HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2000-11-2 ~ \ nT, r \ ,,'V -'I':' - rll r ..~: " . I P \( : .= .~ \ I ~~ = ~ ' , :~ ~ ::~ . ~ ~ "; II 'j , ~ L .. ../. - , r r ~ ~,.: J \, ~ ,... I - r -,~':: L ( ~ ~ BrEli"lCh Engineering, Inc. November 2, 2000 31 0 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 748-0837 Fax (541) 746-0389 > l! ~- . '\ if' 6:+.... .' MIchael Church Mlcha~1 Church Homes 9718 Southwest Landau Place Portland, Oregon 97223 Project name, resldence at Lot 2 Bloc k 5 Cascade Branch Engmeenng ProJect #00-224 PrOject address'736 South 69th Place Contractor MIchael Church Home~ Dear Mr Church We have received field reporters from R2CC ConstmctlOll Con'\ulting, 'f hesc reports Wnslst of I~ar compactIOn test report, 10-18-2000 (receIved 10-20-'20(0) l field report 10-2fl<?OOO (Received 1-11-20(0) J)' field rcpol1 amendment, by Josh Huber, 1 0-26-2000 (r~ceIved 2-11-20(0) , .. A copy of thl'\ informatlon IS enclosed WIth our receIpt of these documents, OUf engineered fiil requircn1t.::ntl, of 10-18-2000 have been ~atlsfied and It IS appropnate to proceed \\ ah foundation ronstlUction ffyou have any further questIOns, please call me ~~ M~~ e;;;) Rene Fahf1<.,mt, P E . S E \." ~- CIVIL STRUCTURAL THAI\iSPORTATION SURVEYING / . '. 'j'l'\"lf -'(\~ '" ') r. h,' 1 ~ \! ,- I) - 'J \ ~ " -=: -j; \ , , \. "-\. 11 : I h A~1 E h~~ I'J (; H ~ ~J(; I NEt? : i~ C ~rX - I jC 1 7~r ~! ) ::; ~ Pr~(:E r, ) ( \ Branch Engineering, Inc. ) j 31 0 5th Street Spr'lngf1eld. Oregon 97477 (541 ) 746,0637 Fl;lx (541) 746-0389 October 1 8, 2000 .j MIchael Church MIchael Church HomC5 9718 Southwest l,andau Place Portland, Oregon 97223 PrOject name' rc~idcnce at Lot 2 Block 5 Cascade Branch Engmeenng Project ttOO-224 Project address 736 South 6qth Place Contractor MIchael Church Homt:~, 'f On November 2nd I perfonned a sIte \ ISH to the subject property, ExcavatIOn had Ju.;;t he en completed The exposed cut tapers from 4 fect at the hIgh side to zero feet at the low side SurfiCIal SOlI con"ists of dark brown sandy silt to R d~pth or' apploxllnately I 1/2 fcet belo\\ the smface. The surticial SOils were mOist or wet at the tlme ufthlS investigatIOn The underlymg SOlIs consIst of a sandy clay 'I he day ~01l" were mOIst to \ery wet. hIghly plastlc and vaned in consIstency from soft to finn, depending on the degree of saturallon When excess water ie;; mtroduced to cla\ soilc; (due to TUlrlalJ or mO\ement~ of surface ,^ater or leaks In subsurface plpmg), there IS a con<::cquent mcrea~e tn soil mOisture level,>, and a proportlonate increase In SOl] volume When-day ::'0115> are permitted to d0 out there is consequent decrease in SOlI mOisture levels, and a proportional decrease HI '>011 volume ThiS Wlll tran"llate to both vertIcal and horizontal movements many ovcrlying structure, and result Ul <.hfferentlal movements In order to provIde adeqUJ.tc bearing capacit\' and to hmit ~hllnk swell potential 10 the clay, and to prOVIde long tern) dralllagc and proteC!10n from mOl....turc, the following reqUirements should he adhered to Engmeered fill reqUIrements We reqmre the placement of Imported granulat matenal as an engmeered Ii 11, so a~ to Isolate - the eXpall"llVC SOlIs from any mOlstme contt'nt Variation Pro\ lde ] 2" of Imported granular matenalm two lift-. over a gco-textllc fahric J )F xcavatlon should be at least 2 feet cJtar o!'f(,undanon \\ aIls 2)lnunediateiy after excavatIOn, place cl geo-textlle (Taper 340 I or equal) on the sub-grade 3) MamtaIn the slte in a near to dry condition, the s~te \\111 be <hffll'ult or mlpos~lhlc to compact if eX{;CSSIVC water IS standing on the sub-grade CIVIL / STRUCTUI=lAL mANSPORTATION SURVEYING ., 'Nf)lJ-03-(i(1 FE! Il.l;) AM [I, ~ ~ ~I' It'll t- 1'1 (1 I ill F !; P I ~I ,- [.l.: j~\...[1 .~u ..\_.....~. .\J ":A'x..54; 74;1 :13d FN:E tl t ~ .. 4) Import 1- WI -minus crush ed quarry rock fill Place one hft of rock TIus 11ft should be a maximum of6!t The gravel or crushed rock fill matenal ~hould be well graded Wlth an adequate amoWlt offine and course matenal to fill all vOids after compactIOn The matenal should be free of slIt, clay or orgamC' matenal that would react adversely to compactivc effort or to vanatlollS in moisture content 5) Compact aH areas after each hft A 6000# Vlbratol)' compactor IS recommended, optimum mOIsture content can be Identified from the crushed rock supphcr Compaction requirement is: 91 % relative compaction, modified proctor Contact our office for compactlon testing b~ proof roll, or make arrangements \Vlth a testmg service to perform a test to achIeve the reqUIred compactiOn 6) Dramage' provide perimeter drainage whl~h IS led to the storm water system A recommended solutIon IS a 4" PVC drainpipe \\,inch is surrowl.Q_ed Wlth a mInImum 15'! radIus of drain rock and is wrapped Wlth a gco-tcxtilc Dramagc should be located at the lo\\'Cst elevation of the footmgs. 7)Roofrain leaders must be installed and maltltamcd so as to prevent roof stonn water from migrating mto the cngmecrcd fill SpeCIal oonsideration should be given to foundaHon elements, so as to avotd crackmg We recommend that all fowldatlon elements be remforced and detailed to accommodate expansive SOlI conditIOns, ; If you have any further questIOns, please caJl me '0 ~~ ....----r ~~ Rene Fabncant, r.E, S F. '"=-,, - '. . 0 ' , --4' 'I T ;'''1' l~ir4nl~'( Nr\\j-(I~-nl) FR! 11: 1 ~ A,vl 6L,i~\"H [I~\r 1\l...Lt,. :~.. , . J.: _ I I -...' _ ... ~ I ~'rvl (oJ ~ ':: _Y 1 II': r~X Sal 74~: C3H~ FA(rE I) 1 ':' 11 4.Sol 4t';, 1 '3 "# ~ ~' 2 c. "\fi ,- 82 Construction Consulting, Inc. 4224 West t~ Street Unit # 4 PO Box 2028 Eugene, Oregon 9740~ Phone 1-541-484-4855 Fax H/~1-464-4618 Daily Field Report PROJECT: 736 69th Place - Springfield DA TE: 1 0-26~OO JOB ADDRESS: REPORT #: 1 B2CC Project No: 99-00-002 TIME ARRIVED: 4.30 pm PERMIT (5) #; TIME lEFT JOB: 5:00 pm TEMP: WEATHER: Overcast A 82CC technician performed field density tests on the gravel bUIlding pad on SE and SW COmers. The 1 %" aggregate was supplied by Delta Sand and Gravel and has a maximum dry density of 137 8pcf at 770% moisture (T-180), All tests exceeded 91% compaction Method of compaction appeared adequate. aftt10ugn excessive moisture was present on the top surface (top 3 Inches), aggregate below was solid The bUIlding pad as a whole was found to meet requirements for compaction, Inspector: Josh Huber Certifica1ion No. 2332 ~. {. I~~,-. Rev{ewed by ll'ltOlTrlatlon COntained herein Is not to be reprooUC(!c1. ",:rcep1In 11.11. Without prior allthOfiza!lon from this offICe '-=..,/' . . , . ~\~:lf-~I:-t'l~ ~\: ~:) lAJ/ :: ~~A i\ ~I ~ E~;, T ! i\J ~ ~ ; T \ \ r 1\' .) ,/ '::r'! ~C -,/ - fL.I' 4224 Wast 7th Ave #4 - 82CC, INC. ( Eugene, Oregon 97402 (541) 46448S5 Fax (541) 484-46Hl eOATE, /0 ~ ;: (., -<<J I PCOlect Name IAddress, 7:-; t-. .:;- 1..., y i C--- ~ L I Permit No. I J I TIME ARRIVEO /' TYDO Of Inscec:tlon ~erlormed I o RemtOfo:lllQ ''tJ ~f1Il $lM1 F'_I o Retnfon;od eoocr_ 0 StI\lctutal Steel EfEIC1Ioo I o ~ 0 ExPansion &1\5 : o StNclIlrar Masonry 0 ~M Ol1Go~OOl"S o Sholctelll ~SIr\l<t\j"'1 Fill:< o E~ .o.ndlors 0 Sul>1l~~e (fWlIng6lsl<lb) o Fire ProotIng 0 P,1e O,,,,,no o 0lMr (apOe1fyl Soocltlc Pllleeme"t location 18l -l ------- d'l Cr,(.,l. n{. I , ~ 1/ .-'- ___J ,// ...: ~ -----. /) . J j/c. / I'/. ...~ ./ ~' <:-. /' .... i - ,- I I ,/1.. /'::?!:\ '7 ~ ./ '7 I '-<, 7-- ~ /,-'C l ~ / I ( /0 ( ..,/ t i ,.:.;..'- / .. '"_u_.___ - r;, / C7 "" ,,;1,., rl ~ /'\ t;i I I/I"<V vlr/ ~ /1Q-",. /) - ,- ~ r \,T t. DAILY FIELD REPORT --.. ~1. /,&~ L,.., TIME DEPARTED ,. Project No Cliert! Nar1e mu_ '!f.~~er 1- I,,, ~~ ;~ r ' . " "/ '-- I ~A /'Ic,,( __ ',.J ,It- t"" I.~(/." .;;: -I, -:: J /... t'=',...? J t,... <;. o FQO(I'!9!.. o ~b o~ GraQ~ I OW811S ~__ u. _ ~:~t~r (~~~ Type Of Structure lnspected- --------- o Cqlvm", o G/8de Bea_ D Poet"~ Sblb o SlnJclurlll G~~e lType Of Mstenal Suwf,., I Cclneretll __ I , Grout I lr'VCk~ I !~"<T1<VJ=IQo.~__ __ J--- I , ;~:~~, -:-;- -- -t- JMale<l.ll Tel1'l~ I IAmI>oOnl Ttmpl ~ , romo Pl.-.;od No. Of Samples ("-'%l'Jrl~S;re"9U1 (?S<1 IQ1l'J ~~O<c ldll ....c...c I iwt~, ~;;;.---- {Type otTest Spoclmon<J 6X12 4X6 j:)r!sms ceres mortsr I ,- . ~ __ ~ , - / : ~>X'ein'\()n Locaoon jWbIL',i/ _____~_ _________ Mtx>,;o I I C Note: Tho Sllctlon bellow should contaIn tho following. If appltceble 0 1ll'm5 '6qUlnng CQ:rcetlon C CcTTev-~Cr\S 01 preVIously IIs!~ rtems o Pcevlously hsted UllCOl'nlCted Items OChangos to IlPPcoved pl3ns andJ~$p&C~tror\S by Ar~hJtect.J. or Ergln~r [1 MBtenul5 and method$ of construction OEqulpment used Ii 8 whll( was used to proof roll Cr obllllJi~()m!)actlo" J l' I ;p F'ab $hop C M.:ltMal T~ Field_gcse-,-/3~n:; :....,d Co.,IP~e.r!~~__ /)/ f ~ I f r:> -;-;... r"..-;IA ,,;/1.. (r .. I 10 1'_-( <" ~ j'r~':: T('" ...-) I _ ~ I ~ , / /''? ~-7.~ ___AJ ~_T};'I/ ", I ,.,.:/ ,-' (, f ~ /7;:., -~ .-:.' ( ~ ../.- /)/.,. -l.f Vo ,~L-... t;, J, ) ;T;--~~ ---; ~: ~/. / / '7"-::'"51 /', r:. , _'5 (,I; ,,- ((")4. (..~:..~ '"\ t- , /~cl "'J /")', <i - I~ 'r!(.-~-/~,:;-;-- ,~JC. -/ /""/.: Co,.. ',"" ("J /, i- "~/:f> ~f ,/_",,1,., "C?""/I '''S'/'/' ,I ~.: , ",/, ..:;~ /' " 1,.'[' ". ,I(" I' .J /) . ~"'I~ ~ ~~rA..." .:. ~ ~ .n _. _" __, ____ ___._~~_ ( r.)f" ,,j,,?r ' '~~.c... ,/"::0 ~ . , ,,- rJ ,'<1" ,Q 5<5 I, ,;.;: I I /; 0'[. Mortar I I J I I I I I I I ---e- grout (circle) , r ;1\7 , I \j- I --- ~ ------ - -----.. '(I C. '1' r:~ (..~ ~f;'" '-I .. ~ ~/ff'~( .....""~ ",' ,,-, ___<"C::r;~..1"'.'n /J .-:;J, ,=:-< I (. " / 1'1u-: L, ~ walk In~DecteQ is In accordan~. WIlMOe 1I . . I ~ InsPOetor I 0 Teehnlclan I ,1'1 /L / -' /..,.:' "l .::::7,.. -;- ... Rev,owed By ProJcet RepresontatlVe t~C2llO"" dJl;1 ''":-,. ~'phcab:l'l codos IlXcep! as noted /' ..... .......:-... ll... , ,- . --- --..~---- .._~~- --.----------- -------- J 1 I 1 ~ , . ~ " r ,\ ' " ~ - i,::, - , I ~ ; ~:-\. ... L.,)-lJ-l,J r - - ~,' L I I l~'l..' : :-lrl.J" " ..... , 5,~,P\/l. e.::c c :\" _I,,, , ~ ..... \ ~ .... ....... .. ,\ I ~r.~ ~~. -< :- . ) . H . .. .1' ... 4t)4 40~? '-'- "'3~ ....E./? .. 7J'~ ,;vrl'AACrORO~ SIJPP\.lEA NUCLEAR COMPACTION TEST Rt:PORT 6'gep~_ ~ ------ - ---~---~----~--- PROJEel ~lI,NA-:. ' CONTAACT NVMUI't 'p" JteT NAMI;; (seCTION) 810 m,M Hut48EIl. ROlL~R 'l"YPE AND DESCRIPTION (MANUFACllJR(. W!!IC",. ~~C -~.._--"...-- ------ 'CODES FOR ROLLER TYPES p. PM:UMATIC r9 TANoe.... sr~fj~ JVVS - THREE wtlEEI. STl;EI. sov ~PJCLE 0flIJ~Vl8RATO~v OOV OOUSLE DflUU Vl8RA TORY ~I' S)jEEP FOOT GR, GRlO ROLLER TEST NUMBER (SUBLOT) DATE OF TEST VEllrry cu>"<"t: O>IE POINT #':~~-;g:(_=~-~.bJ /~~~o c/-af ~:;~ESS __. . I. . -1. ":-~l_ ~~." / I I ~., i .. ;.".., -r ?~~ i.I-;"""~oi" -+-,,;0,"- !,;,: .-2_ 'L?Z... "iT -+ ~ '3 7, I _.: ../..i!2:_'? '/ IPd_ [30,.6' L..3l ~:~ /t/~ ~_L.9~z_._~ 7. ~___ 0,.,6 I ) ./;t 3.3 I /2(!. I -- ---- -'-'-- ----t- - - J 4 L __ -26 ___ n_ J____ --7- ( '---'-~, ~ORYC."I:"f( l--~'';'Sl';Rf-----r -I;>>(VUEN~ t I --~--___L___ _h.'__",,____ ,,'___ Cu.,'" po VKY (JE""nr '.10 ,,',ref L.VHvt; NO OR' Der./SITY - AVl::AAtit' 't~1 ~~lIVN rStATION) LJI;;'IAN\,;I;LI VtH~j OF CENTERliNE (MEYER~; lJ1~ I tRLVIIV - GFIAOf un SOURCE Pc. .DENSITY kgim~ MOISTURE kglm3 J1-v I.>l:/'Il)1I)' kgln>' AV"HAGc ~lINe 1 -LINE 2) MVI~ I v><t. ;'1:1'<1..01:>1'1 I ,LU~l: 2 f liNe 3) x 100 I }C1, L ..P:7 ~I <; A- C G T G B IAOISrURli: 5 "'IOI$TVRe CI~V. IN~O~"A'lON 6 LU~ ~! _..!-~ 7. 17 u_ GSb PERCENT c6UR;( v, . @ T!,S1" :lITE COM8Ill~O MAXI,...;,; ORY DeNSITY ... ~UIwII'AI,; rlOtl ftm I/'II.llVICU~ I r~ST!I (l~HllNe9)Jt 11)0 7 ~ 8 9 % -- ~EQ 10 I 9' 3 17~-=-' n --~- - - - - --~--_.. 19c. COM91NE:D MAXIMUM ORY DENSITY Ri:PRf'SEN'rS MATEAII',L INCOkP~F>ATEO H'0M STAl10N 10 ~TAlION FROM QFFSE T 10 OFFSEl' ~~w..R~S , OO.p, X :;, C: j y p. X H)()OXG$b "" I _$~/- kg/",' ~ P Jf""i '7/r - ~ /To ~,.#- a.:r~, ~ 137- "iT.~1 ~ 1ft.'" --l)plf~ sd ~ C; ~,ve. f 7~?% ~~~~ ),6. Q, ~r/"iek. ~27o- , AJ/~ -s/;; ''"''7-~'"'' ~~~ ~~ ~ ! ll;-~ ~"-J('f;'>[fl-:r'-:;~I;:-;CtR~Y--~~3~-;~~ - ~~MP~... ~A~t ! ~.:~~ ~ ~T& / PXc 'i>~~:_ ~-:.~ ~cr.~ C'~.ner /ay/ ,:(lQ~JTYCQN1ROL ( I"!;~II'I_AT-". CillTi&lliO tt~ICAN ("'lEASE PRim) ANO <;AP[ -, ~ k 1793 S 2-99 $l,1{ ~-D Gf