HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1992-7-24 " RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspeclion": '126.3769 Office: 726.3759 . . JOB NUMBER q~a:B5 225 Fifth Street Springlicl(l, Oregon 97477 LOCATION Or- PROPO~~J\Rt<. ~'\ \ r8 ASSESSORS MAP: \'r"JU'd\\ ~\4-- -. lLo BLOCK' I OWN EU1\i,,(O... ~ ~D\\\C\.J ~ ~ ,nl'y PHONE, "I 9l..lo--4<P),~ ADDR~,ss.:...\41- \') ~ 0.0 r ~ - CITY. )\If'\~_-O ro . STATE (U)J) ~ ZIP: (11/\::11 '\ " '-'(\.. - '\ r- ~. DESCRIBE WORK\ N \f f\ ~ l l-< ~Q - C\- ~~) NEW nEMODEL ADDI~ DEMOLISH OTHER LOT: TAX LOT O~~. SUBDIVISION: .6.riCful) lJ> )).D~ ~- -yr~ CONST. FlI ~ ::::::~T~C\AIME ~ID \I _&J~' Q _0l2n Y\ r!fT}fQ ~ W ?~/24? ~i~Dff) I'I.UMElIN~~ ~~____ ____ ,____ ~-~l-9Q.--*.,JC9& (!;D(c03 -.J Q ./fa ,9bl....'l1I:tA9t MECHANICAl. ELECTRICA~ - fD 0 ~ ) QUAD AREA: 3-'\(~ \ OCCY GROUI' ~:O-t M__ . OF STORIES:_\ <t...... . OF BLDGS: WATER HEATER: - OFFICE USE - LAND USE: _\ \ f{) . OF UNITS' l CONSTR. TYPE: _iLfJ ~y./ HEAT SOURCE: RANGE: _8 FLOOD PLAIN: ZONING CODE:.ill {V .3---,-- . OF SDRMS: SECONDARY HEAT: SQUAnE FOOTAGE: J 2Lr20- To roquest an inspection, you must call 726.3769. This Is a 24 hour recording, All Inspections requested before 7:00 2.m, will be made tho ~afJlC working day, inspections requestecl after 7:00 a,m. will be made the following work day. o Tcmpor:uy Electric D Site Inspection - To be ma{le after excavation, hut prior to selling forms. Nr Footin{J - After trenches arc ~ cxcavatl':cl. D Masonry - Skcl location, bond bcalll$, oroutinu. o Foundation - After forms are erected tJut prior to concrete . placement. o Underground Plumbing - Prior to fillino trench. o Underfloor Plumbing/Mechanical - Prior to Insulation or decking. o Post and Beam - Prior to floor insulation or decking. o Floor Insulation - Prior to deckin!J. r\:71 Sanitary Sewer - Prior to filling ~trench, [23. Storm Sewer - Prior to fitling trench. 1;;:;::z1 Water Lino - Prior to filling lop trench, ' o ROUGh Plumbing - Prior to COVI~'. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS o Electrical Service - Must be approved 10 obtai n permanent etcetrlcal power. D Fireplace - Prior to facing materIals and framing Insp, lZl Fmml~C:JYrr o Wall/Ceiling Insul~ltion - Prior to cover. D Drywall - Prior to taping. o Wood Stove - After installation. o Insert - After fireplace approval ancJ InSlallation of unit. tVl Curbcul & Approach - After lp forms are erected but prior to placement of concrete. f\:7l Sidewalk & Driveway - After l,lY excavation is complete, forms and sub-base malcrial in place. D Fence - Wilen completed. o Street Trees - When all required trees are planted. o Finnl Plumbing - Wlwn all plumbing worlc is complete, D Final Electrical - Wilen all electrical work is cOlllplete. o Finnl Mechanical - Wlwn all mechanical work is complete. Ic-..:;t( Final Building - Wilen all ~ required inspections have been approved and bUilcJi~ completed. (j)..A:,\_, . DOthcr MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS gBlocking and Set. Up - When all blocking is complete. f'Zl Plumbing Connections - Wilen ~ home has been connected to waler and sewer, 1251 Electrical Connection - When blocking, set-up, and plumbing inspections have been approvecl and the home is connected 10 the service panel. ~ Final - After all required inspections are approved and porches, skirting, decks, aml venting have IJeen inst;)lIed. Lot faces Lot Type. Interior Lot sq. ltg. Lot coverage Corner Topography Total height Panhandle Cul-de-sac BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. X $/SQ. FT. Main Garage )JPf) Carport ~ A'IfL- - ') Total Value Building Permit Fee (S/17S) Slalr; SUl'char{Jc Tolal Fee (A) Setbacks I P.L. HSE GAR ACC IN Is Iw ~---- BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT = VALUE 4.9 ) \lp() ~ 5LO) \$ n4.50 Q~~~~ (B) SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) ~\q&.\S~ PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixtures Residential Bath(s) N' Sanitary Sewcr FT. FT. FT. Water Storm Sewer Mobile Home Plumbing Permit Slale Surcharge Tolal Charge (e) MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace. Exhaust Hood Vent Fan N' Wood StovcJlnscrtl Fireplace Unit Dryer Vent Mechanical Permit Issuance Slate Surchargc Total Permit (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home State Issuance State Surcharge Sidewalk c...IJ' ,/ II ~ I' Curbcut --L~ ft It Demolition Slate Surct,arge \To~~s~a~o:s :t: . (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding electrical) (A, B, C, D, and E Combined) FEE cO:S,CXJ An,OU -. 0 c:!1 5.0 ry C;S, OJ . ,~,'15 o.:t~ 0 nW t OS.DO d)(J.OO ~~,~C) \ ?1, \0 l Q 4.0 4Y\43 I' .., THE PROPOSED WORI< IN THE "Wf~ISTORICAL DISTRtCT, OR ON THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? If yes, this application must be signed and approved by the Historical Coordinator prior to permit issuance. APPROVED: This permit Is granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, In all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Development Code, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon violation of any provisions of said ordinances. Plan Check Fee: 40 4-:~ Date Paid: Receipt NllmUel':___ Received By: Plans Reviewed By Date Systems Development Charge Is due on all undeveloped properties within the City limits which are being improved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS (llULDSU1 Jl. ) ~j: /CJ25:j , '-9\{- T :'1 f~ q:J. n I ,-POiHiYlotof .AOt By signa lure, I slate and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of SpringfIeld, ;md the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the wod~ dC5cribcd ~lerein, and Ihal NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Safety Division, I further certify that only contractors and employees who are In compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required Inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card Is located al the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will mmain ;n the site aI 'jJ limes _durlj9 c~ns~ruclion. " ;;gnatu,/J.v.dt7L I j,liilJ '- ;;"'- ~,/. /')~ ,Cla~ cr< r -7"" VALIDATION:. I RECEIPT NUM?)R ",~lc?B DATE PAID ,~g t:t~ , AMOUNT REC(3 7Jo4r ) ,K::S RECEIVED BY .lfY) _ ) o .~ , " . SPRlalELD DEVELOPMENTSERWCES PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726.3753 MANUFACTURED HOME SET-UP AGREEMENT As required by the City of Springfield that with the approval of the attached manufactured homes will be placed at Springfield, Oregon, City Job Number Development Code, I understand and permi ts, one of ~e. J;(>lloving ,~~6b1q () V mr (\ ) -\ Cfe::.... . agree Type I Manufactured Home. A multi-sectional (double vide or wider) unit with an enclosed floor area of not less than 1,000 square feet, that has a nominal roof pitch of 3 feet in height for each 12 feet in width, that has no bare metal siding or roofing, and that has been certified by the manufacturer to have an exterior thermal envelope meeting performance standards which reduce heat loss to levels equivalent to the performance standards required of single family dwellings constructed under the State Specialty Codes. Type II Manufactured Home. A unit of not less than 12 feet in vidth with an enclosed floor area of not less than 500 square feet, that has a nominal roof pitch of 2 feet in height for each 12 feet in vidth and that has no bare metal siding or roofing. I further state, by my signature below, that I have been provided vith the following information: - Manufactured Home blocking - ~ater line connection - Street tree standards - Sanitary sewer connection - Electrical connection - Minimum requirements for permanent steps I also understand that if I am installing a Type I Manufactured Home, the home shall be enclosed at the perimeter vith stone, brick or other masonry materials, and with no more than 12 inches of, the enclosing material exposed above grade, Di~jj;~--- ' Lt"Jd;;,_ ,gnature r; ~ / Q..-, -04-'1-'7"", Da te