HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-10-3 RCC6:pt , \ ';:)02>4-- ^~:) .. RESID..ENTlAL" " IT'~. APPLICA./PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 . Job wcation: ,-~1'6~ }\C) ~ f(\,lQ ,~fL, AB.eB.or8 Map N IP>O~a~d\6 Tax wt N 2J1DO SUbdiviBion: hCJ\ r\ Q (\ . -C9. <<(\ (' <L :I:l:- '-=)~, h\.\( + -, 1 - Qmer: \'{\ ~ . ~ ffi~ 'S . (C) t son AddreB3: \4iQ2> \ \qf~ \(cnrL Phone:4ffi ~2-q'7 City: \} r<Y~"'() AJ C~ 1'\~ Zip: q C\L\f\1 () . ~U2.-LD\CiJL f\\DX:;, ~,Q ~D'r'ru2-- " ~ ~A-3 < I ~~~ ~ . ~'mJ n Addi tion n RemodeZ r---l !wbile Homo q -f~n-8q ~ Signed: Date: dJY)J lU'"~'~ Bldrs Board Re~. o'fl'l1 :') I () .t;l,Q r'1A .:"\ Your>. City Deoigr.ated Job Numba' Ioo' O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER.II/SPECTION: To be made after> all insulatUm CV".d . .. r>aquir>ed vapor> barTiers are in p laae .' . but before any lath, gypswn board or LJall cover>ing is applied, and beforB any insulation is conceaZed. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after all drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bona beamo, grouting or verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpZeted. ~URB & APPROACH APRON: After' fol'ms ~ are created bu t prior to pouring . concrete. . r:-:Y"SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all ~on- ~ crete paving within stroeet right- of-way, to be made aftero all exaa- vating complete & form worok & sub- . base rmterial in place. D PENCE: When compZ~te -- Provide gates or movable sectiono through P.U.E. . rz(~'l;~ Exoires \/4 (') PhQ\1p lo~-'1f-\\\ r{)wO_';l., It is the responsi.bility'of ths permit hoUleI' to see that aU inopections are r.1ade at the proper tim€., that each .::d.Cress is roeadabZe from ths stroeet, and that thB permit oal"d is 'Located at the front of the property. "Sui !.ding {}t;vi:;ior: approovtJd pZan s.haZZ remain on tho; Building sit:; at aZZ times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPEcrION RE:,QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (reaorderJ state your City designated job nw;;ber, job address, type of in3pecticn raquestcd and when you wiZL be ready for inspection, Contractoros or OWners nGme and phone number. Requests received before 7:00 am r..-ill be rmde the same day, requests made after 7:00 am will be mule the next :.JOrokiltJ day. PS4/00Co I DEMOLITION OR !.:OVED BUILDINGS =:J Sani:ary Se'.Jer ::apped at p:.op&rt'1i lir.e =:J Septic tank p~ed and 'fiLZa~ fJith Gra~el I Final - fihen above ite.'1ls are completed ~ ar~ when demoZition is complete or 8tru~- ture moved and proemi3es cLeaned up. - Mobi le Hemes ~loaking and Sat-up ~lumbing aonnections -- sewer and ~ter ~ Electrical Conneation - BZoaking, set-up -U-"'"and plwnbing aonr:ections ,',-r...st ce approved before roequesting eleatl'i,~aZ inspectio~ =:J AaaesGott'd Building ~Final - After p:Jrcr.es, ~ etc. are completed. sk-:.rting, deaks, Reouired InF~~~tir.~~ D. SITE INSPECTION: ~ To be rmde after , excavatior, ~ut prior to .se~ up of forms. . O : UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be made before any . work is aoveroed. r-;/FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made ~ after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to P9uring ccncrst~. ~;;'VDSRGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. W.1TE,~ ~ DRAINAGE: To be rmde prior to fi Z- Uro.g trenahes. D. UNDERFLOOR PLUtmING & MECHANICAL: , To bs made prior to in3ta~lation of !toor insulation or deaking. D POST AND BEAM: To bB made prior to installation of !tooro insulation or decki... . ROUGH P~UMBIlIG. E[.ECTRICA~ & MECH- ANICAL: No work. is to be covered ,until these inspections have beer. made and approved. FIRF:PLACE: Prior. to placing faaing materoiaZs and before framing inspec- tion.. ~ FRAMING: .Must be requested after L...kl approval of rough plwr.bing, electri- cat & meahanical. All roofing braaing & ahimncys, ste. FTr..lst be : completed. No r,x,rk is to be con- .~ cealed untit thio inspection has ~b6~~ made and approved. D o o All project conditions, suah as the -i.nstallation of street trees, co:;'platiD/! of the requi'f'Bd landacapi,..g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUIWINC FINAL aan be rsquestad. D FIliAL PLUMBING D FINAL MECHANICAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL D @ PINAL BUILDING: The FinaZ Building Inspection must be requeoted after the Final Plumbing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspectiono havo been made and approoved. 'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENT TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pege 1 of 2 ..-....~u .. L-cod~ I JOB No-PfllOOlo SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- I Zona: Ocau""nay cro:e I-< .3 Lot Sq. Ft;;. LOT TYPE S of lot CJlJercgc: Interior !I of Stor-ies Corner Total Height Panhandle Topography Cul-de-saa I lITEM ltobin learaae I Caroort IAccessoru i'~Jf\~r;TOTAL VALUE ~f1~ ~g)l! S.D.C, 1.5 x 'UCWCJ4Ll; rfY) I '1~C!/JJ ,. r I C-f'X.ro I 4q~ \D3~." \ ;;750 I 1 p)( ). CJU I IIS"OO[ ~() ,W I I'l( Y.WI I ?--m 1')3,W. CHARGE .; I /1 / ,/ , SQ. FTc 'lio 'X Building Permit State Su.rcharge Tota l Charges lITEM 1_. - ._......."'0: NO. rf\\.\ Reeidential 11 bath) Sani tary Sewero Water ...~r(\ Plwrib-{ng Perr.:i t State Su,rcr.al'ge Total CharQe8 I I1'EM NO. Res. Sa. fto. N3tJ/Extend Cirocuits I Tempol"ary Servi co I 1/ Ele:::t!'ical permi./' State su.rc~ Total Charges IITSM I Furnace ETU' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan WOodstove NO. FEE Permit 13suance Mechar.ical Permit State Surcharae Toto l CharaeD I -- f:/ICROACHMF:NT -- Issouritll Deposit I Storage I M:Jintenance Iparorit I 1 CUrbaut I SideJJa lk Tota l c:ha1'C1CS \5' l c<.:\ FeMe Electrical Label NoM ls Home ..b'(\1::\l , -~N\Ln f\~~ . C;;CPrJ I TOTAL AMOU~!T n;;f;: ~ x I ...1 10PAqcq -" 1 Value FEE f'I,'E CIIARCE I I~\(VI. \::1 fjO \ c\ (--j') 'Pf\ .'LS \ ~.~5- S.?,~ )('J S~. '68" Type/Cor.et: .. 8sdroome: :-"l ~ I Enel'qy Sources I I Heat I Access. I I Water Hp.nte'l' I I Range I I FiI'ep lace I I I/oods tose II TIlDe I Lot Faces - I P.L. North Setbacks House Carage East South ,West I' Faes : ' Building Value & Permit This permit io groaitted on the exproe88 condition that th6 sdid construation shall, in aZl respccts, confonm to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Cr>dinance, regulating the ccn8tM.j(~ticn and UDO of buildings, and m:zy be suopended 01' revoked at cr.y time. upon vio- lation of any pl'ovisions of said Ordinances. ! IPlan Check Fee: f 1'14 .0:-'-> I Date Paid: L/ '.cY'l-rs.q ;_.IR~edPt H: '. f4<..{-'<.-/' 'S'1JrIed:~ll)() ) Plu~qing Permit No per~on ohall construct, in~talZi. alter or change any new or existing plumbing 01' drainage system in ~hole 01' in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plwnbing work to property which is OlJned, leased 01' operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permi t 1 Where State LaIJ requires tJ...at the electl'ical lJOrk be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electricaL portion of this perorit shall not be valid. until I the label has been signed by the 'Electrical Contractor. II ^ h., 0 - 04l?ft-'CC. i~ B\ll ~~ ~(\~. I. Mechanical Permit " ~~~~t9) ~e H) t. <if\ I HAVE' CAREFULLY EXAJ.fINED the completed application for pe1'f11it~ and do hereby certify that all information hereon is tPUB and corrcct~ and I further certify that any ar.d all worok perfor>:ned shall be done in accol"- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of SpM.ngficld~ and th.:: La-.J8 of tha A State of/Oreg:m pertaining to the work described hel"ein~ and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure ~thout permission of the Building Di- vision.. I. further certify that o:1ly controctor8 and e:nployees who are in compliance ~ith ORS 701.055 will be used on this project ~'/i. i '1 . C/'--.... ,.':..7~ ~ ~~ "~'i .. zd @~ ,~ L. ItJ .3-~1 Da.tc