HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 1998-12-15 Dec:-16-~)B 04:01P Mortier Engineering (541)484-6859 P.()2 1 ~4:, H':ARL , rREET c.lGENE OR=GON CJ74Ul F'Hl)NE (541) 4ti4-901:JO . FAX (541) 484-6859 STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN" FIRE PROTF:CTI(lcJ CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKiNG CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ~. \ 1\10Rl'IER ENGltJEERING, P.C. DI..:ember 15, l~.N~ \. L'OlY Homes 12 15 S 2nd Spnngfield, OR ~7477 r---- - - . ---~ iU 6866 Smi~on\(BP tt98Q7~9)_ SI',,;n.gficld - W 0 #11407.RDR - -~ ~ At [he le..lf wall ofthe gdragc sheath the gable end truss with 7/160 S B wIth 8d at G" 0 c. (staples at .r' 0 C ) all members Block dll pdnd Joints. Use (5) Simpson LSO angles to attach the bottom eh, Jrd of the: lfllSS to the lOp plate I h )pe you find thIs reporL adequate for your needs and purposes at thi" time: Th.mJ... you fOf thIs ul'"ullll1l1ty to he uf ",cr..-icc Ifyoll hll"'o further quecti()n,~, pl.uec <.1<) not hC€:lt~t.; to cont~ct 1n... _J.[ .+8 ~~9u80 ;. \' (. ry Lnlly yours, / .. ". 0\ . en Qrm cr. P 1: 01 G/JJh ~crl ~~r Cflb 1] .:1U7-rrlr . ~