HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Continuation of Pioneer Parkway EmX 30% Design Corridor AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: April 14, 2008 Work Session Public Works Q~ TOmBOya~ ... 744-3373 90 minutes ,~ SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: CONTiNuA TION OF PIONEER PARKWAY EMX 30% DESIGN CORRIDOR REVIEW ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSION/ FINANCM-L IMPACT: Finalize review of design detail and project issues from 30% Plans submittal and provide LTD and City staff direction on project design review and approval. Council reviewed project design and key issues for EmX Pioneer Parkway project's 30% Plan submittal during its work sessions on February 4,2008 and February 19, 2008. Several pending issues and questions remain for review and discussion. The work session is continued to April 14, 2008 to complete the Project presentation, provide additional requested information, answer questions, discuss the issues and provide direction to staff. Attachment A: City Issues List Summary ,Attachment B: LTD Memo to Council Attachment C: L TD Slide Presentation Attachment D: L TD Project Graphics On February 4 and February 19,2008 the Council was presented with the EmX 30% Plans corridor review to highlight the proposed treatment of issues including but not limited to impacts to private properties, loss of on-street parking; and changes to the Pioneer Parkway and International Way corridors. Due to time constraints several issues were not reviewed with Council and will be addressed at this meeting. These are station locations on Gateway and Harlow Streets and mid-block pedestrian crossings to provide enhanced access to curb-side stations on these two streets. Council also requested more information from L TD on Property owner/tenant outreach and further assessment of options for the EmX crossing of the Rosa Parks multiuse path. These remaining topics are highlighted on Attachment A to the AIS, and addressed in Attachment B, L TD Memo to Council, with graphics provided and referenced in additional Attachments. Finally, LTD and City staffhave been working on the two ODOT Issues related to provision of Bike Lanes on Pioneer Parkway East and modifying access for two ' downtown businesses, McKenzie Mist and Willamette V alley Awards. Attachment B, L TD Memo to Council, provides an update on this effort. Staff will introduce the work session with a summary of pending discussion items. L TD will lead the discussion of these issues and their proposed resolution. City staff will be available to answer questions and provide the staff perspective on station locations and mid-block pedestrian crossings. Next steps will be for LTD to submit 70% Plans to staff, iron out any final details, and then prepare a 100% Plan Set for City PIP approval. Construction is anticipated to occur in 2009 and 2010. Attachment A Kev Issues The following Key Issues were discussed by Council during the February 4 and February 19,2008 Work Sessions: 1. Property owner/tenant notification of project and identification and resolution of issues. 2. EmX treatment for Rosa Parks Path crossing. 3. Need for a fencelbarrier due to conflicts between ErnX and Rosa Parks path. 4. Tree removal and replanting on Pioneer Parkway Median, Parkway East and Parkway West between "F" Street and Hayden Bridge. 5. Project betterments to mitigate corridor wide operational impacts. 6. Pedestrian activated signal crossing south of roundabout. Council requested more information on Key Issue 1, Property Owner Outreach and Key Issue 2, EmX'Crossing of Rosa Parks Path. This information is addressed in Attachment B, L TD Work Session Memorandum, with references to graphics in additional Attachments. Key Issue 6, Ped Signal South of Roundabout is eliminated from the design. Key Issues 3, 4, and 5 have been reviewed and direction provided to staff. "s Eneineerine Issues The following Engineering Issues were discussed by Council on February 4 and February 19, 2008 and direction provided to staff: 1. Signal Operations and intersection designs. 2. Manage safe vehicle turn movements at International Way/Sports Way near double sided Sports Way EmX Station. 4. Lighting the Rosa Parks Path. Remaining Engineering Issues for discussion are listed below. Of these three issues the main one of interest is Issue 5, Mid-block Ped Crossings. This issue is covered in Attachment B, L TD Work Session Memorandum, with references to graphics in additional Attachments: 3. Need to provide utility plan showing existing and proposed locations for all utilities. 5. Mid-block pedestrian crossings. 6. Construction Phasing. ODOT Issues On February 19,2008 Council discussed ODOT Issues 2, Access Management Strategy and 4, Bike Lanes on Pioneer Parkway. LTD and City staff have been working on these issues. A status report on these issues is provided in Attachment B, L TD Work Session Memorandum: 1. ODOT & L TD Inter Governmental Agreement 2. Access Management Strategy 3. Lane geometries and widths 4. Bike lanes and connectivity Attachment A - page 1 of 1 . . . ATTACHMENT B MEMORANDUM April 14, 2008 TO: Springfield Mayor and City Council FROM: Mark Pangborn, General Manager RE: April 14, 2008, Springfield City Council Work Session on Pioneer Parkway EmX On April 14 the Council will hold its third work session to review the Pioneer Parkway EmX project. L TO appreciates the Council's time and effort working through the various elements of the design. We have been able to review many of the design detail issues with the Council. This memorandum provides information on the remaining issues as well as updated information on business and property owner communication. Separate attachments include a copy of the presentation slides that will be used at the work session (Attachment C) as well as an updated set of the 30-percent design submittal (Attachment 0). I am very pleased to report that L TO and City staff agree on the 30-percent design as presented. There are still design details that will be developed as the process proceeds through 70-percent and final design, such as signal timing plans; but all significant design questions have been discussed, and we are confident that we will be able" to work through any subsequent issues that may arise in the continued design review. Business and Property Owner Contacts Beginning on page five of this document is an updated list of property and business owners contacted and their comments or concerns. This revised version does not attempt to categorize the property and business owners' opinions about the project, as was done with ea"rlier versions of this document. On March 13,2008, a meeting was held with International Way business and property owners. City Councilor Christine Lundberg and City Public Works staff attended. Although L TO had met individually with these business and property owners, the meeting provided a good opportunity to have a group discussion, including questions, . concerning potential impacts of the project. Notes from the meeting are included on page seven of this Memorandum. ATTACHMENT B Page 1 of 10 Attachment B: Memorandum to Springfield Mayor and City Council April 14, 2008 Page 2 . Outstanding Design Items Discussed in Previous Work Sessions · EmXlPath Crossino: Included on page ten of this Memorandum is information on options considered for the crossing of the southbound EmX with the multi-use path. Drawings of the options considered are included on pages three through seven of Attachment C. Council requested that L TD consider options that would eliminate the crossing, and if that were infeasible, review additional safety enhancements to the at-grade crossing option. In addition, L TD commissioned and received an evaluation of the crossing options by a national expert on pedestrian/transit crossings and has considered the safety history of similar at-grade crossings (with light rail instead of bus). At the work session, L TD staff will review the various options considered. Each of the options that eliminate the crossing have significant adverse impacts. The at-grade crossing, with several safety enhancements, is recommended. .. Business Access on State Hiohwav: The design of the EmX system on this corridor does not eliminate or reduce any current accesses. However, ODOT requires that its access standards be considered whenever a curb line is moved on a state road. Applying the ODOT access standards results in possible access changes for two businesses: McKenzie Mist at Pioneer Parkway East and ,Main Street; and Willamette Valley Awards at Pioneer Parkway West and Main Street. ODOT, L TD, and Springfield staff have been meeting to identify plans that will work for the property and business owners. Progress has been made, and we hope to be able . to reporton a resolution to this question at the meeting. The McKenzie Mist development currently includes two driveways on Pioneer ParkwayEast. ODOT initially requested that both of those access points be eliminated. The current option under consideration is to combine the two accesses into a single access. This portion of the corridor is shown on page one of Attachment D. Willamette Valley Awards currently has a driveway on Pioneer Parkway West that allows both ingress and egress. The development also is accessed from Main Street. ODOT injtially requested that the Pioneer Parkway West driveway be eliminated. Options to retain the access are being considered. This portion of the corridor is shown on page one of Attachment D. . Bike Lanes on Pioneer Parkway East and Pioneer Parkway West: As reported at the last work session, ODOT requires consideration of bicycle lanes on all state roads whenever a construction project is planned. Both L TD and Springfield staff believe that the multi-use path that operates in ,this corridor provides excellent bicycle access and that there is no need for a separate on-street bicycle lane. However, ODOT has determined that on-street bicycle lanes must be installed on Pioneer Parkway East south of Centennial Boulevard. Although this can be accomplished with a one- or two-foot change to the curb line and minimal impact on private property, the change does impact lane widths and does not seem necessary. . ATTACHMENT B Page 2 of 10 Attachment B: Memorandum to Springfield Mayor and City Council April 14, 2008 Page 3 . L TO has requested that OOOT provide a written justification of this decision and information on the exceptions process. Once that information has been received, a decision on whether or not to appeal the decision can be made. With Springfield's support, L TO would be willing to pursue an appeal of the OOOT bike lane requirement. . Betterments: "Betterments" is a term that has been used to describe project benefits that are not directly related to the improvement in transit service. Please note that L TO believes that the project, in and of itself, is an important betterment for Springfield by providing better transportation options for Springfield residents and supporting Springfield's businesses and economic development efforts. Specific betterments in the project include: · Updated signal software' · Opportunity to re-analyze and improve signal timing along corridor · Improved pedestrian crossings at several station locations · New signalized EWEB path crossing to Rosa Parks path · Streetlight upgrade on International Way · Public art · Infrastructure for future path lighting on Pioneer Parkway · Coordination with City for reconstruction of the Maple Island roundabout · Coordination with OOOT for construction of wider bridge structure to accommodate future right-turn lane onto Highway 126 east ramp . As noted at the last Council work session on this project, the intersection of Pioneer Parkway and Q Street is problematic. The EmX project provides an opportunity to improve the operation of the intersection. L TO has agreed to include the following in the EmX project: . Redesign the intersection to allow for concurrent left turns from Pioneer Parkway (the current configuration of the intersection does not allow for the north and south left turns to operate at the same time). A signal plan using concurrent left turns will improve EmX operation and significantly reduce delay for all vehicles. Extend the westbound left turn on Q Street to the east. This will provide greater capacity for the intersection. Conduct a more detailed traffic analysis to identify other possible improvements to the intersection. . . Outstanding Design Items Not Discussed in Previous Work Sessions . · Harlow and Gatewav Station Locations: Pages six through nine of Attachment D show proposed locations for stations on Gatewpy Street and Harlow Road. Transit service on these streets is in mixed traffic, so the stations are curb-side (similar to the Glenwood stations on the existing EmX line). The station locations were jointly determined by L TD and Springfield staff, and are located in order to operate safely, minimize impact on adjacent property, and not affect current accesses to ATTACHMENT 8 Page 3 of 10 Attachment B: Memorandum to Springfield Mayor and City Council April 14, 2008 Page 4 . businesses or residences. The only station location that has generated concern from the adjacent property owner is the westbound (north side) station at Guy Lee School. . The property owner is concerned that the station blocks visibility of the residential development to potential customers. L TO considered relocating the station to the east (across Hartman Lane) and determined that the property owner at that location was amenable to the station. However, in further discussions with Springfield staff, it was determined that the western location would operate better for both traffic and transit. . Mid-Block Pedestrian Crossinos: Pedestrian crossing improvements are proposed at the following locations: . EWEB Path Crossing of Pioneer Parkway East Three station locations on International Way Postal Way Station on Gateway Street Pheasant Station on Harlow Road . . . The EWEB path exits onto Pioneer Parkway East between Pioneer Plaza and Hayden Bridge Way. There is currently no controlled access from the end of the path directly to the multi-use path in the Pioneer Parkway median. Options considered included leaving the situation as is, installing a pedestrian beacon, or installing a "HAWK" signal (a new type of signalized pedestrian crossing that is . activated by pedestrians but is otherwise "dark"). It is proposed that a HAWK signal be installed at this location. The three stations on International Way, the Postal Way Station on Gateway Street, and the Pheasant Street Station on Harlow Road are not adjacent to a signalized intersection. Although there are currently many transit stops throughout the community that are not at signalized intersections, the goal for EmX is to have a higher level of safety and pedestrian convenience. Therefore, the stations that are not at signalized intersections will include pedestrian refuge islands with warning signage lights. These crossings have been located in such a way that they do not restrict existing accesses to adjacent property. Note that these enhanced pedestrian treatments will aid all pedestrians in the area, not just those who use EmX. The International Way West Station located at International Way and Sports Way will also have a part-time turn restriction sign to allow for safe movement of turning vehicles. Thank you once again for your time and effort working through the details of this project. We also greatly appreciate the partnership with the Springfield staff in working with us through some complex design challenges. We look forward to a continued partnership with staff in the review of the 70 percent drawings and as we proceed with construction. Q:\BRT\EmX\Pioneer Parkway Corridor\City of Springfield\Packetfor April 14, 2008\Apri114 2008 cover memo. doc . ATTACHMENT B Page 4 of 10 . . . Pioneer Park\Nay EmX Property Outreach Organization Role Status Motel 6 Owner Multipl~ messages for manager left with desk clerks during November through January. Left packet for manager in February. Manager was positive about EmX two years ago. Clerk says manager has received information and they are positive about EmX. Chambers Development Corp. Owner Okay with plan. G-Group Owner L TD moved the station to accommodate property access. G-Group has questioned value of two EmX lanes on International Way. Chris Smith Owner Okay with plan. Supports public transit. FedEx Tenant Okay with plan. Shorewood Packaging Corp. Owner L TD provided written assurance that semi-truck access will remain. Manager does not like the look of EmX stations. Hawes Investments Owner Okay with plan. Very positive about EmX. McMac LLC Owner Okay with plan. Liberty Bank Owner Okay with plan. Lane Memorial Blood Bank Owner Okay with plan. Very positive about EmX. PacificSource Owner Okay with plan. Very positive about EmX. Holt International Owner Okay with plan. Learnino Tree Day School Tenant Okay with plan. Tenant will confirm with owner. Richard Gudeman Owner Sent correspondence. No reply. Robert and Carla Leach Owner Okay with plan. Ken and Dianna Eilers Owner Okay with plan. Joseph Scheibe Owner Okay with plan. Peace Health Owner Okay with plan. Very positive about EmX. Symantec Owner Okay with plan. Very positive about EmX. Rex Myers Transfer Tenant Okay with plan. McKenzie Athletic Tenant Okay with plan. Pacific Office Automation Tenant Okay with plan. D&HStalick Owner Okay with plan. Brattain International Trucks Tenant Okay with plan. Premier PlazaJA-1 Auto Glass Owner Okay with plan. Crossroads Landino - Sycan B Owner Okay with plan. Super 8 Motel Owner Okay with plan. Gateway Postal Retail Center Owner First response was okay. No concerns have emeroed. KKMH Properties Owner Okay with plan during phone call; no reply after mailing was delivered. No concerns have emerged. Pacific Village Apa.rtments Tenant Okay with plan during phone call; no reply after mailing was delivered. No concerns have emerged. Gateway Mall General Growth Owner Okay with plan. Very positive about EmX. Umpqua Bank Tenant Okay with plan. Springfield School District - Owner Okay with plan. GUY Lee School CI9vefdale.~pls.,.','''S'YcarfiB''''', ';,::CJwOe(.:': ":'Wanta~n1X;.$tatiQn.to'pe'PlaGe_dtQr1:'aQiacentp(QPerty. ..:, ',".:. .......:.. ..... ." Sprino Valley Assisted Livino Owner Okay with plan. Very positive about EmX. Crossland Economy Studios Owner Okay with plan. Positive about havino EmX station. EI Charro Mexican Restaurant Tenant Did not want west access closed. L TD and City chose other site. ATTACHMENT B Page 5 of 10 Organization Countryside Apartments Role Owner Owner Owner . Owner Okay with plan. Tenant ositive about EmX. Tenant Owner Owner Owner Additional Outreach during February - March, 2008 . 'OWn~'r"; ;':Jen'aht;,:, Tenant Owner [Tenaht ;', ;~<:lw6er' Owner Owner Owner Residents & tenants between Door hangers describing the loss of on-street parking were distributed. One Pioneer Parkway East & West, homeowner said he would not use EmX and did not care, and three tenants said south of F Street they were excited about EmX and were not concerned about the loss of parking. L TD has not received other comments or inquiries to date. International Way property owners and tenants Attendees represented the following owners or tenants: . Bob and Carla Leach . CAS Properties . Chambers Development Corporation . D & H Stalick . G-Group . Hawes Investments . Lane Memorial Blood Bank . Learning Tree Day School . Liberty Bank . Peace Health . Symantec . Springfield City Councilor Christine Lundberg Project Staff . City of Springfield Traffic Engineering . Lane County Public Works . LTD . ATTACHMENT B Page 6 of 10 . . . Meeting for Property Owners and Tenants Along International Way Held March 13, 2008 Questions & Answers During Meeting Q: I understand that L TD plans to purchase a sidewalk easement beyond the Public Utility Easement (PUE) where EmX stations will be located. Will the landowner be responsible for maintaining the multi-use path? A: No. The City of Springfield will be responsible for ensuring that the multi-use path is maintained, and the City will maintain the street trees located between the roadway curb and the multi-use path. Landowners will be responsible for maintaining the non-tree vegetation in the strip between the roadway curb and the multi-use path, and the rest of their property, excluding the multi-use path. Q: Is a 10-foot multi-use path a standard width? It seems wider than necessary. A: Oregon standards specify a minimum of 10 feet for a multi-use path that is shared by pedestrians and bicyclists. Q:This is a comment, not a question. After construction, I hope you will plant new vegetation that is easier to maintain. I am a homeowner and my property borders International Way. The shrubs that were planted when the roadway was built have grown very tall and it is a big job to keep them trimmed back. A: Thank you. That's a good point. We will definitely consider long-term maintenance of the plants selected for landscape vegetation. Q: Will the large trees be removed that are near International Way at the back of my residential property? A: The 30-percent drawings show that the large trees in question will not need to be removed. If trees must be removed, the project will establish new trees on a one-for-one basis. Q: I work at the Learning Tree Day School and school buses stop on International Way to drop off or pick up students. Will the EmX vehicles be required to yield for the school bus? A: Yes. EmX vehicles are required to follow the same rules as regular vehicles, whereby they must yield to school buses that have stopped to pick up or drop off students. ATTACHMENT B Page 7 of 10 March 13,2008, Meeting for Property Owners and Tenants Along International Way Questions & Answers Page 2 . Q: Will the EmX vehicle be allowed to pass autos on the left that are waiting to turn left from the center/EmX lane? A: No. The EmX vehicle will wait behind the autos waiting to turn left, or the EmX vehicle can pass on the right if the through-lane is clear of traffic; then the EmX vehicle would move back into the center/EmX lane and continue along International Way. Q: Will there be stop signs at each driveway? A: No. Vehicles are required to stop before entering the street. Currently, there are no stop signs at the driveways. . Q: I have heard that the City of Springfield is going to put in a roundabout at the intersection of International Way and Deadmond Ferry Road. Is that true? A: This is one of several possibilities the City of Springfield is considering as part of its overall efforts to manage congestion in the Gateway area. Comment: This is not a question, but a stat~ment. I want to thank L TD for presenting this information and addressing my concerns about traffic flow . and the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists on the multi-use path. My questions have been asked and answered. Thank you. Q: Has L TD or the City of Springfield projected the future growth in the area and the needs for regular traffic on International Way? Do we really need to give up two lanes in the middle of the road for EmX to use? A: EmX is expected to carry many passengers who would otherWise be driving vehicles on International Way. The key limitation to the carrying capacity of the roadway system in the Gateway area is the intersection at Gateway Street and Beltline Road--not the current design of International Way. The City of Springfield projects that International Way will be able to serve the anticipated growth for at least the next 20 years. If International Way were to eventually be widened, it should be changed to a five-lane road (two lanes in each direction and a center turn lane), not a four-lane road. A better way to add capacity, however, would be to create new connecting roads serving the area. The area needs a greater road network to disperse the traffic across more roads, not just wider arterials. It may be prudent to ask employers in the Gateway area to stagger their shift starUend times to disperse the traffic over time. Comment: Yes', the amount of traffic on International Way varies widely. Traffic is very heavy in the morning and afternoon when workers are commuting. During the middle of the day and on weekends there is very little . traffic. ATTACHMENT B Page 8 of 10 . . . March 13,2008, Meeting for Property Owners and Tenants Along International Way Questions & Answers Page 3 Q: What is the next step regarding PUE acquisition? A: L TD has retained Lane County to handle the acquisition process with property owners. (Lane County will also design and construct the EmX corridor along International Way.) Q: Will we be notified about the timeline for construction? A: Yes. L TD will work hard to keep you informed in advance about construction timelines and any impacts on your property. .L TO used a similar process during the Franklin Corridor EmX construction and received very few complaints. Comment: I would really like to see a map that shows the City of Springfield plans for the roadways as well as the Pioneer Parkway EmX project. A: EmX vehicles will be traveling in regular traffic lanes along Gateway Street, so the map of the City of Springfield plan for the Gateway/Beltline interchange is unaffected by the EmX project. The map would simply show the "add lanes" plan with regular traffic lanes. Q (From L TD presenter, Stefano Viggiano): Do you have any remaining concerns about this project? A: (Silence.) No one in attendance made any comments or asked additional questions at the meeting. More Follow-Up to March 13 Meeting L TO staff spoke to or left messages for all attendees to ask if they had follow-up questions or concerns. Attendees who responded said they were pleased with the outreach effort and the information provided. Two people said they still wonder if EmX lanes are needed on International Way for the long-term, but they did not feel strongly enough to object to the project. Q:\BRnEmX\Pioneer Parkway Corridor\City of Springfield\Packet for April 14, 2008\lntemational Way meeting - 031308 - Q&A.doc ATTACHMENT B Page 9 of 10 South Bound EmX Lane Crossing of Pioneer Parkway Multi-Use Path The following are descriptions of options considered for the crossing of the southbound EmX with the Pioneer Parkway multi-use path. Three of the options eliminate the crossing and one option proposes safety enhancements to an at-grade crossing. . 1. Re-Iocate Crossing to Centennial EmX lane and path cross at signalized intersection. Pedestrians and EmX can't use intersection simultaneously, causing delay for EmX, pedestrians, and autos. Path is relocated between northbound and southbound EmX lanes, creating an undesirable barricaded pedestrian environment. Additional cost is initially estimated at $40,000, with additional long-term operational costs due to delay in E::mX travel time. 2. Grade-Separated Crossing Elevate multi-use path over EmX Lane. . Long ramps extend 300' both north and south of the crossing. . Would require removal of three large trees. Large visual barrier is created in the median. Contrary to design principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) that reduce criminal activity. Requires bicyclists and wheelchair users to climb a new incline. Additional cost of approximately $1.5 million. 3. Eliminate EmX Bus Lane The southbound EmX would exit the median station at Centennial and enter general traffic on Pioneer Parkway West. The awkward turning maneuvers needed to enter general traffic flow would require significant modification to the curb line of the median south of the Centennial intersection. A separate signal phase would be required to allow EmX to exit the station and proceed in general traffic; this signal phase would cause delay for general auto movements at the intersection. The mixed-traffic design would interrupt an otherwise continuous EmX lane on Pioneer Parkway. . 4. At-Grade Crossing with Passive & Active Safety Treatments "Stop Here" pavement markings identify stopping location. Tactile warning identifies safe stopping location and refuge area. . Channels pedestrians so they are able to view an oncoming vehicle. . Signs flash and "Don't Walk" signs illuminate as EmX approaches. Audible warning emits a sound or verbal warning to stay clear. Endorsed by national expert* on pedestrian and transit crossings. Additional cost of lights and sound treatments is $75,000. Recommendation: Taking into consideration pedestrian safety, operational efficiency, and construction costs, a safety-enhanced at-grade crossing is recommended. *Harry Saporta, a national expert on pedestrian and transit crossings, was hired to evaluate the enhanced at-grade crossing design and feels very comfortable with it. Mr. Saporta was the director of safety and security for the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) previous to working for the Parsons Engineering firm. He also was the system safety manager for TriMet for 1 9 years before working at FTA. Mr. Saporta also led the American Public Transit Association (APTA) Taskforce on Pedestrian and Grade Crossing Safety. The Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) recently published a Guide600k' for the Mitigation of Bus-Pedestrian Collisions, which Mr. Saporta helped author. . Q:\BRnEmX\Pioneer Parkway Corridor\City of Springfie/d\Packet for Apri/14, 2008\Ped Crossing - Summary of Options. doc ATTACHMENT B Page 10 of 10 . ~~ .~'"~ lr ~ ~..... ,\ \ '~.J., J. ,. \ . ~ -I )> o :I: 3: m z -I o )> , 1J::t : :ll)> DO CDI I'V$: 8.m I'VZ 0--1 . o .~ v v' v I V ( ,"&\ '. ,.& '" , v ~ Re-Iocate crossing to Centennial ~ Grade-Separated Crossing ~ Eliminate EmX Bus Lane ~ At-Grade Crossing with Passive & Active Safety Treatments . . . . ALTERNATE CROSSWALK CONFIGURATION ADDRESSES DELAY CONCERN BUT RESULTS IN TIGHT MANEUVERING FOR BIKES ON SOUTH SIDE OF INTERSECTION . PIONEER P ARKWA Y WEST )> ""0=1 ~)> <DO wI oS: "'T1m NZ 0-1 o ROSA PARKS PATH ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ "- ~ (j MID-INTERSECTION CROSSOVER CREATES DELAY FOR SB EmX AND BIKES/PEDESTRIANS BECAUSE THEY CAN NOT SAFELY GO SIMULTANEOUSLY ROSA PARKS PATH - )> -o-i ~~ Ct>o "J::o.I oS: 11m ",2 o-i o ~\, -- --- . . . . . . NO TURN 9'" RED RESTRICTION MUST BE IN PLACE TO PREVENT ACCIDENTAL TURNING INTO THE BUS COMING FROM AN UNEXPECTED LOCATION WITHIN THE MEDIAN &, ~ SOUTHBOUND VEHICLES INCURE ADDITIONAL DELAY BECAUSE THEY CANNOT PROCEED WHILE EmX IS MAKING THE CROSSOVER MOVEMENT < 1If1f:~!(~jf~_ < --- <.......,. ~ ROSA PARKS PATH ~ ""0-1 ~)> coo c.nI O~ "m "'z 0-1 o PIONEER PARKWAY WEST > < > ;..r, ~ Qt ~ ~ It ~ (j MID-INTERSECTION CROSSOVER CREATES DELAY FOR SB EmX AND BIKES/PEDESTRIANS BECAUSE THEY CAN NOT SAFELY GO SIMULTANEOUSLY TIGHT TURNING RADII MEANS THE EmX, AT 5 MPH, REQUIRES 22 SECONDS TO CLEAR THE INTERSECTION DURING WHICH TIME ONLY NORTHBOUND TRAFFIC COULD MOVE, CAUSING SIGNFICANT ADDITIONAL DELAY TO TRAFFIC. - I ~ I "U~ ~~ coo mI o~ ."m I\)z 0-1 o f7 ~ ...~<!. " ..' I . . . . . --- put t6-/nh' ct7t'lJ1 ........... Nm4-ltl?t1tJnd ~ Ira,vo ~n.f.--' I . /' ,4cId~ ---:-- " . ~n/n~ l;wta: ::, " ....." ()1.-h/~/(. . ~/119 - '51 't'" Na! 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II .], I _ \ ;1 --. . ..- - . _r;;l,~'_~ --I )> ~~ :0)> <DO ~I ~$: Om -z ~~ o . . ~ Updated signal software ~ Opportunity to re-analyze and improve signal timing along corridor ~ Improved pedestrian crossings at several station locations ~ New signalized EWES path crossing to Rosa Parks Path ~ Streetlight upgrade on International Way ~ Public art ~- Infrastructure for future path lighting on Pioneer Parkway ~ Coordination with City for reconstruction of the Mapl.e Island roundabout ~ Coordination with ODOT for construction of wider bridge structure to accommodate future right-turn lane onto Highway 126 east ramp . . Maple Istand Statio n Int~rnational Way E,ast Station I nternatLona[Way West Station Kruse W. StalL Sacred Heart Station \ RiverBend I Station \ \ ~ \ ' \ \ .-1.... \ - Hay'den Bridg,e " \ Station \ i \ \ LJ Postal W Statio. G,at eway' . Stati on ~~ 0)> <DC) ~I ~~ Om -z ~-1 C) /~r' ..-'" .,,..... fJ 'II. '\ 1.-.. J 'Ii1 I> iii " ~ "". . . . In~,~rnational Way West Station ~ -o-i il5~ coo ->.I (]IS: am. NZ o-i o Gatew'ay Station . M,aple Island Stati.on - ~ ... ",,' """ ........ International Way East Station - ~r.... R" 1 ,,'lItr:.' ;;[.verBend \\ Station \ \ \ \ Pheasant J.......\.. . Station .i\ -- II I f' Hay~,en Brid,ge \1 Station \ \. , \ U \ I \ l i .,~ /'/ ~"#/ROW AioulSlrJON / / "I ,;.j4'''' J "!Ill f;' ] I I I I I I I I , I Guy Lee Station .~ I ,,' f 'q~ -'" -=- .,,7=0> \L;::::- .,...r___~ -'" ~ -~- - ~ ". ._- _.- ~--1 :0)> ~ '?!'I............. .-.~~ ~~-~ coo ~I 0> ~ "".... """""'''' om -z r:5--1 o -- .,,-~ .. -_..... .......... ,,,-- ............... '........ _.' llARlD" BD "-"'I ~",!;A~ t_':,. _ iC! .~ -''14. ,..,.-~ ~" "h A', ,,- _.__....___.JiQr1c?R Q.Q.d ", '" ') l " ~ ! , I I ' I I I - ..,,, ",-- 1 _,.. ....., _""...... .._~~.;;., . r- -'l - . I I · '''It< ~..'''''' . !1 I ~: 1 . I' ~f II t (l) " 5 I . I I \ ' R -ACQUISITIO ""'.- -I .' c o E .... l... o :r. ,.,. GUY L~~< ~.-- ELEMe:~tA~~~ SCHGGL. , . '\ - '~ 1:-- __'_._,_ _ \ '\ ~ '. J'. \ \ Kruse Way Station 'I i I Postal Way j'~~~",~ Station l' ~ I J t Gatevvay Station J niernational 'Way West Station . Maple ~sland St\ation ,.-- Pheasant Station Intern:ational "'Vay ~ _East Station . .... ... Sacred Heart Station -- ~ \ \ Q Street Station :l> -u~ &5:l> coo ~:c ex>s:: om -z ~-i o l' " \ .... ...-~'1 '- j --- ~..,. I _ ~~, 't..3,7':'"",,:/ --iIIlII ---' . .,~ . -- }' e RO; aoJHT~' J "I' f.~ F " Y l I 1- · . -. \ ;~ 'r "" -" -:.; i;.., QUISIll(,~: \, P ARK)NG S~!l.1 ES .. . 1.\iij ~ .. I f,- n 7 \ R1F\ C. I~. , S' , "c. - ~ ~rj/~: ,l-~ r-" 'err' Jllr", . mo_fJ' .. '~I, _ I ~ I ,.cf;iiC_ -. .., r ~; ~ I' oI.H' _ ... I> = I ! PARKING PUlUjUT \. ..- .- ~,' 'I " -' I F>-', i~': ~ " (3 SPACES)j I \ .' · t ' ~~ ""-,; .~, 0 : \ I' if, "A. . ' k 1= : ~,( i.. .', !i' := "I : ~ : '; ~ _ " J. '. il c .~'~'" ': ". 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'. \ ' I,. ~ 2+_J .B........... d . ....., " . t ~ CONCRETE BUS LANE STATION AREA $ - Oz ROW ACQUISITION 50 0 25 50 ~-- SCALE:l.m50' 100 . CJH DESiGNEi'J ~ PRELIMINARY DD ~~~~~I DATE I"'~'" LANE TRANSIT DISTRICT BUS RAPID TRANSIT PIONEER PARKWAY SEGMENT ARO ~ DATE ..lnT r-nn .1 . 2 '] ...~-. '. e . . . ~f .II' ,..~~ - jJ .-.' . . PlGN.Da, PUr IF " .... . . .~~~~: :.; ..-.;.~. .,;"... :..;.~."'...",.l~ ....-:.~\:.. ::;' ~'.< :,;: :l.. :.~..-:' ~~. ~...,~~.~ ':;, :;.~7't.;:.'. ~ ~~ ~.~:;. i.....~. :\,,'. '""i{ "~'~.;.' . ',i', .;.":l~.~.:: :'.,.. ."t.~ ':":.~.:-. i" :'.o..::.L!: .~:...::: .... '~"".t ~ ....".. ,"" . l!~.. ~~.~... i......! ~ ~.-=.. ~. J r -.-- ~ r-I'IONDB-pprT ~~ 01- ~b w w (/) W ',...."",/ ".'..; -,'"',, ~ < . ,.:":;":' ~ .,,::; ,'. ~.. 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