HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2008-3-25 " 'c '" 'I, I, r" .. I ~ \ \ ,. ~ ~ . 1_' " " ,~ \ :~'~~ " , ' , ',' f,/:'. I~ , l~.. . " " ' ~\:,t . ~ \ ~~'\ I , ,.' , " 1../..:' " 'I. , t. '" ,'. ... t~' " 71' " >-. , , ~r; '~ ' /,;. , 'v" v; " . ' :~"'~.\ ~!. I" ~H . , ~~:,: I .....,,' \ "" ", 1- .,;~\ I.. II. , I,.' \ \ ' ~.. I "l"; >/ , , ' .,~ I , l ~ ' , , ..~ - , ~V', r'. I -'II . ~~: ," " '~- , r:' , "t, " , .' t: ' " " I " '. ELCON ASSOCIATES. INC Fax.503-6dd-2911 Mar 25 2008 11.07am P001/006 aeON ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINttK)- CONSULTANTS 12670 N W Barnes Rd Portland, OR 97229 (503) 644-2490 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL FAX (503) 644-2911 * * * * * * * * * * * ~ ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Number of Pages (Including this page): S. / X. If you do not receive a complete set of pages, please call our office at (503) 644~2490 during business hours. Project Number: J A s,rE R ,"'1 ell })ow <; pu Mf 5T/1 T'ON I " l ~ ~ I ~ DO 8 Fax #: (~4 i) :+ d 6 - 3 (, -1 t , r To: A tR 'J A N R' CH It J{ ']) SON Location: l)cV(:LOPJl\.E.NT ~ f:P..VltB~. C ,,7f Or From: f5l ,/1 , ..,.. SIN H A Date: , " , '. ,,' ~~" , .~I "' 0- .1< ;r,~ '. ,-{ " "" " '<, ~ ,! > 'I /I~ ., . ~ .'. , ~~ '. , ,Ill " " , ~ :' ~ :~ 5 PP.INq,F,~ii~; . ' - I ~~,~ Comments: (J I f1l S e. S ~ 0- 1'3- ~ f'r\ l\J I cvf- ('J (.\ ~ T Lv I fI eM' {lfi1iiJj f-<> IMh vJ I^," Coh'} o} e-~J ~ I t?/V'-J , ~ y\(}f- LUcrr }....'r~ . Y (J (A f)M ~ 1).1 fer I1bO VI I ~~' Signature of Sender: 4~! . ~. ..I~ .' , " ,- :~ 1. '. , , , : ~ <I,' " , 'I~ " " " ,;\: , II '.1 , :f t~ ~ , \ ~ .,l ,- ~ ,~ . ~',~ 'F r~, , , ~ ~, -" q < . , ~~j C- I -{3S-:2. ~ I ~ ~ J ~ ~I' J.oL/1 ..s 57- JJ ',:, '-d" ' , \' " .' ELCON ASSOCIATES. INC Fax.503-B44-2911 Mar 25 200B 11.0Bam P002/00B ,~ I " '" ~i,~ '_Sinha ~:.' . ~" ~ ~:, : Fr'oi'n~ ~': ~t~~Stmt= ~", ::roo 1'r " ~~' ~ . : ';~ ':', ,:SUbjact: .."" -~ ,. ' ~, ,.AtWchments: .\" It.-- ...." Amit Sinha Monday, March 24, 2008 3:02 PM 'bricharoson@clspringfield.or.us' 'Laura Kegley' Jasper Meadows Pump Station, Wetwell classification documentation. JASPER MEADOW NFPA 820 FIG A-2-2(B) pdf. JASPER MEADOW E12 PUMP WElWELL J-BOX,pdf: NFPA 820 table 2-2 line 11 pdt; OSCN2231.JPG l.. ..... ~' :"~'" ,:Mr, Richardson , ' );~,. ,Attached are some documents Illustrating the our approach to the project related to the Hazardous area classification, and ~, "\ eqUiPment installation design. ..,.' \ ~~\. B$ed on the attached NFPA 820 Table 2 2 Item 11, Jasper Meadows pump station is categonzed as a "Residential s;;~ , Wastewater Pumping Station" The wet well for ReSidential Wastewater Pump Station IS Classified as Class 1 t DIvision 2. ;"~ .,~ 1""-'" ' :'\(:~ on attached Page 43, Figure A-202(b) ofNFPA 829. the Dlv 2 area extends up to 3 feet radius from any wet well :,.,~,. 'openingNent. The conduits coming out of the wet well IS Similar to a vent "_'0: . ',~;. , ;~;,'. Our,approach was to locate the panel at 3 feet higher than conduit stub up opening to keep it outside the envelop of the '+',; 'Div 2 area. Please see the attached design draWing E12, and the installation photograph. We think that the panel IS 3 feet ~\.r' ~ 'abO\le1l'le conduit stub ups (excluding the seal-off), though I have not taken the actual measurement at site. Any potential t:;,: g:Jslcomlng out of the condUits will be diSSipated in the atmosphere. Based on this approach, we understand that seak7ff ::/, . is not required. ThiS method of Installation was approved by AHJ In prevIous projects c, .. , ~: '~" Thetefore, we request you to review the matter, and waive the requirement for seal-off. l.... ' .... ;a':l -: rf y:l:IU need additionallnformatton, please feel free to contact me at Asinha@Elconassoc.com or by phone at (503) i~l'"',.',~2490. .... ." ~', , ';_, Thanking you ,. /:- '~ .;r ^' \' 1"lrilitSlnha, PE ~,"'t',- ~rincipal Electncal Engineer ".: ' El$l Associates, Inc : , ':. ~5U3) 644-2490 x103 J./ ~-' ~ ' - ," " .' ~ i 'N". -m II ~ .W J e' ~ '~ " "J',,' JA$P~ MEAOOW JASPER M~W NFPA 820 table 2-2 ~;., "NfpA 820 FIG A-2..12 PUMP WElWELL line l1.pdf. ...ty' " , DSCN2231.JPG (879 KB) ,,' ,. :r .'1 ~,'~ '} ~.s,.... r;,' I,. j, ~~ , .' " :, " : e' , , ~ , ,,- ." , ~.... ' 1 ~ --, . " , -, ~' ,I ,,:~~ ,', .' " I) ~ ~' :' '. ~ ',' ~ - , , " " _.J " .!., \~.. '. , , ~ l '1 , , '~ .. } , " " . '- "I >~ , , ::: ~ .. ',.... ~~ ~ ' '( , , ~{ ,," , " ., " t, ~ ,~ !,~ ,. '.. ~ I' " , " " .' ! ,; 'v ,. ';> i"' " '," -I ~ ..~, " ., , ;',- ~ . il::" : " ," . , '~ ~ .).' ~'ot f ,.( ~ , !' 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Fax. 503-644-2911 Mar 25 200B 11:0Bam P003/006 OOl.L.tCTt<>>l ~ c u F l!V~ aDd Location and E:qdosioa Fua.ctioa Hazard INDMDUALRES[- NA DENTIAL PU M.P- DfG UNITS ~pint uniu servo -9 ing one Ul not mo~ tban fM: dwell. ings <e.g.. gz:inder pumps, sr::ptic tank. eftIufmpumps, ejec;- ~f p~u~ps) a JESmiNTJAL Possible ipi. 10 b SEWER lion of flam ma. ~m- :nmporting b1e ~~ and primarily rdide;nual flQaIUJI flam. wasle\\'a!er mable iquids a BESIDENTIAL Poufulc 19ni-- WASTEWATER non of flamma- b l'1)MPINO STA.. b~~:and 11 nON WET 'WELL ooann, flam- PlJntpmg stati~ mable 'quid~ tr.Jn$portmg poma- rily residen6;il W3ll1.Cl- l\'3til:r a RESIDENTIAL Buildup of b WASTEWATER vapors frolJ] ~INGSTA. fbimtnable or nON DRYWEU. combuslibJe 12 ~ry 5ide of a pump- Jiqt.tida mg _don tI:lUl.5pOn. ing'J,nmarilY 1'e6' enuaf ~te\\':iI- ter OUTfALL SEWElt NA 13 Fmal discbatge pipe from a treatment p1a.nl. tnmlWning 1reated wasteWater E JtlEC.Area ElemiC!8l btent of CIassifit;aDou Veolilad.on a..Bed Area (AU Class I. Gr'oup D) Ma1erial of C,,",,,,,, tc:tlon fOJ: BuikIiDg5 or Structunl!: NR NNV Within enclosed space Unclassified 8!8-11 c Fire Prot.ecdeo Measufts NR. NNV Wl1hin Dj~.cn 2 In lKXordance NR enclosed space with 6-3.1 B Un cl:il$&ified A En ure room DivWon 2 Ne, LC. or t.FS ooD B 0, space UncJaziljed o c DiYi.!ion 2 NC, LC, or US Entire room or ~ace Unclassified NNV Unclas.si6ed NR NA l40tc 'the NR designation in OOlumD Cl~~tes t;bat. DO ~ntJ1ation n:quin:1lI1:l115 om: e:sf.\1bIUlJed Iior the ~(: ~ncl. th~ Tabl~ '(-S,1 lJl;o bas no t'p:J1,Ii1'l!lDCJlls. 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FWKI'eD \\lIH MIll 81 (ilIEl' _Ill 0lllCt, \\lIH BIOI 11M!\. @ _ snm. _Ell I'l) H 14'11 .,... ,"" H<lL .UIIG1: oat WCU,"", 111 _AND.. MIlK PGL'l\ I," " , . EIWII.\. \IIII1L <D l'llIl'.lDIi \\1lE aJNP 1"IPE 1E~lt.1IL &lIUM' FDR IIBRI" ecNIllCIMl'lilI $tIIo Ur<. -.10-'- - ..-. CD PIICMDE _ a.oIA' 1'II'E YeRllfML DLllCH" ~ - ,aa-I''''''''' - fWlOI. o _ .- _ JlH &>.II RI3 SECuRE 1'0 lMCK f'NI1, _lit - o _ I'IIBI.IC1M .- lBlJlEII 1'0 $.IPPOIIT SSlIur ...,mw.. f\NIDIlO ~:=: ~,r.:?:'~~' I" ~ '1ft llIII.lI'.ll1l> o PIICMDE 2 '/2" ~_1mI s:tI!IllIlE I<> PIPE let' l.Cfl(l """ CPI)l ElfJ GOLD CI'lL~1ZE .-............:.... 1tIEN)S. o PlIlN1lE lW.'WIlIIl) SUPPDR! 5IINT ,\lID PI?!: .- <!) 03CRINm: W_ ~CUOIl~ !lRl:OOH 'MTH - P""," 18 IISIoIlJ.(IMtl @ U1Il1i1E B~ I;/." (Jjf Pa.E HEN! tDP Ilf PU.E T1I AIJJJI N:CE5S FlMW nIP 1111' WNNI"E IWlIWED _" IIIWlIID MI1l 00 ,(.- STM~' S:_ ,lIID _1IllI @ =~IrCII~~.="'::' '=IJlPlllL @ MWL DMlE<l PJlII'llIlHIJ> cQIolC Q>IU. @ ::a=P1JIO'ClI8~~ ~~~ UDDRII/Io\TC.... @ PIIll\IIlEP,I'\!lIIIIJ!CCNMlLOEPllTMUCllITpCllEEl\lIE T1lIMCMUIIl\T POI.E ro B! LCIoIIEflED @ DOCRI""UOU8lfl'POIELCIIofllIIIll C1REClIlJl\\l1H ~ .PII.atl~ aaCON~~.lNO. ~IIIIII DlIl= RIftIi JASPER MEADOWS IMPROVEMENTS JASf'Sl; MEADOWS pUMP STATION aETAlL90-' J"'~ ,,,=,-~; " -~..:: .... .,. ~_..."" .. ...~... ........ ~: ,...._ ::-:,.r; -~"t~ .:":.. i;;J~ 'l'it.':t<l", .:J... ~:,"' i'-" .- -" .. ..........1...: '::","~ ......:.. :....~. :".:_h.-;'; 1"1 ID .. . I: m r- n o :z: ::I> en en o n ::I> -l m '!'l :z: n I 1""T1 i~ I, U"1 .0 '... I 0) j:>. j:>. , ...... ~ ...... 2 :a= 1>1 -, ...... LJ'1 ...... o o = ...- IMP-U1-GI-cn ......1811181 - ...... ...... E12 o = ~ .~ o U"1 ^ ...... o o 0) ..~- -"' ..........'1.. ~ ..,'.. 'f"- . .. , , ..: ~: . c: , ., /' " " " ~~ ~ \ /h ~ i~' " .... '.. '. ~ . " :\ ~- . /", I, . , '" ", ?, ~/) ~, ;, , ELCON ASSOCIATES. INC Fax. 503-644-2911 ) Wet well or basin "eo",,,,,.,,! NNV ~ ~:-{:);;~:,:;~~;;~~~ . -",.. -=( o Wet well or basin VentJ\aflOnA ~ OMSIQfl1 m Division 2 ~"""...~ APptl\.'D1X A. Mar 25 200B 11:0Bam P004/006 8%0-43 F"JgW'l! A-~%(c.) Wet:-UOl"bMjDlIC~~or ."",:.. cl~ tary.," , ..i ~ of Table 2-Z, wws 16 aad M. 3-fl (O.9-rn) radius s-n (1.5-m) radius from vent (DIY. 1) from vent (DiY. 2) J -.j31t!--- 1 (0.9 m) ~ " L- Wet we. or basin Ventilation A or NNV 1,511 (0.5 m) Wet well or basin VeotdatitJn e 3-11 (O,9-m) radiuS from wnt (Dill, 2) 3-ft (0 9-m) radIus from vent(DIY 1) '\ 30ft (0.9-m) envelope arr;IUnd opernng We! well or baslfl Venlilaljon A or NIIIV ~ Division 1 ~ Wet well or basin Venlllation B ~ Onri&ion 2 n UnclaSSllled PUkAP W(TWEL'L - ":'-\ --J-fjOY ~1R.. GAP E\2 1999 edkIon ~ ~:;: 'f; J/ i! ., J j ~ .j ~ ,l ~ ~ '~ .... , ~ . , , '< ., oJ '.~ ',;0: ., , J ,. , . - , r ., .( ~ ~' .~ /' s.~ " ) .' " J ,~ l-~ " , > ... :[1. " 1 .- f' .e' f'~~.:'.: .. ~~,'"j" ,~", 1~'!.vA':.:..;":':" ~~~:'::,;, ,:" ~ ;,' :,:, :.t.:Y"\':'; ,": l~.~ . ~,..:'.' ::..:, ~f {,\",. , ELCON ASSOCIATES. INC. Fax:503-G44-2911 Mar 25 2008 11:09am POOG/OOG :,:';':j~ ", ~ C EOAI<. =r SIR E E T ~C; ~ AvJ. rV~ \ '1l' t-l II " /I '7 ~-,;' C.<:~'iC",V'co;;> r- ..... . Q.. tJ ..... C'I) CD en V (Xl V ..... ~ Ln /65"7 1673 170""7 l7a3 1733 95"0 95' / l: ... :> l.. fll I: , 'S.J~..<(j"p c,lJI \ ~/ A~"r ~Pt..-G-C; ~~~..~O ___ iOc.5P'3I.!;:S [ _ _ _ ~"..C~ ~':....::..' '-- - .. - ..:: -- ~-: -=- -= =-- -::.0-:;;.,-- / ' '''''''SEll&';>, \ / '. 'h_P<lSE1l \ ) / ~,.. l\ ~DT 'I ~ .--, --- . --"':I>\II":t"'.,---~,'(,",'" / , ~ J/~--\/ ~5"1l #/,..,0 . 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