HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 1998-12-11 ~~i' Ol:57P MOr'-r , ! Eng;neer;ng <tt 1 ) 484 - 6859 P.02 Jan--11-99 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE, O,"EGON 91401 PHONE (S4", 1 484.90BO' FAX (5,411484-6859 I D,,;cember 11, 1998 ~Tl=lUCTUnAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PilOT~(;"{ION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ~ORTIER I FNGTNFFRTNG, P_c. hd Ex Consll1lction Pt) Box 50021 h~(;fle, OR 97405 ~ , I TH:: LuL~~\~X. 1"'~iUJ...EJ.''t''n'' br.3 /<t~<f .>>-~4tJ C~.30 dMPCA-7J~-;-" l OILcJ.::nmpaction Test - W"O" #1 1 374-PSB . I 1\.; you requested, a compaction inspection of the gravel under lhe proposed foundation has heen perl(",mled on this site in preparation for the construction invoh'ing foundations for the propos("d rc:idcncc, The excavation involved thc placement of 3/4" minus crushed rock, The compacted " suerace (jf the c~ushed rock is adequate for a foundation bcaring capacity of 1000 psf The compaction of the gravel surface is grcatu than 95% ofa standard proctor, per ASTM D698-91. (S,:e attached data sheet)" I I T j,ope this report is adequate lor your needs and purposes at this time" Thank you fur this oppoltunity to beiofseniice" (fyou have tllJ1her qucstions. please do not hesitate lu contact me at 4x+-9080" I i Vuy truly yuurs'l I , I I . I O\'iCl1 Grover, PY" 01. Cijj h I EXPIRES: S,3(). 11 , ~nH';)I,o.:l'I~.J~"'I""I".;;td.] 11 'JiIi . ," "r-- ~ I 01:57pIMOr-'r I I Eng;neer;ng (_1 )484-6859 P.03 .Jan~11-'99 PO BOX 13" "2<; PEARl. STF1EET WGE"E, Oi'[GON 97440 I PHONE (50::) 0484.0080 . fAX (503) 494.6BS9 I I I I I , STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROr::C:i,:A4 CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHEC"uIG CONSTRUCTION INSPECTIClN 610R TIER ENGINEERING, P.c. FIELD UNIT WEIGHT - SAND CONE METHOD I I TES'l NUMBER: if; B I TEST LOCATION. ~ i UNIT WEIGHT OF SAND USED FOR TIiLS SAMPlE f, (sand) = 76 ,(( PC F Per ASTM D 1556 DATE or- TESl: :' '//18 :., I , J. b W,O,# -jl}' --' ' 14- TEST BY: I I I , VOLUME OF CON[ (V,) c I I I RHD TEST DATA , , 0.0389 ft^3 . Inllial Weight of Jar + Sand (W,) I . Weight of Jar -I, Sand after lest (W2) I Volume of halo. 'i!..\' W] . VI "- Vl I f. Weight of soil sample (W3) I I I Mol,st unit weight at soil fm = W,>- '" I V2 I Moisture contont of sempla, r W% = fweiaht molst1 - Iweleht drv\ X 100 I (waight dry) I IOtt.. IS,7?!J (,~ ' ., -.2 ':.1- I _J-r-j\.~ ; ,II /:/4_ I r' ' '"' ) l " . ) ':;1" () l!-;Z' '\....~._ ..) 0 _/ !- II. qo'j' I ~"'; , '1..'.. , c) ':>;; Lc, ( /0 , Dry!Unit Weight of Soli I'd I " --.l'm._ ~+ W% 100 /23 PeF t I I MOISTURE CONTENT I I I I Wet weight I I Dry ,weigh! walght of Jar 12-3 {/Cp ~ I,) '" net weight 1(:)'8 /() ( ,- /7 :::: , .::- _:11 '. ,~". "r'''_ ~ \"~' ~' , '~ '- ~:;'l~i~'1 , :'fJ illl1ffJ ~ · FACSMILE COVER SHEET Z- P ACE(S) TO FOLLO\V .\iOHTIEH [,'\'C1.\JEElUNG, Pc. o. ..~.t, r. ':.U;~.'~'I-'._::.~'I"f~~ :: ',-" ',:.6.. I:., ,'."' I .,~~..., I >- .... I III o .... " U1 o,J iJ :I o , r+ ~, ro ---- , 1 ; Date /!1/qCJ \V.O. # /!37~L Fax # Attn: ~~t} [Vt.Di)f.__E- C JJ:'J 0\,=. ~ft(!WG; P r~r....fj From fA ~"J\.. fSt\fl\l t\-f\(~-r--- : :;,9;1.{ - 359 S- n1 ~ <0 ~, ~ ro ro , r'vfessage _ ~' i i\T '...~ - l.ol~ ~ J-ES~I(^ -,..,,- r' -- _~~~M2j\-CT\1(\N '\ t: Sr -. ,... U1 j> .... ..... -. j>, (X) j> I 01 m'.H____',_, _._ (X) U1 III THANK YOU Should you expehence any difficulty with : transmission, Dle(lse C0i:",lCt 1.:5 at ,~~)j -(;()~(), ~ , .