HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-6-5 .. RESID~T1AL" . APPLICA./PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 I , Job Loa:ztion: '11./'7 j(~JlY BLVD H \lb.3~~ rl. 'lcOc90U ADOCDD01'3 Map Subdivision: T= Lot H o.mer:[Jo15P,fT+.A.)E/I/E E; PP Addzo..~: 1J.lf7 Kt;' / I Y I3L V t> Phone: CityS P If I,A/ G f1'E' / /J 9R Zip: D..crib. r"orl'p t? I f R i> IU I Addition ~/~$ ~ /-~6 /-'OA-~ k~ s TF fS '. R.mod.l 7::11": tf/d /" ~ . UJ / Ii! p~ tV l'- /> (> C; to( / AJ c5 IA-J. .y tV~j.J- i,.U Etfp'v I j/ (7t? Data of Application 6 ~ 7 <;( ~ 1(9 valu./7' / t:> /J &1, --- Contractors Addr~ss Lise. "BIdrs Board Rig. G~neral C> W>> k R I Q.m., n [Xl n ,'.Jobi.le Hom~ , Plumbing i Hechanical IE1eetrical Supervl_~Jng_ Elec t r.i c i.J n 1cJlP- f~?# CJ7J!7t1 ., j ROO.iPt.f" . / IJ..//)I../D . . "' " - ~u-6~g/ . ';jQ/"'2~.sQ, /-; -.. Si"".- . '-. ." -- I Dats: ~ ~ '-' - _ iT :.! Exp:lres Phnnp' It ia tho l's8ponoibility of the pB~it hoLdol' to 860 that all inopoctions' aro mads at th. proper tlmc. that QCCh =ddrOS8 i. l'a~=ab:, f~ the stroet, and that the pCl~t oard is tocated at the [pant of tho propsrty. "Suilding l>ilJi=io~ ap?l'ot-'cd plan shc;ll remain on the Bu~lding Sits at aU times. P.7OCSDURE FOn INSPECTION R~OUEST:CALL 126-3169 (rcaordel'J state your City des~9nated job nwr.bol'.. job address.. typo of in3pBc~ictl l'oqucstcd a.--;d uhen you /.Jill be ready fol' inspection.. ContraatOl'B 01' 'Owners name and phone nwnbC1'. Requests receit:ad belor. 7:00 GM ...'iLZ. bs made the same dcy, 1'equcstB made after 7:00 ern lJill. b3 made the next :.JOl'1cing day. . . D--r f'""V1.. <2A YOUl' City Deaigr4tcd Job Number 10:' ~'-1(~~()~ V\ Remlirop.d JnDrJf?cticn,'l O SITE INSP!:.'C':'ION: To be roode after excavation, but prior to se~ up of forms. O UNDER.~r.AB PLUMBING. ELECTRIC,IL & MECHANICAL: To be roode before any work is ~ovcred, o FOOTING l FOUNDATIOII: To be "",d. after trcnahCD are excavated and forms are 61'Bctad, but prior to pouring cencre to:. UNDSRCROW!D P!.UM!1INC. SSWEH, W,1TER, DRAINAGE: To be maie prior to fil- lir.g trsnchsS'. O UNDERFLOOR PLUf.fBINC ,~ MECHANICAL: , To be made prior to inatalLation of 11001' insulation 01' decking. o [KJ POST AND BEAM: To be madc prior to installation of floor inst;la::ion 01' decki11{;. ROUClI Pf.ll.'!B J!lcni.Ff:TR TCA?:"< MECH- ANICAL: No work. is Co Vc cOL'e1'(:d until thass inspections have beer. made and approve?. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materiaLs and before framing inspea- tior:. .' ') , FRAI~INr:: Must be requeated af~sr approval of rouah pluwhing, alectri- cal & mechanical. AU roOfing bracing ~ chimneys, et~. nr~st bs : completed, tlo t.X}rk is to be con- ; cselDd until thio inspection has . b"~n made and approved. [KJ o ~ [Z] INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after aU ineul:zti:m and rcqu~red vapor barriers arB in plaoe but celoNi any la th~ gypsum lxJaM 01' wll. covering is applied.. and belol-Il any inaulation is concealed. DEMOLITION OR i.IOVED BUILDIIIGS ~ Sani~y 8~Bl' :zapped !it p~opcrt:,' lir:e . ~ Sopt.., tank pump.d. and fiU.d uith o1l'a,1! J Final ~ When above ito.'fls al'"e ccnrplsted " "and when demolition is complote 01' et1'U~- turs moved and pr~88B cleanea up. 1-!obi l.B BemBS ::J BlockinU and Sot-~p ::J Plumbing conneot~onB BCUOl' and ua:er ::J Elootrioal. Conneotion -"Bl.ooking, eot-up and plumbing oonnBotions nr..lst bs approlo'.d bofol'c 1'BquBsting BIDo~rioal inBpBc:io~ ::J ACC8BBOl"J Buil~:.ng ] Final - Aftl!r PO't'c1:0B.. skirting, dooks, litO. oro oompleted. [J :AZl project conditions, Duch as the installation 01 stroet trees, c~~lotion of t~e . ""required landsccpir.g.. etc... muB~ be satisfied befol's ths BUILDINC FINAl. C:~n ,bo l'squBotad. o FINAL PWMBIIIG D FIN,IL NECIIANICM. o FINAL ELECTRICt.L o @ fINAL BUILDINC: Tho Final Building Inspeotion must bo l'equootod altsl' the Fin:zl Plwnbin;} Elcctrioal, and Mechar:ical Inspsctio~a hauo beon mads and appl'olJl1d. DRyr/A"" INSPECTION: Tc b. "",de after all dl'ywall is in place.. but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location.. bona beam:;, grou :ing 01' vertioa Is in accoJ"dance lJi th U. B, C. Ssctwn 2415. ~ D WOODSTO'lE: acmpletf:d. After installation is AAl.L UANIiCLES AND CLF.ANOUTS nUST DE ACCESSIBLF., ADJUSTUENT TO BE MADE AT 110 COST TO CI':Y I Pa!~~ of 2 o CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afts1' forms are ereated but prior to pouring .:!OFWl'Cte. o SIDEr/ALK & DRII'E:r/t,Y: For all con- crete paving within strsot l'ight- of-LJeY.. to be made aftel' 'all O%ca- vating complete & fo~ wo1'k & Dub- base material in pla:Je. . " . .... . " "- 0, rENCE: Wher. compl~tc ~- Provido gaten 01' movable soctions th~gh P.".E. D .~ , I JOB NO.8~""Ya':? SOLAR .ESS REQ.- I Zone: .::. 2.);::? OcCUOOMU Grot<~: ;!?- 3 Lot Sq. Ftg. U" LOT TIPE - I Lot Faces _ ~ of lot C""erage Interior,'.:':: . I . .. ,; I P.L. .f of StOl"iS8 Comer :..... INorth Total Height Panhandle IEaot ISou th Topography CUl-de-sac IWeot Total ClFrllf!!: -- ENCROACHIfE:NT -- ISeC'.u.it~ D:ZOO3tt. ':'1":::1 L, I Stor~~(J ;:... '~';;;;""'f'lJ\' I. l "'.....~'..' . \',.ofI ~ . "I" j' '. '1-" .1,',......... I I TTFN I sq. FTG I Main I Cern"e I I c~rnort '"I I ,!acc8Do}'lJ I I~.... k_o, r TOTAL VAWE I .. (vaLue) S.D.C. 1.5:z: , Bui /.ding Pe:rrm. t .State SUl'ohargo Total Cho.rgos I ITEM IN01mI NO. FEE Fi:ttW'8S I I I Rosidontial (1 bath) 1 I I Sani tary S""'or I I I Weter I. I I I Plumbing Pe...,;. t State Suro".aroge Total Cho.;.ges. ,lITEM 'Rcg, 5(1. ft(f, I Haw/Extend CiJ'"CUits I Temporary Servic6 I I NO. I b'R~ I I I I EZQ~trioal Permit State SU1'char(UJ Total Cho.rcoo ITEM I NO. I I I I I I I F'urnaa'1J 1!TU' S exhaus t Hood Vent Fan I Woodstovs P6rmt Issuance Hecltaniaal Po""i't Statd SUrc~~ Maintenan.::e Permit I ..Total Cho.rr10S I Cu1'bcu: , I Sid_lk I Electriaal Lab!.~ l1~r2- I? I I HobUo Hemo I I k>/ '" :"- " .,-i' . ~~.-'<? I' I' ')?>P)//--=-""~ ~ I ~TAL AHOUN'I' DUll;' ,r;'c.nctJ x I I I I I I 7iP~-1 1 I I I / '/. fS?::> Value -.. .~~I /g-~" I I I CHARGE . FEE I 1 I. I I '2'<~1 i I I .1?2~1 I / J-=;> I ?7-6? . I CIIARGE I I I I I I I I I: CHARGE FSE ~I.'I ":.. . I I , . I I I .:;<p I I I I /.631 <# q?ey I. . L-COG'" Tune/Cor:nt: Bedrooms: I Enerqu So,~rcc8 I Heat I I Watel' .'I(!Qtrl' II Range I Fircnlaca I I Wood" to"" II Titre Sethacko Hou8e l Caraqe I I I I Ace.os. I I FeeB I Building Value & Permit Thill permit io granted 011 tho oxprODIJ condition that the flairl COIUltl'1.w"tion shall, in all ranpcctn. confOTT1l to the Ordinw:cc :1flopt~.l hy dl(? Ci.ty of Springfietd, inctuding the ZOl1ing Crdina/lca, rcgulc.iing thl1 c.:cIlGtrll.:'ticlI aizd uce of buiZdingo, mId m::y bo Gw.ponded' or revoked at. C':!J t-:.mo llpOl; vie- lation of arlY Pl'''Vi3iona of Gaid 'Ordir.anceG. l!t#;')7 ifC1.:.:.:-o::' F~ 5~c..=.7' ~tE: It--y //;'8. ;B~A',;Pc~ 6>"b .q/.~3- /:5 ?#b~b< :6fGr,<::s',,","-,. .IPlan Chock Fee: '-{. 'J')... " Icatc Pa;d: ,r:::;- IX -.R'1 Recdpt..Ji:;J I,~n(.. ISi~r.o~: ':/fLti:J Plumbing Permit No percon ohaH C011Struct, inotal!, atter or ehallgo ~ny ne/J el' existing plumbing or drainags OYOtC.71 in whole or in part, w:lcs8 Stich Fel'son is the legal poOOCSRor of "a valid plumber's license, except t1:at a person may do plwnbing IJOrk to pl'Opal'ty which is o!.Jnad, leaDed or operated by the appli- cant. Electrica I Perm it Where State WI" requires tr.at the electrical. IJOrk be done by all Electrical Contractor, the' electrical. portion of thi.;; permit sha.ll root be valid unlil the label has beon Digned by the E1.ectrical ~olltractor. Mechanical Permit . . I I. ~...,.,-,~'_..: ~ , I ;'~i~t.l1er /" c-s.:..~ uac.c I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED tho completed application for pennit, and do hereby certify that aLL i~fo~tion heroon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d aU work perfor:ned shaZ! be do:1e in acaor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Sprinafield, and th: ~~B of tho State of Orea~n p&rtaining to tho work described hcre~n, end t}~t NO OCCU- PANCY wilL be made of any otruatura'witho~t parmio3ion of the Building Di- vision. I furthor certify that o~ly contl'a.::tors m:d e:npz.,YSt::B wJ:o are in comp1.iancs with ORB 701.055 wilL bo used on this pl'ojzat .P~f({}~-6 Iftignsd 7 r 6/~r/ Y9 D/te -