HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2005-9-13 , . ("'j'\: ')I~ S( -'Nel:II"II) ')I'I::('()N ' " . 1 l. ,;.J ", ( \..1. " _ O'"l,t.,(.,!-..,.:- 2251'1." JU STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . P8:(541)726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City Job Number CO "-'t~ S - 0 (re~ Date 200 Amps or less "'t'- x.. ~\)}~I, Amps to 400 Amps ,<. \'0 \ \S 401 Amps to 600 Amps ..,(<'~\.. :~+."'\\ <<;0601 Amps to 1000 Amps City EURene OR C{7~~ne 6~7"5770,,"S y ..)~,<-'0 Over 1000 AmpsIVolts ~ .... \' LJ\' ,'_\\ \"\ ~~v Reconnect Only ,O....~. \ 'I...'.v...., ~,..J . \. ~ \',\' \ 'v'~ ,.......)' Supervisor License NJmbeT')~ ,~2708'S ,\ '0'" "),,,:,0' \" :"\\,d. "-"-.' xv ",'0 .~.}, \~ Expiration Date 10/1/07 r\\~i"'....;~ V v \>-\~'\ . Constr, Contr. Number 37587C C. 1t!tlDf'p=~Se~.,,!;ri~;;~~~w~1l:l'l e.'-- __.._,:;or~~, ) I:_~~.,,~~,-~ e'" \)\\,. ,'is< ,\.\'<. ,,\,- ..,0 ....~ Installation,. Alteration ,0r'Relocation >!l'- O'v- e- ~v " 200 Amp5'or~less'e'" '1>' <l. oJi :o.,e'" 'Q I ,.,.0' _'\ '0; ).' ......~.. ,\v- ~ 2,Ol!~AiiI~s to490 l\,JPps ~e ~0'0 ~ $ 69.00 OV401~Ar%ps'tli'6OO~~t ,e\e9'/..\c,'I>"v $100.00 (CCB 104929 3114/08) ~;~,,\.'i. ecOv'l>'> di6OOC>~' 'f>!"'''<:)\'OIOOO.~eV''IO'\ "B" b -< \v Ji er yunps or, , .0 ts see a ove, ~' ~'f05."'--"''''''"_,, ", .,. ' , $1.0 J), tf.&ranC!i.C.. ." . ,0 .'/..\c,'I>' Oo"~~' ~ - Qjv ::, v.O~O~Q:. 'New"'A1teratioil0oJ3E1tension Per Panel -..tV. ~",'<J ,,,:\e - '\' \<:- BIJ'9~<tC~~~it c>'\'" $ 43.00 IJ<:i c,?EachiAllditiohal Circuit or with <:-S~~"o~FeederPermit $ 3,00 E ~~~I~~Iii.~~~~)~::..'"'~''''''''''' . ~.. -. ,.' ~,Y" _.. _. ~Jh.', 'i4",!~.' &1ft .'_ _ . "", ~"', 1. ~~~l;~" 376n krJo.rl-.r:.;n LEGAL DESCRIPTION l "( 07- 30 4-:' (') Co ~o::> JOB DESCRIPTION +erno Dnl//Ar i I Permits are non-transferable and expire if work is not started witbin 180 days of issuance or if work is Suspended for 180 days. 1ll'000F;:;I~i7i:iRr~~;;4'Jfi!An'O'N:'ONliyJj 2. ~ll~~(:I;~~W~~~~. Electrical Contractor m Electric, Inc. Address 4685 Isabelle Street . Expiration Date 7/1/06 S~nE~ , ~. Owners Name r 8-) I J J~<?-J- Address ~ 71ic, k'rA +hJ r> City Spn'if,'t<> /,..1 Phone SoL l- 'Z.. "leD OWNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Owners Signature: Inspection Request: 72&-3769 ~ "'I-\s. -OS- \(\~ ..,,,-- "'fi "...".......""B..."~"_.~~""- '. ""'1\... 3 tFeo.1flP.11B'.tBiRfUl; 7ttt.'Ill'. 0' . ~W~ '. .' .' . . ~~~~~----~~~,.;,-~~cru'lM,.ii '" J... --^\\\06 c\\\C >>'0'" sQ.- A :>~'~Ri~~Si'''''''"' ,~~~~ .'.. ~..., 'uale .~..,.~ ,~., "..~".. .~.g;. d._ --;';\"\\;;0.' . I _. -. Service lndudp\\O .,(\0 , ~~ . ~. 1000 sq. ft. or~'f.o""\' (\\(\~. 06,00 Eacb additional>%?lO sq.lco or ./ ./ portion thereof /_..~(\.,\>>\. $ 19.00 .,\. . 0 '2>'\l Eacb Manufact'd i}o~. Modular Dwelling ~ice or Feeder B.~t~~.E~;"8~.'~. :," . ':!t.' " ,-.,,,,-"-__' ".. ...,.~._." ", .'~'~" $50,00 $ 63.00 $ 75,00 $125,00 $163.00 $375.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 512,00 Pump or irrigation $ 50,00 Sign/Outline Lighting $ 50,00 Limited EnergylResidential $ 25.00 Limited EnergylCommercial $ 45.00 Minimum Electric Permit Inspection Fee is $45.00 + Surcbarges 4.~~.t_ 50.00 3. r:..,1Y C;,C)rJ ,1:)4, StY 7% State Surcharge 10"10 Administrative Fee ./ TOTAL .' Status Issued . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-0I089 ISSUED: 09/13/2005 APPLIED: 08/10/2005 EXPIRES: 03/13/2006 VALUE: $ 285,000.00 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone . 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-37691nspection Line SITE ADDRESS: 3766 Kathryn Avenue ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1702304306600 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Warehouse TYPE OF USE: New Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Industrial warehouse Owner: TED WEST Address: PO BOX A VIDA OR 97488 Contractor CASCADE VIEW CONSTRUCTION INc JB ELECTRIC 0,\1)\\\'- MARSHALLS INc ~ '\ \\'\:. \ ",1)\ . SURRETTS"o\\\'(.. ~","\\\ ~"o , .\ ,.r::, . S\\';>.\..\.:,v.:,S \"BUILiiiNG INFORMATION I .' ." 0,"\\ "I\\::" o'''''''\. ,,' '(..',,\' '0~v t>.,\.>" # of Units: \ t,\;J \' r.\l:'~'t.\) '0"- \S1 . # of Stories: 1 Lot Size: Primary Occupal!~~ 9ro.~~:;.~~\) \,'c.\Fll\) Height of Structure 25.00 ~.Ft 1st Floor: Secondary Occupa,~fr,.Gr~,!P\Y~ Type of Heat: Elect~fa'" '\~:FtI~!i Floor: Primary constructio'1~ypeV lIB Water Type: EI~Sti:ic e~o(S~}i't~~ement: Secondary Construction Type: Range Type: \'I>>!l",e 0' 'I>,\Sq !,!:G,&"elcarport # of Bedrooms: Energy Path: e~o'" ")'\ Pall!}l''''O,.:scrFt,!)tlier: S . kI dB i1d'l'\' 0" ni' rO~'v '(>L prm e ,-<~\J' ~n.'R09\e "\'(\oc~,,~~'(\. 0' ~c~:.e,'!D.~,o~ad: , DEVELOPMENT INF(iRMATI()N,,)9~:\'(\e '~o'i.~\". \O"~, '1>\\" n.l:Jv o"'v ~o \)'i.~",\ ",t>.t>.'\'REQUIRED PARKING ;\\,c, "?J'i" '1>'\ ~e" 0'" ~?; OveriafD.!,~t?o "0-'> "" e c,e'0 O\eg ~(J'''''O Total: # Street.\Trees Rqd:~ ~e ",'Ii Handicapped: f:()'"J ,\\" ,"!) \0'\ \\c:, . Paved Dnve ~qd~e\ fo,e Compact: % of Lot Coverage: ve \'- Contractor Type General Electrical Mechanical Plumbing Frontyard Setback: Side 1 Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Street Improvements: Storm Sewer Available: Spedallnstructlon: Notes: Phone Number: 541-521-2780 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION' License 155174 104929 25790 Expiration Date 04/1612007 03/1412008 12/2312005 Phone 541-896-3081 541-687-5770 541-747-7445 741-3553 7,260 'PUBLIC IMPROVE]\o."j'." I SIdewalk Type: Downspouts/Drains: Pal!elof5 J Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Description Estimate Pavine Tvpe of Construction Estimate Use Bid Amount Fee Description Plan Review commlInd/PuhIlc Plan Review Fire & Life Safety -Mechanical Issuance Fe.... + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge BackfIow Device Building Permit Fixture Furnace - up to 100,000 htu Gas Outlets 1-4 _ Paving Plan Review commlInd/Public Plan Review Fire & Life Safety Sanitary Sewer - 1st 50 Feet Sanitary Sewer - Improvement Sanitary Sewer - Reimhursement Sanitary Sewer Each Addtll00' SDc MWMc Administration SDc MWMc Improvement SDc MWMC Reimbursement SDc SanitarylStorm Admin SDc Transpo Admin SDc Transpo Improvement SDc Transpo Reimbursement Storm Drainage Impervious Area Storm Sewer - 1st 50 Feet Storm Sewer Each Addtll00' Vent Fan . Water Line - 1st 50 Feet Water Line - Each Addtll00' + 10% AdminIstrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Temp Power 200 amps or less Total Amount Paid . I Valuation Descriotion I $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier $1.00 $1.00 Square Footage or Bid Amount 220,000.00 65,000.00 Total Value of Project Fpp< PIilLI Amount Paid $684.55 $421.26 $10.00 $200.38 $110.23 $14.00 $955.65 $322.00 $36.00 $4.00 $429.15 $73.94 $45.50 $45.00 $648.25 $852.51 $14.00 $10.00 $890.03 $84.38 $432.06 $68.26 $1,003.45 $227.49 $6,290.39 $45.00 $56.00 $24.00 $45.00 $14.00 $5.00 $3.50 $50.00 $14,114.98 Date Paid 8/10/05 8/10/05 9/12/05 9/12/05 9/12105 9/12/05 9/12/05 9/12/05 9/12105 9/12/05 9/12105 9/12105 9/12/05 9/12105 9/12/05 9/12/05 9/12/05 9/12105 9/12/05 9/12/05 9/12105 9/12/05 9/12/05 9/12/05 9/12/05 9/12/05 9/12/05 9/12/05 9/12/05 9/12/05 9/13/05 9/13105 9/13/05 Paee 2 of5 . CITY OF SPRINGt<1J'.,LU Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-0l089 ISSUED: 09113/2005 APPLIED: 08/10/2005 EXPIRES: 03/13/2006 VALUE: $ 285,000.00 Value Date Calculated $220,000.00 $65,000.00 $285,000.00 08/29/2005 08/29/2005 Receipt Number 2200500000000001074 2200500000000001074 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 1200500000000001337 2200500000000001255 2200500000000001255 2200500000000001255 -[i;~' ~"'~ . . CITY OF ~r1Ul~uFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-01089 ISSUED: 09/13/2005 APPLIED: 08/10/2005 EXPIRES: 03/13/2006 VALUE: $ 285,000.00 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-37691nspection Line I Plan Reviews , Fire Department Review 08/l2n005 09/07/2005 OK GRG See attached document for Fire Department Plans Review comments. Initial Review 08/1112005 08/1112005 APP LLH LDAP Review 08/22/2005 08/22/2005 APP VRJ LDAP permit is at the front counter and ready to issue. $1470.00 due at issuance. Applicant has been contacted. LDAP Review 08/11n005 08/1112005 10 VRJ Applicant submitted LDAP plans 8/10/05. Planninl! Review 08/l2n005 APP Needs final site plan submittal and Development Agreement. Site Plan Review DRc2005-00053 Public Works Review 08/12/2005 08/26/2005 APP SB Checked by E. Walter; SDcs added. LDAP Issued. No Encroachment proposed. Submit Encroachment Permit application if work is proposed in City Right~f-way or within Public Utility Easements. Structural Review 08/1112005 08/19/2005 WE JMP See attached documents for 9 structural comments faxed to Rene Fabricant. .. Structural Review 08/29n005 08/29/2005 10 JMP WE. Received response to structural comments. Called Ted and asked for Items 3, 7, and 9 to be completed. Structural Review 09/01/2005 09/01/2005 10 JMP WI. Received additional Information from Ted West. Faxed the energy code forms to David Harris. Structural Review 09/07/2005 09/07n005 APP JMP Received final internal approval. SUB Review 08/29/2005 09/06/2005 APP DH JMP forwarded revised drawings and mechanical design and energy code forms. SUB Review 08/12/2005 08/22/2005 WE DH See attached documents for JMP's structural comments faxed to Rene Fabricant on 8/19/2005 requesting the energy code forms and worksheets. - To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work . day. Pal!e30f5 . / . L11 i' VI< ~rK11~ljt<1~LU Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-01089 ISSUED: 09/13/2005 APPLIED: 08/10/2005 EXPIRES: 03/13/2006 VALUE: $ 285,000.00 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-37691nspection Line Site Inspection: To be made after excavation but prior to setting forms. Erosion/Grading Inspection: Prior to ground disturbance and after erosion measures are installed. Storm Sewer Line: Prior to filling trench. Final Plumbing: When all plumbing work is complete. Backflow Device: Prior to covering and provide a copy of the test report on site at the time of inspection. Rough Mechanical: Prior to Cover Final Mechanical: When all mechanical work is complete. Rough Electric: Prior to Cover Final Electric: When all electrical work is complete. Rough Gas: After line Is Installed and required testing and capped if not attached to an appliance. Final Gas: When all gas work Is complete. SUB Plumbing: Following City Rough Plumbing inspection approval and prior to cover. SUB Mechanical: Following City Rough Mechanical inspection approval and prior to any cover. SUB Ceiling Grid: Interior Lighting SUB Exterior Lighting Temporary Electric: Approval required prior to Utility Company energizing pole. Ufer Electrical Ground: Install ground rod at footing and call for inspection In conjunction with footing and/or foundation inspection. Footing: After trenches are excavated. Slab: To be made after all inslab building service equipment, conduit piping and other equipment items are In place but prior to concrete. Framing Inspection: Prior to cover and after all rough in Inspections have been approved. Wall Insulation: Prior to cover. Ceiling Insulation: Prior to cover. Roofing: Prior to Installing any roof covering. Drywall: Prior to taping. Masonry: Bolts Installed in Concrete: To be done by a State Certified Spedallnspector. Provide inspection test reports to City Building Inspector. High Strength Bolting: To be done during construction by a State Certified Spedallnspector. Provide Inspection results to City Building Inspector. Structural Welds: To be done during construction by State Certified Spedallnspector. Provide inspection test results to City Building Inspector. Palle 4 of5 . . CITY OF ~rKll~uN~LU Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-01089 ISSUED: 09/13/2005 APPLIED: 08/10/2005 EXPIRES: 03113/2006 VALUE: $ 285,000.00 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-37691nspection Line Structural Masonry: To be done during construction by a State Certified Special Inspector. Provide results to City Building Inspector. Final Fire Department. After all requirements of the Fire Department have been met. Final Building: After all required inspections have heen requested and approved and the building Is complete. Rough Grading: After gravel is in place but prior to placing concrete. Final Paving: After paving is complete. SUB Insulation Vapor Barrier: To be called for at the same time as the SUB framing inspection. SUB Final: After all required energy inspections have been requested and approved. Underslab Plumbing: Prior to filling the trench and including required testing. Perimeter Foundation Drains: After gravel and flIter cloth Is installed but prior to backfill. Rough Plumbing: Prior to cover and including required testing. Water Line: Prior to filling trench and including required testing. Sanitary Sewer Line: Prior to filling trench and including required testing. By signature, 1 state and agree, that 1 have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all Information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work descrihed herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. 1 further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. 1 further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. k~ 1///v//;/~ Owner or Contractors Signature Date Pa2e 5 of5 . 225 Fift~ Strl!et . Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2005-0 I 089 COM2005-0 I 089 COM2005-0 I 089 Payments: Type of Payment Check :1. " , ;r. " , ;/. 9/1312005 . RECEIPT #: .~ ~ lility of Springfield Official Receipt .velopment Services Department Public Works Department 2200500000000001255 Description Temp Power 200 amps or less + 7% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee Paid By 18 ELECTRIC Received By jmp Page I of I Date: 09/13/2005 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Batcb Nnmber Number How Received 16293 In Person Payment Total: 8:59:01AM Amount Due 50.00 3.50 5.00 $58.50 Amount Paid $58.50 $58.50 '