HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1981-4-2 . March 23. 19~ , lane county Re: Variance Application No. zv 81-73 (Applicant) John Akin (Address) 4982 Jasper Road, Spfld, OR 97477 (Map & Tax Lot) 18-02-05/201 .' The above referenced application to construct an addition to an existing house at a distance of 9' 'from the north property line in an AGT zone which requires a 15' side setback. has been: ., xx l approved with the stipulations and conditions stated below. I denied. The decision was based on the findings of this office (copy enclosed) in accordance with the provi s ions of Lane Code 15.900 (2). The deci s i on wi 11 become fi na I on 4/2/81 unless appealed to the appellate body (~~~~~~~~ (Hearings Official) on or before that date. An appeal may be filed by you, your : representative, or any other interested or affected person in accordance with the provi s ions of Lane Code 15.900(8) . * The appea lis to be fi I ed with thi s offi ce and nrust state how the decision is in error. If an appeal is filed, you and the adjacent property owners will be advi~ed of the date. time and place of the hearing before the appellate body. IF THIS APPLICATION HAS BEEN APPROVED owners to advise them of their appeal please contact this office. ,R;~~ a notice is being sent to adjacent property rights. For any questions on this matter Pete Watson, Planner Yf. * Your appeal must be accompanied by a~140.00 filing fee, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL None. LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION I COUfn HOUSE, PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING I 125 E. BTH AVENUE I EUGENE, OR 97401 I 150316874186 . ,-.. -.----- ~..- REPORT OF FINDINGS ~ Prepared B): Pete Watson Date: March 23, 1981 " Applicsnt: John Akin Journal Number: ZV 81-73 CXlNDITIONS I AND 2 BELOW HUST BE MET FOR A VARIANCE TO BE APPROVED. 1. CompLiance uith any ~ of the fonowing criteria: (a) That a strict or Literol interpretation and enforcement of the speoified requirement woutd result. in practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship and would be inconsistent with the objectives of this Chapter. The size, shape and topography of the lot would make it very difficult to expand the structure in any other direction. (b) That there are exceptional or extraordinary cimuIT/stances or conditions appLicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property which do not apply generally to other properties in the same zoning dis trict. (c) That strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation wouid deprive the applicant of privileges legalZy e~joyed by the OWnel~ of other properties classified in the same zoning d~strict. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the near vicinity. There are no structures close to the north property line on the neighboring lot; granting the variance would appear to have a negligible effect on neighboring properties or the public welfare. _._ .._~._____~. . _..~'-"'..'_~_'u. . March 23, 1981 " , lane county i Re: Variance Application No. ZV 81-73 (Applicant) John Akin (Address) 4982 Jasper Road, Spfld, OR 97477 (Map & Tax Lot) 18-02-05/201 The above referenced application to construct an addition to an existing house at a distance of 9' from the north property line in an AGT zone which requires a 15' side setback. has been approved for the property indicated above, subject to the conditions and stipulations listed below. This decision was based on the findings of this office (copy enclosed) in accordance with the provisions of Lane Code 15.900(2) According to our records, your property abuts the subject property. If, in your opinion, the granting of this variance adversely affects your property, you have the right to appeal this action to the appellate body~~~~~~~~~~~~) (Hearings Official). If not appealed on or before 4/2/81 the approval will become fi na 1 . An appeal may be filed by you, your representative, or any other interested or affected person in accordance with the provisions of Lane Code 15.900(8) .* The appeal is to be filed with this office and must state how the decision is in error. If an appeal is filed, you and other adjacent property owners will be advised of the date, time, and place of the hearing before the appellate body. If you have any questions on this matter please contact this office. ~~, Pete Watson, Planner * Your appeal must be accompan'ied by a$],40,.,oo_fil ing fee. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL None. LANE COUN., Y PLANNING DIVISION I CDUR1 HOUSE, PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING / 125 E. 81 H AVENUE / EUGENE, OR 97401 / 15031 68741HfJ AWI.lcAnDu 1'0&. .; VlaLVICS, TO LAIlB CODS ClIAPTD U, "1IltAIlS" 'rEit~' filing 'fee, uniess a ~tlon1ng 1s involved] Setback (front), U.070 Frontage, 15.115 ---Setback (interior),15.080 . ~Access ---Setback from Type D road, 15.075 Public Roads, 15.045 ---Dedication and Improvement ---Private Roads, 15.0Scr---- -Requirements, 15.105 Private Access Easeme~15.055~ ,I ,; k cnunty ~ APPROVAL OF BUILOING SITE Property abutting snd of road, 15.120 --- Facility Permit 0 Building Permit 0 Existing lot or parcel, 13.030(4). --- Building Permit , MODIFICATION OF LANE CODE CHAPTER 13, "LAND DIVISION" Roads, 13.055(15. ) ---Utility & Watercourse Easements, 13.060 ---Pedestrian & Blcy~ie Ways, 13.065 -Parcels bLots (unzoned areas). 13.070 --- Zoned area, LC 10. Preparation, Survey & Monumentatlon ---of Divisions, 13.100 ___Sewerage Facilities, 13.075_____ _Dangerous Areas, 13.085 Grading. Excavation & Clearing, 13.090 -Plan, Map & Plat Specifications, 13~105 ---Minor Partition Procedure, 13.125 ---Major Partitionl Procedure~ 13.130------ ---Major Partition Map Procedure. 13.135 ---Subdivision'Tentative Plan Procedure, 13.140 Water ,Supply, 13.080_____ --- 'PROPOSAL: '", lJ.P r ,;;',1 11""~&j ,....*"jJ nf' ?,C"~. _ .~ The provislon(s) checked above, if strictly or literally _enf~ced, w~ld cause unique and unnecessary hardship or practical difficulties because of--W"" -L.,. ,~-I-- H~ 'J'~. --=:;;,,-.,........Il~f"l~,1 ~ r1~A,-II;{J~rf\iA~ ~-'U' J a.t%f.AA..'w'0'. , .&Ln. ~ 1""-<'--" c-/J('~~4,~l -+';:;:.; ['?'"'~ -4J, l"" ~D.q ,,() 'n..o... lu:VQ In- 'Do;'!'" ~ n'A A (If'lld ( tA jiJ;'"...... . M 7-1\sr:fJo \,\,~_ ~:' ~<:"JIWj) f0'~kN,A)UN'" ,:~(.pJ;"x''''-''' >PCr.>~-J..,ln,. A}r ~/["A(~) The property, or the intended use thereof, is supject to exceptional circumstances or ~ conditions not generally applicable to othe~ properties in the same vicinit~, namely. l.,,,,,, \S' "- "") r s:,..{ 6,,r,fe &f \ 'r\t--l1. -".~, i "" .aC~'" ~ () Attached an(~Pies of a site plan ~h~~p,~i~~ers~ons. points of ingress and egress, existing a~ed buildings and indication of re, and road or easement locations. () Legal- description of the subject prope~ty. \.... ~ ASSESSOR'S MAP AND TAX LOTS t p") , () ~ ,C\S, ,~l.'\ \ TOTAL AREA ;)/~ Ct,- ~ PRESENT USE OF PROPER1Y\f'~"",~ ,,-z._~.; \.,~, -<'-.",_ \l ZONING().('~" PROPOSED USE C\AA.- -..\,: ~ ,---\-C'l ..' ~".'\'': ~(' ,'~<. Applicuntis Signature ~ U ' . ::flli: i:-..:.....:o<.. Phone 72.G --coS'"Z-(o Ad.dress: ~:;z.(:;ylI:S~l2.,--~.,:~ :' Citv s;-~_ ZIP CODE: 974-7 { Legal Interest 1n this Property: LJA..~....l4~" u rr+- ~ . Owner's Name, if different from ab~ve: t,/",,.o,.1._.l'Ld (~ . I (i2r(1~ c...L1e-- ('" "Mdress' ~ ~"2- H~ t-..& J " 'City -S[l~ {IP CDQE 8:7.Lf'fF7 x' E:::,~ RECORD OF ACTION,: 'i ,; j , . Date Filed~,.....O-=--Rec'd. BY:~~APpea1 fMe(".. Action Taken:~~ ^, n 0-;:)-5?1~, Ac,luu'Taken; Hearing Date: Effective Date: Actfon Taken By: 'l! prp~~ ,0. 5.. 1. ! j i' '. 'Ap'p.li'~arlt': .. ! i i 'I',' ',01 jllll ! ti.-' , I :" 'i ~ j Address; Effective: :;)\/6\ ,,":\-~s Reference: (LANNING DIVI.SION I ENVIRO~MENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTM~NT I ,;25E~Tli:H .A~E; I EUGENE, OR 97401 I PHONE 15031 6874186 '-~,,",-eL~~Cf\kO -+0 ~~;9,~~ ~"--' ". i? ~ .. ~~. , , ',' Tk0 ""'-~ '" ,u\- 4.vJ.vt.Q,fu ~"f' '1k ~) ( ,\"J \5 ~~~ ~ ~&".t-,f","",+. 'rkl<f~~ ' c'J..Mv.- is ~~ ~ ~,~ O/'AJ ~ ~ ~ r ~-C.e.1 r< .J- ~~ ..-wJ '"J"'Abr Us lex, (fr/" fu 'rJ~J "'''''''' a-k.e ,/-;/. <Ie _. ",'~ "" i VL-, ~U ~t-~ r/ /k.. f;e~ drawk W JuI- ~ !1Wf) ~u. /Dck i-f ~ ~:- ~f. - " 7k de~Jll //k ~ (<; ~c-I '7;td ~. C{d2~ ~~ is U<<f7ld.dLJ ~ ~ IJ -Q.-t!, " ? ,. ,. c! 1tt-tA' .t?t::-02r;-Q;;r ~ Gt,cV"-6' ( rJe . ? ~ ~f; 0/.- 't7,,- JttJ~Vt-. 't<1 c/b. ok -- ~ !! r .J /UCZ; ~-'L9- .' TRS. TT I,P _'n2 - 19"') 'Plot Plan Subdivision LotOO?h\ . Block 2.01 401=>2' JA SPE:R- RO." -SPRINGAtE::LP I oR Permit (} For Permit (} For Permit 0 For Job Location Permit (} Permit 0 Permit d (Address) For For For , ';0 \0\ ;;IS 4'- -~ . '.... }- t. '.>L~i~~~~ +- . ',,::f~,~' Vicinity Map' . .. t_ \.~ 400" . 'Q..V .'- . ~ I I I / . " q"'o'" .. , ~ !3. S. .~,~ 0 , ., -+', c' .~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ 0., &<( .' , 10 ' ...... ..~ ,~ .. , :ii' 11 I /~ ,..'. , " .~.... .: , I LORRAINE RICO 1 l.qge2"'''FE~ RO. -,11'2>1 IScALe.'I'f,-101 I I 2/28 /8r"~ I rl"<:"p..~"'(4 lily Joh.l Ab..) I 8 , ^ .' " , I EASE (V/(i NT . ((.:;: "''': U"S:dC ",r EA<E.':"ur- =::;;;:",y) , " , : ,,"' -------- r- - \: .' ,:/::,"t):~;; Field Check Date MOv-., ~lgF<( Plilnner ~ ~ File tlumberZV f(-7 3 tl~ Applicant Map & Tax Lot Addres'S' '.', Description of property: Structures, tCITiJin etc. Also sliovl structures on adjacent properti es if pertinent (setback viJri iJnce). '1--0 'J~ J-n ~ ~~r ( {a-u . n.~::: '. <:~..:;::{~?;':' .:'; h-o -0 ..'; .~:. "'.,,' . ;: 0:' ::..~ ; -; '. . ~ :..::....~..t.:: ::. Comments: ~.;,Jt""1~""'~"),7~,~'j'"'"r'''''..,,~....~\'lt'P1''''''''~''' ,"">._'V""'__' ~ -...... .,-. , ~: '", '. .....: . ..,' " . . ,,'\ ' ,- ,.....;... _ :';,:,_":~<:,:",,,,..";',w'~.I':...,.!_. ," CERTIFICATION OF MAILING THIS IS TO CERTIFY that L Jana Johnson served notice of the administrative decision made in the matter of a Zone Variance initiated by John Akin: Zv8l~73 by mailing a copy of the attached letter to each of the persons listed in the attached sheet, who appear as record owners of real property that are within 300 feet of the subject property in the said letter, by placing in sealed envelopes'addressed to each of said persons the above-mentioned letter, and delivering said envelopes to the duly authorized postal agent for the Lane County Courthouse on this 24th , 19 81 day of March ~JAa. -~ \J (j SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Oregon, this 24th day of March ; 19 81 , '1 Q ic-- ..) to \ "/':J ~ . c: ,~_. ,'~(? \N\~.- (~ MY COMM:fustON EXPIRES: ',;.' 1/2/84 -: , ,.... , , .~ 1-." . , . ... -~. .~ -.,. ._~ . . '1'1'; 1 'I' 11.1 ~s-;'''*';i''''':i;:' ;~""""""'!il'~:' ~{~rr~~~1~~ r~' 'il~ttfl~ .................':'.'::';m;;. ;~..L..~_._-.:.....~. I ,~ - ~ AKIN: ZV 814 . ,,', ,." o'~ Ll"..I. ,'" "....", '. "!~,..~....._ ._. .,".:._,..,... '._,,'.' ',. "... .,.,.",,~ ,!~Mm~m[~![hli!i!~!~ml(!IW!J!!lim1Wl!!mt~;~!f~~1tfrrl!m!I"~Uf~ ,~.-:...o{~~._.................,....-..........J.,...........t:."'...........lf:...........,;r:.I~it!(2t~~. ;": :~*::::~~:::::::;~;l;i.ii~~;j;i:m;i~:iw.;~;:.::::~;.;i..~~ill1tii?~:~::::::::::;.!:i::..:;:~ 1 'J - . . ,",, , . ," ...-r:.. I~_ I "L'_' / ~-_._-._. .' "'~. -.... "_" "_ I L I I, 1'......_ William J. Jr. & CP Janecek Box 330 Spfld, OR 97477 /- \. .' Marion & Nancy Mooney 4855 Jasper Road Spfld, OR 97477 ~j~t~iiEiIf:~~i!!~)i~il.~~i~)ii1!1iif:i~i~1"!i!:I~i~;;;i,~:~~!~~~1~~~I~i;!t!.~;1;~fi;~ .:.-:.:.:":~:~.s.~::.~..;.~=--....:.~.:tii!tif:.:~:.~~.:.~~~~m~.,.:~;.i-.:.~.~m);.~~:.:. 1~~~~j~1f~~~~~lmm1~IWill!lli!I~~!~r~i~J~~~.;~~it1i~tifllifillill~! , ~':"....J.i::::l-=-~'l. ,. ';''.o'~'''f~'!t~'ft._.,..~ ...;,;, ,'..::..>l,'!iI.eJi".''''_'.......~n.l...'::iW8I..-....-~-... . . . I' - . . ", " " 11::lmHW!11WWI~[~1' ......~..,......::C~. [\;~01~rtR~~;f , John Akin 4982 Jasper'Road Spfld; OR 97477 -. , ~'.II~~1~lff~,~;;.11}1 . \ I . .~ :~',".,.:':;;71~iM ";"');liii1fi~~'1!!i _~~filifir.i!l .~..~.~~~..,~...~~ f~':':.- :~r _.::.... : . ", . \ , ,.. - - .. -' - . _. - 1~""'t_.t'II''''''1J01 11'~I"ql,!o." 11""'''!'I,t'' 1,,1. :J~~' . I I.'" Iti;&;~~ ~;~. .~I~~:;~~:~~~~~=iJ~~;~~~~~~~~i~p~~F~~~~~z ~ ~~;:E;;~~....~s:,...;:.:.:~~..::.c.~Im...~~.,.:C.;a;;::.':~~ . i!~~::;!:~;~_:i':~~;:;ijR~~~!m~W!mmfl~~~t~~iltfiHl1fflm~~J~I. ......~ .._ . : " ,. . ~ _ '. 1. Jr ',k! -.RQ' ~~".- ",1111 .1: I . I_I ,j. , " . - H.'C ..- .1 I ";1:1il. ,,:'" . ' !i~" .--:. __. . . . .. .. .. ....... ~l.~' :J ~'fii";~'~Hit i~ ;~fj::"='"'~p:::i!f1i:::::..r:~:5w;iri.n 'r.J1t ~r;!~:":!l!!:l'~'t:'::' i::~ i ~1~:r:~:.:::~::~'!;~:~~:~~":'~l:~.::;':'-:~~~:.:.::;::.;;r!:~~-::~'*~.~:.~i~.:~.;!?~~~t::! :!:!!,::~::~;.\~!);.: ~~{~1~1~~h~~\~~;t~~!i!~~~r:l~i~wl\~lm~f.mr.~~~t~~1[~5{~1~~wll~~'~m~III~.ilj.._.'1 .-- 'I j I' 1I""~I"I~I' . .,~'.(I'"j',.,~',I.". -""'''II'''~','' . 1'.1' : ,- , ~.iII{_.tIl::... , . . I.. . . . . . 111~t~~1~1~r.~~I~ffi~111~JI~~~~~I~~m[~I~tilltll.~~IIi,~ilitl~,11 . 4 . IN RE MATTER OF: JOHN Ai:::-! "-J (e,. 02 -05 1t 261 I~. 02.05 -IF-- ,() 0 I D I 200 306 301 2e~ M14-01 , JOURNAL NO, 2 \I e/-1 '3 Assessor's Map and Tax Lot Numbers , (J.lm~.~ <l-(\.D ('=&~\ ~-< ~~If) \~ b"..n ~ ""\~D , - \ ~'^^ ' ~~;"" .. >-".., "(,~,, cr'l~" '(t\"^ ,?A \ ?f ' ~ () \Q '.., \L\"~"" CCr'l 0 ^ ci""J \ s-...\, I I I I -1- , I I I , I I I I