HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2007-3-7 ,."'- ., ~,...,. ......~ . . NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS APPROVAL FACILITIES, PLANNING & SAFETY'; OREGON HEALTH SERVICES (For projects to be licensed by Health Services or Seniors and People with Disabilities) FACILITY: CHATEAU GARDENS RCF , PR#: 06-08 PROJECT: ALZHEIMER'S ENDORSED 30 BED FACILITIES ADDRESS: 2669 S. CLOVERLEAF Loop. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. 97477 This Notice is intended to inform the project sponsor, architect and licensing agency that construction plans for the above noted project have been reviewed and apprqved by Facilities Planning & Safety. Further agency comments, if any, regarding the proposed methods for corrections are noted below. Approval of submitted plans is not an approval of omissions or oversights by this agency or of non-compliance with any applicable rules, regulations or codes. Please find attached a copy of our Proiect Substantial Comvletion Notice form which needs to be completed and sent to those agencies listed on the form. This needs to be done approximately three weeks prior to the intended occupancy of the project area. AGENCY COMMENTS, IF ANY, REGARDING PLAN REVIEW RESPONSES AND PROPOSED PLAN OF CORRECTIONS: Based on a clarification memo on the Citv of Sprinf!field on the SR-2/I-2 OccuQancv classification of the buildinl!. dated March 2. 2007. all of our issues are resolved. March 7. 2007 Date MKM:djs cc: Tony Koach, TONY KOACH CONSTRUCTION Dennis Garboden, RIDGELINE MANAGEMENT COMPANY, Project Contact George Crosiar, Oregon State Deputy Fire Marshal David Puent, City of Springfield Building Official Allison McKenzie, SENIORS & PEOPLE WITH DISABILITlES Ian Karlen, SENIORS & PEOPLE WITH DISABILITlES .. ..... t. ....... . ,nO," .. ~ \ I ~ ~"" """ . FAX NO. :503 417 1710 . Mar. 05 2007 11:41AM P1 TONY KOACH 2301 NW Thurman, Sulle K Po r 11 and, 0 reg 0 n 9'721 0 March 5, 2007 POAI.11" Fax NOla 7671 ITo f'l114Z "'~r~ ICo.IOOp!. IpnO/'lfll. Fax'r:.n"l-'l., 1 ~ -o':!.r~ O"l.'!(~/b7 tJ:.~~ 'Z.. From 1f:JNf ~ Co, phonoe;o"!. ,'!.(A-4ft,OJ- Fall' Mike McDermott Facilities Planning aild Salety DHS 3420 Cherry Ave, NE #110 Keizer. Oregon 973D3 Project: Chateau Gardens (AKA. Phoenix RCF) PR# 06-08 Subject: SR 2 Oecupancy granted Dear Mike, The enclosed letter from the City of Springfield states how the City has determined that the facility be granted an SR-2/I-2 Occupancy. I believe this was the only issue left to be resolved to gain approval ofthc project's construction documents. ' If you concur, please fax (Ir emaila Notice ofSubstanlial Completion form so that we may request an inspection at your earliest convenienec. ---. Tel 503 417.1709 Fax 503 417.1710 E-mail koacht@telcport.cOI11 Received Time Mar. 5, 11:08AM v \ '. FROM : TONY KOACH Wn 5, 10(i7 9:07AM . FAX NO. :503 417 1710 ' " leU Ga'de" Mem~ry Ca", . Mar. 05 2007 11:41AM P2 'i ':. :. :',;~ ~' March 2, 2007 1125 FIFTH STI'ICC 7 SPRINOFIELD, Off ~14;' (5411726.J~S., FAX 15411 726.3all,;' wlVw.r.i.:sprlnafield.or IJ! Mikc McDennott FacUlties Plalllling and Safety Oregon Depar1ment of Health SeM~ RE: ConlllrUctiol1 docwnenl8 Rvvicw for. Facility: Chateau Gardens Thi.l"tter ie in '~r""sc to k decision rendered by the "Slate QliefElectrical Inspector" authorized liY ORB 479:853 (2) and OAR 918-305.0470 to a ease similar to the "Chateau Gal'dclUl Bast, Springfield Oregon, 11 decision by the ,Chief Blectrical Inspector for the Stote of' Oregcn, John Powell. authOlized the use of an altemabl method in MBdras Oregon for the "East Cascade AsBiB1ed Living ''renovation, dated S/I O/OS. This decision Was \Ised by the City of Sprinl:field allowing Chateau Gardens Assisted Living to change the use of an fllIisting strUo1ute witho.rt requlring the upgrade 10 the elee1ricaI wiring 89 required by OAR 9I8-30~-00OO and OAR 91S;350.Q12o-l(a) and 1(A). All new WQ\'kal the Chatea\l Gardens facility in Springfield Oregl:,n meets the c:1IlTCIlt tBlluirements oflbe code in effecl at the lime of eOl\SlrUcl;on, The cnange ofuse as required by the 2005 OregOn SlrUClUI'al Specialty Code classificalion of SR- 2 W8S required for the purpose of allowing special midential use for more thaI S residcnt$ and not more than 16 residents who may require assistecl self preservation. The State of Oregon Build ing Codes Divisiol1 hag d........:,.. J the need to upgrade the electrical Wiring as unnecessary and ,,'ould create W1warranled financial burden to the p.".. ~I owner. The 5 Iale proposal recognizes the efforts of the btiildina owner 10 provide greater fire and life oafet)' for rite realden18 by upgrading the flre alllIttllo Nl'PA72 slandards and sprinl<1er .yatem~ to meel mrrent code requirements for NFP A 13. The I:lectrioallnspeetor for the City of Springfield has ""Iuir-ed an Axe Faull Circuillnlerruplers 10 be Installed in aU .Ieeping areas. ThIs requirement has been me\. This buildinll now meets the requil'ements ofNEC 2005 sectillll2l0.12 (arc fault ~."~..;';on). City uf Springfield Building OfficiaI'under direotion ofORS 455.060 (4) and sechon 104.11 of the "Oregon SlnIctural Specialty Code" is required 10 accept the ruling provided by the Chief : Elecbicallnspeetor representing the Building Codell Division. ' <2 ~ Robe:! Caatile Building Inspeclor City uf Springfield ce. Ouy DlxOII EleotriOllI Inspector ])ave Puent Building Official Received Time Mar, 5, 11:08AM