HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1993-9-16 ..::; ':) I"::> -tW'~ _jBoz...o?Z, ~ 0 "'\ RESIDENTIAL PERMIT ^PPLlC^TION Inspection>;: 126.376~J Office: 726.37,,9 LOCMION OF PROPOSED WOHK' ASSEsson~~ MAP: _..__ LOT: _.._' __ 30 :SHI'J:~otV /2'0", _JQJ513 ,.-f."l~....L1A.S CITY: __CI4I(.t!l ~-rc.reJ ~_,_ OWNER: _. AoonESS: -. 5PRINGFIELll li"~,",,. ,1<:"",,-,,,,- \ A. .u..J , BLOCK: .,; . " n-1.\(\~ JOn NUMBER _.':::..\0\~\)c;t) 225 Fillll Street Springlield, Oreuon 974/'7 TAX LOT: 2600 "7 SUBDIViSION: 6D '- D8v -;e"'R.e1'\<.E. ~:55 /:< () PHONE: ;1-f3c:s:5 -- 66_7.' 31..~'I'_ #/03 C-4. zIP:_93 ,o~.__ STAn~' DESCRIBE WORK: _-'!Joon ~~ "h'\A~. ~ NEW _, u REMODEL ADDITION '~T~E~5b~~1~J)1_.~ 6~Prr~'E. DEMOLISH CONTRACTO!i'S NAME ADDRESS /', /I . 1<1<-/1 HWY 9'l JJ. CENERAL'~DUE?" -- NJ:li(fl.1S'vl)l-,,-_~tdiS.e>-vE.__._9.7..<.k;Z. CON ST. CONTRACTOR' 66<1'17 PHONE (,B0-71f>2- PLUMBINC: MECHANICAl.: __. ELECTRICAL 13>, ~. f3u:z.... OUAD AREA ~~_f--~ . , --\ . ~ iY" .-.\-- If OF BLOCS' OCCY GROUI': II Or- 5TOlll[:::: WATER HEAr lOR: _ _.___ 'roo ~ 'GLwI, itA- -_. , 317 Q'1.'3 "J ..2.0 - J.73c. OFFICE USE - LANe, USE: --1-60 . OF UNITS. CONSTR. TYI'I': -_v...J..J HEAr sounCE: . RANC E: ___ EXPIRES &::717/9.'1 * _~~_?.J-{O FLOOD PLAIN: ZONING CODE: wr2.- . OF BDRMS: SECONDARY HEAT: SQUARE FOOTAGE:~~._= To request eJII inspection, YOlJ tllust call 72n.3769. Tills Is a 2,lllOur recorrlinn. All inspections requested before 7:00 !l.rn. will !)c made !tit.: ::<1111/1 wOfl<iflf) clay, ln~;pections requested after 7:00 <t.m. will be made the following work day. o Te01por;lry Electric r-vf Site In:;pcctioll - To be made ~afte' I:'.;,;avatioll, hut prior 10 sctlin~l lorms. ~~/C.. o UndcI:.;lilb Plumhing/Electricall Mechanical - Plior to cover. o Footin~J - After llcnchc~> are excava!t!ci. D Masonry - Stc"~1 location, bone! beams, grouting. D FOUfl(I~tlion - Aller fOI1Jl~~ are cree ton l)lll Plio' 10 COIH:lIJlc plac011Ii:nt. D Undcl{Jround Plumbing - PriOI to lillillO lronell. [] Underllnor PlullIbil1g/MechaniGal _ I'd". 10 in::;ul;ltion 01 dt..:Gkill{J. o Post nlld Bealll - Prior to floor insula!li,.n or (J<:.:.:Idng. o . Floor Insulation Prlol to dcckinu. D Sanit;:ny Sewer Prior 10 filling trencl1. o Storm Sewer - Prior to filling trencll. D Water Line trencll. PI~(,\r to lilling D Rough Plumbing - Prior to cover. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS D Rough Mechanical - Prior to cover. ~Rough Electric;:ll - Prior to ~ cover. I~ Electrical Service - Must be approved 10 obtain permanent electrical power. I~ Fireplace - Plior to (acing materials and framing Insp. ~raming - Prior to cover. I~ Wall/Ceilill!j In~;lIl"tioll - Prior to cover. ~Drywall - PriOI' to taping. ~ FIIUWAfA.-. I~ Wood StoW! - Alter installation. o Insert - After nreplace approval and install;t!ion o( unit. D Curbcul & Approach - After forms am l:rectcd but IHior to pl,Jcemclll uf concrete. [J Sidewalk &: Driveway - After e>:cavation is corllpJete, forms ami sub-ba~;e Irl3terlal in place. o Felice - Wilen complc;tceJ. I~ Street Trees - When all required tWllS are rd;1I1turl. D Final Plumbing - Wilen all plumbing worl< is corllpletc. KYFinal Electrical - Wllell all ~electfical wall, is cOlllplE..:te. D Final Mecha'nical - When all mechanical work is cOlllplete. ~ Final Building - Wilen all ~eQuired inspection::; tlavc bw:n approved and building is completed. DOthcr MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS D Blocking and Set-Up -=- Whl~11 ;.11 blocking is complet/.:. D Plumbing Connections - Wlwl1 home has been connected to watcr and SCVJCr. D Electrical Connection - WIII)11 blocking, SChlP; anel pllJlrlt)in~J inspections have bCI;11 apPl()v.:cJ and the home is cOl1ncclcd Ii) the service p<JIlel. D ....." Final - After :..Ill requilt:!d inspections Dre approve:cl and porches, sl<irling, del;k~;, ;:1Il{J venting tJCive heen in:.;ll1llud. Lol faces Lot TYPte Lot sq. Itg. Interior Lot coverage Corner TI.lpoorapllY Panhandle Total 110ight Cul.de.sac BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. X $/SO. FT Main rq .\0 Garage , ~ ~'t) Carport Total Value Building Permit Fcc SI;lte Surcharge 101<11 Fcc (A) & THE 1'110POSED WORK IN tHE HISTOI1ICAL DISTRICT, 011 ON THE HISTORICAL REGISTEFl? If yes. Ihis application mw;\ be signed and approved by the Historical Coordinator prior to permi! i::suano~. Setuacks I P.L. HSE GAR ACC N ~------- W ---- E -~--- APPROVED: VALUE 4\os..~ ) L\.lC' 52J 8).5D A:53 5..3 D3 SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC)'/S (B) AI. A - PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixlures Residenlial Bath(s) N' Sanitary Sewer FT Waler FT FT. Storm Sewer Mobile Home Plumbing Permit Slate SUl'chnrge Tolal Charge (C) MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan N' Wood StovellnsertlFireplace Unit DIYl;r Venl Mccllilnic;ll Permit IS~;ll:.lnce Slale Surcllarge Total Permit (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home Slate Issuance State Surcharge Sldowalk II Curbcut II Demolition Slate Surch;uge ~ ~@//a.J Total Miscellaneous Permits (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding eleclrlcal) (A. 8. C, 0, <lnd E Combined) FEE :<'7 .$3 ~c;&~ BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This permit is granted on the express condition 111;llllle snid construction shall, in all respects, conform to IIle Ordinance adopted by the City 01 Springfield, including the Development Code, regulating the coilstruclion and use of buildings. and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon violation of any provisions of said ordinances, Plan Check Fee: __7'2 .~ 3 Dale Paid: Receipt Number' Receive~ ~ Plana-k~~~ ~~~3 V-5a~-'- Systems Development Charge is due on all undeveloped properties within the City limits which are being improved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS _~A<L~_?@&L~. ,;CJ&ieh/.T .I5-~~--. - ----.------- - ---.--, ~~t/d.#l~ ~//~~:! "7" ~ By signature, I state and agree. that I have canJfully eX<lmined the completed application and do hereby ce1lify thai all information hereon is true _~lIld correct. and I fUllher certify that any and all work performed shall be done in nccord:lIlcc with the Oldlnanccs uf tile Cily of Sprinulield, :lI1d tile l.aw:; of tile State of Ore011l1 pe11ainlnfJ to the w(ld~ 1I1:::crihcd hemin, and....tl1al NO OCCUPANCY will be Ft1:ldl) 01 :lIlY structum without peFmission of Ihe Duildillg Safely ()jvj~i()Fl. I further certify Itl;tl oFlly contractors and Clllp!OYI,:f:S who mo in compliance wi III ORS 701,055 will be 11~~F;d on tllis IJroject. I further agree to ensurc thai all requircd inspections arc requested at the proper lime, that each address is readable from the street, lhat tile permit card is located at ttlC front of the property. and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. Slgnaturn ~..." l f,~ .. Dale I /3//2.../93 VALIDATION: / t9 2.J!b I DATE PAID 7'-/&" -'[3 AMOUNT I1ECEIVED /-2..2.., ~( RECEIVED BY ----.. 4-~-- I1ECEIPT NUMBER .The 1'J!\Qwing !1!oiect 13.$ $\.lbmltted.~es the 1~\lowir tif . ,...J d....-.' '1....+ re:\ulre $P~Ch.(: land u~e . ~ 225 FIFTH STREET zOI'lIng, a.... vO, .-. ~ ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 approval. ~ / INSPECTION REQUEST: 726-3769 ZoOni"" Ci ty Job Number Cf 3 2-D 2- OFFICE: 726-3759 Data iii -\\.0 Jt?J . - _ ura ~OHPLETE FEE S.l;REDULE BELOV 1. LOCATION OF INSTALLATIOtf'uthonzed Slgnlll . '. 59 7C; ~L.h1/A 1..,1.1, A. New Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dwelling unit. Service Included: .- . LEGAL DESCRIFTION /~2- tf?3 2. ~ a/.-?I"Jn JOB DESCRIPTION k7JArv~) ~A?;t5 . . Permits are non-transferable and expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY B. ElectricR Contractor Pf '. fLo C't.5Ll.u Address y() B.1L AA,~4 \ . City f1 ~t'f\()~Phone q~e:s-52JD Supervisor License Number ~ln~ Expiration Date \t'J. \ .l:\~ 'Constr Contr. Number Lo\d)S(q lD 4.~~ Expiration Date . Signature of Supervising ElectriCian M~,c/-J.O (l/tA-t Owners.Name '5~) ~~; Address City . Phone -OVNER INSTALLATION - , The installation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Owners Signature: ~~~;~~----------~I';;~~~-l----------- RECEIPT #: ' /,Q!2...Sj RECEIVED BY: .tt:'~ Items Cost Sum 1000 sq.ft. or less $ 85.00 Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof $ 15.00 Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder $ 40.00 Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $lOO.OO $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 C. Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 volts $ 40.00 $ 55.00 $ 80.00 see "B" above D. Branch Circuits New, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit ___ $ 35.00 gS-.6-0 Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit $ 2.00 E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation $ 40.00 Sign/Outline Lighting $ 40.00 Limited Energy/Res $ 20.00 Limited Energy/Comm $ 36.00 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State Surcharge TOTAL ~ c;-: .6'-0 i.7f" 3~,7~