HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1988-2-22 ;.....:>l'O._.""~_,...-........,.........""...".;"'-'-;"'-.~,......~_..I;'."' ...".... ..~._' ......_..J_,~.,. -',' ......, ..~. ....~...._..~,._....--_.~... " '. . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development ",.'. .. ". . Planning and Development Department '3 L- '1- ~ Y D.- ~ -p-t-V CERTIFIED LETTER ,. //~r.;;~,: ';.'\ .. . ,'~"i,\' ;,>: February 22, 1988 ~i~~,\:i;,tt, ." " ,'i',~;,:",.. Mr. Seldon Mason },y,(!;:;}:,,:i,444 ~econd Avenue ",::,;,';''';':''', Seaslde. Oregon 97138 ,"..','..,.t'.,' -.t,....~..;.'\.. ,f.: ' :;~~!~iii::;~1If~~':j~~:t';: 32nd & Jasper Road, Assessor's Map 18-02-06-24 Tax Lot 03900 & 04000, .'::Y:::::;,: " Pre-Appl ication Conference Dear Mr. Mason: I' received your Pre-Application Conference application in today's mail. I am unable at 'this time to schedule your requested conference because the Pre- Application Conference process is set-up to address specific proposed uses of .property. Your application did not include the required plot plan showing a specific proposal. Your application states "Insomuchas this property has always been commercial ever since I bought it (25 years ago) & the tax rate on this 1 acre is taxed as a commercial piece of property, I'd like to apply for some type of variance that will allow me to use it commercially as I have in the past." Your property is zoned Low Density Residential. The Metropolitan Area General Plan also designates this property as Low Density Residential. Any use of this property for something other than those specified in Article 16 of the Springfield Development Code are not permitted. J;4;,\i~,;~~;;."Add;t;onally.'Art;cle 11 Variances, Section 11.010 states "..However. it should -"''":''_~,'~'''''~--~be noted that a Variance does not include use exceptions, i.e., a Variance .,..-,q,,-,.t~~.~ . . . ~"'.'''~'-' ' cannot be used 1 n l-1eu of a Zone Change...". .". ...._- '-'~ .;:.:~<~r;,,'.c. ;/.: ,,',',...;.' " .':r>i~::. ", . ...., ..' If you feel your taxes are not being calculated property you should discuss this with the Lane County Tax Assessor's Office as soon as possible. If you are interested in discussing a proposal that would be consistent with the permitted uses in the Low Density Residential district I have enclosed another Pre-Application Conference application. Additionally. I have provided you with a copy of permitted uses within the district. I am aware that you have spoke with Development Code Administrator Greg Mott regarding the Formal Interpretation process. I have also enclosed an application for a Formal Interpretation. If you feel that the use you propose for your property is consistent with uses permitted in the Low Residential District you can request a formal interpretation. Staff will review the application and respond. The non-refundable application fee for the Formal Interpretation is $25. 225 Fifth Street . Springfield, OR 97477 · 503/726-3753 '''~.' ',' :.. .'. ::'~,,~. . ';'" ':'Xf;l;;':. ..';:.." .',. . ~.' ';/ii:;.: . '." .. '.:'''' ....,'.;,. ..:',f?:';~~}~:\.' n.. . , ........, ,':,.'. ". : ~ "" ';'. ;..:.--'~:~:.~ :..:'.~'j; ;,~.Jrtj:':~~\i';t;n;~~iit;~:i1~t~~~~.e;.;~.oiI'IL-\~::-.~i.t;i~:4t.:r~~~:~\;'t':.<;t::f>.::\!7':~;J!'..::,t;~I.~.~::~:1',,~?:E.~l'i.t~),~~...r.Gt;"t1t.\;J:i:i(:~\~'F~:';~I."f:tr';7.:!;:1'~~~~(J:i;.\ :;~}w:..&1:\of'J:::';':-!":~': ;',:': ;. .':. ',~ ..~~~t~:'~:.'\' "-'.'. . .....~. '. . i" ..-::. i ~. ' '~.~,::~<;,~- . ..... ')~~~"~ ". . . . . Mr. Mott has told you that if you request to use this property for a Slurry Seal/Asphalt paving operation staff is not prepared to support this request. If you appeal staff's interpretation, your appeal would be heard by the City's Hearings Official. The Hearings Official is also a land use attorney and we believe he will concur with staff that Low Oensity Residential zoning does not permit Slurry Seal/Asphalt paving operations. The application fee for an Appeal is $200. ,You have been given a deadline to discontinue the existing use of this property for the Slurry Seal/Asphalt paving company. In addition to the use of this property for the storage of heavy equipment associated with the Slurry Seal/Asphalt paving company, this property is also being used as a wood cutting site. Logs are being hauled onto the property, dumped, and then cut up and . hauled away. When the City's Code'Enforcement Officer discussed this matter with an employee on the site she was told that the property was being used as a "transfer site". There are also two travel trailers and one camper on the property. Recent observations revealed that people are living in the trailers and camper for extended periOdS of time. These new uses, this log transfer site and transient accommodations, are also in violation of our Codes. It is staff's intent to ensure these non-residential uses are discontinued immediate1y~ This correspondence does not affect the deadline you have been given for conformance. If you have questions about the information contained in this letter please call this office to discuss them. K.-lJY--.-.} ..~. .... '. ~, " Coordi nator -"S' ~ .;.~_ '... _ cc: Bill Rogers, Lane County Commissioner Bill Morrisette, Springfield City Councilor Ron LeBlanc, Springfield City Manager Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney Greg Winterowd, Planning and Development Director Gregory S. Mott, Development Code Administrator Jackie Murdoch, Code Enforcement Officer " .> :..' :.:..~::: .'..' ,..' , , . ' :~. \. ~.~:;':;', '. : :,;+~~. .;-, :;:,;:~;~;.:~~~~:~.~; ::~?'..~~~,~~~~i , I \ . c ','C.,e"1- ' ;":"'!"','7',;"i"-~ . . 4 '\ ........ - '. . ,< , .~,~ , \ AC4JVITY INFORMATICW SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION, INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTEO! ~~IL~ ~~~~ Idne county ~- f I ! 7~ (Y0.AJ ht tUt--L-L--- PERSON MAKING REQUEST PROPERTY OWNER MAILING AOORESS MA I LI NG AOORESS ~, rv..l.'7 {CITY 74&-;'3S21 BUSrNESS TELEPHONE # STATE ZIP CODE' 71(~- 3?6~ HOME TELEPHONE #' CITY STATE ZIP CODE BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # 2 , PROPERTY ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRFSS) 3 MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (REQUIRED INFORMATION) ~~ C I~ (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation or fro'm tax s~ement) ;1-Gl/'t. Z-- ,'Z; ~~O '3>'~ , q.. RANGE ~(TION lAX LOnS) OR PiRCtL # ZONING TOWNSH II' TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TAX LOT{S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOWNSHIP RANG'E SECTION TAX LOT($TORPAR-CEL # ZONING ~~ JPTAI CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME' OWNERSHIP: ACRES , 4 SUBDIVISION (if applicable)~~J LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) ~ &~ od;"~ :ch.J'U.-.....rls lu<-u'^f' z;,l?j " V-LL&,j~~H4-r~L~' - o.---vl.-0f ,SC .:1~L~./ ----/l,L::J ~/!-f<(7 , .tJn __ : 6 DIRECTlONSqO sri{' ~V)R ~J".. ' n I I ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** NUMBER DATE ..... '" Vl -< r-: ZONE/LAND USE: BY: DATE: TIME IN:_____, OUT:______ ,8~~ a <rWu~' tf ,~-:'i~' +. . ./\€tl~ ,fJ'1- ' \ <d awv..Q./l_~~ ~ _OfJ ~ ........~,. t.//ZJuL2.o#> I ~ an c../1..L z~~ .~ ~'. ~ 'U ,/~ --", ./, . - , -'. '. ..,'..^. .' ' ~':';:::,,(;'; -,'. .~"... -,', ..~~-.,;",,'t'.. ~:'-~. -.~....tt.n':" .",',\, ,. " "LANE MANAGtM~~J;D} ~!SI>ON L:) 2,? E,~ 8~~ ,_A\'b,~U!~~~E" ;.O~~ 9L4q:ljJ:'\6M:~.QiL;~j;:,:~f;~,.;l