HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2003-9-1 . , '" ~ .a L1yy IIi-it ~&/)y /?D,b Michael Remboldt PE GE'otE'chmcal & CIvil EngmE'E'rmg 521 MarkE't St StE' B EugE'nE' OR 97402 5t16849399 fax 541684 9358 ___ ACH-zI/./ j.//4rJ.4 <1/,J.{? ! ~ tP If q.,l;="'!:-'7... r:::-:? pj(J.c I,~ E;'nglnE;'E;'rlng -I . _.~-- .", --:-~-~:;, / /1..A-(1- 12 / P 3x T ( 7)/' ) -~ X\ "4, +-- ~~ " ~ j L,; ~ ,J 'I No I , ~". t9" ~q ~ _..:L. __J M 6~ -1..b. - '::~- r7?' '1 ~ J \ \' 1 _ __-1 .;J-'" ? ?f-;- /( E- ) / C/t., n.a c. 1:- ~/~;:4t Lf'7 p; i~ , . : N l / ,/' { ~ tr:' ~ " - . - ~ '" ~ '- , .... '0 l l~! " . i \) .......\ ; 1 t '""- : -~~..~. ,- MIA}::.~c:.llll) 7xT' (ryf') A 4:t;J J, 'TIP '-t- T'1I/fC~ ~~c...7/ oN - /lrc. /- (U~, --~--,., ., ,.._~-~-------~-.---------------- --F-~' ,""-" ~ " ,,-" -. --, ,,- ..-..--" ,------',- 'k /J,.. J '--C) K ;Jp / e"" " ;t::f.-/5ilJ-c..L-' ,,,4$ ,1?-F7l::. ,A-A.lC::;Jd-vfL. \v~ 51)~ H-T/A-etfro7. Job NQ 57,) '=? DatE;' '1 f4.. (jj/ C11E;'nt 11., \/;""11.. l4;..-vt f-~~f ~LnILC ShE;'E;'t I of 4- DeSCriptIOn 2'2.. "7 7 ~7]) )f. - P/2 ~;I..I""; /,. F7 .?<4"rtC- ,. .a Michael Remboldt PE GeDtechnlcal & CIVIl Engmeermg 521 Market St Ste B Eugene OR 97402 541 684 9399 Fax 541 684 9358 engineering I ' ~ ~ ----- - l<-,f:H-~ "'l ~,L flU- ~/.j ,. elt.. It..-vc..!:- <f ... "S V" tr= J'2, 7/;)c/ ~ C4-"" c. 7.-4- o ~ .:?C.l 1(..... ; I./AI.;' F 4.0' ,. ...,s.,-,-~.' 4- ~ /.' j- ~_.- LL - / -, L'" WW/ ,~ _/ -,-- L4 j'{ ( ~ I " .-1.- - -~, . \? J.d I -;.. ~ ~ " , ' I 1,.1' 1 ___. I 1/.1\' I{ _ ~_ -+ -1l\f'lt .~. -J " '""i bdr'/..\. I -t-- ;'" .... Q .ct p;' ..:&- - J. - .., ....., ~ (II ~ ;J 'IO---{ \S I/) " "t::" . N -I- "--->I / r ~ " - $' od (vEtIH:'1" P fl,-lff cJ ~ 34-0 /~I" '/ to' ~ ~, ~ \ ~-f" - . -1'~-T- o ' s~ ~~ C:;Uf!.C~c...A;f >., , \:;,.;~f fdci\\I"C i'll~t"~ ~ ("-':(\2.-1)(.0 "':.0\) ::: 1?3 f's:.p \)J~,- -r:l. , \ "# \ SOl> \Ctt:.\... t.~C\''-J\: (~~\..) f[L~SS:;:> V" '(1g~);: t:74q l~ /~-t IO[f,; *'- ~'AtLL!+ht!.(~ \..A-"t f1J ff';: ~ Co (1~'L) - :k.- (" YI<l'L~ S"1l) = l"V1> \\,; / {t . (? 07"u.~ TJl.,-.J T \..., /L..~I1:)~ p,-" ~ ~ ~~'- ~ }L,1 \7 ; ~:::-- <=(\~'L1) 3 - ~~ ~K I.~~.~~,!}( 4') - Z. 4-'" 1~ ~!~ ~~, ~~~I\..I"t1 .- ~.~:'::-'~~ AS~\AM~ ~~ 46 (\t-Ib.-v"- ~~~ INC\.. (ZfINr':,.tcC'? F2frct.B\.\'~) ~ '-I (J / Nt' r4Xb( 1-z,.7~~ "34) _. _ _ w. - ~+-r7,D f-'c ~ -;; Of/IFl.:..1l.A UN ! JJf- Po'S':.:=. . ~(I'7- 7:r~,~}... 4) : . . C?f1f 2-)-f{7-zA!.'Z.14~) . "2vS~ . I "l-rrr. 7 /. b 1. ;;> /, S- <:1}! I/'" 1 " '1AJ = . ... ' ;-..:2 I ~. 4-. -z,t Cfr) "2, ~ 4- $'2,.(J' ,', ~1. 6 -;.,.. cd... ./ Job NQ 157 0 '3 Date 1/+-/<) '3 Client /ZllAFfl. I ;~.<...' '/ ~(..1h 1"r;:': Sheet--2-of 4- DeSCription r/2-u/r IL~7, LUf.HA- c3 Michael Remboldt PE Geotechnical & CIvil Engineering 521 Market St Ste B Eugene OR 97402 541 6849399 fax 541 684 9358 engineering Z"')(."\tt.\LNt.L ~iA'?-oo'lV"t'-\~ L"',\...\'~ ~"2-. ro~ ~ .. - - ~ ~(!'2.."'n(~ y,~) ';;............ ." ~{G;\(I'2 ~ "4 -.z..c, 5' J::,. S4\ ~ 7<1- > \~ .'..- 0 L ~ ~ 74 POC; -0-( :: ( 10 5-4 ~\1... ,)c-2.sj (54" l- 2- ) = '7 lo~u )0<;2 .= ~.~4 ~oq4 'r "l 0 ~ Cl\c..../ \ W 'U:- 'V-.};! ~ -: c;.. '1"_'* b l.'-l n- Y(f-/IV~tJf'lCII~,1" FL~p/'Vr.!'!!E 2.~') '1.0, S.f/ Pt2,yP'1/;A..fF fKL.VM (',G,N'~fi'7 ;V1//l.A-4-/l/!) $)CT F~=O"~&"""lf t?I..Ff'd..IC/VI:.__#.'-=- 2~_Prt.t.:J'v'-, ~IJ-~: '=O;:J'(f.~ 30')'" P. ~2~ L / ~S r-:: '[f:7c,16-1!T J> r::-'10lvf) '/l(J../-JF../I,AF eLF) -/.?L.cJ<.d-:::: 7- ,----:. _ I f' ,. ,l!:'~ <-, ,"'4- Lr ~ I, 78 I, W~:_~\ Tv:. (fr, - 2 .5")((2.7)';:' ~4tf f-1.ff H'1rLI9& N/~ /Z.rttcF e.t'LflY/f'l-'f" lie4. o() F r.-t i7 i=r} fr ~ ~ L 1EJ./67ff I (Fos :::/, S') &=- Pj;- .= L..c.. : &- (4.7 r +- Z,15 j(/~7);. 24) \+q5] 2- 4-14- II:? /'vt , IV' I.S ~ C\, F~ .-. (/.s:X 41+) , f - -~._~, . -== t.', 24 (4-4 4{b.~?S) . 2,1-"1- :> /. . . /Vt.1At r 7' ,-.- /Al""; C r:: I=~l .. 4,s~ 6 ~ 2.~ -- 7C' 4 ~ ~, 0 -=~ LT.::: - -f-~4>4- ;!.~f(.: (.vI f) n+ 'fool ) Z; 2.41 ,. G I:- ,./ ~l. t;:.fl-1tN'Vl .!.!. :;> f'1-f-=- ~(-z.1-r:+1.1~\(/z7'f"~+ltO}'5)::;: '2.s""'- Ib. vv::=- ('1. f /"2..7) + 'Z{ ~)()7. 7) ;; ~-3's - -4.P L (;,- =- V- s-')( _"1: -reo 1 ~ f) . '1 {; 9 t- r::. 4 - :t-A4>-~ :. ~.tf 4 ('-3S),O.6lS) ?,o" >0,96? '. gJ- Job NQ <::;7. 0 "3 Date '1/4- /0 -; Client ;(, VI:!' r2 v~-rt.i ;.Jl/}/t:. Sheet 3 of 4- Descnptlon Fi<. /(F'T. L-c.//~LL- .a Michael Remboldt PE Geotechmcal & CIvil Engmeerlng 521 Market St Ste B Eugene OR 97402 541 684 9399 fax 541 684 9358 engineering !; L r:; ^' H I'..if #? _ . ~ ~ f ~ _ ^_ ;:;.,- =:; [ t (I.L)1/1.-1)(0 ,",'f)"';' 13'2 7,.)2.5; VII' ~ (p-S)(/7.--7) 'f- t;,(IZ7) -- L - (;.J-'(!e'?,J = t!/. 7/4- c;- - /,_.... _y; ) L..,... =: t"'~~}J'-..o~ ?~ I /'~9 Ib. 4 _ ~.S I ;4 .::-";.: '5 t.-- T~M"" 1$"'2-- ~ 0".71+ CI f.- ~ 0~(..-#2- rt.\."'f'l"1 ~~T.s ~ Z..D' i <J..Sf E -...J.'l ( L ~j. ~ I t N r -. fh-= Tv ~ L& ,;. I ;: (S--f--z.-rs'Xn-7J(6.,A.) C4'fJ~7) := Sur p.:cf (I- S)(~7 /) :t ~.' '2 7Cf (~(j E'(~.( <)) z.. Lr;:; 3-~(...rf-- :00 7.&/2- $' 1. I ?sf 'f- > o. ~. 7'7 q . f; L e- /1.1 Ft-/ T J;f. 2- ?/'i ~ .Lv I - :;.. (z ?.rf/i.-7Jfo, 7.-f.. )~ ;::.. 31. 3 ~ (/,S): /~7) ~. )Cf / ;.:i f (!,j-Y ~ -f :1) ::: =>.(/,13/' O:9fK Q., 1 n 1& 4 Lr: q..,r --:z. ... - <e'l I > ~\. ,d?J" ;:p ~.... 4- -I- .. t9~ ,,(;) '-' 1.;;<- ,~ ~ ./r-_ ....... Job NQ. 5 7. u '3 Client /2..\VF/L V/:;t.LU'~1 hl-PIC.... Sheet 4- of 4- Date 7/4-/0;' DescnptlOn F .~ o;...n- / (~'l l v ,'1-{/1-- ed to attain virtually any height. Geosynthetics testing results WIth many geosynthetic tyP~ must have ~ performance with the ANCHOR Water Projects. ANCHOR D~06 can be used in .;; 'IAMOND@ unit t1ln>ugQ.sonnection testing. water projects. Cons~tiooS which must be addressed Contained in this man~are~les for geosyn- in the design.JncltiCfe velocity of water impacting the thetic reinforcement placement under . conditions stru.crur~id draw down effect and ice flow. '---- fu (slopes, soils and surcharges). All data in thiS ~- Success I ANCHOR DIAMOND@ water ANCHOR DIAMOND@ Estimating Man " -prelimi- ~ct designs use a combination of geosynthetics for nary and for estimating purpo " Actual pro- reinfO?cem t and ftItration - as well as "rip-rap" ject conditions will v~ mal design must be per-placed in front 0 wall to protect the footing. All formed by a ~rered engineer. water projects should be . ed by a registered AnddWall Systems has available connection professional engineer. Please refer t Anchor Wall Systems Water Applications Manual for design . tion. " 'l GENERAL INFORMATION Compressive strength ........... 3000 psi min. Absorption rote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7.0% max. Materiol composition ............. High quolity zero slump concrete '. DIAMOND CAP UNIT (OPTIONAL) Approximote Dimensions. ...... 3"x17.2S"xlO"* Approximate Weight ............... 321bs. ** f' ":. ..... SPECIFICATIONS DIAMOND BEVELED UNIT Approximote Dimensions...... 6"xlS.07S"x12"* Approximate Weight ... .. .. . .. .. ... 60/bs. ** Covemge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .67 sq ft. Set Bock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11/0" ..... 6" DIAMOND CORNER UNIT (OPTIONAl) Approximate Dimensions......... 6"xI6"xl2"* Appmxinurte Weight ............... 05/bs. ** 6" *Oimensions moy wry by +/-1/16" (+j-1Smm) **Weight may vary slightly by region. Specificotions moy vary Of clumge without nolice. DIAMOND STRAIGHT UNIT Approximate Dimensions....... 6"x17.25"xI2"* Approximate Weight ............... nibs. ** Covemge ....................... .72sq ft. Set Bock . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11/0" 6" COLORS Monufucturers sIondord c%I5 include, but Ofe not tunited to, gmy ond tmJ. Add'l1ionol colol5 vary by region. Custom colol5 ore ownoble by speeo/ order on~. 2 ..11 ANGIOR WAU.. II ~.J.:MS Anchor Diamond@ SECTION 02276: RETAINING WALL SPECIFICATION PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Concrete Retaining Wall Unit: "Anchor Diamond Retaining Wall Units" as manufactured under license from Anchor Wall Systems. 1. Concrete wall units shall meet requirements of ASTM C90-96, Sections 4, 5, 6 and 7, except compressive strength shall be a minimum of 3,000 psi and the maximum water absorption shall be limited to 7.0 percent and unit height dimensions shall not vary more than +/- 1/16 inch from that specified. 2. Concrete wall units are required to have a minimum of app.vximately 0.67 square foot face area. 3. Color as selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard selections. 4. Face Pattern Geometry: Beveled or Slraight; Texture: Smooth or Split Rock Face. The concrete units shall include an integral concrete t shear connection flange along the lower rear edge. B. Geosynthetic reinforcement: Polyester fiber geogrid, or polypropylene woven geotextile for use as soil reinforcement. C. Base: Material shall consist of drainage aggregate, sand and gravel and/or concrete as shown on the construction drawings. A minimum of 6 inches of compacted base is required. p. n_:_--~.p..4lIt6. Fill eetwooR units shall Gansi!;t of ~'1----c- -,e,.t:)&-.e- . --free-draining;<:oarse-aggreg~r<lance-witJt.AS:f,M- 3,04 448;86;...Standard Classification-forSizes-ofAggre5a:l.':' lor ,Road.and,Bridge Construction,designation-5r,-6i', C, 7-or 8. ~~-iLL--";;~ VCre~'Nc.-:c . ill: lfatecials are suim ...,.>:;t'e-S6ih. ..~.. ...",."mre ",u.l~les-oompaction-to...the.specifiec:L G.:.&..;~;':'.:..:>. Unsuitab1e-soils-are1h~ils-with-the-l:JSGS' GlaBsifieatton-symbol-of-C-H,eH;-MH,.ob;--PT.--eL-soils- ..wJ1Jll'l Plasticity.lndex-(PJ}..greater -than -25 are-also -considered-unsuitable soils. E. Drain tile: The drainage collection pipe shall be a p.:..fv.a:ted or slotted PVC or corrugated HDPE pipe. ( ~'-... 3 3.01 A. EXECUTION EXAMINATION The contractor shall examine the areas and conditions under which the retaining wall is to be erected and notify the Architect or Ovil Engineer in writing of conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. The contractor shall promptly notify the wall design engineer of any site conditions which may affect wall performance or may require a reevaluation of the wall design. 3.02 A. EXCAVATION The Contractor shall excavate to the lines and grades shown on the construction drawings. Over-excavation not "'-t't"""ed by the owner or duly appointed owner's l.:.p&Csenta- tive shall not be paid for and replacement with compacted fill and/or wall system components will be required at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall be careful not to disturb base beyond the lines shown. The Contractor shall be responsible for the stability of the excavation and it's influence on adjacent properties and structures. 3.03 A. FOUNDATION PREPARATION Foundation soil shall be excavated as required for footing or base dimension shown on the construction drawings, or as directed by the Engineer. Foundation soil shall be examined by the project geotechnlcal engineer to ensure that the actual foundation soil strength meets or exceeds that specified on the construction drawings_ Soil not meeting the required strength shall be removed, sufficiently oversized from the front of the block and the back of the reinforcement and backfilled with suitable material. Over-excavated areas shall be filled with suitable compacted backfill. B. BASE COURSE PREPARATION A. Base materials shall be placed as &heWB en the l'.nndn,rtion drawings with a minimum thickness of 6 inches. B. Base materials shall be installed upon undisturbed soils, or foundation soils prepared in accordance with Section 3.03 C. Material shall be compacted so as to provide a level, hard surface on which to place the first course of units. D. Base materials shall be prepared to ensure complete contact of retaining wall unit Gaps shall not be allowed. ~halI-OO-te-the4eptbs-and-widths-sliewn on the plans. The ~r may opt for usiBg leduced-depth-of-sand-and-graveHind-replacement-with a 1" to ':..concrete..t"~I':'.g.-Concrete-Sha1l-be..JeaD;- lJBreinfQJ.'eed-anc:l-a-nuuamwn-of-tw&in€hes,-thi~. -Wbere-a....einforced..footing-is-required;pIace-belowihe 1\ Ui), Illit:. 4 ..- Anchor Diamond@ ANCHORWALLSYSIEMS g.~ SECTION 02276: RETAINING WALL SPECIFICATION 05 \. B. ERECTION Erect units as specified herein. First course of concrete wall units shall be placed on the prepared base material. Units shall be checked for level and alignment. The top of all units in base course shall be at the same elevation. Ensure that concrete wall units are in full contact with base. Concrete wall units shall be placed side by side for full length of wall alignment. Alignment may be done by using a string line or offset of wall line. Fill all voids between and within concrete wall units with nrninqg(' aw~gate. c L~, GrL~ ~A/L /Z I#.. L ."~ minimlim af 12 inches of drainage aggregate shill ~~ plaeed behind the ';'u.-.,;.&,;.~,;.-wal:l-1JDits:. Draintile shall be installed at the lowest elevation possible - to maintain gravity flow of water to outside of the rein- 'orced zone. The drainage collection pipe shall be day- lighted to an app,up,~ate location away from the wall sys'" tern at each low point 6f 2 aO feat intervals aleftg the ..all. Remove all excess fill from top of units and install next course. Ensure drainage aggregate and backfill are com- pacted before installation of next course. . Install each succeeding course. BackfIll as each course is completed. Pull the units forward until the locating surface of the unit contacts the locating surface of the units in the preceding course. Pull the units forward as far as poSSIble. Install geosynthetic reinforcement in accordance with geosynthetic manufacturer's recommendations and the design drawings. ). . J. ... :so I. " ~. >>6 BACKFILL PLACEMENT Reinforced backfill shall be placed, spread and compacted in a manner that will minimize slack in the reinforcement. Fill in the reinforced zone shall be placed and compacted in lifts not to exceed 6 to 8 inches in loose thickness where hand operated compaction equipment is used and not exceeding 12 inches loose thickness where heavy, self-pro- pelled compaction equipment is used. All fill placed in the reinforced zone must be compacted to a minimum of 95 per<:ent of the soil's standard Proctor density (ASTM D 698-91) or as recommended by the pro- 'ect geotechnical engineer. JnIy lightweight hand-vt'.......ted equipment shall be allowed within 4 feet of the back of the retaining wall units, or one-half of the wall height, whichever is greater. .. t. t. 5 3.09 3.10 3.07 CAP UNIT INSTALLATION (If Applicable) A. Apply construction adhesive to the top surface of the unit below and place the cap unit into desired position. B. Cap units may need to be cut to obtain the proper fit. e. BackfIll and compact to finish grade. 3.08 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Damaged units should be replaced with new units during construction. B. Contractor shall remove debris caused by this construction and leave adjacent paved areas broom clean. ALITY CONTROL e wall installation contractor is responsible for q ity control of installation of all materials. The con tor should enlist the assistance of a qualified indepen t third party to verify the correct installation of all mate' s according to these specifications 8;. - '\~ the constructio drawings. :,- ~..) B. The Owner, at hi wn expense, should retain a qualified profession 0 perform random quality assurance checks of the ntractor's work C. Work found to be deficient ccording to these specifications or the construc n drawings must be corrected at the contractor's expe e. D. The retaining wall will not be consi red complete until accepted by the engineer or duly ointed owner's ,.:.p...sentative. SUREMENT AND PAYMENT urement of segmental retaining wall shall be on an ed square foot basis computed on the total face area: f wall installed. Wall face area is taken from the bo m of the base course to the top of the wall. B. Payment for the w basis at the contract price. I. Payment should be c idered full compensation for all labor, materials, uipment and testing required to install the wall accordance with these specifications and the co truction drawings. 2. Quantities may vaxy from that sh on the construction drawings depending on isting topography. Change to the total quanti f~} face area will be paid or withheld at the con~ unit bid price.