HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-1-24 ~~ 225 North 5th Street .springfield, Oregon Building Division 726-3753 .. RESIDE.NTlAl" . APPLICAT./PERMIT 97477 Job Location: -E:\IJG\Y -K Q U,.ffiJ. n ) - AsaeSDora Map N '1 DO&..('"'i\ \ L\ ~ Lot I! rA-1 rx ) Subdivision: fi/)t/ !J ~ ~ ~ b) bC)) - \ J ~e~mJ\ .Q~'\ \) t-~ Addr~n SOcG4 \'{\()..9..A City:~iQN ~.J' ~.\). /) , nNmJ n Addition n Remodel n ,'.fobiie Homa Phone: ~ Rcce-:.pt ,II '- Zip: 0l41<)( xC\ C0V * D~sW\r~: -olopCO.od brcA/Tfl~~~~ ~Yfj)OO "I,~l ()~ qo ~' , , . L0;J _ ,-6)4.q ) Siqr.ed: Date: ~SJ 'K(~ 00,(('\ Vatu6'~'"\lLl , ,_,- .- Li~c. J Bldrs Board Rerr. f>'-{)!J.4, lYY\ I 1\ ~ ~t:':j')~4 ~ ~:t-, Date of Application Contractors . ~rlrlress General Ll~ ~~\,\a R'l. ~ ,Plumbing l-1lj(o~ Iu~~~, I Hechanical V'\. ,/~ , I E\ectrical ~ , "'tr\ 0 ('\ S<lpe~v1'Sing - Elec trician '-" Exo'ires Pl,nne T1A/n-ClI'l! f'\CIn-!1lfJI It is the responoibitity of ths permit hoUsr to 8e8 that an inopeations ,are made at ths prope',. t1.mG~ tJ-.at GaCh cdd:rBB8 is readabZe from thtl strtMt. and that th6 pormit oard is toaatBd at thB front of ths property. 1t8ui~di~ tr;vicior! approved pz.an s.hal.1. remain on tha Building sits at att timss. PIIOCEDURE FOil INSPECTION RE.'.QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job' number, job address, typs of in.pecticn requested ardi when you wiLL be ready.for inspoction, Contractors or Owners name and phone number. Requests received befere 7:ro ~ lJ.'itt be made the same day, requests made a~ta' 7:00 ccn !Jitt be made the next workin:; ~ 0f'V\ n . Your City Deaignated Job Nwnb.r ID: L..-J ()l ^ ~ ) ::<\-, Reauirp.d Insop.cticnR D. SITE INSPECTION: To be 11X7.de after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. D, UNDERSLAB PWMBINC. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be made bBforB any work. is .::ovcred. ["i"'"Y"FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be lTrUie ~ after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring CCnCl'Bt6. r;-y1;NDSRGROUl-.'D PLUMlJING. SEWeR. W.1TE~ ~ DRAINAGE: To be ~e prior to fit- .U'I".g trenches. ~ D, UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECffANICAL: . To be made p~ior to in3tal.l.ation of . floor insulation or decking. '.' . o POST AND BEAM~ To be made prior to instaLlation of fLoor insulation or decking. ROUGH Pf,UUB WG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No IJOrk. is to be covered ,ur.tiL these inspections have beer. made and approved. . FIREPLACE: Proior to placi'l".g facing materiaLs and before framing inspec- tion. O FRA}~INC: Must be requested after approvaL of rough pLwr.bing, alectroi- .cat "mechanicaL. AU roofing' bracing 6 chimneys, etc. must be , compLeted. No work is to be can- ...: ceaLed until thio inspection has ~be~? made and approved. D o '0 INSULATION/VAPOR ffARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after aLL insulati:m and .~ ,_ ,required vapor barriers are in place ". : but before any lath, gypsum board or . . ' LXlll covering is apptied~ and before .. rzny inouZation is conceated. DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be lTrUie after aLl dryt.x;zLl is in place, but prior to any taping. D', MASONRY: Steet location, bo7uJ . beams, grouting or verticaLs in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. o o WOODSTOVE: completed. After instaLlation is I DEMOLITION OR !.IOVED BUILDI!ICS ~ Sani~ sewer capped at v:.opert'~. =:J Sept;" tank p''''''P.d and fi ned wi th --, Pinal - rnum above items are camPI ~ ;ed -.-J ar.d when demoUtior. is compLete 0% itrua- ture moved and premises cleaned uF r.e 'ra:Jet IMobiLe Hcmes ::U ~URB & APPROACH AP.'ION: Afte~ fOmls L.:l are created but prior to pouring conarete. "r7SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all. con- 'L.=J crete paving tJithin street right- . .of-lJC.y, to be made after all exca- . vating complete & form work & sub- . base material in pla.::e. D PENCE: When co:nplotte -- Provide. gates or movable sections through P.U.E. ' rfY~~ g-slOCking and Sat-u.p ~lumbing co~~ections -- selJaI' and water ~~lectrical Connection - Blocking~ set-up ~ and plumbing conn.ections 17r..l.st be approved " before requesting electrical inspectio~ ~ Accessory. 'Building '--./inal - Aft~;~ ;~rche8, ..::::r ~~. are compLeted. skirting~ decks, D All project conditions, Guch as the installation of street trees, c~~lation of the required landscc.pi'l".g, etc., must be sati8fie~ bcfo:e the BUILDING FINAL can be raquest3d. r\./ FINAL BUILDING: The Pinal Building Inspection must be requested alter the FinaL Plumbing \0 Electrical, and Mechar.ical Inspectiono hava beGn made and approved. D FINAL PLUMBING D FINAL MECffANICAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL o 'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS !lUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIfENT TO BE, WIDE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page! of 2 pagiJ i: L-COG~ SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- OcCU'CXmCf/ Grou. LOT TYPE I I Y'((O(J ~'J.(s' (JO 'i((j( )1 5 u/7.OJ I ' fPJ.~ ) L\?, ~, I JOB NO. Izone: Lot Sq. Ftg. % Df lot C.:werag:: !I of Stories Total Height T'-'t''-':;1....t'hy I lITEM l/tbin SQ.FTG CoPane Carport tCJ~~^ I'/) , I I vat.uc1r\ r\ S.D.C. 1.5 x \'J..: } I TOTA& VAWE Building Permi t State Surcharge Total Charoges lITEM NO.' I t'-........K.i-~'" Th\i Residential (1 bath) Sanitarw Sewer Water Plwnbing Pem t State Surc".arge Total Char<1es lITEM ~NO'I I..... ::.. (ta.. , I NelJ/~tend Ci'f'cui ts I :T~Tf(~;~i~e ~ : : 'f\) Electrical Permit \ State Suroharoe I Total Charqe8 lITEM: ! . "",=b~ ETU'S I Exhau\. . Hood I Vent? '11 WOOd8[.;; I NO. I I I I I Permi t IssuanC2 Mechanical Permit State Surcharoe TotaZ CMraeo I -- ENOROACHMENT -- I Securitf./ D200sit I Stor~e I Maintena~e I Permit I I Curbcut I Sidewalk Total ChaNcs efY n\' I Fen:Je I ~c,;(,4 . _1 l.tthel I MOf le Hem8 I,J\M kC0 I \\h-\\tG .~ '0 ~~ .". , I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:.. Plumbing Permit .-<}, r '""uopersdn ohll'Ll ,construct, install, alter or change any new O'f' existing -iplUmbing"or'dPQinage system in whole O'f' in part, unless such pe'f'Gon is the f.J() OU I legal possessor of a valid plW1lber's license, except that a person may do . . , V ":J plumbing tJOrk to p'f'operty which is O1Jned, leased 01' operated by the appli- I ~ . LA.-/ I cant. - . I {Jr). tXJ I 'f){) ,DO I :::z...~OI f)~.scj , CHARGE.:" I \S~V' I I I \Sg) I ';i~J . I I \.cO I I ~~\ SO I, I Interior Comer Panlumdle I Cu l-de-sac x Value I :-:J..orxv I I I I FEE CHARGE 1'S .CQ. FEE FEE CHARCE " \ L\ ,3) I ; - <-'-)"5 J~ O/IS I Lot Faces - I Setbacks I P. L. Houss. Cal'Q.qe" INorth lEast ISouth IWe8t . Bedrooms: """1 Enel'qy Sources I Heat Access. I I Wate1' gP.(JtP.'f' I I Range I I Fi'f'evlace I I Wood:; tove II TIIPe T"dpe/Cor:st: Pees \ Building Value & Permit This perorit ia gronted on the express oondition that the sdid construction shall, in all 1'espccts, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning C'l'dinance, 1'egulating the construction and une of buildings, and may be Buapended O'f' revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any p'f'ovisiona of said Ordinances. Iplan Check Fee: Date Paid: IReodpt N: ISi!l"ed: C{. 7C; Electrical Permit Whe1'e State Law 'f'equi'f'8S that the elect1'ical ~rk be done by an Eleat'f'ical Contl'act01', the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been Bigned by the ElectPical Contractor. Mechanical Permit I I I I I, h~)l~m '~ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and corpect, and I f'..lrther certify that any ar.d all work performed shalt be do:1e in acoo1'- dance :.nth the Ol'dinances of the city of springficl.d, and th:: Ltr.JS of tho A State of O'l'egDn p~rtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be rmde of any structura without permission of the Building Di- vision. I fU1'thc'f' certify that only contl'actOl'S and e:npl~yees who are in ~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project (fn./f{hA'?/ / rtz~:d q;L, ~.' / o:Jf/ yt::) Date