HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1994-4-28 ..~ ... . CITY OF SPRlNGFll'LD 225 North 5th Street BUSINESS 726-3753 INSPECTIONS 726-3769 . BUILDING ~10VING PERI-lIT/nUL LDING DIVISION I OLD ADDRESS ~O OCt AlfqC- /~ /b"^- RJ I Legal Description \ f/03\ CC)()() O:~4;O( ') Building Owner ;V1 (.~ JClu-t Moving Firm CP/.el ~ Address ... 1-~ ~/ 4)/11" J~;~ ~ Description Of Intended Use ~,\G- ~~ Descri~tion of Route ) ,#f.6-f k /... U, 6a#M. f-cww.-, r~-~"-- I NEW ADDRESS (Furnished by Building Div.) LPB9 ~tOIM.2R.. Lega] Description \n03~~\~()\'?D4- ~lo 1M.. ~ Or/' Phone Lies /I Phone ,501 pcf$~, Exp. 5t057 CITY DESI~~L\f1~SBER , Y-r c, " ~lrk JWfa<--- I Description of Building :Sq~are Footage Number Of Sections ~lov ing Length Being Moved / S-o Moving Width '3cJ Type Of ConstnlctionwQ(ld Height On Dolly VALUATION' '2. g I PLANS, FEES, AND CHARGES: Prior to recei v- , ing a permit to move a building to property within the City, the applicant or his/her authorized representative must: 1. Submit 2 copies of site or plot plan for new si te. 2. Suhmit 2 copies of foundation plan for the relocated building. 3. Obtain a permit covering the new founda- tion, as well as all plumbing/mechanical and electrical work relating to the re- loeated building. 4. Pay Systems Development Charge if appli- 'C:lli! e. . SEWER CAP: Buildings moved from \;ithin the SEPTIC TANK IlEQUIRE~IENTS: Prior to moving, City Iindts shall. have the sewer cappell at owner sha]1 have all sludge from the septic the property line and inspected one working tank, seepage pit or cesspool removed by a day prior to th~ move. If the inspection person holding a sewage dis~~al service li- indicates that the sewer has not been prop. cense, :lnd shall fill same with clean bar- erly capped, the moving permit will be run gravel or other material approved by the revoked. Director or his authorized representative. I CERTIFY THAT the above information is true and correct, that all require,d contac~have bee'l- made al1P authorizations obtained, that the moye will begin)\t 'f,'.3D o'clock Cl!!1JIpm on rnJ"" ~ ~ and will be completed by It o'clock~/pm on trtJ-, ~ (p and thalf no cllanges in the route will be made without contacting the Building'DivHion. I also certify that I have been informed that NO PERMIT WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 5 WORKING DAYS HAVE HASPED. I. further certify that my registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055 and 701.070, and that if exempt the basis is noted hereon, Basis for Builder's Board Exemption: It;~, NMIE6.R/~ ~fbS'" SIGNATURE lAJ1/(~'> DrATE Y-Zt-1( NOTIFICATION OF MOVE: The Building Division will route copies of this application to all appropriate divisions, departments and Agen- cies. HOWEVER, the applicant must contact .property owners if trees are involved in the proposed move. IN ADDITION, the applicant mus t secure the approval of all, appropriate .unicipal, county and state authorities should the move originate or terminate out- side the City of Springfield. I zonC~~lood Plain FOR OFf-ICE USE ONLY Type of Construction V~ Occupancy Group R~ Stories Living Units \ Square Footage VALUE, Permit fee $60.~0 -- q~f-Y1id ~~rf-~--W~~ ~.'d) , ~-d}~g.t;e Surcharge n Date P:lid '..J.:::::..Police Department _IVillamalane Park and Recreation "lvFire Department ...,..-Pacific NW Bell ,- 1- .,vNorthwest Gas.' vLane Transit District OTHER -- specify Application fee $18.00 -- Date Paid Receipt Number ilecei'pt Number Amount ~ .~~S -l n-l() 0 ~ . -' ..--Rainbol< Water / ,.-Group W Cable .........Lanc County A & T SUB " '. !: , 'I ~ a:p?o' AS. - . .. . . . vb/?Z It [)~ r\-. ,-- ' 17' YVI ~a ' ~:JNI l:J3rO~d~ 11 Olf ' fbl'f3zjft a+EO~$m~^S ."JJ9H3S';f.3 (J1'f'\1 '~,Y;'rJ/'1-.;:Jv-.J..tI'-.lf'ZJ ;JH.J... fit tJJ.f f"I ~~}J.J-;J... ~6.ftfr a+EO -..., IS 'fl '(! 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If you have any questions, comments andlor concerns, please contact me at 726-3790. cc: Sanipac US lIest Tel Cable 911 Dispatch US Postal Service Nil Natural Gas . ~ .' I " ~ .... to' ; . .' -' ~ . . . " r-=-"'!~ -. ", 1 t .,.,. c ~.. . ....': '~:''l . ~:_~.}~: t~ ", .~~:,?:~.:~ .~ './ ,',' " " . .. i .~.::. " .>:,:<~;~::J'~ ..... ..... ".,.!: --:"-.- J. ,,", . . - " jj , . . ".' _B~IIIII .11 . . .- :{, ~;' "'-~.' . ,.,.. , -~ . l' ~~ ' " '-, ,., .' , ,,' '.' ~ " ~ .' " .' " .~ '4 . . '-.~ ~,$-. '~ ','5' ,'. , , ,. A 5S e--5SC'r 's McyJ 17 - D ~ -:L.-:L - I:l--- + VI6 Ca'. ..-.... . I; / ".,...".,\ ' "- ~201 ",..' : ! 1000 I .- 004~ 78 . , 900'''''' , u... ....' 8Pl 800 - 700 " " ...;' , 600 500 :., . ii I. 400 300 . .. .' II. }. . , . . . . , : 019-00. ....-.. -"-"""'J ,llot'... I 1 I ".., ,-'- ,I . _'f~' ~ lio'tt.f~ :. O.634C. . 61....', ... " ! ~.I1100 2~ ~ i~ .'\":~ ~ · ......... 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