HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2000-7-19 .......... t..~ $" t oeOt"'a'~' 1I..l ~~i " July 19, 2000 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS BUILDING DESIGNERS 806 N NINTH STREET COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON 97424 TELEPHONE (541) 942-0126 FAX (541) 942-7935 Mr Enc Young Young Construction Co 1304 West Mam St Cottage Grove, OR 97424 RE 7295 Elderberry St , Springfield Oregon Revision of Retammg Wall Scheme Dear Enc After our diSCUSSion of thiS date, we revised the rear retammg wall for the above referenced property to resist the moment 1I1duced by sIId1l1g loads on the footmg to eliminate the fin Illcorporated III the prevIOus design - The foot1l1g as desIgned wIll withstand the computed moment due to lateral soil forces for the entire 37 feet of rear wall length The footlllg wIll transfer approxImately 21,000 pounds of slIdmg force mto the Side walls where It will be adequately resisted by footmg fnction The hOrizontal steel 111 the footll1g must be carned around the corners a distance of at least 24" to proVide positive load tl ansfcr We recommend that you extend the side wall footmg honzontal steel to other cross footings from the SIde walls SImIlarly in order to maXlInlze slIdmg resIstance - Please note that the bottoms of the footll1gs must be formed step-wise in level steps to obtam the deSired slidmg resistance I trust this letter adequately addresses your concerns If you have any questions, or Wish to diSCUSS the site further, please call me Yours truly, Geomax, J nc ~P'E SCllIor Pnnclpal enc Rear Retall1l1lg Wall Alt C "h-c \JoCllIllClIl,lp")lcch'200(h \I07'c\<l1lIlg-"tc-lm 711 Page I of I c > ~ /:~ . QeoIJJa;J{ ENGINEERING, SURVEYING, BUILDING DESIGN 806 N NINTH STREET, COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON 97424 TELEPHONE (541) 942-0126 FAX (541) 942-7935 E-MAIL ADDRESS geomax@lbm net Job # AI07 July 19, 2000 A Young Construction Project at 7295 Eldel"berry Sta"eet Spl"ingfield, Oregon ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS AND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR A BASE RESTRAINED CANTILEVER RETAINING WALL #/ EXP 12/31/00 O"glll.i1 ~lgn"llllc " 1Illcd 1Il\.. 6 sheets, IIlcludlllg cover Code Loads State of Oregon Structural Specialty Code, 1998 Edition Roof (Snow) 25 psf Floor (Live) 40 psf Dead actual WlIld 80 mph, Exp B SeIsmIc Zone 3 Soli Beanng 1500 psf, measured Soli Lateral 35 pcf (EFP), assumed SCOPE OF SERVICE LIMITATIONS TIm work was Illntted by the scope of servIces desired by the Client to re-design of a smgle wall on the subject property that provides adequate footing moment resistance to aVOid use of other lateral wall restralllt agalllst shdll1g Instability based on field Il1formation previously gathered by Geomax No authonzatlon was Issued for soils shear testmg and tYPical values for local salls were used In design The assumed values may not be accurate for this location but m the expenence of the deSigner yield generally acceptable results III the Eugene/Springfield area G , ' CHANGE IN MA T'L SPEC, OR BAR SIZE/SPACING 61 CONC, f'c= 2500, psi, Fy= 60000. psi ti4 @ 18/ Vert @ Cen+pr #5 @ 181 Horlz 1.7 '. .' 11 ' - ,.11 ~ ._.;~J1' ; ~..,' <':;,-u ~ I ~ :.?~ ~ r~~~~,::;.:' '.:~, ... . 1 '3/' 4'1" " -., ,.' ::. _ ~ .....f ~ '\ ,. .... -: .... ..: - '#0 .:" ",. ";;; ,'..,. .._....:... ..... ,- .. , .' .. .. . .. .. , .. ,<" CX) ,', " . I - ". ~ - .. .. ' If) '., '. .. a I C\J 61 CONe. f'c= 2500, psi, Fy= 60000, ti4 @ 12.1 Vert ~ Edgp tiS @ 1W Horiz , ," " ^: ~ '.:: '" :~: ,:' - .' ......~.. ," :".r" , , ..... .. ... .:....,. - ., ", . , .' psi , . - , - -. "',' "'. -T .. ~..~..." " .. - " .. a ..-. I ..-. 2'-01 - . , · - ,--1 3; I 4!-o4f-3' ~.. '.';~;~' - : /, :"~: ~ /:':'j .4 .'- ,~: :,' -.' ' . "~. ~ -~ ~ I,,~ I 3/4' H~<":-"'-::-:";' ~~~lt~i: Fpn:::c Crushed Rock D ' P' 2'-61 rain Ipe '- I #4 HORIZ, AS SHO\JN t .. ' a I ..-., RETAINING \JALL Scalel 1/21 = 1'-01 . .. 00 , .. a I r-... .. 00 I r-... , DRAWN CHECKED Qe8ma~c JOB NO rdr RD.R. T Wall w/Moment Ftg AIOl MTL SCAlE. ENGINEERING, LAND SURVEYING, BUILDING DESIGN l295 Elderberr~ 5t. SHT. OF 1/19/00 1/2" = I' 806 N NINTH ~ COITAGE GROVE, OREGON 97424 SprIngfield, Oregon TlliJ'HQNE- (541) 942-0126 FAX- (541) 942-7935 Geomax Inc 806 N Ninth Street Cottage Grove, OR 97424 541 9420126 geomax@attglobal net I Criteria Retained Height Wall height above sOil Slope Behind Wall Height of 5011 over Toe 5011 Density Wind on Stem Title Rear Wall, All C, Mom Ftg, 7' Job # A 107 Dsgnr rdr Description Moment Restlsllng Fooling Design with sliding carned to end andlor buttress walls This Wall In File C \DOCUMENTS\PROJECTS\2000\A107\LENI Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design RetalnPro Professional 5 0 7, 8-Jul-99, (cl 1989-99 I I Soil Data , I Footing Strengths & Dimensions I Allow 5011 Beanng = 1 ,500 0 psf fc = 2,500 pSI Fy 60,000 pSI EqUivalent FlUid Pressure Method MIn As % 0 0018 Heel Active Pressure 350 psf/ft Toe Width 200 ft Toe Active Pressure 350 psf/ft Heel Width 050 Passive Pressure 2500 psflft Total Footing Width 250 Water height over heel 0 0 ft Footing Thickness 1200 In FootlngllSol1 Frlclion 0450 Key Width SOIl height to Ignore Key Depth for passive pressure 0 00 In Key Distance from Toe Cover @ Top = 200 In AXial Load Eccentricity 700ft 067 ft 170 1 o 00 In 110 00 pcf o 0 psf I Axial Load Applied to Stem I Design Summary I I Total Beanng Load resultant ecc 2,980 Ibs 085 In 5011 Pressure @ Toe 1,395 psf OK SOil Pressure @ Heel 989 psf OK Allowable 1,500 psf 5011 Pressure Less Than Allo,wable ACI Factored @ Toe 1,647 psf ACI Factored @ Heel 1,168 psf Footing Shear @ Toe 166 pSI OK Fooling Shear @ Heel 00 pSI OK Allowable 85 0 pSI Wall Stability RatIOs Overturning 1 50 OK Sliding 068 UNSTABLE' Slidmg Cales Slab Resists All Sliding' Lateral Sliding Force 1,102 5 Ibs Footmg De~'.Q~R~-s'~lt-~---' '-I Toe Heel 1,647 1,168 psf 3,038 0 ft-# 420 0 ft-# 2,618 0 ft-# 16 63 0 00 pSI 85 00 0 00 pSI # 4 @ 12 00 In None Spec'd None Spec'd Factored Pressure Mu' Upward Mu' Downward Mu Design Actual1-Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing 476 0 Ibs 895 0 Ibs .. Top Stem I Stem OK ft= 200 Concrete 600 # 4 1800 Edge AXial Dead Load AXial Live Load Stem Construction Design height Wall Matenal Above "Ht" Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa Total Force @ Section Moment Actual Moment Allowable Shear Actual Shear Allowable Ibs= ft-# = ft-# = pSI= pSI = Bar Develop ABOVE Ht In = Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht In = Wall Weight Rebar Depth 'd' Masonry Data fm Fs Solid Grouting Special Inspection Modular Ratio 'n' Short Term Factor Equlv Solid Thick Masonry Block Type = Concrete Data fc Fy Medium Weight psf= In= 0505 7438 1,2396 2,4556 146 850 1872 1872 750 425 z.IC I Date JUL 19,2000 pSI= pSI = pSI = pSI = 2,500 0 60,0000 OOOrn OOOrn OOOft @ Btm = 3 00 In 00 In 2nd Stem OK 000 Concrete 600 # 4 1200 Edge 0942 1 ,457 8 3,4014 3,612 6 286 850 1872 788 750 425 2,500 0 60,000 0 OthL'r ALuptuhlL ~1J'L"1t & SplU..II1~' Toe #4@ 13 25 In, #5@ 2050 rn, #6@ 2900 rn, #7@ 39 25rn, #8@ 48 25rn, #9@ 4 Heel Not req'd, Mu < 5 . Fr Key No key defined Title Rear Wall, Alt C, Mom Ftg, 7' Job # A 107 Dsgnr rdr Description Moment Restlstlng Footing Design with sliding carned to end and/or buttress walls This Wallin File C \DOCUMENTS\PROJECTS\2000\Al07\LENI Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design RetalnPro ProfessionalS 0 7, 8-Jul-99, (c) 1989-99 Summary of Overturninq & Reslstinq Forces & Moments OVERTURNING .... Force Distance Moment Ibs ft ft-# 1,1200 267 2,9867 -1 7 5 0 33 -5 8 Geomax Inc 806 N Ninth Street Cottage G{ove, OR 97424 5419420126 geomax@attglobal net Item Heel Aclive Pressure Toe Active Pressure Surcharge Over Toe Adjacent Footing Load Added Lateral Load Load @ Stem Above 5011 5011 Over Heel Sloped 5011 Over Heel Surcharge Over Heel Adjacent Fooling Load AXial Dead Load on Stem Soil Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Stem Welght(s) Earth @ Stem Transllions = Fooling Weight Key Weight Vert Component = 1,1025 2,980 8 1.50 2,979 8 Ibs O,T M Total ReSisting/Overturning RatiO Vertical Loads used for 5011 Pressure = Vertical component of active pressure used for sOil pressure Total = 0/ ($'" Date JUL 19,2000 I .....RESISTING .... Force Distance Ibs ft 250 250 Moment ft-# 4760 225 1,0710 575 3 - 225 1,2943 3750 125 4687 6586 250 1,646 4 2,084 8 Ibs R.M.= 4,4805 Sliding Restraint 4/6 DL= 476. LL= 895 It, Ecc= 0 In 1 7 . 1/1" A',> ,'" '- ,/ t' ""..~" ~_... Pp = 1 25 It """ 1120 It 1 394 8psf . Geoma~ :NGINEERING, LAND SURVEYING, BUILDING DESIGN 806 N NIt;HH STREET COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON 97424 ;ELEPHONE (541) 942-0126 FAX (541) 942-7935 PROJECT ~~ ~~"'7-r; ~l~A..)N~Y. SUBJECT ~ \tJ ,,-\1\ Jr:___::1'T"t~ h JOB NUMBER A VD 7 SHEET ~ S" DATE - 7~~q)-:ti>1d COMPUTED BY ~ CHECKED BY / / ~~ ~ " -'Q_\ olt~" ~e.ce z::- \ \ ZOo .\~ I (I _ ' " +-t. :t~-2~OO'r";"\ ,fa ~ ,r;;o.,CX:o ~, I /1 --u L- I . \ 110M~1 ~/ ~o 'J-A-\\S . O~L':J "L- t I ',1/ H~ w:- = ~;1)I20 ~ (3( )?T ~ 8" M~ 32~,,~ \L- ~\ "Z- 3q-\ 0 \~- ~. ~. ~ "I p/ . I 6 Hll-\ :. r- V "t' c.. '+ d- A=Yrl\~ = , -o82S " II 2~/Z- o fVJ \ \ ~ J.'.::: 312500 (0 )(~,6) (.po,ObO . . .f I - '- :e \T~'1 z~~ve.s. I __~ 011>.,<'" 75)(.2> <'X 'B$') 2. SOD !!1' 000 . "'- I ' (,0 (POD '81,000 .j-(d)lDpO f t't" ~ -= . 0 I~ '3 ~'" '--.,l - · OI?;;~:{<<) (2~>S) ~ 2'. 64 ~- t"\ \,V'e ~r~ 040 (00/000) ,65-~~b "" .8'S (z500)((.) ~ 1,B8 I ~? (d,-~ ~. "\0 ( A())C~IOIP ) (1-6',? I.~ MlL ==- 'SID, Z. k - .t--r ?t,::: M --r- ~ \v'\v-- 3z6~ <<1 5\0 t 2- ~ {...s~\ ,. - oJ<::' - ". , .... ,,;> ..."" ~~I .~ QeolJJa~ July 12,2000 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS BUILDING DESIGNERS' 806 N NINTH STREET COTTAGE GROVE OREGON 97424 TELEPHONE (541) 942-0126 FAX (541) 942-7935 Mr Enc Young Young Construction Co 1304 West Mall1 St Cottage Grove, OR 97424 ? .' RE 72'95 Eld-efbcrry St , SprIngfield Oregon S~ils/Footlllg InspectIon Dear ErIC After our dlSCllSSlon ofyollr concerns regarding the above referenced sIte we were retallled to lIlspect the site, excavatIon and footll1g layout and to offer our recommendatIons, If any, for alterations to the reSidentIal construction plans to mItIgate certall1 rIsks mherent in the sIte On July 61h, 2000, I vIsIted the above referenced sIte at your request to inspect the sIte excavatio!1 and assess the sUitability of the e~cavatlon for completion of the planned footings for a proposed residence SITE INSPECTION The site appeared to have a general slope t.!,pward of about 310 (approx I 66 I slope) from the (rontlng street I noted that the remall1l1lg evergreen trees all exhIbIted slight trunk deformations POl1able penell ometer readings were taken of the soIls at the base of the cuts III both dry areas and al eas wetted tI om the I ecent I a III showers The solis not affcctcd by ram are estll11ated to have a beanng strength In excess of 1,500 psf(after applYing a safety factor 01'3 to the average of 5 readlllgs on the penetrometer) Solis that were wet had a bearIng capacity of less than 100 psf to about 200 psI' ' " It was noted that the excavator had cut the sIte 111 such a fashIon that there were nearly vertical cut banks o'f~ 2 to 4 feet height nearly adjacent to foot1l1gs , , , It' was 'also noted that, as currently excavated, about 6 to 7 feet of soIl will be retallled at the rear 'found~tlon wall ~ ). \ Finally, II wa~ noted thell the fOlmlllg for the footings wIlllesult 111 a sloped footll1g bottom '- FINDINGS Although a slope stability analYSIS IS beyond the scope of servIces authOrIzed, the slope ehhlbits signs of slow creep of the upper soIls It would be d1flicult to say If this represents a problcm . Wlt,hout a slope stabIlity analYSIS that consldcrs added weights at the top of the slope, removal of Page I of 3 Mr E Young, Young Construction Soils/Footing InspectIOn 7295 Elderberry St , Springfield, Oregon July 12, 2000 soil at the base of the slope and partial replacement of basal soil weight by the weight of the planned residence At the present tllne the slope appears to be generally stable and the slippage is believed to be III1lIted to the softer surface soils (to' about 3 foot depth), however, the slope may become mobilized as a result of past, current or future construction or land contouring in this VICinity This may result In foundation shifting or Interior damage to the residence and may. if settling or shifting occurs, reqUIre foundation stabilization or remediation These Issues can be addressed If and when they occur, however, even If construction has been completed The risk of movement IS only noted here for purposes of dIsclosure of the risk assumed by the lot owner In building on local slopes Soils beanng capacity at footing depth IS SUItable for residential loads provided that footing drains are installed to avoid saturation of soils below footIngs with subsequent loss of soIl bearing capacity These soils lose nearly all of their beanng strength when the mOisture content approaches the plastic limit of the soil and therefore, must be kept generally dry In order to maintain an adequate bearing capacity The pattern of excavatIOn IS not conducive to providing adequate support for the upper foundation footlllgs The excavation of nearly four feet of material with a vertical cut only 12-36 IIlches from the downhill edge of a footing subjected to the antIcIpated loadlllg of this project is not acceptable without specific engllleenng analysIs of soil bearing strength, shear strength, coheSion and IIlternal angle offnctlon Steps must be taken to correct thIs defiCiency RetentIon of 6 to 7 feet of soil at the rear wall represents a siglllficant enough load and potentially adverse efrect on hillside stability, III case of wall failure, to reqUIre a speCifically engineered wall at the rear of the structure The sloplllg bottom of the footings as formed on the date of our visit WIll result In a potential slip plane between the footIng bottom and the excavated soils TIllS sItuatIon should be avoided in order to abate structure movement potential on the sloping sIte RECOMMENDA TIONS Footmg drams placed at the bottom of the rock subgrade and daylightmg through the curb weep holes should be Installed at extenor of the sides and rear pen meter footmg of the structure In our OpiniOn, your plan to keep the roof drams and deeper foundatIon drams separate IS a good Idea and will help keep the soils below the footings dryer The excavation of soils below and III close proxlllllty to footings should always be aVOIded In general the excavation should beglll at the lowest footmg depth and should be sloped from the uphill SIde of the lowest footmg up to a pomt a few feet downslope of the next footmg step elevation As a general rule, the slope should be no steeper than 2 I The shear cuts downslope of the rear footmgs must be re-configured by either I 2 This may be accomplished deepening the rear footing to a depth no more than 12" above the lower bench or by changlllg the eXIsting row of pad footmgs to a continuous footmg and installing a Page 2 of 3 :" Mr E Young, Young Construction SollslFootmg InspectIOn 7295 Elderberry St , Springfield, Oregon July 12, 2000 low (24 lOch) retammg wall on the lower footing that tIes to the rear footmg and foundation wall and then backfillmg the intervening space between the two walls wIth compacted crushed rock placed m 4" lIfts and formed to a finish slope of2 lor, 3 by bulldmg a higher contamment retalnmg wall on the lower bench (about 48") and backfillmg the mtervelllng space wIth 3/8" round dram rock by Conveyed Aggregate Delivery (CAD) If thIs method and material is used, no compactIon of the round rock would be reqUIred In light of the change m planned depth of rear wall from 40" to nearly 7 foot (taller If the rear footmg is lowered to match the lower bench adjacent) requIres that the wall be profeSSIOnally deSigned The rear wall should be engmeered as a retammg wall to ensure that adequate remforcement and footmg width is provided I have attached two designs for the rear wall, one based on the assumption that the rear footmg grade WIll stay as IS, the other based on deepemng the footing grade to 3 feet below the existmg footmg grade I have also mcluded a deSIgn for the lower foundation wall to act as a retaming structure for pea gravel fill (48" tall) Fmally, I recommend that the bottoms of the formed footings be re-graded to proVIde a level bottom With steps as required for elevation changes It IS not required to step the top WIth the bottom, only to mamtam a minimum footmg thickness as called for on the drawings I trust this letter adequately addresses your concerns If you have any questions, or Wish to diSCUSS the site further, please call me Thank you for choosmg Geomax for your engmeering needs Ronald 0 Rice, P E Selllor Pnnclpal Yours truly, Geomax, lnc ~~ enc Rear Retammg Wall Alt A Rear RetainIng Wall Alt B Middle Rear Retallllng Wall (supportmg rear wall) EXP:HES: I-z../~//PJ>> I dr-c \dOU""cI11"p")I~C"1200(J\,\ I 07\c \ ol"'g-"lc-"" 71 I Page 3 of 3 . CHANGE IN MA T'L SPEC. OR BAR SIZE/SPACING / , / " I \ ! . f , j " L", ::?~0. ~~ ~\4X:~ (o/DO ...., > ...' 3/4' (-) " .' ..L , if , :'.. -1 3~~~,~"<':' e. / :__-~ ~.~: ~ '~, ~~ ~~;" ~.. ~ r~~, :.:. ~:':"~>?:':'~):::,':~7::: ROCK~ _. : .'-' . :.:-: _ ':>;'". >~;~~>.: ""- _.. 't\._ \ ... .. I" , '\,f .. )... .... : .... .. .~: "~a, ~ .. ... ~ ..;/ ~~ ,..._~ -....::... . , C\J "' " . _ , ~' ' :~~:: "-, --:~-': ~ > '.: '>,>: 'L. ~.. ...~, #( I \ .. ; "i~ :\.. ~ ~ ~".,....:~::: .:~ :'.,',::-:-/a: ~ ...., 'lit ' I ( ~, ......., a .... . ., . .'.: ^ I 1.7 ~ .. (IJ W CONC. f'c= 2500, psi, Fy= 60000, psi #5 @ 18, Vert @ Ede<=> #5 @ 18' Horiz c,,:,_C',:,. \7-/'" I Iff Ll' , II.. -..).. 8' CoNC. f'c= 2500, psi, Fy= 60000, psi . - ~~ ...... '..,' ... ~ " .. \D I (") #5 @ c~: Vert @ #5 @ : 8' Horiz 1"1111"111"11111"111'.' , ":':::-", <:- :.~:^:.::. 1"111"1"11""1"1"1 :~" ::.'~' >,,>.'- ~:~ 111111"11111"111"1111:'.' ,.~'>::,'--'...: ::.-:' "1111"1"1"1"1"1"1'. . -1.' 3/4: ,:-..> Edgr!i!iJlLi!III~' : <'~:' Y': f III-III-II1-III-~, ','. - C\J III 1/11111/1 111111 111111', - ' .' 'y", - ',' : 111=111_111 III ---2- '__ -' ..... .. , t .. -, " . " . .......-..:(;-<~<"\ I .. ," ..'" L .. I........ , .- 4'-0' @ 9' O,C. TRANSVERSE ~ :'" ' , , .' ' -', " - ;, - . ;'~ -", :., (v; #4 HORIZ, AS SHO\JN ~ - ~ _ " Jt, -_ : " 7' ~ {. ~ , . . - , .." I ~ - I < : : ~ i .'. :. ~:,>.:: >', \~'::' 0\ ~IL TER FABRIC 4'-3' 4' PERF DRAIN PIPE 4'-9' 101 RET AINING 'w' ALL Scale I 112' = 1'-0' DRAWN CHECKED Qeoma~c JOB NO. rdr ra REAR RETAINING WALL Al01 DATE SeA, LE. ENGINEERING, lAND SURVEYING, BUILDING DESIGN ALT. A SKT Of 1/12/00 112" = I' 806 N NINTH STRm COTTN:;[ GROVE. OREGON 97~2~ 1295 Elderberr~ 5L 5pfld 3 ffiEPHONE- (~1) 9~2-o126 r~- (5-0) 9~2-79JS 1.7 . - fi I~ -'4 -. -if1 . :'. ~;':;~>>;j7 - ,~, .' . . ...:-.,...",.,:, : .... "c ...~..'~\.I...I\_ ':... ~""..~.' ~. .~t'" ~ 3/4 (-) CRUSHED " -.< :.,~.,'<~<: ::;<: ~~.>>~:,'(J-;IJ'_~."" ROCK~ ';' ,',.,~:-:..':.~;~<.;.~ ': m _'''/~'' ~3 _T \;/ ~ ' "."', .".....: I <" .... .,.:- c f' .. "1-:..... ... ,. ., ~ '" ..~. .. , ....,',' f'.. \. ORL::GON 0/ I;.~ ' : ",' ~ ,~~ <.".:'- '::,' :1 I I'" '" .' . . '. ~ ' - o I '17 cf:;' , '" - --: ~ ~. .: '. .,\1'22. '\;:" // , .' ,"'- . .': ". /", ,,_- ..()v , .,', ' _ .,.. IC'/If'ln"-;\\'\'. '_,,, ,..0 ... ./i :..J't.J / .. '" '~. "~', ... II": 'r . ., '.... ,. " I 3/8 ROUND ROCK . " ','; .- EXPIRES: 1"'-1.", ov fBACKF;LL 2'-3' ~..' ~:::, ': '. .' ,,,-,,,", Y"-,,,", Y"-,,,", Y,,-'\:- . . , , . . " ~~~'0%y '. ~~~~"< ,'. ..' - ,.' ~~~~~ ;: ' '. ~: .' .,'. . :.--' '7);b>>>>>>~ -- -' " ~~~~- . . ~~~, :- %~~~~ - - ~~~~ :.: ~~~~ 8' 2,-l~' ! ~~~~< I 3'-0' ~)'\. '\: ,," '\: ,," "- ,," '\. ' 7' RET AINING VIALL Sco.lel 112' = 1/-0' 6' CONC, f'e= 2500 psi, Fy= 60000. psi 115 @ is: Vert @ Edgr- 114 @ 18' O,C, m .. C'1 I .-< , '.', . "0' .- . , '\,., . .... \ ~I PERF~ PIPE VIL TER'f FABRIC Cu DRAWN rc::r CHECKED Deoma~c REAR RETAINING WALL AL T. B ENGINEERING, lAND SURVEYING, BUILDING DESIGN 806 N NImH S1REIT COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON 97424 l295 Elderberr,y 5L 5pfld TillPHONE- (541) 942-0126 F~- (541) 942-7935 RD_R DATE. SCAlE. 112" = I' 1/12/00 JOB NO AlOl SHT or 2 3 6' CONC. f'c= 2500. psi, Fy= 60000. psi #4 @ 18,' Vert @ rl #4 @i 18' O,C, Horlz . ~f 3/8' , '=111 (Round Rock . . "I=- . , - , . , I . .. a .. I ~ 'V I ~. , . I 8' 1- l j w , , , /' .. .-< , I ~ 3/4 . ' (-) Crushed ' / / Rock Below~, ,-'.' , ,. r " 8' 2'-0' 4' RETAINING 'wi ALL Sca.lel 3/4' = 1'-0' ~ORL:GO~"1 ) J \0 "\;;~ZV'?2,:&::v, 7 /:'..-, -'- '0v'" '--,""; J n -, \,\ .- ~ ........ EXPIRES: 17-/~I/IP DRAWN. CHECKED Deoma~c JOB NO' rc:t RD.R 41 RETAINING WALL AI01 DATE ENGINEERING. LAND SURVEYING. BUILDING DESIGN SHT OF 1/12/00 806 N NINTH ~I ~tt.1 COTTAGE GRCNE, ORECON 97424 1295 Elderberr~ St., 5pfld 3 3 TlliPHONE- (541) 942-<l126 FAX- (541) 942-7935 G.eomax Inc , 806 N Ninth Street Cottage Grove, OR 97424 5419420126 geomax@attglobal net I Critena Retained Height Wall height above sOil Slope Behind Wall Height of SOIl over Toe 5011 Density Wind on Stem 1000ft 067 ft 170 1 42 00 In 11000pcf o 0 psf I Axial Load Applied to Stem I Design Summary Total Beanng Load resultant ecc 6,274 Ibs o 49 In SOIl Pressure @ Toe 1,390 pst OK SOil Pressure @ Heel 1,252 pst OK Allowable 1 ,500 pst 5011 Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe 1,597 pst ACI Factored @ Heel 1,440 pst Footing Shear @ Toe 164 pSI OK Footing Shear @ Heel 15 1 pSI OK Allowable 85 0 pSI Wall Stability Ratios Overturning 2 38 OK Sliding 2 08 OK Sliding Cales (Vertical Component NOT Used) Lateral Sliding Force 1,8393 Ibs less 100% Passive Force = - 2,8203 Ibs less 100% F nctlon Force = - < 1 ,829 5 Ibs Added Force Req'd 00 Ibs OK tor 1 5 1 Stability 00 Ibs OK . I AXial Dead Load AXial Live Load Stem Construction Footing Design Results-~---I Toe Heel 1 ,597 1 ,440 pst 12,425 5 ft-# 6,412 192 ft-# 6,013 187 ft-# 1643 1509 pSI 85 00 85 00 pSI #4@9001r1 None Spec'd None Spec'd Factored Pressure Mu' Upward Mu' Downward Mu Design Actual 1-Way Shear Allow l-Way Shear Toe Relrltorclrlg Heel Relntorclrlg Key Relrltorclrlg Title Rear Wall, Alt B Job # A 107 Dsgnr rdr Descnptlon Lower Fooling Retlnalng Wall, 10' ThiS Wallin File C \Documents\Projects\2000\A107\Jennlck RP5 = 35 0 pst/ft 35 0 pst/ft 250 0 pst/ft OOft 0450 0755 1,6437 4,1737 5,527 6 221 850 2340 2340 1000 619 2,5000 60,0000 Date JUL 12,2000 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design I I Soil Data Allow SOil Beanng = 1,500 0 psf EqUivalent FlUid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure Toe Aclive Pressure Passive Pressure Water height over heel FootlngllSOII Fnclion SOil height to Ignore tor passive pressure DeSign heIght Wall Matenal Above "Ht" Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at DeSign Data tb/F B + ta/F a Total Force @ Section Ibs = Moment Actual ft-# = Moment Allowable ft-# = Shear Actual pSI = Shear Allowable pSI = Bar Develop ABOVE Ht In = Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht IrI = Wall Weight pst = Rebar Depth 'd' In = Masonry Data fm Fs Solid Grouting Special Inspection Modular Rallo 'n' Short Term Factor Equlv Solid Thick Masonry Block Type = Medium Weight Concrete Data fc Fy 000 In 476 0 Ibs 895 0 Ibs I Top Stem Stem OK ft= 250 Concrete 800 # 5 1800 Edge pSI = pSI = pSI = pSI = I RetalnPro Professional 5 0 7, 8-Jul-99, (e) 1989-99 I Footing Strengths & Dimensions I fc = 2,500 pSI Fy 60,000 pSI Mln As % 00018 Toe Width 400 ft Heel Width 0 75 Total Footing Width 475 Footing Thickness 1500 In Key Width 0 00 In Key Depth 0 00 In Key Distance from Toe 000 ft Cover @ Top = 200ln @ Btm = 300 In AXial Load Eccentnclty 0 0 In 2nd Stem OK 000 Concrete 800 # 5 900 Edge 0895 2,6106 9,4915 10,601 6 352 850 2340 931 1000 619 2,500 0 60,0000 O'lu..... A(.(.qMahlc SI7CH & Spacll1~'" Toe #4@ 975 In, #5@ 1500 In, #6@ 2150 In, #7@ 2900 1rI, #8@ 38 25 In, #9@ 48 Heel Not req'd, Mu < S . Fr Key No key defined Geomax Inc 806 N Ninth Street Cottage (3rove, OR 97424 541 9420126 g-eomax@attglobal net . Tille Rear Wall, Alt B Job # A 107 Dsgnr rdr Descnplion Lower Footing Relinalng Wall, 10' Date JUL 12,2000 Item This Wallin File C \Documents\ProjectsI20oo\A107\lennlck RP5 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design RetalnPro Professional 5 0 7, 8-Jul-99, (cl 1989-99 l Summary of Overturnmq & Resistinq Forces & Moments I .. OVERTURNING. . . .RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Ibs ft ft-# Ibs ft 2,2342 377 8,4147 SOil Over Heel 917 471 -394 8 1 58 -625 2 Sloped SOil Over Heel 0 2 4 72 Surcharge Over Heel Adjacent Footing Load AXial Dead Load on Stem SOIl Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Stem Welght(s) Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing Weight Key Weight Vert Component Moment ft-# 4316 1 1 Heel Active Pressure Toe Aclive Pressure Surcharge Over Toe Adjacent Footing Load Added Lateral Load Load @ Stem Above SOil Total 1,8393 O.TM. 7,7895 238 4760 433 2,062 7 1,540 0 200 3,080 0 1,0670 433 4,6237 8906 238 2,115 2 1,3137 475 6,240 3 5,379 2 Ibs R.M.= 18,554 5 Resistrng/Overturnmg Ratio Vertical Loads used for SOil Pressure = 6,2742 Ibs Vertical component of aclive pressure used for SOil pressure Total = Pp = 2820 311 ':~t;,:',:~:t;3r .. ~.' ~~ "::,x-' ,....., ~~~~:;;....\t..; < .. ,,~:-~<.'~.".."4::%~~.c":___ ..~..:.'" ....\~~.;..~~....i ..:::'.. :: ...:'~~ t ~....;."'J.~ .. ~<:::... ~ .. .. ~.." "{~~':::i ...... .::.............. ~......\~ ..~': ........ :":Q:(:~;~>~..<c>>lt~ .. ..;-....~ ..::;~.....-;: ..:~..*~..~ .. ..-:::.... ....... ~.;~~~~*~0M <.... ....::"::-.... ;,.."^.........:: ......~..~~1-~ .. .. ..,-:...L ~"_+:",,~'~0~~ ~_::.._...~~~:\~ " ", 1252 3psf 1389 5psf DL= 476]LL= 89511, Ecc= Om ~ __ 1 u 2234 211 8 In Conc w/ 115 @ 18 In o/c ,.~ . , , ~ ....... .. . :~'...~ p . -.. ....- 1 3/4" 3'-6" f - - - T~:\?'~' ~'> H',~~",~", ,'~" -~:~~:~r . ,," ... ..,..'\.....~ ............. .... ............... .......... ... ..... ..~.... ~~~tn',Conc wi, #5 @ 9.in o1r;",":__ ~~~~..\t~~~<":2:.\~....~...."'~"'''''':' :... .... ..~;.. ~...4~".): 8 : ......;....... .. .... .. .. >.................-:x................ ........... ...... ":-" ............ ......~ :~:::$:~\~~ "k"~~ :.~>~ i .......... .. );.....:x. :;.~..i~~~~~ . :, ',"~'," -' "'-~ }..~t~i~":.~...':::....: ...... ....:: '-::" ......~.....~)~.... ..~~t:..~4..: :v'\'; ,.................WH..:..........:,........... ~~:~:.. ~:'....1....: · ~:....: ..~~ .. .... ... . >.... .... .... .......,..... ..... ....... .....-..; . ~ ~ .... .. "~--'---- , .. J~~--' . . #4@9 III @Toe Designer select IIO@O III all hOflz relnf ...- @ HeelSee Appendix A 4'-0" 9" -~... ~ 4'-9" ... ----~, . . . . . . . ...- 1 3/4" . 2" I -,- J_ t 1 7 8'-2" -- - ---1 2'.6" ----1 1 '-3" 3" ---'- . 10'-0" -, ---, 8"t . 1 0' -8" y This Wallin File C \Documents\Prolects\2000\A 1 0711ennlck RP5 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design RetalnPro ProfessionalS 0 7, 8-Jul-99, (c) 1989-99 , L Soil Data I I Footing Strengths & Dimensions' Allow Soil Bearing = 1,5000 psf fc = 2,500 pSI Fy 60,000 pSI Equivalent FlUid Pressure Method Mln As % 0 0018 Heel Aclive Pressure 350 psf/ft Toe Width 225 ft Toe Active Pressure 350 psf/fl Heel Width 075 Passive Pressure 2500 psf/fl Total Footing Width 300- Water height over heel 0 0 ft Footing Thickness FootlngllSoil Friction 0300 Sol! height to Ignore for passive pressure qeomax Inc 806 N Ninth Street Cottage Orove, OR 97424 541 9420126 geomax@atlglobal net . I Criteria Retained Height Wall height above sOil Slope Behind Wall Height of Soil over Toe SOIl Density 700 fl 067 fl 170 1 o 00 In 11000pcf Wind on Stem 00 psf I Axial Load Applied to Stem I Design Summary , Total Bearing Load resultant ecc 3,629 Ibs 124 In SOil Pressure @ Toe 1,459 psf OK SOil Pressure @ Heel 961 psf OK Allowable 1,500 psf SOIl Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe 1,742 psf ACI Factored @ Heel 1,147 psf Footing Shear @ Toe 126 pSI OK Fooling Shear @ Heel 85 pSI OK Allowable 85 0 pSI Wall Stability Ratios Overturning 1 82 OK Sliding 1 56 OK Sliding Cales (Vertical Component NOT Used) Lateral Sliding Force 1,2066 Ibs less 100% Passive Force = - 1,3203 Ibs less 100% Fnclion Force = - 602 51bs Added Force Req'd 00 Ibs OK for 1 5 1 Stability 00 Ibs OK r-~otingDesign Results I Factored Pressure Mu' Upward Mu' Downward Mu DeSign Actual l-Way Shear Allow l-Way Shear Toe ReinforCing Heel ReinforCing Key ReinforCing Toe 1,742 4,032 664 3,368 1265 8500 None Spec d None Spec d # 4 @ 18 00 In Heel 1,147 psf 36 ft-# 351 fI-# 314 fI-# 8 52 pSI 85 00 pSI I I Design height Wall Matenal Above "HI" Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at Design Data fb/F B + fa/Fa Total Force @ Section Moment Actual Moment Allowable Shear Actual Shear Allowable Bar Develop ABOVE Ht Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht Wall Weight Rebar Depth 'd' Masonry Data fm Fs Solid Grouting Speclallnspeclion Modular RatiO 'n' Short Term Factor EqUlv Solid Thick Masonry Block Type = Medium Weight Concrete Data fc Fy AXial Dead Load AXial live Load I Stem Construction Tille . Rear Wall Alt A Job # A 107 Dsgnr rdr Descrlplion Higher fooling rear wall, 7' retained o 00 In Key Width Key Depth Key Distance from Toe Cover @ Top = 200 In AXial Load Eccentnclty 476 0 Ibs 895 0 Ibs , Top Stem Stem OK fl = 000 Concrete 600 # 5 1800 Edge 0927 Ibs = 1,4578 fl-# = 3,4014 3,6676 pSI = 290 pSI = 850 In= 2340 In= 969 750 In= 419 pSI = pSI = pSI = pSI = 2,500 0 60,0000 Olll(..r AU_l"ltahle S17~ &. SpHllnW" Toe Not req'd, Mu < S . Fr Heel Not req'd, Mu < S . Fr Key #4@ 2225 In, #5@ 3450 In, #6@ 48 25 In, #7@ 48 25 In, Date JUL 12,2000 1500 In 800 In 24 00 In 000 fl @ Btm = 3 00 In 001n Geomax Inc 806 N Ninth Street Cottage e:>rove, OR 97424 5419420126 g'eomax@attglobal net . Title Rear Wall Alt A Job # A 107 Dsgnr rdr Description Higher footing rear wall, T retained Date JUL 12,2000 Item This Wallin File C \Documents\ProJects\2000\A107\Jennlck RP5 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design RetalnPro Professional 507, 8-Jul-99, (c) 1989-99 I Summary of Overturnmq & Resistinq Forces & Moments J . OVERTURNING .RESISTlNG..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Ibs ft ft -# Ibs ft ~---- 1,233 9 280 3,4538 SOil Over Heel 1925 288 -27 3 042 -11 4 Sloped 5011 Over Heel 2 0 2 92 Surcharge Over Heel Adjacent Footing Load AXial Dead Load on Stem SOil Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Stem Welght(s) Earth @ Stem Transllions = Footing Weight Key Weight Vert Component Moment ft-# 5534 59 Heel Aclive Pressure Toe Active Pressure Surcharge Over Toe Adjacent Footing Load Added Lateral Load Load @ Stem Above SOil Vertical component of active plessure used for 5011 pressure Total = 4760 250 1,1900 5753 250 1,438 1 5625 1 50 843 7 2000 033 667 7256 300 2,1767 2,7338 lbs R.M= 6,2746 Total 1,2066 OT.M. 3,4424 182 Resisting/Overturning Ratio Vertical Loads used for SOil Pressure = 3,628 8 Ibs Pp = 1320 311 ~ DL~ 47fjLL" 895 #, '~ , 1233 911 14587psf Ecc = 0 In 6 In Conc w/ 115 @ '8 In o/c IIO@O In @Toe Designer select IIO@O III all hom relnf @ Heel See Appendix A . 8" I ~~' 2'-3" ~ ~- 3'-0" I ~ ~A1'1 . ,~}~ ~' ~","::i;;,i} .......~~~ . " . -... ~-1 3/4" . 2'-4" - - -.. 9" ..~ .. . . . . . . . 2" I , --1 _t -t .-~ . . '.. 1 7 8" i 7'-0" , '-3" 3" --~I- 2'-0" 1- , A. 7'-8" '1 Oeomax Inc 806 N Ninth Street Cottage torove, OR 97424 5419420126 !;1eomax@attglobal net I Critena Retained Height Wall height above soil Slope Behind Wall Height of SOil over Toe SOIl Density Wind on Stem I Surcharge Loads ThiS Wallin File C \Documents\Projects\2ooo\A107\1ennlck RP5 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design RetalnPro ProfeSSionalS 0 7, 8-Jul-99, (c) 1989-99 I I Soil Data I I Footing Strengths & Dimensions I Allow SOil Beanng = 1,500 0 psf fc = 2,500 pSI Fy 60,000 pSI Equivalent FlUid Pressure Method MIn As % = 0 0018 Heel Active Pressure = 350 psf/ft Toe Width 067 ft Toe Active Pressure 350 psf/ft Heel Width 1 33 Passive Pressure 2500 psf/fl Total Footing Width 200 Water height over heel 0 0 ft Footing Thickness 1300 In FootlngllSOII Fnctlon 0450 Key Width 8 00 In Soil height to Ignore Key Depth 0 00 In for passive pressure = 0 00 In Key Distance from Toe 000 ft Cover@ Top = 200ln @ Btm = 300 In I I Adjacent Footing Load I Adjacent Footing Load = 1,371 0 Ibs Footing Width 300ft Eccentnclty 0 00 In Wall to Ftg CL Dlst 10 50 ft Fooling Type Line Load Base Above/Below SOil at Back of Wall 350 ft 050 ft 000 1 o 00 In 110 00 pcf 00 psf Tille Second Wall From Rear Job # A 107 Dsgnr rdr Descnplion 4' wall retaining 40" 5011 Date JUL 12,2000 I I Lateral Load Applied to Stem , , Surcharge Over Heel 0 0 psf Used To ReSist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe 00 psf Used for Sliding & Overturning I Axial Load Applied to Stem I AXial Dead Load 203 0 Ibs AXial Live Load 540 0 Ibs AXial Load Eccentnclty 001n I Design Summary I Total Beanng Load 1 ,790 Ibs resultant ecc 236 In SOil Pressure @ Toe 1,422 psf OK SOil Pressure @ Heel 368 psf OK Allowable 1,500 psf SOIl Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe 2,006 psf ACI Factored @ Heel 519 psf Footing Shear @ Toe 00 pSI OK Footing Shear @ Heel 1 0 pSI OK Allowable 85 0 pSI Wall Stability RatiOS Overturning 269 OK Sliding 1 77 OK SlIdmg Calcs (Vertical Component NOT Used) Lateral Sliding Force 353 6 Ibs less 1 00% Passive Force = - 146 7 Ibs less 100% Fnctlon Force = - 51641bs Added Force Req'd 00 Ibs OK for 1 5 1 Stability 00 Ibs OK IF~-~ting Design Results , Toe Heel 2,006 519 psf 413 249ft-# 51 409 ft-# 362 159 ft-# o 00 0 98 pSI 85 00 85 00 pSI None Spec'd None Spec'd None Spec'd Factored Pressure Mu' Upward Mu' Downward Mu DeSign Actual 1-Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe ReinforCing Heel ReinforCing Key ReinforCing DeSign height Wall Matenal Above "HI" Thickness Rebar SIZe Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at DeSign Data fb/F B + fa/Fa Total Force @ Section Moment Actual Moment Allowable Shear Actual Shear Allowable Bar Develop ABOVE Ht Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht Wall Weight Rebar Depth 'd' Masonry Data fm Fs Solid Grouting Special Inspection Modular Ralio 'n' Short Term Factor EqUlv Solid Thick Masonry Block Type = Medium Weight Concrete Data fc Fy Lateral Load Height to Top Height to Bottom Stem Construction 01 her Acnplahlc S""" & SpaCIll~' Toe Not req'd, Mu < S . Fr Heel Not req'd, Mu < S . Fr Key Not req'd, Mu < S . Fr o 0 #/fl 000 ft OOOft -08ft I Top Stem Slem OK ft = 000 Concrete 600 # 4 1800 Center 0249 Ibs= 3647 ft-# = 4252 1,7056 pSI = 101 pSI= 850 m= 1872 In= 600 750 m= 300 pSI = pSI = pSI = pSI = 2,5000 60,0000 Geomax Inc 806 N Ninth Street Cottage €>rove, OR 97424 5419420126 geomax@attglobal net Title Second Wall From Rear Job # A 107 Dsgnr rdr Descnptlon 4' wall retaining 40" soil Date JUL 12,2000 Resisting/Overturning Ratio Vertical Loads used for SOil Pressure =, ThiS Wallin File C \Documents\Projects\2000\A107\1ennlck RP5 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design RetalnPro Professional 5 0 7, 8-Jul-99, (c) 1989-99 Summary of Overturnin~. & Resistinq Forces & Moments I' .. .OVERTURNING..... .....RESISTlNG..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Ibs ft ft-# Ibs ft 3676 1 53 561 6 SOIl Over Heel 3196 1 59 -205 036 -74 Sloped SOil Over Heel Surcharge Over Heel Adjacent Footing Load AXial Dead Load on Stem SOil Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Stem Welght(s) Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing Weight Key Weight Vert Component Moment ft-# 5065 Item Heel Active Pressure Toe Active Pressure Surcharge Over Toe Adjacent Fooling Load Added Lateral Load Load @ Stem Above SOil 65 050 33 Vertical component of active pressure used for sOil pressure Total = 2030 092 1868 3000 092 2760 3250 100 3250 033 1025 200 2049 1,250 0 Ibs RM.= 1,499 2 Total 3536 O.T.M 5575 269 1,7900 Ibs . .. 6 In Cone w/ #4 @ 18 In o/c IIO@18 In @Toe #0@18 In @ Heel ~ . ~~~",.~ Z::}~'i:,,,,- ''it>~' . . 2" --'-- --- -, _,J _3" - ; . . I Designer select I 8" 1 '-4" all hom relnf ~..~ See Appendix A ~-- 2'-0" .. 6"f 3'-6" I I -;.,.t , A 4'-0" l " " .. ...,. Pp = 146 711 ~ OL. 203 . LL. 540 " 367 6211 1422 4psf AdJ Ft EGG EGG = 0 In . . ....... ... . .,. .,...,..~ " :5 ;;i;;;iT),; :;!!;:~)U:S'; ......... '.. ..... ,.. .... . '.:. ..': ..,:.:.;::.:....:::... :... : ;.;~:f.~.:;.:: ...:: ;.~; i.(::;:{~. '.,I< It \~~ . ,\ ----- ..- '--- '. '\ l "::;::::> ~ "7 ~ .. \ >, ~ '4",., )~ \ " ~. ----- ~ ~ ;.~ ------ ----- ------;-~-- --- ------ - - -- -- -\--- a\ c o -- - -~----- ----- - "- '~ --- --'i . - I!\~- '~U-" --- -~ , ',_~"__ ' -' '- .-- -.--"--~. --:------- ~? -f J- "-., - ~- --- ~~~ -- ----- -- -.- --------- \ \---. ~- ( (' ~" /,' / I --,~ , , ---- ,..,.,-/-" ." J