HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1993-8-9 UbBJspF~ SEWAGE. DISPOSAL SITE EVALUATION / S.I.#. /7.C>3'.;;J..;;J.,/.;;J../lboo Job Location C;-/~ C"''-'''-'',.... ()"'",t= VI.J Written Directions (!nt?L1.LJ'-"~ r~~, =--...-. e.~<f<' TRS. TO Subdivision: C?3- 0'.z.3;;L ljjl:rr ..~ /} F1 r'LJ" . ~{.. r"'r /'2.1 6~ WATER SUPPLY /?a.,"'fllw I,,/~ OI'>""'{~1'" ~/, I"o-u...."',.-<_ IJr, <;",-I--(L. 61? Phone$-OO~ ~}'l1 f&./F. r~,,-r ri'l!':"I'rYI'" '/)f? 't.2zztPhone 7'>l-f/t.e,r/ . / ~ rA It ID '''' t. PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY {?r'>' neVI n.<a- ----e-= Lo' Bloc~ APPLlCANT'SNAMEANDADDRESS (A)/'NfI(. ~E'I~'.n--.. OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS e~-^, an..o.~~ 11 ""- STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY ~ / <;' f-MP f I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate. and that I have the following legal interest in the property: _owner of record; _contract purchaser; -potential buyer; _realtor or agent. I further certi~ that (~f nol the owner) '21 ~~~~riZed to act for the owner of record. and that said owner is a are and approves of this action. / TEST HOLES READY ~ . ~L r <2. ~ ;r~ 14..>. Signature " . Date "'>/1- 7 91 . ** ***.. ........ ... ........... .......... ......... ... ........... OFFICE USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE .......................... ............. ...:........ SITE MEETS STATE STANDARDS YES NO YES NO Standard System ):( 0 Low Pressure Distribution 0 0 Sand Filter 1<e-rt6...ce~Gnb ft( 0 Holding Tank 0 0 1 Foot Capping r;;, - Other 0 0 w w Zonin,:, Partitioning # , :k~O'ItlVe#' +C>r 5c/.bSo~ 5er~ dI15f:?n0..:..r:;.,..... O~ dr.J/"JiL'Jii'':Hpe.rr- a.f1>~ ;;p (0 f;- Ph...--t bffX/T Ckod aJ7'1~ <f7 /f;-tir- . , r_/~ f..t:-.c "-n tJ Y7Y7VkfJP..FYlcwtb rs ~~ - , COMMENTS:. - . o Approximate Study Area o Detailed Study Area THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT ENSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YO W ISK SITE IS PROVED. SEE REVERSE SIDE. #.. . 'Dr '1 h~ I [7ATE o Floodway {/ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, C55-32 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (687-4051) I LAND USE COMPLIANCE .t\creage or Lot Sizo (lOTAL) Parcel # ) Completed ) Pending FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION . Allor part of this site may be in a flood hazard area for which 100 year floocIlevels have not been established. Extra precautions may be appropriate to assure that the building site will be reasonably safe from flooding. All or part of this site may be in a flood hazard area for which 100 year flood levels have been established. A building elevation above the 100 year flood level may be required. All or part of this site may be in a flood hazard area in which a floodway has been designated. Building may be prohibited subject to demonstration that the cumulative effect of proposed development will not increase the 100 year fl~ level at any point. " ',. , ~ '. . ' . \ , .- '. .. . -MEMO' TO: APPLICANT FROM: LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL I:!EAL TH SUBJECT: CONDITIONS OF SITE APPRO\tAL . .- lane COJ~ty ~...~. ("' , -. ~ . . t : . I . ~1I . ' Any alteration of the natural conditions in the area approved for the on;site syste'in.or replacement area may void this approval. , 1_. This approval is given on the basis that the lot 0; parcel described above will not be furih~"partitioned or subdivided and that conditions on subject or adjacent properties have not been altered in any manner which would prohibit issuance of a permit in accordance with c O.R.S. 454.605 through 454.755 and Administrative Rules of the Environmental Quality Commission. Any such subdivision, partitioning or alteration may. void this report. WARNING: This document is a technical report for on-site sewage disposal only. It may be converted to a permit only if, at the time of application, the parcel has been found to be compatible with applica.ble LCDC-acknowledged local comprehensive land_ use plans.and implementing measures or the Statewide Planning Goals. The Statement of Compatibility may be made on _ the attached forrl) or its equivalent. Authorized Agent approval is required before a construction permit can be issued. - This report is valid until an on-site sewage system is installed pursuant to a construction permit obtained from Lane County, or until earlier cancellatioii', pursuant to Commission rules. with written notice thereof by the Department of Environmental Quality to the owners according to Department records or the County tax records. Subject to'the foregoing, this report runs with the land and will automatically benefit subsequent owners. 'f' Only persons having a valid license issued by the Department of Environmental Quality under ORS 454.695 to install subsurface .. sewage .disposal systems or an owner or contract purch'aser or his regular employees may install subsurface sewage disposal systems. A gertificate olsatisfactory completion will not be issued if persons other than the above perform the installation. -. - '. , : . ..~ ., " .., hi ., , , " ~ ., . .- 0 z: L: 0 l- F <-l ~ I:e = ~ 0 ~ ~ I 'Z: 0 ~~ ""I \I :: ~"" ~ W -l ;S '^- o L: <0 z:'Z: "" \= ....l F- ~ l>C,l\:C .~~ fN . EXI5~[~~5 SH:~9 ""0 ~.. '7'-''''O\I'.:J /1 I !/:_ :-",....:, . ::;'!. / ..j ; ~~.:1 -.--.------- :"" "--r, 1 II 63' I . . !..+-- --. :t-r ,-- . I ~ ' I/.dID\14' 10' l_L.1- _ --+ ""') )' I.;.... : : ~' .' . -..-.- .--- "T 2.7' !~. o ':1- .,-{ EXr51iNq 5HoP '" fo BE: REMOVE:D ,/' I I , i - ~ __ "'--~_.. J t~~~ _l~~~~~t i ..!'t!ff ,_ I_. A~__ ,i/O'l. r ,~, _.... _.____._ .u;-. ! t--..- i '- PROpOSED P/ZOPERf'i LINE: 1- . ------":'t:--- --- - --- - --- --.-- - , 0' -i LOt B I COLONIAL ---- - - - - - -- -- --------------------- '2 I<t:MODCL E:x/Sfll-lQ 51R.uc:riJRC ~~. 50' '.9 }r) li-\ C\J q ~ --2.3 2. SEW AGE DISPOSAL PLOT PLA1~ APPROVED A permit is required prior t. arli c.nstruction. DATb-- - B:~NMENiA.L HEALTH SERVicES ..'" HART 8TH AYENUF .U""......III;. OREGON 87401 HOU5E ! .' 140.0' " , :;..51 - .of '- - o ~ . . Tax Ref'erence SITE EVALlI,no:: ITD.D WORKSP.EET S. I . D 17./63 -.z.~ ,I Z-. !(,,(:Jo ~.!u:w,..: A-rv"p~ ,./ Date: J~71t~)!~ ~~~:.., Zoning: ~J~~~~ .parcel Size: q ~-2.32. Crd//-~h.atut - loU Parcell BIL' Applicant W~ter Supply: Wel1 Coanunlty PubliC' Oept:h Texture soil ~~trix Color ~ Mottling (Notationl. 'Coarse Fragments, Hoots. Struc~~e. Layer Limitinq Effective Soil Depth. etc. d~24 ,~3 c...-/ / /0:; -"'\...- , -+-/1 ... [;,(" LP ;> ~/ dL E~~ f!? ~ I't- I f::r~ Pitt 6 .. :yfJ <<;;'/.> - b'~ SP"'1/1 ""-', .-d/~-~- (/rS. 6 -6 (, Pit;> jJ ~ .Cj/6;~l J '-" ':',- Pit' c:..) /n/~ Pitl . l..a.I::d3cape Note3 \/0:-1"'/6'7' .Aspect Croucdwater Slope Other Site NOte3 lZeo~ CiL..oc ~-;j,'f2:e.-T JCJ~ I SISID1 SPECIFICATIONS !)'po 510_: Initial .5U ( ,.. (cb P 510ten SJ.%i.cg Replacemer.t, 5C1\ rLc/ f-r ~SJ.%i.cg , Oe3ign FlCN . c.f 90 opd Special Conditions 7~ /150 g. L{ '!7 '150 g. , reV OIPp>r<W&\ tc,,--6- b~ Of7'q/~--I ~W/erc7 5&r 'he- D/d.a3d on h :J~c;,t- SJ~r:/yZt!-.~ p/2lt;. ://cM' ~x_ Depth Absorption Facility (inl ~ <.j " '"2...'1' ~'" Max. ~pth ~sorption Facili~y (in) . . -<! Y ~"- ff~ ~ E)<.f5IiN~ 5Ht:D / '/0 BC K;:::~OV~V . , " (~U III' ., I, f'l H > -- . .,'H Q . -- I ,),.J'~ RE:MODSL EXISIII'~ ~ -rie r>.r 1;,-,>0 5'fRUC.l\JlZE: I "" v[;. 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RON CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION BF' ( BP BP . . ~~: COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT I ADDR 515 COLONIAL DR., 930232 DATE 052793 SPI~INGf'IELD . . LOT BLK o UNITS 001 STORItS IBLDGS 001 PHONE 746 0082 FIDDR. 323~~ N.E. CADET. PORTLAND . SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DAYS ;"\';' , < ! . . . . . . PL . IFIX/f'ATH: MECH sur~ PCI( SI LC 930232 SI SDEQ FEE SWR: FT. WTR: ~IECHAN I CAL FEE STATE SURCHAI~GE PLAN CHECK FEE' I FT. RAIN: FT . . !i ~ I: I] . ~)% 25% SI 160.N) 20.00 . I'. , , . . CATC;: PI...N STQlJ: TAKEN f.y ML.C I,A SDS H..E PCK ISS ./ S I ClTl:(, I EST. COMPLETION DATE DEPOSIT JH(' _:') I 8~). 00 CI< . . . .