HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Temporary 1991-1-30 .'~ " ..-. . ......;. .,'; ,,,- :11'::": '.' . '., ", ,"'.F'\ . .,.' , " SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBUC WORKS METROPOUTAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT ,', 225 FIFTH STREET, ,SPRINGFIELD, OR 9747/' ".,.. ' , " ,'.' ,:(503)726;3~53i;;~;';.: . ,,' ..;;"~;0~~~,I.t,!',; ,,' .... . '. ..' :";'. ", <:' ....'. '. ..:' ,.'>">'. ....!:?:::'~' -, . .:'.... " : ':":':~.;':::. . '. . .:. '.. .... '.., .;..... '. " January 30, 1991 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Bob Shelby PO Box 73 Springfield, Oregon 97477. <;, .:. " ';:'. .. RE: Temporary Occupancy Dear Mr. Shelby: . .::'.. ," ........ "'.'. .,.~,'. - :;~: .'. . ,'." ..,' ".'. ~" ; , On January 29, 1991 a Temporary Occupancy was granted to you to OCCUpy the manufactured home at 5795 Kalmia Lane, Springfield, Oregon. As a 'condition of, the Temporary Occupancy, you are required to complete the following items no' later than March 1, 1991. ' 1. The ski rUng with the required ven ts mus t be ins talled. ' 2. Permanent steps with handrails need to be constructed. 'I have enclosed construction information for your reference. 3. The storm drains need to be installed and ,inspected. 4. Street address numbers need to be placed 'onthehoiite. ... 5. The street trees as noted on your plot plan need, to be'planted. 6. ' A final electrical and final building inspection for the garage need to be requested and approved. I ~ , An inspection will be conducted on March 4, 1991 to ensure compliance. If the items are not completed the Temporary Occupancy will'expire and legal actfon may be taken in order to ensure,compliance. ;', ~~~f;; ',""'.: " '.:1/',...1.' , ,...... ',' .."i;:. ,', ,,','r; . . ' '~ ,- (.. . ~ .;', ",' :'.'1 ':..~ ',',"'. ,;:,:..' :.,'.:,.-'..:, '.. "':'" ,,' 'J. . ~ J ". ,~,\t!-' -\~f ,,'r~ .~, :)I.'. -~ftr'i.t~~;.,:(;. '."(;",,",' 1:{..'r;I,'f"lf,',l,,'., '11\\\1~-I:rl;' :;~:)\;';:;~f}~:~,:l,:::;f,;~i~E~~~,::h~:~:jXX~~;\;';);:';\" 'r' "'~:': , "1). ",,,"',~I"~~.""'X'I""'l'~'l/" 0./_ \... "~"I.-:t'(... r", 't!J~ . . ) '-,\'~i' :,..',..' "t' C~.'I.;'~"~"':"'~ '.[.."\','....,~. '-l~:.l\o, ~i~' ,,," r \,.- (),!,~. '"-,, ';":' ..:;t:, ....,li '~' ?~"!:~r ;"t..:;.J"'~l.1'~lilti ~'V\. ,,,"n.' -if.t. r ~~!:-';\' ;~:" I' II '''', ":"'~,~~,;:--.';". >-"~'~~',~~.~.. ~':"': "',l..',.'..~:i.?"_:' ..:/I".r~;>~:':>,. If you have any, questions, please phone me at, 726-3790. incerely, : ~:.:~; ~~:'~:;.~':', " . :: ~, l' ," ,': ..,;':,: " " . . SENDER: Complete items 1 and 2 when additional services are desired. and complete items 3 and 4. Put your address in the "RETURN TO" Space on the reverse side. Failure to do this will prevent this cai'j from being retlJrned to you. The return receiot fee will p'rovide y,pu the name of the p'erson delivered to and the date of delivery. For additional tees the fOllOWing services are available. l,;onsult postmaster tor fees amrcneCk DOxIes! tor additional service(s) requested. 1. ~ Show to whom delivered. date, and addressee's address. (Extra charge) 3. Article Addressed to:"" ,)", ,~ Mr. Bob shelbJ ;~' P.O. Box 73 SpriQgfield, Oreogn 97477 IASfr ~' ,;1. /l r;;~ X 7. Date of Delivery /. 3/-7"/ PS Form 3811. ADr. 1989 .U.S.G.P.O.1989.238.815 2. 0 Restricted Delivery (Extra charge) 14. P'348 N14Ser 723 Type of Service: o Registered . [iJ Certified o Expres;' '1~ .. o insured o coo o Return Receipt for Merchandise Always obtain signature of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED. 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid) DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT UJIIITED STATES POSTA.L ~ERVIC .if w OFFICIAL.BUSINESS l.9 ..., ~ SENDER INSTRUCTIONS \' Print your neme, addre,e B.nd ZIP Code In the space below. a.. . Campl.teltams 1.2:3, and 4 on the raver... Attach to front of artk:la If'space permits. otherwise affix to back of artlcl.. Endor.. article "Return Receipt Requa.tad" adjacent to numbe", RETURN TO .. - .. ---.... - ... ---...---- .. --........-...- ---- --- - , U.S.MAIL , ~ .. PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 Print Sender's name, address. and ZIP Code in the space below. I .~nm\l.ftffltnlriim{l-rw(j)1XI1<!:@.l1l~ . ' ~:.J nF\lf1 OPMENT SERVICES 225 FIFTH STREET Sflf\\f~Gr::~Ur,--OI1 'J7-A;R . . 5795 Kalmia Lane Springfield, Oregon 97478-6985 February 23, 1991 Ms. Lisa Hopper Building Technician City of springfield Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Ms. Hopper: Reference is made to your letter of January 30, 1991, and our telephone conversation of February 4, 1991, regarding our Temporary Occupancy Permit at the above address. This is to request a 30 day time extension for the planting of the street trees (item number 5 of the listed conditions). Because of extremely wet soil conditions, Gooden-Harrison Construction Co. has been unable to finish the grading and back-filling on our lot. I am very reluctant to have the trees planted before the grading is completed and expose them to potential damage by the earth-moving equipment. Accordingly, a time extension on this item will be appreciated. Items 1 through 4 and item 6 have been completed 50 the dwelling ,is ready for the inspection on March 4, or at any other time. Also, please advise us as to when we may remove all of the inspection stickers from the dwelling. Robert "-' , . .. SPRINGFIELD . 225 FIFTH STREET ' ,SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477, (503)726-3753 . , ,,' '. January 30, 1991 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Bob Shelby PO Box 73 Springfield, Oregon 97477, RE: TemporaryOccupancy Dear Mr. Shelby: On January 29, 1991 a Temporary Occupancy was granted to you to occupy the manufactured home at 5795 Kalmia Lane, Springfield, Oregon. As a condition of the Temporary Occupancy, you are required to complete the following items no later than March 1, 1991. 1. The skirting with the required vents must be installed. ' 2. Permanent steps with handrails need to be constructed. I have enclosed construction information for your reference. 3. The storm drains need to be installed and inspected. 4. Street address numbers need to be placed on the'home. 5. The street trees as noted on your plot plan need to be planted. 6. ' A final electrical and final building inspection for the garage need to be 'reques ted and approved. An inspection will be conducted on March 4, 1991 ,fo ensure compliance. If the items are not completed the Temporary Occupancy will expire and legal action may be taken in order to ensure compliance. If you have any questions, please phone me at 726-3790. ~\:\N\\K)V ~ Lisa Hopper ' .~~ ~ Building Technician " .... .'1'.