HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-2-1 ~ ISl1i~) I .. RESIDF~T1Al" APPLIC/lT.PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: ~ tllo S \( tk \J.N V\. J Asoesoors Map H \Bt)'JJ'j4 \q. . T= Lot H n~4(Y) Subdiuision:hrl.ct9f\ ""t\Oxm~~ ~\'L \ \ cKf5b I ~ CMner: . \ X1\U )(\CD\..,D Adareaa: ~O roA ~ ~lli 'X\ Phone: City:~NI urJ~ R ::ition ~u.b~U;-\~ N\ \-\ 4\ f\ ~ n Remodel jf~ \51~ n :labile Home / \\\ . \ ~ . . Dat~ of Application.....:! - ~qC) Value _~\.Q. \ C::\. Zip: q~l9( Contractors Addree;e; . .Lise. II B . General t:;\'{~~\\lQl)\()~, n{){~ ~t\.:.t(\ ~,.. i Plumbing (""\~O('\ t-\t 19. l',t..D m ~J.fJJ... \\\(l..U\ I i Hechanical - I E~ectri.calm~2 ~-:HO yOQC\t"n 1 ('i) S<lperv:1.-'Sing Electrician It is the rssponoibitity of ths pel'l'lfit holder to see that aLl. inopeations are made at from tits 8treet~ and that the permit Oa:M is 'Located at the front of the property. -Bui1ding lr:vicio~ approved,ptan,~hatt remain on the Building Sit3 at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE,QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state yOUI' City designated job number, job addrcss~ type_ of in::;pecticn nsquestcd and when you wiU be ready for inspection~ Contractors or Owners name and phone number. Requests received befere 7:00 a':'l :i)ill be made th~ same day, requests made..~(.~e:.r !~.oo .,~ ~Zl be made the nat WOI'king dan NYf .' YOUl' City Decignated Job Nwnb.,. Ia: Y ()l J. )'1 I R~mli~pd rnRnp~tir.n~ o o SITE INSPECTION: To be rmde after excaoation, but prior ,to set up of forms. wre~MBnU~I~, uEcrm~L& MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is oovered. r-v FOOTING & FOUNDATION:, To be made ~ after trenches are excavated and forms are erected~ but prior to pouring cencret6. r::l/f!NDSRGROUND PLUMBING~ SEweR. W.1TER~ lJ::1 DRAINAGE: To be ~ priOI' to fi~- lir.g trenches. <>\. 'a'\O'< fY) . D: UNDERFWOR PW~ING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instaLlation of [Zoor insulation or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaLlation of jtoor insulation or decki71{j. _ r-:vIi. ROIlGH PWMHIIIG{ELECTRICAD& MECH- . L.J ,ANICAL: No wo~ covered ,ur.ti~ thcse inspecti~baP'~b."" made and approved. ~\W~ . O FIRF:PLACE: Prior to placir.g fa ing materia~s and before framing inspec- tior., r-:--y'FRAMING: Must be requeoted after ~ approval of rough plwr.bing.. alectri- cal & mechanical, All roofing bracing & chimneys, eto. must be :' completed. No work is to be con- ., cealed until. this inspection has ~be~n made and approved. O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER. INSPECTION, To be made .aftep all. insulation aY'.d , required vapor barriers are in place . but before any lath.. gypsum board or LXlll covering is appZied~ and before 'any insulation is concealed. . O' 'DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all drywall. is in place.. ;. but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bona beams.. grou ting or vertica l8 in accordance with U,B.C, Section 2415, O WOODSTOVE: After installation is completed. - ILl ..J;fJRB & APPROACH APRON: After forms L.:J are created but prior to pouring cono.rete. rl. ~F:WALK & DRIVEWAY~ For aU con- ~crete paving within street right- . pI-way.. to be made after all exca- vating,cunplete& form. work & sub- . ,base material in pZaae. O FENCE: M'hen complete -- Provide.. gates or,movabLe sections through P.U.E. . [1J d-N-d-~ '. " .\ ,I , Siw.ed:c:sf ~Cl) _.) Date: CSJ- I ~ yt '. d Reg_. Exoires -.. ~\rfJsf)Q '-" 4\(,4 f) I) Pl,nnp 72'::;; ~-:Z-17 / ths pl'o~r , timG~ that eaah address is readabZe r DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS ~ Sanitary seuer capped ~t pr:.operty lir:e . ~ ~epti;) tank pumped and fi lla~ LJi th gra."e 1. :J Final - rfhen above items are completed ar~ when demolition is compLete or stru~- ture moved and premises' cleaned up. . Mobi1.e Hemes 3Btocking and Set-up ~?~ing con~ections scwer and water '"-:J Electrical Connection - Blocking.. set-up ~nd plumbing connections 17r.J.st 1;e approved before requesting elec~rical inspection ~ Acoesso~~ Bui~ing ~l - Aftar p:Jrches.. -.::J etC. are completed. skirting, decks, o . AlL project conditions.. ouch as the instal1.ation of street tl'ees~co~lotion of the required landscapir:g.. etc,.. must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL c~n be raquestad, o FIlIAL PLUMBING o PINAL MECHANICAL o PINAL ELECTRICAL o 0/ FINAL BUILDING: The FinaL Building Inspection rrust _be requeoted after' the Final Plwnbina Electrical, and Mechar:ical Inspectiono haVG ,been made arui approoed. " " 'ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANdUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENT TO BE IfADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 I JOB NO. Cf(t)CY1/ L-COG-l't Zone: SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Oc,,"ooncy ~k'~ WT TYPE Va~ue I 4 \ f--\:~S(OI ~(ff)~1 I I . \ ) 1}.['C):n1 TOTA~ VALUE ,~'(\ '1, ~S9 (va,u'f)\. \~SCO I ~lLof).l)c&, , , P(J..8"J A ()~I h's~' Lot Sq. Ftg, ~ of lot Coverage II of Stones Tota~ Height Topog-raphy I lITEM IMain I Garaae I CarDOl't I AcaeBBQl'lf ~-l\rL SQ,FTG I S,D.C. 1.5 x BuUding Pe=it State Surcharge Total Charges I ITEM I NO, FEE I e:f:<-" ". \\\ \-\. I I Residentia~ () bath) I I Sanitarw SeLJer " Water b);lJ'(Y'(\ PZumbing Penr.i t State Surcr.arge Total ChaMS8 NO'1 FEE Ln ~,.__m \--l. NeoJ/Exten{ ~i~,) 8Jt- Temporary SePViae I '-Do.nc\ L'r" I I , : Ele:::trical Permit State Su:roharqe lITEM Total Charges IIT!?M I furnaae ETU' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I WOodstove I NO. FEE I I I I I Permit Issuance Meohanical. Perorit State Surcharae Total Charaes -- ENCROACHMENT -- IseO"0.429it1/ Deposit I Sto~age I Maintenance I Permit Total Chal'CU!8 Curbcu~ \9, ( bf\/ Sid_~k I Fen::e Interior Comer Panhand~e Cut-de-saa x CIlARGE I \~.OU I I ~O.oUI 1\ '2>.00 1 lAD po I If~O,au I I :~.~ LQ~nn, .. CHARGE I \~,OO I ;1, 'd, . ':SOl , I \~.oU I Jt:):2 c:::-n I I ;16. /O.~ I ~8 ' I3J ' I CIIARGE ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I. \ ~tilO .\7'1 SS I';Lo, ;__: :..:..:-\)\t\'(\ (,\'( (00 . f\!t~ ~ I Mob> ~e lIome P5=\ . ~S ,)\\()\r, ~O] 1(\('..9->1 \ '5.f\C) '. oWn I ~,Qc::;1 I TOT,'L AMOUNT DUE:' \ . \ \\0 \11.1 I Lot Faces - I I P.L. INorth lEast ISouth IWest Type/Cor:st: . Bedrooms: I Enerqy Sources f:' U I I 'F, Heat Access, I I F Yater .'Ieate?!- I Range I I Fil'evlace I : Woods tove Twoe Setbacks House' Caraqe Fees Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the sdid construction 8hall~ in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, inc!uding the ZOning Ordinance, regulating the constru.cticn and UDe of buildings, and may be BUlJpended or revoked at c.ny time upon. vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. j /Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: IReceipt #: ISigned: R~.~~ Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, instaltj alter 01' change any new or eristing plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- oont. ' Electrical Permit Where State Law requires that the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the Label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor, .~.~ Ob~& .~/~- ~U-r . \) Mechanical Permit '\ ~~C\.) M~~ V ~an ~1-ner ~ ~...'\ vat:e I. I ' I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all infot'mation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all work perforo/ed shall be done in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th& Ltr.JS of the State of Oregon pSr"taining to the work described her"ein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any 'str"ucture without permission of the Building Di- vision, I further" certify that only contractors and e~lQyee8 who are in compliance with ORB ?Ol.0~~ will be used on this pr"oject -dL~ (; ~C0P1 o :J;- J - "l () Date