HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegal Correspondence 2002-7-24 . ., g M ...-~ 0- ~ liJ '" I') ~ 1::"" . C:Jeh'" :lnZ~ '~g= -WW'" ~a:o::!2 - ~ 0 iJ C In tJ Z ~ )l: Z 0 _ -< \.LJ X- C 0 ~ b ~ ~ - ~w~ 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 II 201 I I 21 22 23 24 25 26 . 1 2 , 3 j' 41 5 6 7 8 . LPlPfD0Qc.-D k:, 9 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT'OF THE STATE OF OREGON 11 , , FOR LANE COUNTY THOMAS DEAN, Trustee of James A_ Paulson Trust, DENNIS MINIUM, and . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, the and ) ) ) ) Peti tioners, ) ) ) ) ) ) Respondent. ) STIPULATED JUDGMENT OF DISMISSAL Case No 16-02-1B933 BASED UPON the stipulation of the parties, as shown by their signatures below, and the records and files herein, and the Court being fully advised in the premises, the Court finds: On July 24, 2002, the City issued a: Stop Work Order halting all future construction on Lot 61, Levi Landing Second Addition Subdivision until further order of the City, A. On September 23, 2002, Trustee filed a Petition for Writ of Review in the Lane County Court Case No. 16-02-18933/ seeking review and reversal of the City's Stop Work Order.. B. ~ 5 6 7, 8' . I 9 10 I ,11 0 12 c " "-,, 0- )':1&.1"'1'1 "t:,.... 13 .J:JClIn ...~z~ ~ti8:: 14 ~wl&l'" W Cl: a::U'1 ZI-o'ij C::llltJz o:.:zo 15 ~<UJ% <o~~ " :> " ".... 16 = I- 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . ." 1 On October 15, 2002, Trustee filed an appeal to LUBA of a letter dated September 24, 2002 from the City Attorney to the Trustee, LUBA Case No. 2002-137, seeking review and remand of the City Attorney's letter. C. 2 31 4 D. On October 3, 2002, Trustee filed an administrative appeal of the September 24, 2002 City A~torney letter, seeking review by the Planning Commission or the City Council of the City Attorney's letter. E. The parties to the above proceedings wish to resolve their differences in a fair and equitable manner. F. The parties intend this Stipulated Judgment to conclude this proceeding and the proceedings described in paragraphs A, B, C and D. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED: 1. Not a Releas~. Nothing contained herein:shall be deemed a release of Trustee's right to pursue a claim for damages against City, which right Trustee specifically reserves. 2. Dismissal of Aooeals. Trustee shall dismiss the appeal before LUBA described in paragraph C above and hereby waives any and all City administrative appeals including, but not limited to, the appeal described in paragraph D above. 3. stoo Work Order. The City shall rescind the July 24, 2002 stop Work Order within three (3) days after the date Petitioner: A. Files ,the dismissal of the above-referenced appeal' before LUBA; B. Records the easements described below; and C. Entry of judgment herein; II Paae 2 - Stipulated Judgment of Dismissal 1 2 3 4 5 6 '1 7 8 9 10 11 0 12 c ~ ~-~ 0- :=~"'I') oCt,.... 13 .J:JClIn ~IIlZ~ <80- )- ffi:; 14 \lJa:a:1n z...oi:j a:lIItJ:z o ~ ffi 0 15 1:< x <oub ~"" ~ '" w o .. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . . whichever shall last occur. 4. Necessary Actions. All parties shall take whatever action is necessary and shall work diligently to implement the terms of this Agreement within 14 days of the entry of judgment herein. 5. ?teooed Retainina Wall to Reolace Existina Slooed ~ankment. Developer shall construct a stepped retaining wall to replace the existing 1:4 sloped embankment present~y located south of and adjacent to the No Fill/No Build Line ("NFNB'Line")_ A. The stepped retaining wall is intended to maintain the same flood water flow area as the existing 1:4 sloped embankment for flood control purposes. The stepped retaining wall shall conform to the plan 'entitled "Levi Landing Second Addition No-Build Line Wall Plan and Profile," a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and by the reference incorporated herein. B. The City shall pay to Trustee Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) or one-half (~) the cost of constructing the first riser of the stepped retaining wall, whichever is less. C. The City will not issue new building permits for Lots 50, 57-67 in the subdivision until after 'P~~R ~ - stioulated Judament of Dismissal 1 2 3 4 i 5 6 7 8 9 10 I 11 0 ~ 12 . ...-~ 0- 3:~"'1"I <t:,... 13 .J~CI'" ~InZ~ <1;;8= 14 >ww'" 1Ila:a::tn zt-ou Cl::lnkiz 0:'::%0 15 1:<'". o(ou~ ~ ~ - ... '" . . .. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . . completion of all the steps set forth in paragraph ,..JL-:3' , ;wr' )'IIl~7herein and completion of the entire first riser of the retaining wall. . 6. ~odification of the Front Yard Set Back.. Developer may apply for and can anticipate receiving approval of a Modification of Provisions pursuant to the criteria and standards in the Springfield Development Code Article 11 that would allow the front yard set back to be decreased from 10 feet to 8 feet. 7. Five-foot Maintenance Easements. The easements'attached hereto as Exhibit B have been agreed to by developer and City and shall be recorded by developer prior to the City rescinding the stop Work Order. B. Affidavit of Correction. Developer shall draft and record an Affidavit of Correction pursuant to ORS 92.170, subject to approval by the city Surveyor, to correct the erroneous description of the slope and maintenance easement located north of the NFNB Line on the final recorded plat. 9. Lot 61 Buildin~. Construction on Lot 61 of Levi Landing Second Addition that is the subject of the Stop Work Order will be allowed to proceed after the city rescinds the stop Work Order without the necessity of relocating the building footprint. 10. Interoretation. Any interpretation of this Agreement shall be according to Oregon law and shall consider this Agreement ",",,-,:_.." _........~ .'T~"~"",",",o.n+- nF n; c::m; .C::~::ll . . in the context of the Mediated Settlement Agreement entered into by the parties on April 10, 2000 and the Hearings Official August 9, 2000 Approval of Tentative Subdivision on Remand and Map. 11. Attornev Fees. Each party shall be responsible for his , or its own attorney fees incurred {n this proceeding and the other proceedings described in paragraphs A, B, C and D above. I f any . legal proceeding is commenced for the purpose of interpreting or enforcing any provision of this Judgment, the prevailing party in such proceeding shall be entitled to recover costs and disbursements, as well as reasonable attorney fees, including such costs and fees on appeal. 12. pavrnent of Attornev Fes for Rural Thurston NeiahborsL Inc_ ("RTI"\ _ 'Petitioner shall pay $l,BOO.OO.toward attorney fees incurred by RTI as a result of its participation in settlement negotiations leading to this settlement. This matter is hereby dismissed, with prejudice, and without costs to either party. DATED this day of March, 2003. Circuit Court Judge IT IS SO STIPULATED: JAMES A:.PAULSVRUST By: ~t _' _ -",,,,,-10"'; Thomas Dean, Trustee B Its : .-C1....'f:j , ---- Ma.V\CI~ ~ ,..~.:_~~, ...+-0..4 ,T"rimnent of Dismissal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 " 12 m ,,-. 0- . iii... PI :t:;,.. . 13 ':JCl\Vl : VI Z ~ :~8:: ",,,,~ 14 a:a:~ ~ 0 y U1\JZ " Z . 15 < '" . o ""b m ~ . ,,"'. . ~ 16 17 18 ., 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . APPROVED AS TO FORM: . VJ~. t-;AA/~ Meg E. ~ieran ~/. OSB Of At~~rneys for City of Springfield 89068 Prepared by: John C. Fisher - OSB 77175 Attorney for Petitioner . ....._._,___.. _J: T"'\.; e1"l'\'; C'C!;:t1 .' +' tJ1 '1J [:? Po .r< +' Ul I ~J\i , :l 11 ~f~t'~~";'~.r:.: ";" -:J"'"~ \Il~':r(! Q '_, .~_~ ,;.______ . ______ ::\m __!-:: ~ I/,/if::;;;,. ,,;';; ~ .:::.:'~ Iii ffi~ ,~\\. '.>' ~;.::.....': Vr-r---,~.-:,,---f-="~---'-I- : ~~-...., .}':::' ."~" ...- 'j/iii, \~ ' '.0": -'.'t;<"..",__.-...-",,=.= --i ---, . . ";:'" '.~.'J' -""{-' J!;/!lil' ( .~ : lO;:;~r:~Q\" M...~'l~-t:.o:~..... ............. .:.........._t'-"":l~....~~~ l~f)-~' l-~' : \1 ~I.rl". , / : ,.0 ..: , : '/' ..... ,., 11\ /'" III r .0 III "':::-";:: .~ .. ...../!.. "&.' . . " : :,:/' , ~ ~'.., ~>. ~J ~"!~,.\( '-.. ==="~___ I/..' ~ ,,;;;'),. ~ ~. _._____u ..---.-- . 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J i 1\ '111111111 .I ;1 I ~ f: ri -. " j , j . il i ,_., ~_.. 1 OF 1 . E~t "B"- Stip. Judg't .. After Recording Return to: Thomas K. Dean, Trustee James A. Paulson Trust 2121 Franklin Blvd., Suite 5 Eugene, Oregon 97403 Send Tax Statement 10: Thomas K. Dean, Trustee James A. Paulson Trust 2121 Franklin Blvd., Suite 5 Eugene, Oregon 97403 DECLARATION Al\TD GRANT OF PRIVATE EASEMENTS FOR SETBACK, MAINTENANCE AND ACCESS: LEVI LANDING SECOND ADDITION RECITALS: ]. Declarant: The,private easements for setback, maintenance, and access described herein are declared and granted by Thomas Dean in his capacity as Trustee of the James A Paulson Trust ("Trust"), to the City of Springfield and the Levi Landing Homeowner's Association, an Oregon nonprofit corporation ("Grantee"). 2. Subject Property: Trustee is owner offee title to the real property described as LEVI LANDING SECOND ADDITION (Lots 50, 57-67) as platted and recorded in File 75, Slides] ]52-] 155, Lane County Plat Records ("Levi Landing Second Addition"). 3. Purpose: This instrument establishes private easements for setback, maintenance and access. The purpose of these easements is for access to and maintenance of the stepped retaining wall ("the No Build Line Wall") that will be constructed by Declarant along the No FilJ No Build Line as depicted on Slide 1 ]52 of the final plat of Levi Landing Second Addition. A construction plan and profile of the No Build Line Wall is attached as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. 4. Consideration: The consideration for this easement is other than monetary. WITNESSETH: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, which are expressly made a part of this Declaration, the undersigned hereby declares as follows: 1. DECLARATION AND GRANT OF EASEMENTS: There are hereby declared and granted by Trustee to Grantee nonexclusive private easements for setback, maintenance and access as shown on Exhibit "A" and as more particularly described in attached Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by this reference.. 2. The purpose of this easement is to provide a measure of flood control for the subdivision and its neighboring properties and for access to and maintenance of the stepped retaining wall EASEMENT FOR SETBACK, WtiNTENA}ICE .0\,\10 ACCESS: LEVI LA.NDING SECOND ADDITION. PAGE 1 OF 3 . . which delineates the No Fill No Build line. 3. The properties crossed ("burdened") by said easements is that part of Levi Landing Second Addition depicted on Exhibit "A" and described in Recital 2 above as Lots 50, 57-67. 4. The properties served ("benefitted") by said easements are Lots 34-113 of Levi Landing Second Addition. 5. Said easements are perpetual, not personal or in gross, but are appurtenant to each and every portion of the properties benefitted. 6. Said easements shall run with the burdened properties herein described and shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their heirs, successors, and assigns. 7. Said easements are hereby granted for the purpose of resolving a dispute between the City of Springfield and the Trustee regarding the location of dwellings and structures on the Subject Property described in Recital 2 above.' The dispute involves an action filed in Lane County Circuit Court by the Trustee against the City of Springfield (Case No. 16-02-18933) which' has been settled by the execution and filing ofa Stipulated Judgment of Dismissal ("the Stipulation"). Pursuant to the terms of the Stipulation, Trustee declares and grants easements, ' subject to the restrictions described herein, over a five-foot wide strip ofland on the burdened properties, as shown on Exhibit "A" and described in Exhibit "B" ("the easement area"). No temporary or permanent structure of any kind whatsoever, including building siding, shall be allowed within the easement area except that any portion ora structure may extend into the easement area so long as it is entirely eight feet or more above the finish grade of the easement area and no portion of the overhang extends over the No Fill No Build Line. Also, below grade footings for a residential structure may be placed within the easement area. These easements include an affirmative duty on the part of the owners of Lots 50 and 57-59 to construct a second riser to the stepped retaining wall in accordance with the requirements of the profile set forth on Exhibit A. The City shall not issue an occupancy permit for these lots until this obligation is fulfilled. The City of Springfield shall also have the right and standing to secure judicial recognition and enforcement of the rights granted by this . Declaration; and these easements shall not be affected or negated by title or the merger of title of the dominant and servient properties in a common owner. 8. Grantor shall at all times, and without restriction, have the right to use the easement area for purposes not inconsistent with these easements and other applicable restrictions of record. 9. The maintenance and repair of said easements shall be the responsibility of Grantor, his successors and assigns, and the owner of each individual lot, until such time as responsibility therefore may be assumed by the Levi Landing Homeowner's Association. 10. The easements created hereby shall be exercised in a manner consistent with applicable local, state, and federal regulations and permits and with all other covenants, conditions, easements, EASEMENT FOR SETBACK, MAINTENANCE AND ACCESS. LEVI LANDING SECOND ADDITION- PAGE 2 OF 3 . . and restrictions of records. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this instrument on the ~t:. day of '7l1a('-c;../'" , 2003. JAMES A. PAULSON TRUST ?tv Q 71.~~/._/ Thorri'as K. Dean, in his capacity as Trustee of the James A. Paulson Trust STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) ~i";;':';'~...~~--- ~_. -=-~- - ."":::-~~~..;'\ '(i'~ OFFICIAL SEAL l\i lii>! ' DENNIS WARTENBEE .~ I,' ,,...~, , NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGDrI ~ ~ ~~ COMMISSION NO. 321949 " MYCOMMISSIONEXPIRESAP~.16 200' ~~~~----'-'~-::. ::'.;...:;...:::...:_' : This instrument was acknowledged before me on 3 /z.f. ,200...3 by Thomas K. Dean in his capacity as Trustee for the James A. Paulson Trust. . i/~J4~k 1t(ary Public for Oregon I /1/.. / . My commission eXPires:.y/I~ ,200U EASEMENT FOR SETBACK, MAINTENANCE AND ACCESS: LEVI LANDING SECOND ADDITION. PAGE 3 OF 3 ~-----.~:~ j ~"i,,) /, /:,~-----i..\'; <~ ~ \'~V\~I ~1 41 Jl,~ 'fr~~ _ ~~~i ~Jf;' ., ~~~\' ..r';' \~~ \ \, /t!: J~ ,?l ~lU==/-zr-=-~--r-'~-.' . I'.'" \~' ~ I ~\~. JJ\ \ ''\ t:l:"__ I.. '- -/, -L '" .. . .-.. , ~'. '" __ _ _~ . ~ _--.-.-:t--- ::\___ __ _' ~ /i'.:::" . ,.;::~ <. I; i~)! . \\. '." '~IU: ,.~:;:r~~:~ ...;.]';:':.:;...... ..... ~....:fS:7~Q..~.~ ,QUO ~t:.., I :.;' . . ~~ '\..'V; Ii'.'''!'': j, '.'1l1/,.,,,,r ..'" . ....,..~.-. 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J[ 111' J j ~ ~ ., j j " 11 --..- 1 0: - EXHIBIT "B" e Three strips ofJand, 5.00 feet in width, through Lots 50, 57-62, and through Lots 63-66, , , and U;ough Lot 67 of Levi Landing2nd Addition, as recorded in File 75, Slides 1152- 1155, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said three strips of land being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point from which tbe southeast corner of Lot 62, Levi Landing 2nd Addition, as recorded in File 75, Slides 1152-115S, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, bears S24030'58"W 7.00 feet and S6s029'02"E 67.50 feet, thence N24030'58"E 53.00 feet to a point; thence S65029'02"E 552.84 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 50 of said Levi Landing 2nd Addition; thence along the east line of said Lot 50 S 104 7'30"W 5.42 feet to a point; thence leaving said east line N65029'02"\V 549.94 feet to a point; thence S24030'58"W 48.00 feet to a point; tbence N65029'02"W 5.00 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO ' Beginning,at a point from which the southeast corner of Lot 66, Levi Landing 2nd Addition, as recorded in File 75, Slides 11S2-11S5, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, bears Sl045'49"W 7.00 feet and S8so53'Ol"E 69.00 feet, thence N1045'49"E 53.00 feet to a point; thence S88053'01"E 300.00 feet to a point; thence Sl04S'49"W 53.00 feet to a point; thence N880S3'Ol"W 5.00 feet to a point; thence N1045'49~'E 48.00 feet to a point; tbence N880S3'Ol"W 290.00 feet to a point; thence Sl045'49"W 48.00 feetlo a point; thence N88053 'Ol"W 5.00 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO Beginning at a point from which tbe southwest corner of Lot 67, Levi Landing 2nd Addition, as recorded in File 75, Slides 1152-1155, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, . bears N88053'Ol"W 10.00 feet and Sl045'50"W 60.00 feet, thence S880S3'Ol"E 105.00 feet to a point; thence along the arc of a 77.00 foot radius curve to the left a distance of 6.79 feet (tbe chord of which bears 843038' SO"W 6.78 feet) to a point; thence N88053'01"W 90.47 feet 10 a point; tbente N104S'SO"ES.00 feet to the point of beginning.