HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-1-3 . .. RESIDEilLTlAl" .' APPLICATI_ERMIT 2,~5 North 5th Street Dpl',:n(Jfield, O!>egon 97477 /Ju.i ldin(J Division 7,~G-3753 ... . .f)!l!J Ii KQ)ffljI"L'J ' Am"cor: .'Inp II I RO !J01- /1 T= Lot /I ()?/fYJ ~5),bdiV'Sion' GD\(\ Q f\ ~\\(tC'Q,\ ~rt \ ~ .3JJ -G\mar'~~1- ~\\~\ Q -Addrm'~\) ~ \\\t\ \ f\ ~City, {)~i (\~~Q N ,e\) 01M lerNP' , n .1ddi-ticn Cl !/c!mo;}f?l n :!ob-:. l.n Hom:! ..rob Loc:1ti:::m: Phon" \ ~6- t:l\~\ Zip' C\'A-\ 8 Describe rl'ork: . ,ReceiPt .f / '-In II .r .. ~~w\~~d~J~~.~ , I J " Siqr.ed.(Cf)(mJ !l/-f-~ I' Date of Applicaticn ~ontrac.to.rs '" Acidress Li~c. "" Genernll"'H!00-X> II 'unO ViiJ <;."Jm n\C\\.1\., ~Lulllbjng qy~\\t ~Vrv ~otf\ ~,-Jj\, ~lechanlcul \\ ~ ~L~<.:lL"i"".'l~~t)~ , ~II Pe.li'\l~!-1,_;_~r.~~LJ~lec t r:tc 1<.1 n _ iIJ lEY! jq() Bldrsct\lard Rec. .Exoires ~rfri[ ~I~~\ \ 8..1.9.1 ILl I Value ,-~~ffi. !50';") \.0. . 'cR-'t\\. i 0'3\0') Date: Ph 'l;.lli](l1 l8.b.&\ll It is the renponoibility of the permit haUfeI' to BSS that all inDpections are made at the proper tim~1 that each ~e8s is readab!e : Jram the street, and that the pePmit card is located at the f~nt of the property. 4!Jui!di,'1(J tr:ui::ior: apprOt.'ed plan shall remain on the Building Sit;; at all times. r::OC.r::nURF. FOR !NSPECT!ON R~OUE5"T.~CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job number. job address. type of i1l3pec~ic" 1'I.!ql..a..':Jtcd a,-:d IJherl you /Jill be ready for inspection. Contl'actol'lJ 01' Owners name and phone number. Requests received befere 7:00.c::I :..'ill be made the same dc.y, requests made aftel' 7:00 am !Jill bt! made the nc:rt :.JOl'kin.] day. l!....ntll:,.,.d r'1!1n...,.t1:r.11~ :J S/'J'.l: .lNSf'.l:C':'/Ot,': To be rrrzde alter l..'xcav.:ttioll. .!JIlt prior to, set up of f::wms. -J U.'I[Jf:u.r;[.;\8 pu','.mINC. ELECTRIC,lL & ;.!f:C!I..!."lhill,: To be foode beJol'tl any tJL"Jl.k ia .:Jovcl'ed. -YP()()'f'UlG ~ }'OUND,1TION: To be rrade ._] .:ift,."!r" tl'.:mdws al'e excavated and t%~~m:; (lJ'C erected. but prior to /YJU/.ing c:crWl'et,;. -Y!J:':'!:~~J!!?!OI~.~'D P.'.UM.'!mr.) ~-' Jl.lt,I!.'I.,JI:f:: 'J'o he made .--- T(,"0--t-:;:;m:h;::;. SEilER, w'1TF:fJ, prior to fi l- --I !~'!!!"!::';';,n.("J()f!-!~.(J!..'nr,\,r; ,P. Mf.'CHANJCAL: ]'" !h) f!I(Jd.i p1'io!' to installation of (I.)ill' tfl,;ulGt-ion 01' deckillg. ."1 ).';'" ,Hm !It;AM: 'fa be rr.aqc prior to ;'--;;;-;-i:',-iT:;t:TC71 of flo01' insklation 01" ,!,!(.I;/:lI:;. ,,', ll',:.lI !'!,{,'.'!.'I !;'.'G. ,':U:CTR!CAf. .t; UF.C/f- X:.'i~-':.l!.:'--" ,','0- :"101'1: 'i:; to bc COl.'ered ;,~;-i (1: iW:Jt? inspections have beer: "ll,!.' ,md "ppl'Clve.:!. "f/H'P'I"" !''1'/:01' to plc.cir.{J facing ;;,~~:"l /,i://;'" ,HI:! uej"orc fraJ1!ing inspec- ti,'I. --I --I -] ] .~'H..l.':I,').:: "'!II:~t, lIe l'equeated arte!' :;;'1';;' :Il:';l .1]' l'OllUh plumbing. aleCJt1'i- C,l! ,~":",:h.'IIIl:::al. ,tl! roo[ing 1'1'.1 '~!~J ,~ i'hil!m;:ys, et~. 'rrr.UJt be (';'1'1I'/. r,',/. ..tn lJ:JJ'k ia to lie con- e':l:'! ."t 1,llt i l. tlda inspection haa - !'t;',". ;.i. .:!I,! "I'Pl'or.:ed. YOUI' City Decigr.ated Job {iWnbel' Io: D INSULATIONIVILPOH HARRIER; I.'Js1',c;CTION: To be made after all insulation a~4 requ-:.red vapor baJ'riers CU'e in place '. but before any lath. gypsum board or wall covering is applied. and before any insulation is concealed. D DRYWALL INSPECT TON: Tc be made aftcr' all drywall is in place. but prio1' to any taping. C(OOgj DEMOLITION OR ;~:OV~!J BUILDIlICS ---, Sani :aJ'tj seJer ::!apped at pl'Op~l't:,' lir.e --.J .', .,l/lI,.,t.I.~llh'f\1r";,,,,'t\~"';ll ;);i~i,,~ ~ Septi~ tank p:J.~cd and fi l le~ L1i th g1'Cl:J2l --, Final - rl'hen above itc..~s are ccmpleted ~ and ~hen demolition is complete 01' 8trw~- ture moved and pl'emi3es ::!leaned up. I J.Jobi Ie HcmeD ~lOCking and Set-up 3Plumbing comfections saJel' and water 3Electl'ical Connection - Blocking. set-u~ and plumbing connections nr~st ~e approved before requesting electri::!al inspec:io~ ~ Ac::!essol'!j Bui lding ~i~l - Aftar p~rcr.es. skirting. ~ etc. are completed. decks. o Ioea tion. bo~d Ol' verticals in U. B. C. Section o !-'fr:,t. ..: 'I"!U:.'I: All pl'oJect condi.tlml3. ;ll.(...': aU tire ~~nlltallation of str'eet treed. 'co.~rleti..:m of tne l'e'll/ired 'land:wcpir:a. etc.. mWJt be aatillficd before the BUILDINC FINAL c!an be l'~queDtsd. =J =1 =.1 1-'1::..il '/'" '!!l;:!r',l/. o PfNAD DU[DnINC: TIle Finnl BlIildina !nnpcction rmlst be 1'eqlleatlJd after ~lIc Pinal Plwnbing' Electrical. am! Meehn.r.iC(ll Inspecti-orw have been made and appl'ol)~d. ."l.'.'..l'. '-',l.:,:!, MASONRY: Steel beama. grouting accordance with 2415. o WOODSTOVF.: ccmpletr::d. After installation is ':1.'.1. ,',',IN!lnu:.': ANn r.U',l,v{.l/J'r:: ,'/fI.':T /If;' 11r.n':.':,,;rHr,F.. !tJJ.ffl::T!J,~::J'F TO TIt: l.t.1m: /!T /:0 r;YST TO CT7'Y I P'l~:... of :! --I , r::r.cURB I~ APrROAf.'f! AP.r?ON: Afte:- forma L.:J w'e ere~ted but prioT' to pouring , ~on~rete. r::=rSID.t.'fIALK .~ nRII'f:II,~Y: Fol' all con- L-.J crete pavina within street l'ight- . of-llJCY.' to be made after all erca- vating- complete & fo~ work & cub- ba~e material in pla::e. o !'ENCE: fI'her: camp l;;te -- P"rovide gates 01' movable aectiona th1'oug~ P.U.E. B3~~~ .,fi9.q LuAO. &b . .~.'" L -\..\) \ .. I JOB No.QDI4Cll' SOLAR A~ESS REQ.- I Zone: ~ ~ '\ IL- Oce''''''""" G. ~ ""J 1'N:t:1-( IRe(J~ta. I HaJJ/Extend ~ts. I Temporary Sel'Vice "J, __ "/ I p, '""'- '- "- Lot Sq. Fc". s ~f lot C~verag~ ,f of Storiss Total Height Topography . I ITTm I Main , SQ.FTG Cc.raGa Caroort I ACCC800rU I I Is.D.c. TOTA~ VALUE fl)Ct.uCI 1.5 :r: Bui !ding Pem t /1 o5f) State Surcholl"g8 Total Chazoge3 lITEM Fi:s:.tures I Residential (J bath! I Sanitary StWer I watyf ~(' ~^ I. -.,Lm)t1 r I IND. pl:mrbing Perr.:i t State Surcfo.arge Total Charncs I NO. Elc~~ Pe~it ~tP- Surdttlrqe /' Total Charges 'lITEM I furn.::Jce !!TU' S I E=haus t ll00d I Vent Fan I W:JQdtJto:Jc NO. Permit Issuanca He~hanic:I.l pel'r17it State ~urcharac Total Ch'1raea -- E/lCROACHMENT -- I Ser:'.J.rit.y D2po3~~ I Storage I Nn.intm1O.rz,'Je I Pcrmi t Total CharqCB C\a'bcut I Sidewalk I ff!'I~e \h' '1~'" Electrical Label Mob~le Ilome I ~ -' ~1ll!\C'Q..., I ' ~:P;h f TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:.4 . WT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle cul-de-sac x Value I ,!'?-J@ II/paC) I 1 ~,15ul, 1.sd'7.8.5 I C!)8.CD ( ..,-0 C1Q .40 r FEE CHARGE FEE !).t=<.OU 4~OO c9500 1)5.CJO 0.15 10 i. '75 I, I CHARGE /' / // FSE CIIARCE LJll(\) v !~.7(J .01 AS I I ffi; R <Q \ ~.f\~ ~.~' '1'7Q (,i), '-' Type/Cor.(Jt: . I Lot Faces - 1 I Setback. I I P.L. 1l0U6~ r.araqe Access, North 1 lEast I South IWant I Rm!roomn: ~ Enar'111 SoarC{!G ~ E- . !/eat TiWr. ,. ~.. I I I I RanGc ce-- I~r~ : T oociD"" Watcr !/~(1tm' E.... .._-- " F8eG ,. Building Value'&' Permit This p6nnit io !Jronted on the expreGs condition t.ltat the :;'ll~,j..:,)':::I"'III:~{(m shall, in all respects, conform .to tile Ordinar:ce adopteJ b'y du! :'1 I!" ,~r Sproingfield, incLuding the Zoning Crd:.nanco, regulc.t.ill!l the. 1:r;1I::! ,.;,../l:,;ll and UGe of buildings, and m:lY be Guopended or revoked at CI:!I /.::r~.. 11/,''': lIi..;- tation of any provisions of said Ordinancos. I Plan Check Fer.: I Date Paid: IRecoirt H: . Sig~ed: I. 1 1 Plumbing Permit No percon ehall constl'Uct, instaL!, alter or change C.,IY neW CJ' I;:iati'l[l plwnbing or drainage systen in whoLe or' in pa1't. ur.leGs slich pCI'GOII it: t.1:.j legal possessor of a valid plwnber's license, e:z:cept that a PC:'GOII Jr.,li! ,j,) plwnbing worok to prooperty which is owned. leaDed or operated by till] tIFl'l'.i- cant. Electrical Permit Where State Law requires tr.at the electrical IJOrk be done by all Elect.ric::,)l. Contractor, the el.ectroical portion of thi3 permit shal.l r.ot be val.id wltd the label has been nigned by the ELectrical {;ontractor. Mechanical Permit , \J.m..l~~D g)..(Jf).q() ua!e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application. for permit. arid do hereby certify that aU in[ozomation hereon io true and correct. and I jUrothel" certify that any ar.d aU work perfor:ned shall be dO:-le i11 aCa'ol'- dance :.Jith th.. Ol"dina.nc9B of thB City of spri"fJficld~ and the: [g..;s of tllo A State of Oreg"" pertaining to the work described here::n., end :-ha~ NO OCCU- PANCY !Jill be rrade of any etructura without parmiD.io" of the Suilding Di. vision. I furthor certify that O:1~Y contract01'8 a,.:d e:npl.:Jyecs wl:o ar'C itz compliance with ens 701.0S~ will bo used on. thia project .. . ~?ta " S'y,,,,d U I 1/3/9; qJy)~ [l.Jtr. .-.. ~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBUC WORKS METROPOUTAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 MANUFACTURED HOME SET-UP AGREEMENT As required by the City of Springfield that with the approval of the attached manufactured homes will be placed at Springfield, Oregon, City Job Number Development Code, I understand and permUs", ~e of thVfO~ng l/'/' j(p nO . CL) err) ILJ::::J..../ agree o Class A Manufactured Home. A manufactured home of not less than 24 feet in width and 16% (not less than 2:12) roof pitch, with exterior dimensions enclosing a space of at least 960 square feet, with roofing and ,siding materials that are commonly used or compatible wi.th site bui! t homes. / I Class B Manufactured Home. A manufactured home of not less than 12 feet in width and 16% roof pitch, with exterior dimensions enclosing a space of not less than 500 square feet, with roofing and siding I materials that are commonly used or compatible with site built homes. o I further following st~te, by my signature below, that information: , I have been provided with the - Mobile home blocking - Sanitary sewer' connection - Vater line 'connection - Electrical ,connection - Street tree standards - Minimum requirements for permanent steps u - l 0'VJ~ ..t...Lj.Si U (-3 Date -9'1