HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-1-24 , L47'57DRESS I STREET PoQCl., STRCCTU~5 C~RREIn'LY 'G~ c: ~ fJXJ.~lff\q; (tarzG-.- :K1YU~~ ~IPTION OF P OS~:.:uebUl ~ '--OF EEDil-1S' ICJOF ~~to~s pOF :Q30YE S O(];di2G~X 'I 4757 cO(2;1~~ Q~ ~~~ CO~C"flKS OSR' I DIRECTIONS T51~ . '"j''c Q J I. li-l)1 ' I/.J de . t'lY1 LV:~ +0 1. ~ " LJL.4<L , jl4fYlL. tJrv ~ 1u.~ ~ fJb'Pd, Ao;;t: Opl~e~ h '1 u.1~ ~. . ~- J'.' .~-'.0. I II V, CAREFU EXAMINED 'rilE COMPLE . APPLICATION FO P.RMIT, and do h<':'H.'b:; r:crl:lr',~ O~ - -i~~ll~ and ~orn'~_ ,\Il\ t{nUPer ccrtif hat any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Or:dillilnc.:as of Lima Count:y - lid the !"r,~s of tl,,~ SU,te nf Qn''l~JIl r"~' l,1il1in'1 to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structur!l without the permission of tho Building DLvision. [furUl'"lJ: c('r~ify that registration with tIll.! Builder's Board is in full force and effect as. requir~d by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the b~sis for 8xcmpti~J/l is not"o hereon, and that only subcontract-ors an"d rlOyeeS who are in compliance. withlORS 70\OSS..will be.us~d on t~js p.ro~,. ....!:.':'IVE READ , Cll~~\) THIS APPLICATI~N THOROUGIlL:. L-wii.cY V ~~CJ.D.l-! +0 LL.UV U'"\ ~ .(LoYJl:CU...l..J I J) r::-. lere:ttU.Sl ~~ ~ ~ O'^"e, LJ".,iyv!a..." Ml4'~ 'x. ~Au-4.~' ~.r.n,J, , I;'oh~ Dconmc,o, NP.ME (pleasE.: print) ) ,SIGN;;tl;1RE - . D.;TE ~9Cllt , '. r\~ A.tt CON'siRUCTION/PLACEMENT . n~ tD/,..f PERMIT ~\Opp 11 D \.I / . \ ~ COMPLETE THIS BLOCK. PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND PRINT. TOI","HIP 15 J PANGE 02 I sEeTOS . l.:' 1,:2 {CO ~oiorC) SUBDIVISION/PARTITION (if applicable) r LOT/PARCEL I . I BLOCK .' ~. FOR OF?ICS USB O~LY Applicati)(l).i, Q"2 Permlt #L:..-,-() ) o Two Copi;S of Plans o Two Copies of Plot plans D!'lechanical Checklist. o Plumbing Chec}:list [JPlan Check Info Sheet ZIP PRoposeD us!:: or Pi\OPERTY ~Resi~ential [Jlndustrial o Commercial OPublic o PLANNING/ZONING: zonDqt 1-'artition # Parcel i:; Parcel SizE' Nirnmum Sct.bad;s: :>(Jf~'W'~ CL, si.de. interior 15 I" re<:lr 20' 1_, J ,comments,-!Vl1:0 Q?hYVlIt,llilL:.t lLifItiL" V2/31/'84 fry- (j/Y)i.tJ.) r 'UJillr.Cun (~; ~ ~?\r5i Date,~+1Q/'f<...=; <ID ff F~PLAIN: In flood hazard area? ~NO [)-ds, see attached sheet. Date, \ -'2-0 - e>'O ~L o RURAL ADDRESSING: GRID COORDINATE N E Date, 0 B""~~!J<:>N: S.1. B, p: # W73-f-C. Installation Record Issued?DYesDNo ." (J InSt~ Gallon Lineal Feet Maximum Depth Specifications: Tank of DrainfiQld of Trenche~~ comments:~/ ~ Phslt~. :yp,("/"A> / (' (er''''-''+ a.... ~LANS EXAMINATION: - Use M4+ Type Group Comments: SEE REVERSE SIDE OF PERMIT ~ND :'-:':'':.Qtl_'::U;:S r~~ ~~~::.\HA=Fte: REQUIREMENTS, ~, AUTHORIZED 'If THIS PElRMIT CONSTRUC'l'ION ~~~~t) ~~~ Fixed Fee/ Unit Cost "_,,,,1...11. ) Date, .1..<14 83 i ~ 'Date,~3 o 10,00 .") B ' ('rD 0Z.oo ~.0n JO ,(')() Floodplain Fee Subsurface Fees Building Fee Sewer/Storm Drain/Water Plumbing Fixtures Mechanical Plans Check Fee State Surcharge Sq. Ft. TOTAL FEE $ $ $ $ $ $ $~,~ $ $ . TOTAL VALUATION PlRMITS FOR ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL rE SECURED FROM THE STAtE OF OREGON, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, ELECTRICAL SECTION. FE2D BY: [j/check 0 Cash - By: ri1.n<lP, Date: y1CS/33 (,0' ORS 456:~ ~~E $ rkO PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING bFFICIAf/' .SIGNEE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUL~NING & C ~~UNITY DEVELOPMENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVEPUE, EUGENE, OPEGON 97401 SEE REVERS' FOR INSPECTION INFORMAT:ON . . . . SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION CALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST MUST BE GIVEN. Have the following information ready: Permit number, job address, type of inspection, when it will be ready, your name and phone number, and any spec,ia.l.direct.;ons" to site. . BUILDING DIVISION: REDUIRED lIISPECTlONS 1) FOUNDATION INSPECTION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the foundation . are delivered on the job. Where concrete from a central mixing plant (cormlonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. 2) CONCRETE SLAB OR UNDER-FLOOR INSPECTION: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor building service equipment, conduit, piping accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete is. poured or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor. 3) FRAMING & INSULATION INSPECTIONS: . To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and bracing are in place and all pipes, fireplaces and chimneys and vents are complete and all rough electrical and plumbing are approved. All wall insulation ~nd vapor barrier are in place. 4) LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in place but before any plastering is applied or before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished, 5) FINAL INSPECTION: To be made.after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. ~ NOTE: All building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: A. BLOCK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. B. WOOD STOVE: To be made after completion of masonrv (if applicable)' and when installation is comolete. Installation shall be in accordance with an approved nationally recognized testlng agency aud the manu- facturer's installation instructions. C. MOBILE HOME: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system for: setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connecti ons. . (1) Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer. (2) Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a floodplain management letter. . (3) Mobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspection within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. 0, SWIMMING POOL: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade when pool is installed. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF T~ PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION, "" ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT HIS OWN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE'SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (1) Permits shall ,be ef,fective for one year from the date of issuance, (2) Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued the permit holder shall notify.the Department by submitting the in~fal1ation record. form. The Department shall inspect the constructlOn to determine if it complies with .the' rules contained in this division. If the constructlon does comply ,"th such rules, the Department shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion. to the permit holder. If the construction does not comply with such rules, the Department shall notify the permit.holder and. shall require satisfactory completion before issuing the ~ertificate. Failure to 'meet the requirements for satisfactory completion ~ithin a reasonable time constitutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. Setbacks' - S~bsurrace Sewaae OisDosal From: Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources Seotic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' '- ~~'. ) :r I.j' ~ ,.7, .."'", ,".il'. :.' " . - ~" ; . , " --- ' . 6ne'counly - . CHECKLIST PLUMBING/ MECHANICAL APPLICANT INFORMATION: AAfJ.(' jJ 11 P 0 q" lNaffis/or FIrm-ple~ PrInt) PLUMBING CONTRAcrOR 0 Yes Firm Address l~BIllng AddreSS) o No o Self MEGlANICAL CONTRACTOR 0 Yes Firm Address o NoD Self Type of Fixture YLUMBING Number of Each Total Sink Lavatorv [Wash Basin) Tub (with or without shower) Shower, separate Water Closet [toilet/urinal) Dishwasher Disposer (garbage grInder) Washing Machine Water Heater Floor Drain Sewer--lst 50ft. each additional 100 ft. Water Service--lst 100 ft. each additional 100 ft. Storm and Rain Drain--lst 100 ft. each additional 100 ft. Special Waste Connection SewaQe and Sumo Pumo (eiectorJ ~bbiie Home Sewer and'Water Other (specify) SUB-TOTAL (Minimwn $10.00) I TOTAL FEE Type of Equipment MEGlANICAL Number of Each Mechanical Permit Base Fee Furnace UP to 100,000 BTU/H Furnace over 100.000 BTU/H Clothes Dryer Vent Bathroom Ventilation Fan & Duct Ran~e, Hood with Mechanical Exhaust Wood Stove Air Conditioner Only Heat Pumo Floor Furnace Gas Piping System 1 to 4 Outlets Per Outlet Other lspecify) SUB-TOTAL , '!DTAL FEE OFFICIAL USE ONLY Appl~./ ~5-E3 PermIt # lClty or Town) lZIP Code) Cant. OSR# Cont. OSR# Fee On Each $ 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 10,00 Fee on Each Total $ 10.00 $ 6.00 7.50 3.00 3.00 4. SO 6.00 6.60 6.00 6.00 .50 . . . . e ., d., e~ 1"- em , Ii e~ e: , , - e . . . l. ,. e e . . . \.\ I) e . e . e It" e . e e J ~ i.J . LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT ,~ 2383 DATE 01108. ! APPLICANT MACAULEY, LORETTA ADDR, 4757 JASPER RD.. SPFD., OREGON . TL~ 1802050002400 SUBDIV ' LOT BLK I eNEW BLDG TYPE MH USE R BDRMS 2 UNITS 001 STORIES 1 '~BLDGS 001 PHONE 746 4026. ( OWNER NMEMACAULEY, LORETTA ADDR 4757 JASPER RD.; SPFD.. OREGON ,.d ....,,!:.OD..E APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT . UNIT COST VALUATION, FEE DAYS.!'; ~r TEMP. MOBILE HOME - PLACEMENT l BP BF' ej3p 1 [,BP ...~H WMHF'L MECH '.SUR :'CK SDS , PCK .P SUR 47. 07. . < 1 62.50 . , 40.00 4.10 . 50.00 \, / 19.00 e 10.00 5.00 " LC 2383 TMH NO. FIXTURES: NO. CONNECTORS: MECHANICAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE PLAN CHECK 'FEE 15.00 EACH = SDSC e:ATG: l:,SEQU: eTAKEI'J 2 F'CK . 3 OTH ISS 4 TOTAL FEE** e 27' 190.60 CK . APP o BY CAD RA FP , 1 EST. SDS SI COMPLETION DATE . . . / (') JAMES A. MCHAk..~"~.D. PHYSICIAN 61 SURGEON PHONE 746-9605 311 MILL STREET SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 12-29-82 Lydia VanderWaal needs s~pervisional care for Diabetes Mellitus, Essential hypertension, ASHD and Congestive heart failure and needs mobile home permit for "liv~ on premise~ at Linda Macauley's. sry" re y, IA/~ Jam i A. McHan. M.D~ PLANN4IIt & COMMUNITY OEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY INFORMATION . SHEET ~i ~ COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! .~,~ ! 1 l."'rH~ Mrl,ICLI! ,~I ~ ~v-e..,'\ta_"'~!1~atJJ(,LI PERSON MAK1NG REQU,ST PROPERTY OWNER ~ LJ7S1 JM~ (\lrj . Ln~ ~b.,"..I1)~ f?(1 , MAILING ArfDRESS MAILIN~ ADDRESS ~eld flR. C(7Lf17 ~nM:fI'flrl 0R. a-rU1'1 "ClJY' . STATE ZIP CODE cm.J' sTATE Z~ BUSINESS TELEPHONE # /44,,- LJ(\?k HOME TELEPHONE # BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # 2.. PROPERTY ADDRESS. ~~, (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS) 3 MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (REQUIRED INFORMATION) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation or from tax statement) Ml)lall'(..~ 'l~ ~ oS" TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION 2.L{ '1ll/.0 f' k..ct: ""ocA TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTI ON 1'116; <..lod.v~ \ bd:~ TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTI ON fl\/Yt.o.L ~ OL4<:OAnr\-:- TAX LOT{S) OR PARCEL # ~G TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ,ZONING TAX LOT{S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP.: Y.O~ ACRES 4 SUBDIVISION (if applicable) LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) T 1.'llltU I)~ -I-r-, rlJ..h. t"l,.Wo./.lLd-<L...- _~M.& ) ,'",. o!'0 i:11"9"Lspot~MJ~ f\h) M. ) WlIl~V- ~t ' 'v jV\<::,hvo. !e..ny l..~{lJ'~ is -I'o1l/l'1i fLNlL ~I,., 'i<lcuh, . 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: ~ll1i, "'A. l{j~."<t-;", '~~_.-I.J..M.i-:1 jt. vu....1\~; -tuvIA /&I-!<VU ,1,,^~_Rd. ... 9tl ~~ ~ J-u... ~~. ~~' Y\'1.,-cLL.d.wz4 .~""A: r,:pA\ "p,jt. .r.;;-~~~. FO~'''r,::AFF ~ ~"':~ I ~;..,: &:ti N~~B;;" 'N.... ZONE/LAND USE: BY: DATE: DATE s~J- )MJ k}.a . -l '" V> -l r-: TIME IN: OUT: I, ~Ru;ldit'lg P..rmll-W~jlo "OI"c".-61....~ Counly 1IlJl-Pin~ O'/iCot-Conorv Olli(II'-(';"'"'' 1>/"'>1';"'0 CO"'!nl)~ion-Gold..n'oJ Yublle Worln-Bl.IlI APPLlCA~ FOR BUILDING PER.. Lane County, Oregon No. 2073 -66 Owner MACAUEL Y , Ha ro I d Moiling Address R t. Contractor Moiling Address Location of Proposed Building (and Posl Office), about side, green house with white barn 'Existing Structures on Property? yeslf so, describe: ; Does property have legal access? yes If so, describe: legal Description of Building Site - Metes and Bounds Box 354, Spfld. Phone 746-402 Phone on right hand mile past Mt. Vernon School dwelling, barn, garage Co. Road # 49 Twp. 18 Range 02 Sec. 5 Tax Lol NO.2400 Code 19-01 Size of Properly, Width Deplh Area Structure. to be built under this permit: Square Footage 3.87 acreS Type of Construction Bdrms. Valuation 'Addition to existing dwelling Living room and bedroom 540 @l $10. frame total 3 5,400. NO plumbinq 1 Proposed Waler Supply, Public Proposed Sewage Disposal, Public l Plumbing to be Installed by Owner ( ,FEES, 'Building . $'" 15.00 Septic Tonk Sanitary Ccnne~tions :' Spring , Septic Tank Plumber ( ) , Well, Drilled ex 1st S' Pit Privy Name of Plumber: ex is tl> Driven i Dug , Garbage Disposal Unit? none .. ~ ....,..... .., ., ...----,...-.-.., TOTAL $ 15.00 /s/ Mrs. HQrold Macauely Signature of Applicant Dale 10-20-66 COUNTY BUILDING & SANITATION SPECIFICATIONS SANITATION: Septic Tank: Minimum liquid Capacity with Distribution Box 900 Subsurface Disposal Field Required: 1 SO Un. Ft. Gals. rep 1 ace if needed 3ft. Widtn of Trench. or 450 Sq, Ft.- Maintain system. at least 50 ft. from any well with any part of sewage disposal See supplement. STRUCTURE, Zone AQjJdg. Setbacks, Front 45 Feel from Cenler of Road. Side, Inferior 5 feet; Exterior (if corner 101) 40 Feel from Cenler of Rood. CONSTRUCTION TO COMPLY WITH UNIFORM BUILDING CODE AND STAff REGULATIONS GOVERNING PLUMBING AND SEW- hGE DISPOSAL, A portion of the work covered by this permit sholl be storted within 60 doys from dOle and 011 work completed within one :~ear. If n;t, ;~~;=nV~lid unless renewed by ~~ .c/?nt~:i;~c101' J . BOStiUIlDING '~jt'PESIoilr I es HarbaJl1h C. p. Knopt^NI,^,~ Dole 10-25-66 . N SIGNED BY THE SANITARIAN AND BUILDING INSPECTOR. THIS FORM BECOMES YOUR BUILDING PERMIT FOR THE STRUCTURES LISTED HEREON, POST TH S PERMIT IN A PROMINENT LOCATION ON OR ADJACENT TO THE MAIN BUilDING BEING CONSTRUCTED. . 1.J~ COPIes Of=- PUJT pLAN . ~ fl",;. ",.., .;,~. ,_', ~~l'j'...: l~ ).{~]';'J , "Ji~:~:~,: ,',l"'" ,;~ .. : : . ',~." , \ ,:.,:,~:;. ',' :. ~,~:~ ;', . ~~~\!l~;i.. ' ..... -.. . ~ I~ ~.( . 1- . ~" . .:~~~,..j~ ,;, "II " ~......, '. ""r'~"" ,~'} \l~\'";''' , !:.,..,....t,. ' i, l ..l.,~I.r: ,,, , . or) t. ~ ,'. ',. ;'\\<!.t;",' I"; ; :. ,1... ... I~: I)l' 1 :1 I': }~~~iM({ , . ~ t'~\rl: ,- ',t ./!\t..:~'j". ;-'t#tl;~'~'~' ;'.,(:;if.:~<' . .:' . I ~~. "~l~, ' ~ lli_':'"re'f::'" ~l' ,1'~~', ~ ~" . t:;J"'~~_J~ . " . j "\' ; .~I:I ,!.' ) 'I""*~' "" ~ }'~:"~:..' ~, I.. 1\ (T,i..': .~. r .; ::~> ; :' (',fr-~ : ' '~::~tU;:~;';; 1, I ...~'~}i ,.: " r': !i~;~ k; ~ . .t.l'"". ! "'~- < ~~I;L..t l\.,)-f, I .' , " ';;'i1jJ.':" t' ~:t . ,'~';~~,J.,';"~:a ._I,(tI;",,1' ,. .q ,..., .,~. .... ~ ,1'-1" .f . ",'- \,: '. .,?;-:~~~~:: ~'f'~ ',f' '~~~~f"ii'\. ~ . ... "--i,[J>f~'fI. ~ 1 ~~''''''..'''..i-~~.l.. ..) . c.l .I,.r" ~r! -t 'fi~{.,".... lr"';;~ ;'~-n".j.', "'t' "...~" ,r.~{.' "'J,;,...~~.;,~ .it' f :1. I' (......~-l ,J ""1,j~'~l ,. .r.....;., 4"1i;; ~ ,', I.~ ~ .,i~7{;~,:,','.':~~,~~1; \ .. ~/. p... > _ .'i" ." .\'J'~'''-\'';~::...i ~ .;':;~,1.(!~:::'~'_ ~ i-l'::-\t.~~h :~.~:.. } . \.~lj...t.',~':) ,',-e- ~ l.~ ,.,..~t,""\'t..~-. , .. :<~'')!\l>1.!.~Jt " :'lq'i".~,':N' '.. . '.... J;,~:~Lt!( . .'" ,_l,l"_ -~;"fr~.'x ,..t .~{'.t,U;'i\'; .l,..t,\~':t .~. :.,..,..jJ>Q~,~~, : /;. ,j~~!-~~f~)';l ~7f'l.1i~ll;;t ~, . -11", f:.bj:~:J~,~~~ . ., '.t .;;~J{~ :r.-'o.l . '~..;!i'lt:\-~I~.r/~ '. J';~~2i(;""rr." .'. .' ....1~..'J;':i:/(-lo! ~ ". '(~. ".-I r'I~" 1 .,;Vr;,I~~,.,.(!~ . :-.::;~ .r\l,:..;r;.~. . .. ,f.,~..-.:~::.~.;.t~ '. .' ~o;.,>l":,''; ~.'I",:i 1.:ll,'l~'''I, ~J\l'.l . "l'\.,(v::1, ~~bJ.:,.."j:I"I' ,\.;1 .'.1 (\I'l>l'\"r"!"i';";/;/ " '1,11;,,,,';'~;'?i~ .-.;:'l~' , '~"h;::\"nf!,;,:..~~~",~ .. . ....:~.~.."."."L,. ..,., '. .\" <l."l<J I :I:,....~\!i:' ~ ~J. , "'.-;' '''''. "~j,,'" '..".t.llll"Jf':".)!.....:)"f) ; ;~'~;r;';,~~"'~ t~r , ~ 1~~-t}''t'J' :jl\{~:~f I t.q:.. ~ t.t~~ .~.4\-!~!,:!~~. :if,!"'::\-! . D:l,-r,-;:J'.il :~1t~ .". ::<,:x ':~. ",~"".' , t ""~~X;'t\"'l :~ ,1t.~... .11. '.: ',"~"'.1'''~'\~ ~i1J;-I~ It "j, ,/~..A:'/l(...8~li!:j:'ol"~~:~F.1;J: ~ . I'."~ Ij!,)~" .. ~t f, ;'-\l\ 'IJ : f. ~'rj~.~~-\'::l. qM 1 ~ l~ ~ I' ,!'>" "".V "'.~Ji ", "~'~f,.! ;-5L: ~:.rt(,Ji ;~t'I~M ! :.,; .tll f~}.~~'5~: ':~f1:d~1: I .' :..~'1&~\l~,~~~,"fij;~~..~i% 1 ~,.,,' .~' <:;1l';K11.' '~':'F 'li'It r lJrb 1 :I~~'l;~~ ,..r{'"''''-''~f :' , : ((!.~;f~~.;,:",fll.!!.N~Wt I "l'''.''~ '1""PI}.~"I; ,~ . "'~f~~";~')';"H.t~ ~rV:~\:i;.!:l. . '" . .:1 '.;....tS~~ -"~".:.l~. ..,~,~'~ l"'~H,~I' (, J~;..l", "" Y-.';,~j, 'f 'j ~~'~.,.,,~" ~b'l'l .' o'J .~. ~.,,~ 1:~.","~;~~'~'~f~-~'.,~c, ;:~ ,,: i ';. .:.':~~t~;JJltl,t,'\i~~~'\.itUf8 .... ,,/ . . TP # 23-83 MAILOUT NOTIFICATION On January 25, 1983 Notification of Intent to Issue was mailed to property owners within 300' of the property on which this temporary mobile home will be 1 oca ted . A copy of the mailing labels is attached. Permit Processing Section Dept, of Environmental Management Mailing Date l/25/83 Appealed Issuance Da te 2/8/83 > . . . ;t2- ~, I v-{'o~- \ '\ s~ . ...,.'.' - ~,~;r"'~:r' :' _ :: 'J "{"I' . ,4 '" .,A,'>'- .it " . ' . . ~ne county' " I ", .i;. e. ;' ~'I;J. ~ '. '~,. " t:' " , t, II,; '1, ';~,::;. " ,. " .',1 ')'_"(', I I~"", , ',I , . ~ ..("~.: i '1'.1" "I'; :1' ':,' I t . I ' Ii: " ", '." '" r;:'i' "" PERMIT # 23-83 i ". ;'1' :,1: " : .' NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO ISSUE A.TEMPORARY MOBILE HOME PERMIT ! .' ": ;'11 '. ' I I' i,' Date Jan. 25. 1983 On Feb. 7. 1983 , a 2-year temporary mobile home permit will be issued or renewed to accolllJ1odate a family member disabil ity situation for Loretta Macauley , 4757 Jasper Rd., Spfld, OR 97477 If you have reason to believe that (1) the 'family member disability claimed is not valid, or (2) if you have evidence that the septic system is failing and creating a health hazard. you may appeal issuance of this permit in writing by submitting your letter to the undersigned. Appeals must b~ received by 5:00 p.m. of the issuance date noted above. Please be advised that it will be up to you to prove the validity of your objection. If your appeal is accepted, an appeal hearing will be scheduled before the Board of County Commissioners and all property owners within 300' of the subject property will be notified of the date and place. Very truly yours, DEPART~ENT_~NVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 687-4061 " '" " " ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT OEP.1RTl1ErIT 12S EAST 8TH AVENUE I EUGENE, OREGON 97401 I (S03)687,4394 OR 1,800,452,6379 AUMINISTRATIVE DIVISION I , " :'~, ,I; ,ql}, . / '.! . ....~ . ::7i,:-_ .1' ':':'-:':~7',': ~''-: "..~;--:~:~~... '~~,~-,l~,~.~ir~:; ';i.:i::'";;';~~;':':.1~ ." . . ..-. 1~"~' ....... ............ ~... '. > . 'V 'I" '''''':'I''~'''~( " 'I' ',. ,I!" ':c..", . i .!.ij;~,;,~::~{:~1~f'~;~:;!i:;:Hi)~;. :', tlj~~::tf,~J.j .,F'i'I.,........."...vr,y..;Ji-..~4.;;:. "'-:'!f f~"'t:r."l.f,,,,,,,",..~,u:,J~~',,-, "."" ".'" .!0cc!~J.i~'!~".: ..... . ,-, . , . , ',' !~'.' ';','" ,~-. ".; ,.' d~~i....:,:,~...;,;.._;j,,:.~.:,'\..;,:... ' . ~:,;\,:.:,'. .' -'.'!.:, h,' ~~~ J .,'.....',', . : ~7:':.0 ,'" , " /., ~'. " . ,.::.>;",-"" .... ,";" - -, . \ ..~ ;- .-" '. :-." ", .,........"'....-;....'..,.... ':,. 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Spfld, OR 97477 Bobbie Wright 4821 Jasper Rd. Spfld, OR 97477 , Elmer & Margaret Gardner 4705 Jasper Road Spfld, OR 97477 ,Loretta Macauley 4757 Jasper Rd. Spfld, OR 97477 Jane Welther 6413 W. 80th St. Westchester CA 90045 ::1 Kenneth Cox 4714 Jasper Rd. Spfld, OR 97477 Isaac & Mora Johnson 4724 Jasper Rd. Spfld, OID: 97477 ...... Raleigh & B.J. McClatchley 941 S. 47th Spfld, OR 97477 Carolyn Janecek 927 S. 47th St. Spfld, OR 97477 Marion & Nancy Mooney 4855 Jasper Rd. Spfld, OR 97477 Jack & Lela Wright 4833 Jasper Rd. Spfld, OR 97477 Howard & ldella Hinshaw 4801 Jasper Rd. Spfld, OR 97477 . . . ,., < If) , 1J2 .05 ... ~oO '2<2>0 I 29)62- 2 'SoD 22 02- 2(,06 IN RE MATTER OF: LoI<.ElIA MAGAuLE'} ~1'=>1 JA~peR )(D. SPFL.Q 91~11 \t).02.0~~l~ l~ I 01. '05Ast~s~'s ~ 4~OOot Numbers Ifb. 02. 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