HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-8-6 (2) :-::---- J / ,\ ~ ,- ~ ,.. ~. .- JOB ADDRESS::'''~':J '.~ .":.. ,./'-~~ 70 TRS, TL: ~.Jc:':r>?'i<>~'r:,,~ ~-'.---~" ) .....-.,.- .~? 115"3 hAll2.l/IEJU llGtB ,~~,~~,~THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING A:O~i-~~TION PERMIT # L!>2::):>~~1 Subdivision: :',~;-~: :'_n. ~,-::::..:~::" ~-"::C--=-"":::)'::"''''l.T-"'D Jlc-:: ~Go oL~ ?, This permit for the referenced property is hereby 07.?2(;;;C~,. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/ Address: Contractor's OS # }::;Sr--'""\ l;~..,=t:_::-:lo v-"x.....~~yp s.:;.J 2::c:; ~!j~o ~;':.:..:::; :_':'7~,-:-..:J ~d~W = I?nC':'"":C3 GCY> r;--..",,... ~------'uo- ti'nstruction approved by this permit:_ Water Supply: ,~_ __ __"1.~'7 =~ PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Telephone: GCS)=J~r~::,~" Telephone: 0 Telephone: !-'!:'d---'J?f;:;;0 cc::::) CD CC:~~CC::C Total Construction Value; ~&:;02.oCJ lb~,-----, C'''-~i'.''(,'-...l G ~3 c::J xen 9ez--=-..",..'1\rw r-= = .""'y.........y& ts.= # Bedrooms: :iJ # Plumbing Fixtures: # Employees: t, :.'.3 Zoning: I'lli Partitioning # = Parcel # Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: = ; interior property lines: So ;rear property line: Special Instructions: I::> Q":lile:1c'~11. bc;~,o c Parcel Size: l;@o ; centerline of road, <;0 =;: t--.Jillk1 fu:J H 0 k-,-,o (5)0 l3 ll.Wo For information call 687-4394, 1C~'7 F',,~~~,., Site Inspection # C Installation specifications: G.J2.oD: o lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches; ::~ Special Instructions: r?~ .."0 ~~ c!' ,,"'~ Q="'-C>l1~ C" "-"Co ~GC ro.__. ,,',~ ----'.'CO.._n 1-':.:....._../ L.I.'~ l.~,--;;~ ~ ~ .c. '---';""....J~.... '-'- ~u~..... ~.....L,... llo:.-J '---->:.....,.....--<-J c11ro~..h-.0>.~'iiC.o ~:)::::;~ &?f'.w C;::;-....::; ('.lot" c-----:'""l U1c~'-',",'i': q;;::CC'1 n:~ c::;y ~~~_:o Setbacks Septic Tank .rior property lines 10' e of road right-of-way 10' Building foundation 5' Wells, other water sources 50' CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS/I NSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: olZe ~..:='iD Date Issued: C55-13 gal. min. septic tank capacity; Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call l:cn"i1~"''''''" between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., r"~~~",~ r^.'o"~ Type of Construction: 2=:1 Group: C-~ Instructions: (Y-w "'_N~ ~o all ~1" ilc:? Fire Zone: ~ Use Classification: ~""'..:1 l1rc"~o s@fff'.~ For plans information call c::J?=:;)'VSQ between 8;00 a.m. and 9:00 a,m., o,"'.v e:=:"7 For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a,m. and 5:00 p.m, C...---.<:>,.........,.....1r.'\l, OEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILOING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: f'~, 13cc:llib!lI.17 bne county ~ , '" ." ., , .' ,~. . . ,,/ .'~ . , , . . ~ ~ SITE IN:3PECTION/ ApPROVED d D'SAPPROVEO Cl DATE ~-It).7fINSPECTOR~ . REMARKS FOUNDATION INS~ION ApPROVEC- L..!.-I DISAPPROVED L-I DATE f-l.-Jr-7 Cf'INSPECTOR REMARKSC::::: 1- ~__ J - '- ~-/~-7 (.:.,)- ~ ~ p-v_... - ~~"'I"'!'.> p-' ~(".7r ~ FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED Cl DATE-R'- ~~ INSPECTOR ~~ REMARKS.JQ- C '. '..f"~-7..J?-79 J (],J . r_ J - '7 ~ ___--..1' '17 __ - ..0 I ~ ~J-~.:,.-__ :",~.....J.<.. f - - ,..t;.. -r. -. VA L-/- r-J'Y>-~....L"J_ - "1-~-7~~ . 8'-~C;; ~ LATH OR SHEET~ INSPECTION ApPROVED ~/ DISAPPROVED REMARKS L-I DATE~q:z../- "?IINSPECTOR /'..-. _....7:.-: t7-/9-7Y p,..d ~ L:./_ ~. FINAL INSPECTION ;;. ApPROVED I;kJ DISAPPROVED C1 DATe Ie, uov rGf INSPECTOR CltJ ~ REMARKS CERTI F I CATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE ;---y NOT READY TO ISSUE / I DATE INSPECTOR REMARK 5 .. -. ;' ,.. . V":~: " .:. ~d)l.','"f.,~,::. ,-:L~!.'::).:':', '- ,.t:',(11 ';> 'H'.;;:;f;',; :',;,;,t',,:, . <:(.::~. .' h'"/ ,~~ ' ...... e.\':',;" tQ.\4\QN~\ AL ,., ~ '< ~ g.,.,~"" CL ., ,::,~ - >'-1] '.E~' " <;1', </ u >', ~,' i/'i ~ ,.."t;o g' \) \ (, .. ' r:- "I C , / \ ,Ci lJ ; r, ~.: -- , ' '" Q), , -' I r- :J r,:-'" (J' '" . ~ (:'- ,'~ \',- ;t p \ '<l ~~ /~VI' ,~':.. .Q<.v Ol I-' o () ;<' '0 " 1\1 -l v-1 r'\..: ;~ . ' ,:j ~ ;;' "d "tf C- ., I1l 0 [~~o" n ~ ..... r- n 0 "b"=lrto::,,2 n ~ g Ie 9-;7" ~~/ 1/ tol -~ ~ >- 0- 0- .., It ,cr' en ~ ..,..,.., 000 ... ... 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OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Construction Permits & Inspections Division EUGENE, OREGON This building or structure does not conform to Lane County building regulations, ordinances or codes as noted below: -J~_U:_/-.d_~-~~ _~_~~_~- h- ,...e ~ ~ k -~-~ ~~-;p~-~ ~~ _~"---nd ~ CLU_~--j_~ I.~ ---~- . --7~--' -f-t1.I~ ~ C55-73 RIO-INSI'ECiION REQUIRED fOlt AI'I'ROV AL ~ Inspector-Pw~ ,Date.::l-il-79 Building Permit # r?~, - , .' , . . CORRECTION NOTICE LANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Construdion Permits & Inspections Division EUGENE, OREGON This building or structure does not conform to lane County building regulations, ordinances or codes as noted below: , ~~ ,~. u..e..-. T 4/ ~ - , ~;' -" h ~-~ C55-73 Inspector~J Building Permit # DatLCj- s= 79 . '-J - c:?' " '. " . . ~@CRSCRSrn~uD@~ ~@uD~rn ~ LANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ~ Construdion Permits & Inspedions Division ') EUGENE, OREGON if This building or structure does not conform to Lane County building regulations, ordinances or codes Ated below, 'GU-~~~~ bl'l'.o,C,. _ . _ _ n.._.L_L~//<:::J.G, ~," -x. " - - -e.-""'i -... /_<<"<! - -- (3/.-~ d ~ ~e, ~ -r:. e --'1!:-...A. A /~~t- -- - ~~- ~ .xL<-~, · ~L ~/t-.-. ~- - r:-:!~- CO' .'~ ~ ~-~-~ "~~~~-J!::;~~~ ~ t eL_~&c.~cf, <# ..e. ~-^ I (;r- ' - :ae___. ~ ~~~---~.. - W~~~ ~-~ .o.P,~~ ~ _~~/'~ e~ %&._~ - ~ ' _ ' C55-73 RI:-INSPI:CTION RI:QUIRI:D Inspector Date~~-~ fOR APPROVAL 'rP - - Building Permit # \.:7-~ ~~ ' '.' . . CORRECTION NOTICE LANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Construction Permits & Inspections Division ~ r EUGENE, OREGON ~ This building or structure does not conform to Lane County building regulations, ordinances or codes -- 0 as noted below: ~I..~~ ..z:~~e. /4_;-M, .\:~~ ",b'-- ~._-:_~A~Z; . _ -4 -- ~ ~-Ud5-,-(!., - J', ,,' J - ~~~~~':' '~~4~~~ ....;:t:. -~ ." '- -~ a-/--~ "-., ~e, -z; -4l, C55-73 Ri::-INSPECTION REQUIRED fOR APPROVAL Inspector . Date__8-- 5.t:J-7;1 ~~- If? Building Permit # . . . , '-- / ~O~~~CTION NOTICE LANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Construction Permits & Inspections Division EUGENE, OREGON This building or structure does not conform to Lane County building regulations, ordinances or codes os noted below: (Z)-Ll ~~. f.J .4' h~~ b /I" 1:), e, I ~1 (j~2.;.. ~~:--~~~~&~_ r ~ ~,,~_~~~-01.~~ ~;;Z-,~--- - - -~~ . _ _ _ _.,c-~ 'l"..LI'/ _ _ ~ ; ~ ~_~~~--:A~ - /_ ~8. ~ r r.-.- -~ ~_...;;I_~_~~~ ~/P4~~ ~~:t~;':E=ED e" ;ns"p'ect~or ~ ~;. ~ , /-Date?? -2g-79 fOR APPROVAL -,..-.-'4~ - - ( [to IA J? I Building Permit # ~~- rf..-t.~~ L~.c.Z; - ~,..e e:<.;C2I2. ...~ . 1 lANE COUNTY, OREGON . v .pEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MAN -MENT . CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTION DIV. -.,' te (Q) ~ ~ IE teii'U IQJ INI INI Oii' Ute IE JOB ADDRESS _ 1/5. =3 ~O (~ NOTE: o ,,-.,,;r..u.- _~ e .,&.....J _f /_.;.~-::../- . q~z:.C! ~~ I~../..,d ~ /p,,_Of!: I - __~-:I J'. .d., ,e /,....I~~t6~'~-z-(~j ~-'~ ~~~ .~/- f / t.<''L.",.P.I .0 ~ ;;r-..,J',~ ~~_./p? ~' - . ..#-'{---"-~) DATE J?-/CJ- 79 BLDG, PERMIT: (2J t('~-- I~..:-."-" ~ .~..- - - ~7 A.. - ,. - / Z ~, ~;I'- ( ~.A-r:z ~ cr #-<J / C55-73 RE-INSPECTION REGlUIRED Phone 1Ei18l;>-~(Q)1Ei5 i=DR APPROVAL INSPECTOR: ~~. /.,- I;;' . '<' - w POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADDRESS: ~J.5S 17:;-':~d..--:-:'o " :'---'0 : :-_':::2 TRS TL 7,Kc:;D;':=-~702 () J.0:1 I : CDNSTRUCTION PERMIT # ~'t:."':~:'.i~~',,:' ) Subdivision: 3.:...~ c:.~,. t. ~....~ -.'.;) ':~.~:, -~_~-:; :''':..:~~ ::'= f)~~{.."~ tj This permit for the referenced property is hereby (',:::;.:;;-y-;::::, Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed, Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lime County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. ~1r""'l 2z::)~~o' y,~..::!'''--:''', vc ~:1 r::x::; ~'j:;Cl.:> L::::;::2C= C,:::::..:.:. S/(~ Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address; Contractor's OS #- c::l 17c::.:::::.... C:'=:-:-:So :::---=:"'J r'D c:"'l::;-~,,:'l.';.::::':: Total Construction Value: O;::::::;:\~C') Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: (j~mGC:;(::) C:J, (q3:=>:=2Z0--~ c~ Construction a'pproved by this permit:_ . Water Supply: c __ ~~",.;; \72:::::: PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTRO,L DIVISION -.. ...." ., ~"'" rt (. -~,... . <~~ :..::.~=~:-) '::':';:h~:':\ '_' ..,.-.1 ::::; ":"':'3 O~~~--o;-~ ;.:..:;:::; C;; 1":::":..::':~_,~ ~:-.":~.,.:;:} \ # Bedrooms: # Plumbing Fixtures: ~ ~, 6 # Employees; c::l Zoning; Q6 Partitioning # 0 Parcel # Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: = ; interior property lines: 50 ;rear property line: Special Instructions: l.:.:) ,-"~:;1D.a:.:.---~ ~~~,. c::l Parcel Size; 0G~ ; centerline of road, o :"'~ D"-.4:1d 0; vO h-~ c;s~ 3 Jl.CDO For information call 687-4394, L:--2,;' t::ollJ.i'D Site Inspection # c:\ I nstallation specifications: = lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches; Special Instructions: F'~ rQ":,. f"~-"'~'" ,.11 f.''-'" '-:c._--~"'~....,..,.-It:--> '-'~ .,.....-~ ,''''"''':; r.-_____, h"'"", ".....y.,-..._':'......., ...;~ / l.--~'-,J .._h~ ,___~.. ~__,~~_........~ (._ .._.,.,...._'.' 4..w..J .--<.._-..1 L....-0 '"_--'"-'--'.___~ P-c-,v"--:-r"....I'c'1 r'-. r-.......... "r_......'{ .... r---\~ r:(\_-- c...,....--.--., ...-."'r-----..r-.<:'" r. --_.-'.'V--' r..... '---7"1 ....("~..... ,- v...__<---'-~:.&. ,.." ......... ~_,..... -......"--.....~ ......."'\...-.. ~'-' _.~___.......~ -....~ ...__.~.J. '-',j.'-'~._i- ...."-J- to...,..! ....,'- .___-:) Setbacks Septic Tank Interior property lines 10' 6le of road right-of-way 10' '-'ding foundation 5' Wells, other water sources 50' CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: Oate Issued: ~~-. ~-=10 r--('........... >..;.;:, ~_0 gal. min. septic tank capacity; Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' ,. For information call r.Ci?o:;;':;~. between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., r......",,-~ t'~~~ra Type of Construction::3=:J Group: L>~ Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification; Instructions: (k::) rr~..;.::::::i:O d.::::o c2 ;;:::::..:Jz, [.~ ~t"~ 1:~...::::;~~~r---~ ~~g',~-, ,-,.i"'-1I:,,--' For plans information call 0'J?e>:0'J'i,:;) between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., C' '--:J ~----? For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. c2atf: .1r:~, bne county ~ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE f PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 'By: ,--, D':2l<!'-tl'.17 r-- ~ . . , SLAB FLOOR PLUMB I NG GflOUNDNORK ApPROVED i / DISAPPROVED ~ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS GAS PIPING GROUNDNORK ApPROVED I I D'SAPPROVEO ~ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS ROUGH PLUMB I NG ApPROVED ;:;2IJ D'SAPPROVEO ~ DATE IC, J}/JV ~ INSPECTOR W REMARKS ROUGH GAS P I PI NG ApPROVED L / 01 SAPPROvEO ~ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FINAL PLUMBING ApPROVED LV D'SAPPROVED ~ DATEI(P/'60 r't INSPECTOR ~-e- ReMARKS FINAL GAS PIPING ApPROVED L I D'SAPPROVED I I DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE ~ NOT READY TO ISSUE ;---? DATE INSPECTOR REMARK 5 " ,-. I .. -.--",', .1 )'2\1)\ 'J' b' ;: "....~,.,..,.,-.".:L~ - ' 0 , Location ~.. , '._ _ Permit 0 ~fl.~'-P B at P I a n Permit 0 ~~' _ __'" Permit 0 ~Subdivision CO\~ l.._\.\'~ i~L(~..';:,.;(\)?'I: ' 'LOt (to Bloc'k 2_ ,- . . [.c(U I) I ~ \ J ct 1- '2 ~ .. .-- - -- :.-.\ '_." .. \J/ \ -. -~...' . .T..-"-i:',J.;..'_ ..0 I~--;i~t[~fi,t~~... ' ,,:.- ....-"~r:;.,.....:.:....,l:-._~..... ,'.-" . t: ,~ff.,~' ~...t:';.~-~'" ,~~;.....:. /, ,..,':,c ::-.i---V1c1n1ty linn , . - . ) c;j .) -i 1/ (Address) For For For "ftf '. i I I I I I I ; ?;i i , .. , ! ~, i \j'- , 1 ! . i I I i '6> fb -- / 1:5'3 -i--. , ; ) I ,i) '-' } ( Permit I PerlDit I Permit n \-:::\ \) )-.J'~-;' For For For \ \ . ro7' -,., ---- .. ^ '-- --- -------..----,--,--------.- \ 1~ Pi2V'2nc 14[)):r.Y \I ____ ___ ,_,____._ f'! ~'1'1 ;,- "vI-: ,. 'L'~, L"UI'-: ----r , "/ ; l'-~ ;:'f;(j l :~,:~..J..! l--.. .---, J i - - -, I I 'I II ---1-1 --------- '.' -t-- - - ----;.~--~- I .. .. 01 ~v ~ \\) ~~rr"~ 9 I D; \' , ~ 1--------- -- - l'll I" ~:, _ll""-.:'...:...- 'If...-, --: ',..'i/ / ./ " '-_...:.~ -:-~ '\, ?1-<A;'f';L'u..( .if 8x n,' l2:.i:~TL '.'-,;- .: ,~: " ( ". ~._.,...... .~.,; ..1';'--.;. Ir..' q --1'::'- .. -- .........~ -. ,: )) .... -', 2:;.;:,. "'_!.>..L.a..-- I I i \ I , / I fX-L,. i .0'1 , - -1_- , /_-- ,:1' '\ \ ~\.:" (. -? \\J 1/ ~,\\:::- \'\~ \ :Jf~l~ V\~'-~I ,. 1-~''l"LJl()' I ) \