HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2002-2-14 MORTIER ENGINEERING, EC. STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION_ CODE CONSULTANT · PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484-9080. FAX (541) 484-6859 TOLL FREE IN OREGON 1-877-661-9959 February 14, 2002 Larry Smith 1148 S 68th St. Spnngfleld, OR 97478 RE 1158 S 68th St . Sonnafield - Site Soils/Compaction Investigation - W.O. #141 06-BRM As you requested, a sIte/sOIls investigation was performed at the above noted address on October 26, 2001 Design for the site IS as follows' All fill, vegetation, and unbulldable matenalls to be removed'to native grade. The native soil is a silty clay loam with a Unified SOils Classification of ML-CL and a plasticity Index of less than 20 This sOil is considered a low to moderately expansive clay (after Holtz 1959). The gravel pad for the bUilding site should be a minimum of 6" of compacted crushed rock placed with a tracked dozer or excavator, and compacted with a Vibratory plate or roller. Mortier Englneenng, PC. supervised the profiling of the sOils for removal of water. On 2/13/02 a compaction inspection of the gravel under the proposed foundation was performed on thiS site In preparation for the construction InvolVing foundation for the proposed reSidence The preparation included the placement of 6"-12" of 1 1/2" minus crushed rock. The compacted surface of the crushed rock is adequate to support a conventional wood frame reSidence with a standard foundation per 2000 State of Oregon One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code as adopted per the local junsdiction The compaction of the gravel surface IS greater than 95% of a standard proctor, per ASTM 0698-91. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service The enclosed BUilding Analysis Report and Statement of Conditions and Limitations IS a part of this report If you have questions regardIng this report, please contact me at 484-9080. Sincerely, MORTIER ENGINEERING, EC. STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN · FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484-9080 . FAX (541) 484-6859 TOLL FREE IN OREGON 1-877-661-9959 BUILDING ANALYSIS REPORT Statement of Conditions and Limitations CLIENT Larrv SmIth LOCATION OF PROPERTY 1158 S 68th St, SOrIngfield WO# 14106-BRM Type of InspectIOn and Items mspected IS lmuted to a Structural CondItIOns b Weatherproofing (ExterIor surfaces) c Storm Dramage (BUlldmg, Site) d X SIte CondItIons (SoIls, GeologIcal) e _ Plumbmg (FIxtures, PIpmg) f Heatmg (Furnace, Heat Pump, AIr CondltlOnmg, Fireplace, Stoves, Chunneys) g ElectrIcal (SerVIce, Wifing, Outlets) h t.. Other C.O "'" P A c.-'t l 0 /'oJ T E. ~ "\ The mspectlOn IS for the purpose of alertmg the chent to major deficiencies m the condllion of the property descnbed above and accordmg to the conditIOns con tamed m the report and thiS statement The mspectlOn and report are performed and prepared for the sole, confidenlial and exclUSive use and possessIOn of the CLIENT No obhgalion or respon~lblhty to other parties IS assumed This mspectlOn IS of the readily accessible areas of the bUlldmg and IS hmlted to Visual observatlOns of apparent condltlOns eXlstmg at the lime of the mspectlOn Latent and concealed defects and deficiencies me excluded from the mspectlOn, eqUipment, constructlOn and systems Will not be dismantled Mamtenance and other Items may be discussed, but they are not a part of our mspectlOn The report IS not a comphance mspectlOn or certIficatIOn for past or present government codes or regulatIOns of any kmd The mspectlOn and report do not address and are not mtended to address the pOSSible presence of or danger from any potentJally harmful substances and envIronmental hazards mcludmg but not hmlted to radon gas, lead pamt, asbestos, urea formaldehyde and tOXIC or flammable chemicals Any references made to these substance m our report IS made for the sole purposes of alertmg our chent to the posslblhty of their eXistence We are makmg no posllive determmatlOns as to their actual presence, as we do not do laboratory testmg If CLIENT Wishes any further informatIOn or recommendatIOns m regard to the presence of these substances, we recomme_~d contacling a speclahzed envlfonmental contractor The report descnbes the property condition and status on the date of mspeclion The purpose IS to alert chents to present defects Sub-surface SOIl condItIOns, maccesslble areas and features, apphances, secunty alarms, mtercom systems, solar healing systems or panels, spnnkler systems, spas, pools, water softeners, central vacuum systems, and the presence or absence of rodents, termites or other msects are speCIfically excluded from the scope of thiS report While every reasonable effort was made to determme the property conditIOns, no guarantees are expressed or Imphed No responslblhty IS assumed for any Items outSide the scope of this mspectlOn, nor can we be held responsible for work performed by others LJablhty for damage ansmg out of errors or omiSSIOns shall be hmlted to the cost ofthe scope of mspeclion No representatIOns are made concemmg the architectural or engmeenng condllions Morlier Engmeenng, ItS employees and agents, assume no hablhty or responslblhty for the cost ofrepamng or replacmg any unreported defects or defiCienCies, either current or ansmg m the future, or for any property damages, consequenlia] damage or bodIly mJury of any nature The inspectIOn and report are not mtended or to be used as a guarantee or warranty, expressed or Imphed, regardmg the adequacy, performance or condition of any mspected structure, Item or system For MORTIER ENGINEERING, P C B~~ HA-;--- Engmeer February 14, 2002 Title Date MORTIER ~NGINEERING, P.c. 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE (541) 484-9080 . FAX (541) 484-6859 STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION TEST NUMBER: TEST LOCA TlON: - Per ASTM 0 1556 W,O.# J4100 DA TE OF TEST: d-./ /2> /0 'L TEST BY: /t1Z( MA TERIAL TESTED (By visual observatIon): UNfT WEIGHT OF SAND USED FOR THIS SAMPLE Ps (sand) = t 7 :1- VOLUME OF CONE (V1) = 0,0389 ft^3 I FIELD TE~T DATA i Initial Weight of Jar + Sand (W1) Weight of ~ar + Sand after-test (W2) Volume of hole, W1-W2 - V1 = V2 Ps Weight of soil~ sample (Ws) = \ Bb 4S 11 C) .- L\'O (~1.,.. 9 ..;> Moist unit weight of soil Pm = Ws = V2 I j S pe{ Moisture content of sample, W% = (weiaht moist)-(weiaht dry) X 100 ,- (weight dry) Dry Unit Weight of Soil Pd = Pm 1 +W% 100 MOISTURE CONTENT weight of jar net weight W~we~ht = Dry weight =