HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-10-24 . ,..--_..~ , JOB ADDRESS: POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE 35. Kathleen Court" Springfield, Oregon CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # 3238-78 TRS, TL: 17-o3-22-'kl # 200 Subdivision: NA This permit for the referenced property is hereby a 'd Setbacks and~ther conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provfsfon"s'oi Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS # Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: Clark R. Ball, 35 Kathleen Court Springfield, Oregon 97477 ' 88IIIe Christensen Construction, 53205 ~,.J{-"ie Hwy Blue River, Oregon 22150 Total Construction Va ue: $1500.00 Construction approved by this permit: . Water Supply: PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Zoning: Partitioning # Parcel # Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: ua ; interior property lines: ua ;rear property line: Special Instructions: 2nd level / For information call 687,4394, Donna Lee Meigs Site Inspection # ua I nstallation specifications: ua lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: Special I nstructions: NONE / / / / tIS Setbacks Septic Tank lerior property lines ' 10' e of road right,of,way 10' uilding foundation 5' Wells, other water sources 50' CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: Date Issued: C5S-13 746-7774. / 822-3409 NA Remodel Boof Structures now on Propertyl house, carport to be tal't$ dpwm & rebuUt / # Bedrooms: nA # Plumbing Fixtures: # Employees: 1U na ua ua ua ua Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, ua ua ua gal. min. septic tank capacity; Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' ~ For information call ua between 8:00 ' 9:00 a,m., ua Type of Construction: s-N In1tructions: See reverse / - / Group: R-3 Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification: side of permit for called inspections. sm For plans information call 687-3767 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., .Jim Lamb For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687,4065 between 8:00 a.m, and 5:00 p.m. NONE / 10-24-78 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH A~ENUE. EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: .Jim Lamb/ly bne county (a\ " rI fiLL . Application ./1 ~ 38 -78 for S-J tf-;3 :3 5r:o . " 'Phnn,:ll \. Construction Permits & Inspection WORK SHEET Type of Construction Group Fire Zone Use Classification '1'0 RF 'I'VPFn ON PFllMT'I'. Date //J - 2--3 - '7 l? 74-164 QA'_~~~ 1/ ~~;ture ~ )) ~5 j;) r- J 11 1 ~ 6 ) / rr') L__ 15: 1- lCI~ co.rty ~ , ~ APPLICATION . "'LlCAJlT ~1(L(k .. A/.L 'HON' '7 </1" - '77 7 it. ''''''''__,3S' ~ ,eM. r+. _,cH'~.!.;,~r;dLIIP f7 </'17-._ ~1I (lr DIHUlNt) "Am P 'IIPNr. ::::o~.=d.;,d <>..Ms.,S':""'~'::~~<f~L"\""'- ___CIt, "~-;')~;-~'n,- ~~Cl "t (. :'j ..""" ~\.il:>s- M~7'~ ~J~~13l~~TlACTO"SOl1,STA1'LlC~' ~~~~{"\ o MAIl. COliJ'I.r:n:1J nlMIT TO "'''LI('.ANT/OWHfIt/W~T)dl'T'I. (ClleU (INl)~ Pu'u. TO 'In l:'. CAl~ ~ -:z.....~9 .. ...."', us< 0' ..o,un l,,,~"n"'l; I,.. of h~l..; '0_"1., " "'~"l.l; "m." '''.) .e ,,-~uct ,;" _.._,...____,__..__ JI=UCTU"~.OW ~;f;Am~' ~"'CT+:"~O,~~~;_V\ e ). 1I0tloUn 'LA~S POI nus 'Rorun (THIS ArrLlCATlOR) Alt:_ - '''' S+" \ \ ~ ~ ~~o('-T- f~~\.\'\ [<t. rof'\-{-;.~ ~o.N\O ------.-----.. 4. Tl'TUIl rLAN$: ~. 'LDT PUJI. Sk.lch (a) .11 rON. (b) h\Hl1Jul... of rrnl,..rt)' (r) .1Ihtlnl/rr('l!,co,C'd blltllJ1nll (4) ..htlna' propel..d IW.,. dl.poul Itc!" (a) ul1tlna/prnpOU4 ".l1a (0 lallttnl/\'1llpClUd dllftv.,.. (Il...._nt. (h) dr'ln.,_.y., .tn.... e......... .n,. uthltr p.rtln.'H huur... If eo_rel.l or Ind....trhl. MOW lu..t,ndlnl .1,.,., plrkln. '"'1. INOlCAT! DIHlNSWN5. ~ '''I. I I;' U' J 'I 1'1 1'1" "i I "11~ 1~-Ci--iTt>f~:]J$< H, ~~;~ ~r1 : :r---- -]"-~ h_ "--~;~'p!-'-:(--(-\2 f* --'!:: ..' ,~- - - ~ -- . -;r-'.!- I, ; , I " "," I' "\ ,',' :,":~f(. '.,< ;-'r-llIT~~-:- "...:I...-I~"~: ..1.... I:', -H :,:, '\ I I' \. I'~\.. 1 . ..., ".. 'Ii '~!/': ~ ['Ii ~b~i~):l ~ d -H;-'IHH I; · C-j-rTH~:- 1'( ~~::c .!. !. . ..; I . '1'..'::\ ! ::.; :::: :::; i i ...L....L..",; :;;: :::::::: ., loaL I.OT Sllr. (11 ACRI.At;[__ "nULlO OJ 51:\"A<;[ rIISI'USA~ q'\ ,J rkHrOSl,U \JATrR,St'rpI.Y \Jtll' sr(\lHC STltr.A" tAU runIc: [1.r.r:nICIn F'UkNI5Hf.D n~(")} ':-.~._ - -. ""TI~kAl f;"5 BY fI" UIS"ICT~~ "-"-..- SI:WIOI. llJ:;tIICT . \r;\) \:=\.--__..____~___.__ !,. J"LUHltSr. IV sin Is'\rr.CTIOS TEsr Ikl:'f.~ Rf:AUY (DATl) ,1, " 'U, >I, 11, I), ..............................!'...... Of' NIH \o'lIlITE IU,{)W Tins LINt ............................... 'HOlt YOUIl "p'rL1CATIOS CAlli I[ PlOC[5S[O YOU 1"11'51 t'U"-~ISH: &1,.11 nOT P'I....UIS neAL DESC1IPTI0fiI .11IIHUlSlO'OU:O) - ...---.--.-----------. ----.-.-.... -..----.- ..-.-.-------.-.--.- n DAn LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ,~ I~Y/~ " II ~ ~ :; ~ " . " i ~ : ( ;\'; I;: ,~ V ~)5 ~~ ~.~ )..l ~: Q ~ I .t.. '- ~ I o ~ ~ (> I~ Ii 15 ~ ~ " " ~ i !l i " ;j . ~ j J LANE COUN_EPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT .c::;:;- 125 E~ 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON tJ) PLANNING DIVISION Current 'on1n9 ca. ' ,,~, ~ ~ Partltlonln9 . [Jpendinq [JCompleted Parcel No. ANAGEMENT 401 !, G:: ) ~ o f AVERAGE PROCESSING FEE ~r~ PartitionLna Reauired Other, $ 7 ~ER POLLUTION CONTROL Yev Site Inapectien(s) 5DS Construction [] New Number of Bedrooms. Commercial/Industrial - Othor $ . of SLte. o Repair $ $ . of Employeee $ o CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AND INSPECTION (See above for . of bedrooms/' ot employees) o "obU. Home $ o Permanent o Temporary o Renewal B ~. Sq. F'r"'-, '"" ,r>. .^ ,V ~r"'_~ FEE \~Q .\p0 , Valuation \~ $ s $ Total V51u~tion $ Plumbinq fixtures at $ Sewer/Water Conn. ~t ~ $ Each $ r.ach $ Subtotal .~o " \'~ ~[~lO lO ~Q.., $ $ $ $ t\ Stato Surcharge Plana Check. Fee Change of Occupancy TOTAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE $ MInimum structural setbacks: o o o ~ Exterior Side ./' From interior lot lin!;!.: Side /' Rear ~ [] Comm'l plane ~et to applicant [] Curb cut to applicant PUBLIC LANO~ Address )ii1f2nlmum Elevation PUBLIC WORKS ~.CllltY Permit From centerline of etreet; Front ENVIRON:"lf;NTAL HEALTH"""""'- v', s b~ $ r---J<:'" ~ \.'-' Ca.h______ Check . Rec'd TOTAl. AFFIDAVIT. If this permit ie for an agricultural building, I hereby declare that this building will be used for agricultural purposes as allowed by zoning and/~r the State Building Code, and for no other purpose. I further certify that the statements and other information submitted on this application are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: ~~~ ~~~ecord, contract purchaser: lessee: holder of an exclusive option to purChase"--1duIY~thorizea-to act for ill person wno-has the lOIlowing legal interest I ; or that the owner of record is kn ledgeable of this appllcatlon, 9~am not the owner. . further a ree to comply .th all p licable codes reletin, to thi\O ~mi t Date .l) Applicant's Signature ~ I THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT, AND PERMISSION TO BUILD, lOR INFORMAT~ABOUT THE PROGRESS OF YOUR PERMIT CONTROL, 687-4357 (687-HELP) c74-170 Address Minimum Elevation l!l" i:; .. ~ .. " ... :a o.i ~ ti: t'4 ~ g j~ D') ~~ ~) . E,li :J 3i o .. ~ I .. I; I lane CCX,Jnty ~