.Ir;.t;~'!' :"'p.r:-;;nt IlIor~~ I I I I .;:an;e lEes" I I I I F-:'1'60ic.ce SO'...:;it I I 1'1 ilcoc.;;:o::a IHesr: 1 I I I -T':J=,e F'~es. Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on 'the e::pres8 ,:ondition that the sdid. aon3cZ"",,:o:::cm shalZ, in arl respects, ~onf~~ to the Ordinance adop~ed by the =::t~ of Spr";Y'.af'~e~dJ ::nd~::ng the Zoni,7'.o Crd:n4-r.ce, zo6C'"..ttr.::il:o :f:8 CCr:S:;:->:'l.::-:..:r: and ~;~ of buiLdir~SJ end m=y q~~~u;;?eY'~ed or r~voked ~~ cr.y t::~e u;~r. ,vie- la:icn of ~y provi3ior.s of sa~d Ord::r~ces. ..:.-' I, , I I I I. , ., ~PZa:n Check Fee: ICete ?aid: IRec.ipt H: IS~.d: Plumbing Pe.rmit "-, <..;. :Yo pereon' shall C~~trUct, install, a~ter or char~o ~ny r~W cr e=is:ing plumbing ~r drainage system in whole or in p~tJ ur.Zess such ;erson is :r~ legal posse3S0r of a valid plumber's license, e:cept tr~t a pe~son ma~ do pl~bing ;.;ork to propert-i which is ow"T:ed, leas3d 01' operated by thtz c.ppl.i- ~.: ~t. /~ ~ I nl. I I I i I I I. Electrical Permit Wheroe State Lc;1I) requires tr.a.t the elact2-;cal. worK. be done by em ::te~t-rical Contl'actOl', the electrical por;ion of this pBmit shall roOt ba valid :,mtil the Zabel has been 34;ned by the Electrical ~ontractor. ~;. I I I I I I I I I I Mechanical Permit t't.an. ~'"i!1..ner Lla;;J I I I. I I J I I I .y;.f!h:I- ((~ ~ r HAVl' CARSFULLY ~XAH..!,'/ED t.w -::orr.plJtad =?plication ,for permi:, iZr'A do hereby certify thet aLL i~fo~tion hertlon is :rua ar~ corrcc=, ar~ I . f..ll'=heI' cer-:ij':j =hat any ad Clll '~:Ol'k. ;erfor:-::ed shalt be doi1B i~ ac~or~ dance :Jie:h the Or<dir.:znC6S of tha City ~f Springfid.d, ar..: th:: L.C:..JJ of tr.3 St.::r.te of Orec"n :?srt.:l:ininc to ~r.e uor_" c!esc:-:'bcd Juzrs-:.n, c:r.c the::: ,';0 !JCC!.J- P!.;'/CY wizz b~ rrr:::e of cn~w 3'Cl"UC:::UJ'8 wit,..ou.: .?a~a3-::.o1': of the Eu.iZdir.g !r:'- trision. I fu.rti:er -::ert(t';j tio.a: (T.7.Ly ~er.:ra.:'t"rs a;-.a ~t..:;ye~s (";;'.0 ':"'-B in. ~p~iance with CRS ?Ol.D$~ wiZl be u.sed en thi3 pr~jzct '. jf.AO:2i& . . - ':.. . I .1