HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1990-11-1 . .. RESIDEWiIAl-" APPLICATIO_RMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ...rob Location: lp?Jf~ \< 0 ~\) L-'I / \~ I Q . (II[},~~CJ'~ (\ T;"~tH()I,-CXXJ ~ _. ~ . euner: tf 1 ~j . () ~ ~ddl'CSS: f o'?-/) I.. P. 0;,% t:il.91 r j ~ity: ~ ~ ~();:)-'J (/-1 ~q() ASaCBD01'= M.'lp N StJxJiuision: ~. . ~ QNMJ n Addition C", Ramadal. ~ :~b-::le Hom~ Date of Applicaticn 'ontrLlctors enernl lumbing . l -/1. I . 'lechanicni Will iU. j_~ r.JI j(1 (] :~~~cru;~l (\ t1petj"l~;r.~~._~Elec t r~c inn Phone: Zip: Q1477~ .eC.i~t' _. I.~~.~t DBBcnbe h'opk: Va IUB n /(l~ I. .~ Ql:- I Siqr.ed: Dato: ~l.nd) " ( 1- {-'-IO Address LiRe. II' Bid rs Boa rei Kec. P};.onp D IN!JULATION/VIlPO.1? BAnRIER I.'ISP.r?CTION: To be made afte,. all insulation Q:".d '. required vap01' barpie1's are in place .. '-. but beforo any lath, gypslmt board or wz.?, covering is applied, and befof'B any inaulation is "concealed. D DRYJlALL INSPECT!ON: To bo mado aftel' all drYlJall is in place~ but pl'ior to any taping. D MASONRY: Steel location, bond beQtnD, g1'OU tina or vortica ls in accordance with U.8.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmp~et€d. D CURB & APPRCACII APRON: Afte" form. are cre::ted but prior to pouroing .::onarete. SIDE'.JALX of DRIt'Ef.Jt.Y: Foro all con- crete paving within street right- of-rx:y, to be made after all exca- vating complete & form work & cub. ba~e materia~ in pla::e. EXDices rOOfS flLJQULt-(~ ~ tXXY1J ~~~( \O/:s\lY { . l::tb~{ IcZ-t It ia the responDibility of the permit hoLder to aBB that all inspections are made at the proper tim&~ .that each ~~B8 is rea:ab!. rom the street, arid that the permit card is located at the front of the property. ~8ui!di~ ~;vi:ior. appl'o~ed pLan shall remain on tha Building Site at all times. nOCSDUp.E FOn INSPECTION R~OUEST~CALL 726-3769 (recoroder) state your City designated job nwr.bel', job address, typo of i'13pec~icn aqucsted a!':d when you uill be ready fol' inspection, ContMctOl"S 01' Q,mSl'B name and phone numbel". Requests l"Bcei~sd befoN 1:00 C":I 'ill bs made the same day, requests made a~t~r 1~OO t.'V1l will b:: made the next :JOl'kina day. n " AQ . Your City Desigr.ated Job Numb.,. Is, ,D \0 dt'pj( r'1"<!~~p:tir.,!"q SITE INSPEC':'ION: To be r<<zde after cxcav.:::ztion, but priOl' to set -up of I01'mB. . UNDERSLAB PWMBING. ELECTRIC.1L & :.tf.:CHA.'JICA4.: To be made befortl any WOl'.lc is ':::ovcl'ed. FOOTING! FOUND.ITION: To bo ...dB aftel' tl'OtlCnaD are excavated and forms are erected, but priol" to poul"ing cencre to:. . U....'DSRC.WUND Pr,UM!JINC; SEWER. W.1TE[1 DRIIINACE: To be made priOI' to fil- Iir.g trenchee. U1IDE.~FWO.q PW/.!BI,vC & MECHANICAL: To bo mado pl'ior to in3tal.l.ation of 11001' insulation 01' decking. POST AND BEAM: To bo made pl'ior to instaLLation of floor ins~lation or dec./(iff{;. ROUGll pr.W!Bl!IC. Er.F:CTRrCAL .( MECll- ANICAL: No ~rk iD to bc co~el'ed .untiL thess inspectior:s have beer. made and appl'Ove:!. FI.1?EPl.ACE: Prior to placir.g facing mcterials and befol'e framing inspec- tior.. PRIlJ~Tllr.: Mu3t be rcqucated after appl~u~l of rouah pl~bing, e~ectl'i- cal & mechani::al. Al! roOfing bracing & chimneys, et~. nr~st be . completed. tlo wrk is to be con- ; cealed until tJliD inspection has . been made and approved. 5 D D ~ENCE: "Wher. ca~pl~tc -- Provide gates 01' movable aectiona througl; P.U.E. Q-~ DE/IOLITIO!! OR NOVE!; Bt..'ILDI;IGS ::::J Sani~ BB".Jel' :appBd' a:t propcl'ty lir.a... ", ".' ",' IrA. '" ."1111,,, W-:"''''' ~I"';ll 1.11 i "-I. ,~ =:J S.pti~ tank fT""",ed and filled ..,,; th ."".l :J Final - When abc-VB it~s are ccmpZetcd ar~~hen demol~tior. is complots or 8tru~. ture moved and pl"~30S :le.:::zned up. I J.Jobi le Hemes =:J' Blocking and Sot.-,P =:J Plumbing c~nnections .- scwel" and wa~Bl' ---, Electrical Connection - Slocking, sDe-U~ ---1 and plwnbing connections 17T'.4st to approved . before 1'6questing elec~rical inspec:io~ =:J Ac::ossol"'; Building :J FirL2l - /lftO!l' porches, sk-::rt-::na, decks, etc. al'e oompleted. D ~ ~ ,I: \POI FIllA C. PLUMB IIIG All project condi.tions, ~uc.': aD tile 1.~n8tallatiol1 of stl'eot trees, "co.":fPleti.:m of tno required landscapir.!], etc., must be satiDficd beforB tho Bl.'ILDIf!C FINAL ean bo r3quBtJtad. .i =:J ~ =:J :J FIliAL MEoIIANICAl. o FINAL BUILDINC: Tho Final Buildina Inspection must bo l'equested after tho Final Plwnbina Elcctl"ieal, and Mechar:ical Inspections halJO been made and approvi!d. FINAL ELECTHICI.L ~Ilr.r. '"MNJ/cr.r.s /INn CTfi,1NOUT[; 1111.'?T nF. IICCF.S!JT[J~F.. ~~:.UST!I.r.:NT .TO tJE l.lAn,: ::T.~~.~:.'~.~_C~~~..I raf:'" of j 1 JOB NO. SOLAR ~CESS OcCU":X2ncu G. I Zona: Lot Sq. Feg. s ~f Lot C~.erag' .f of StOriOD Total Height Topography LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle Cut-do-sac is) J I I ITEM SQ. FTG X Va Iue /o/ain l Cc:rnce ';'1 Carvert Acc8RDOl'1I r ' -I " . Is.D.c. TOTAL VAWE IVCl.UCI I.S '" Bui ldina Permi t State Surcharge Total Chargea lITEM I Fi:t,tures I Residential (1 bath) j Sanitary Sew,. I WctOl' I 'NO. I I CHARGE FEE , , ' plumbing, .e~1'fi:it Stats SurCl-.aI"g8 J:2J!! t Charnas CHARGE In'''' . 110.' FEE Res. So. rto. Naw/EZtend Circuits I TemporartJ Service I I 1 1 1 I . I I I 1 -'i3~ 1 ~~'.~ \ ~ -<-) {-9to.'1)sl. Eleatrical Permit State SuroharQ8 Total Charqos IITSM NO. FEE CHARCE Purn::zce !!TV'S E::.hau.s t Hood I Vent Fcm ~v.\ ~ J'I Permit,I:J8uanca Mechanical Permit State surchaJ"{ft!: Total Ch1raoo __ ENCROACHMENT -- ISOC".JritlJ I Storage DCtJ03it. I' !4aintenan"e Pennit Total Char({cs I Cur;,,"; I Sidewalk I Fr.n::e I Electrical Label I #lobi Ie lIome I I f TOTAL A~/OUNT DUE: 4 - -.'~ --- REQ.- L-COG";< Ty,/e/Cor.st: . Bedrooms: . ,I I Enercr" So:~rces Setbacka 1 I Heat 1l0USR I r.arage I Ac!ce.'JS. 1 II Water !J(OQtf'r Range I I Fireplace I "ood~toz;e I . T,,~o I Lot Facee - I 1 P.L. INorth lEast ISouth Ir{eet Fees Building Val'ue & Permit This psrmit io granted on the aprens condition that the said constl'Uction shall~ in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted Hy the City of Springfield, incZuding t.he Zoning crdinance, reguLc.ting the ce'totructien and UDe of building8~ and ~y be sucpended or revoked at cr.y time upon vie- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. \. . I Plan Check I Datc Paid, jRec~ipt N: ISig"ed, Fee: 1 I I Plumbing Permit No percon'lohall cOnJJtruct, ins"tat1., a!ter or change any ne'" cr e::isting plwnbi'ng or drainage syste:n in :Jhole or in part, ur.,less Buch perGon is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license~' except that a person may do plumbing wol"k to pl"operty ",hich is owned, leased or operatBd by the appLi- cant. . . . Electrical Permi t Where State LabJ requires tr.at the olectrical work be done by an ElBctrical Contractor~. the ,elec,trical portion of t.his permit shall r.at be valid until the Label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. -' Mechanical Permit Plan t;xcmt.ner VOt. I. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED tiul completed application for pennit, and do hereby certify that all i:-:fo;'mGtion herBon is true and correct, aru1 I further certify that any ar.d aU IJOrk perfomJed shall be dO;"lQ in accor- dance "n.th tho ordinancBs of thlll city of sprin!Jfiold, and the La-..:s of tha State of Oreg:Jn p:r:rtaining to tho LX>rk cescribcd hero::n, and ~hat NO OCCU- PANCY will bs mads of any structur. without p.rmis.ion of the Suilding Dij lJi~ion. I further certify that o:1ly contra~tors ar.d e:npl:Jyet>s 1011:0 are i'l compliance lJith CRS ~Ol.OS~ ",ill be used on this project I . V {)P?70P~,'~~ . cJo.;Ls Iritlz;1'l /rfruv;y r d~ Ce;, Yhu- 1/1'10.. Chto