HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1992-3-2 '?'"" - .. 0, " . . " SPRINGFIEL.D 225 ,=!.=-;-;' S:-:,=';'== SP.r1iNG,=I=~D. 0.= -;;7:.7 (SC~,J f~-5.:75 March 2, 1992 ~ Ms. Elsie Butterfield 4637 Jasper Road Springfield, OR' 97478 RE: Lane County Permit #283-90 Temporary Mobile Home Ms. Butterfield: Ve received a copy of your renewal request from the County regarding the above permit. Your property is not ...ithin Lane County's jurisdiction, it is in the Urban Gro\Jth Area of the City of Springfield and subject to City regulations. You do not need to rene... your permit vith Lane County. ~e do not have a permit process for temporary mobile home placement other than emergency medical hardships. Because you have had an approval for this use from Lane County since January, 1990, ve .ill consider your case to be a pre-existing, non-conforming use. _hat this means is that as long as you are the occupant of the mobile home, the mobile home may remain. If you vacate the mobile home for any reason, then the mobile home must be removed from the property. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 726-3759. Thank you for your application, letter and patience vith regards to this matter. Cordially, ~e2J'VL\l? ' lV\ ,;ct- GregOl:~ ~ 110 t t Planni~anager cc: Kenneth and Jean Voolery 4637 Jasper ?,oad Springfield, (lR 97478 ...-. Iila.O" .../'\.11:../. 3 ~n~. ~~l!1!;;Ii,t~~W!t~~fA~~~ I '." v"",,, .a(~/:im' I '~0"'''~~~ J ~ c - ~ 0-LtUv J1lJu. &~ . l~~~~~ ~ ~<L j(~ if'. ~ ~ J. -0vL' ..A.<J PtA ~ --nt::1J~,J. ~ air ;b f"1J' (f~ ~~ ~ ',. F, "--'f~ ~ -UJ ~t::: ~~ r~-~ h" < &- h, ,tld., ~ a1d. ~ ~~~~f2,' ~ ~ :1JrSh,2~____ ___ . ~~ M ~~O,OJ_~,d"h ~.lflAJ- .7YL~ ~, Q,..-/'LL. ~.c:~...:_.;_ ~~~. . '..:..',...,};':'.;.;....: :'->1'/1-, ~Oj~~' ~jlfJ1~!f4;i~.~~:i_h " ~.... - -~.~,_8Z):i!..::..j;:'-5.. ,:~. :. ___ , '1 _ \\ ~ ' .':' :. ;. :..Y:+ /J,~(L""~'f;':~~~: - : J..:~' '.; ~: " ",.,._...',..."._.~.:_,~,... .- '.. ~;_.~'::"':"'. -, '...... h . , .:'. i~ ~~dlJe'~,"-~", c.::;t?~i\,.:l;lA\;~;~::~.).;:p>T$>~ ~TI;G:~.:;~~,-:~:..:tI(l. ., '~,;,:;,Ci", J;'~;rJ ,,'};',~ ;i, l7,f~~~$ih"fi, II;;:::":.- ~- '-,. '.~t .F .:;'; '. .:?',: i' --. - :::~:.:: ..:}.'::~:.;::':~-:;'~~7J:~- "- i..:, '~;~:;;~~~~~~t~}f;~~~:~,:i;i\,/,~.. ,,"-'~_'_"h .. 4.~:....>.........:...i-"_--:...._...~.-..:.._.~.. (I. ~~-'A'(" ~'" ~: ,: "--:..,..." - .,c'" ,.' ,,:.";.'~f.,:-::..r.:-T;.'-- h__"r~~___ - "... . c,' .' .~tJ t.l,1i.'t '~~ ..r., ~ ',' " "~'. ' , ., ;'-'~' ::, .!.'~ ~;:' ::~.~" :. "~._- "~ .~" "r '...'f...,', <.of:, " , I..... . .-11 d..d.-:jc~:O.cr;,.~~~)/)...-~ C~~___'h" . -c/" . ..':' ,~,-.-~-'ti~~~1,~~ ' "' ---..;Z..... h , ,.~. ,'. . ._~.~.:<' .' ':. ':'>.#0;; '--" . .. -,:.. -'---&.;-0 .._;:,...::t:->~.\X~.~.-~,:" ---=--~,.".._' , ~'e' to" -/ ~:";'~h:~C-""':""'_ ";-'..~~.'0~.-. '~~:" €:,..A.'-<'/;_:':_~' _ __'_. m,., N . ^ -" -". '. , .,' '. \ '.. . ~"2: .:~~,~ '" . '_::.~', ':.-'. ~.: ." .;. . ':. . ~S -_'-V'h'~_- '- . h~~h_h'_"_'____-'--__ - h"_~_~ _.. _hh _.. .. ____h'_h J~ft1: ',;-~~i~ ,jl~;3t~ :,;:,:>,.:. ,\~;, :~~.~~"~~---:. . .. ~~~;:.~::tr ~ '::'.. .:~ -~~~,:~;._-_.. .' ,," .. ,~d ,~'-O. '.. ., , ~ - ,: I". j, , ''-' Renewal ( .~ ~ TOWH$HIl' 18' LOCATION ADOftUa- t~"""'l""" u~,.. 'c.' 4637 Jasp'er Rd ~ '" 'Springfield -.TRU(;TUlllia HOW' ON 0'W0i~-;-; Ex1sting:.,MH, ;,TMR PIloPOSED W.'fl~.RYIICoIW.~, :--!'ltC.);.WATEJI.-TALL.UJ ", "Resi'dent,1al"", ;"',;:',-c..",;.,.,,,,~,;, ,;';,,' -\. "iiiCllImotlIOPJIROf'OHDWUolI.:... , '." :'i"'l'MH' Reneval;',of/3237::'8,8 -r;lUllicnQQ TO 1ilI"... '1lOII COVRTNO\QI.J...... _....~ . . ," , '. . _ . . '.' 42nd. 'St' .~'; to';'J:ii"'s'~e'r'" Rd'f;"'p'a'st''':ctearwater' Lane ~;,~f,' ,.,,,;.l,;:j,,!,,;:<():'f'.',:r;.?";~ i'),~;;.'li;, (; ,Fi0';'.1,'i~~;",. ~~.:.; ,~;.~~~~~1:~~~.~~i;K~~~~}~~f~~1r;,j~~_~~'~~~ ~.~.;~~.~;~ ~~;:~:~.:,~; -: '~:~~'"~,:' '. ',. ...: ..,...~r :.~:.:::~:~..~~..~ .:.~:{ f:~t.~~ 1;:;~i~;~:I.~~~~~;~:~~~~~ ~.~\~:~tC:~ ;~~:. ~1:\:;:::~. ~ . ....... "'02, '...,,"'" 05 . ~ . I/4HCTKlH ;1.3 TAX LOT 3700 97478 .u.IltYI&lOHIP""TlnoN, '" ..- .LOTI"~,,":OCk ,:.,- ';,-l. ..)~;Wl'.l ,,"~f1,-,'~ ~l ~:>(' , " "",.' S ~1."!: ~1.;1:.~r . ,:,;"....:...,.. -.:< . 110.. ClI"ilTDllZES . NO. a: ~.':: ;:~~~ :<~~;~.~~~~~.::.~;.~!: .~~~.~ ;..:,~'~; . ~.. . .~ . .< ...'. "., ;.Jr.. IIIO.~KDR~ .."" ',' . '''V :' ~'7 ,... . :~~~' ~ <'"i1>l :..' .' ;' '. ':'::~~=~.~{{~~~~:;;4r:::!i::~ {r.} ~:~~~~::~;;.tj ~:~~:~;;~~~:0' ~fi~~';~ , ,;SP~ i ngf i ~ ld ;;;;',9'i4:7.8 ';;ioit.~~irl~;;;~~ :;~~l~~ ~~,;i;,:.i~ti;:~,~) ADDJlE'SlI"'''''~ ,"'" .-.,,/ ~i....~~:t-t~:~l.",'">","'\"~"~'''''.';!.i:~q'T''<~ .~..In~' lj":;~ all, Informatlcin~ls;,ti'us/iind ;i:orisblq:; 'ntl'~',I.al:'~,~ ~1&~""',~~':""_"".:h",,~Jb..t,J,,)', " ~. J,-. ", I".:. ,~. ~ ~'l, . , '.' ~ , )' ......... .it: '.;," '.',,' ,...,'-..:, " , \ .' -~ " ~', :' . .... ~ .....- . :'"::J.-, '. ?~~~, :.