HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-6-19 --ts..-..... -.........-'...." .., . .~, "" . ,...D;;ZCIQ:.." ~. "..." '" ""., .....A:....,,'" ....... .. RESID.l.JTIAL'. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpT'ingfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Divicion 726-3753 . SPRINGFIELD ..".......", ~ Ti - I /7'//'2], Rcc.,pt # . .'ob ~~~~ion: ./lgCQ 66 'tcn4i'\.+ ML\ D \<0 Q mI.' 1\ ~ r vb'\oc:::./\L1- - . ~~) ASGClIlI01"': M.'t.p H \ 0: a ,~\ Tax Lot II ~ SUbdivi.ion, K'~t'ixn ) (:\,r:k/ ~C\ ()~'ifY) , . Qoncr: \\(\ 'l\ ~c)'0 I). ~~Xy\()SG)f"--,. Add]'c.c: .!JpA JA \~ \. ,"t' ) 0 rOk ' ~ . Phono: ,1\ , - If,{(-{LPJ City' '- Fj\,\_\~ \ \ ~_)\?_) zip: c:r\4\ l It 1.0 ~110 retponcibil.ity of the permit ',oldero to Gee that at! inGpactionll are made at ~he proper tim,.. that ~ach -=ddre8s is rea:!ab:e from the Gtract, and that the permit card io located at the front of the property. AEui!di.~g Divi::io~ apprOt:cd pl.an ohell J'emain on tit;; Bu~ldin(1 Eite at all times, pnOCSDu.r!E FOn INSPECTIOiJ R~OUEST,:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) 3tate your city ,:j(!!Jign.ated job n14':':ber, job add:rcsa, type of in:;pec~ic11 requested a~d w,l:en'you wilL be ready for innpection, CO'1tractors or QJnera nc.mc and Fhone number. Requests received before '1:00 c:2 ....'ill be made th~ carne dcy, requests medc after> 'I:(}O am tJill b~ nr:zdn the nc:rt :.JOrkin] day.. ( . .. You]' City DOGigr.atod Job /lwnbc]' In: qDLJlCrl .) R~mlirr~ J~nn~~tir.r.A O SITE INSPEC~"JON: To be made after cxcavati.?n, but prior tc set up of forms, 01 UNDeRSLAB PLlfl,mING. ELeCTRICAL I: : NHCH/1;'J"Zili: Fo be made befol'e any wrk is ~ovcred. r-q:", n .~dditicYl I-i Rcmodr.l n !~b~lr. noma l~: Q.q,QO Date of Applicaticn ~:'~:~~wr~q U\-t- ,{')0 \\CX\6tl~\~~R Plumbing \ \ .. t.!eehanical EJ.~ctri!:al SUDe,Ji'v{'~i!!::!R_~_lec t r~c i[ll1 ~ FeOTING & FOUNDATION: To be mIde after trencheD ure excavated and forma arc erected, but prior to pouring ccncret~. UND~GROm!D PUfICING; SEllER. r/.1TE.'7, DRAiNAGE:: To be rrrJ.ie prior to fii- Lir-!J trenchec. 1] :B. ]l ~ =:J 1] UIlDE:,.FUJOR PW/.$I,VC " MECHANICAL: To bo made prior to in~taL~tion of ~oor inculction or decking, POST AND' BEAM: To be "..adc prior to in~taLLaticll of floor in~n:lation or decki1l{j, RO!.'CH pur.mIlle. ELECTRTCI1r. /, MECJJ- ANICAL~ No :.Jerk. is to bc covered ,ur:tiL ,these inspectior:n have bear: made and approvc.:i. FI,r~EPLACE: Pr1:or to pZacir.(J feeing mat~riaZs and before framing innpcc- tior:, FRA1~nJr;: Must be requet1tcd after approvaL of rough pZwr.bing, 2lectri- cal & mechani.:al. AlZ- roofing bracing & chimneys, et~. m'.Ist bC! ; completed. No IJark is to be eon- : cealed until tlJio in!Jpection haG . bc~n made and approved. De:Jcribe II'ork: Value 1hZ (J/0 L-iRC. If J llJ.drs I\"~rd IJJ INSULATION/vArOR IMRRIF:R INSPSCTION.: L.LJ- To be made after aU insulation Qro.d . r>cquired vapor barriers are in place but before arty lath, gtJpSUTn board or wl.l covering is applied" and beforG any insulation' i:J concealed. m DRYI/ALL INSPr.r:r!ON: Tc bo mado LLJ after all drYIJaLL in in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bond becl7Tl:J, grouting or verticals in accordance Ltith U. n. C. ~ection 2415. flOODSTO'lE: After installation is ccmpleted, [] [ZJ CURB A APPROACH AP.rxJN: /If to:" forms arc erected but pl'ior to pouring COICrete. SIDm{ALK J; DRIt'F.f"'~Y". For all con- crete paving within street right- of-r.x:y, to' be made after all e%ca- vatinq complete & form work & cub. . ba:;e material in pla:;:e. ~ o ;ENCE: W1.er. eompl~te -- Provide gaten or movable scctions through 'P,U,E, Siqr.Cd:a~~. V / C' n ""'7;:;::> , I Datc: Reg, gxo:!:cps Phonp /,.;/?-25"S/ o DEMOLITION OR ;",JOVED BUILDIiIGS :=J Sani ~ary sC"Jer ::!apped ~t P~OP{;1't:; Ur:e :=J se~ti~tank Jr~cd and filZ~~ with gra~el ] Fina~ - rfhen abcve ite::!8 are ccmpletcd ar-d when dcmol~tior: is compLete or 8tru~- tUro moved and prt:mi3eo aleaned up. I Nobile Hemec =:J Blo~king and Sct-~p =:J Plumbing connections -- sewor and water ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, sot-up --.J and' plumbing connections m'.lst te approved before requesting elec~rical inspec~ion ~ Acac8~or;,' Build~ng ] Final - Aft~r porcr.es, skirting, decks, etc. are completed. o FIlIAL PWI.!BI/IC All p1'ojec't condit1:on3, nllcJ: an ti,e ,%',ntttallation of s~root trees, co"~plotion of tite reql~ired landacc.pir:g" etc., must be satisfied before tho BUILDINC FINAL can be requested. [Xl [2$J 01 o FIliAL IIE(;IIAIIICAf. (D FINAL BUILDINC: Till'] Final Building Inopection must b~ requested alter the Pinal Plumbing Electrical, and Necllar:ical In~pecti.ono have been made and approv.?d, FIliAL ELE:CTRIC!.L ',I:.!, :.I,:::!i'.::.!::' ,1:.'/1 CU..,I...'c1J'r:~ If,"o'''r n!;' M:r.r-:::;rnr,r., ,If),,'/I:-:r,'.'F.','/'!' ':'0 .rJF. ::AN.: :11' l.'O r:}$7 TO t:T'!'Y , ra::r ! of .~ ,--..--,'--'" -----,-.-.'..'-,. ._.._-~,_._..._-, .,...-,-.--.. I JOB ,NO. SOLA,R AC1"SS !lEQ.- Izono: ~ Oocu no" Crou __ .I Lot Sq. Ft(J. 7-::l-:;xJ -&j LOT TIPE in '.i'" . ~ of wt C""era(Jo .,,3':?~ Int~r' , ,f of Stories / .x- cor~e~~:i:'.:. Total Heiaht 1 "'}.4."7'#' Panhandle Topo(Jraphy t:?- -:::?9/1 Cul-de-sac I lITEM I Main CaPano r;ar"'Jrt /lCCCSD01'1I , S.D.C, Bui'Lding Permit Stats surcharge <'" s'B Total Cha....g63 I ITEM I NO. FeE I Fix~ec IResidential (1 bath) Sanitary Sewer 'rateI' I -:JltJun M.m,v PZiHTIbing Perrr.i t State SU1'Cr.al'g6 Total Cha't'flOS lITEM Res. Sa. rta. I Naw/E%t6nd Circuits I Temporary Service I Nr;.) \,-;tI'If't= Ele~trical Permit State Suraharae Total Charges lITEM I Furmce ETU' S . I E:::haus t Hood. I Vent Fan I wbodstove 0A-<; 1./,,/)6 Pemt Iasuanca Me::hanica 1. Permi. t State Surchal'(FC //) 7. I;{J .5 j8 //2.9'1 I NO, I FO'E CHARCE. J /1.3"7 ,-0, :17 5-~. 1 I zco A. Ne. F!::E I -z.. 4-,<;;0 3 3"'" 2- 15~ Total CharGeo -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SoC".rritll DZD03it I Storaqo I Maintenan~e I Permi t I I Curbcu~ I sid_lk Total Chal'(108 4-z'- i'7/ I Fon:1o EZQctl'ical Label I Mobils Home I I l'rn'I'M. AMOLJNT DLJE: A '.,'" -------...--......-.. ,. 1 L-COG' B.drooms: 21>'3 :> .r I l' I' 1 TilDe ./CS~ Enel'nl/ SO:41'"COS iieat / 6A'~ . Water .U"n1;"r Vol' Range ....-c. Fironlaco Wood~toJ:e 1 1 P.L. ., 1N0rth lEast ISou th IWest I 11 11 11 I LEJ Access. VI //> I ipr , 4f /~' .,' ".1,-"72.'>' ~r7::J,\, 2Z~ 7'5,9'/ ' CHAHCE I 5"'7-:;; c.> I Plan Chock Fee:,.QQ8 ' I S ICate Paid: 5- 2r.:t -YO IRecdpt U: \ 1\ 'K i ISigned: (C)/ {()O ) . Plumbing Permit No percon :Jllll11. con:JtructJ inotal.?.J aLter 01' change any neW eJ' e:d.sting plwnbing 01' droina!le syote:n in wllOle or in partJ ur.lcGG such person is tJ:e legal posocssor of a valid plumber's licenaeJ except tr~t a pe~son ff~Y do plumbing LJOrk to propaJ'ty which is olJnedJ lca:uzd or operated by the appLi- cant. "20, ~ c i S-,o,:} 2 t': c;J{j -' I , , . , . Electrical Permi t 15.CO ~-., '2> .7 ",,-,,:;' 9,:? _ vi? If'- 'OP t ;77::. ?"V' I ' Where State LaIJ requires tr.at tIle electrical. work be done by arl Eleatrical ContractorJ the electrical portion of this permit ahall r~t be valid until ' the label IlO.s been aigned by the El.ectrical Contractor. CLcC:7/J/'c#,C' /",",~...r?7'#~7? 5#~~ ?PP7:7'"-0"rr-?J';??/7 ~?'l (r*7?//70 /,y /9 E/YT#-L . ?-',ry /' 7: CHARCE ~f%> q.~() 9 &0. 30''''0 2-~o Mechanical Permit :>~ ,t? -:J. ~e> 5/1.:,&0 , jLt/ 0//7 /'7~ 001;' rJ /~MfiU niZJiCer ~ .. .1 . I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application [or permit. and do heJ'eby oertify that aU ir.fo:mation hereon ic true and correctJ and I further certify that any ar.d all IJOrk perfor:ned shall. be done in ac:::or- dancs lJith the Ordinances of tllO City of sprinafictdJ and tl1~ La'.JD of tho . StatG of Or8gan pcrt~ininu to tho work cSBoribod haroin~ and ~}~t NO OCCV- PANC'! will be nrldo of any structUJt,z witho:4t p3rmio3ion of the SuildinU Di- vision. I further ce~tif, that only contractortJ ar.d e:np'L.:Jyecs who are in compliance with ORS 701,055 will bo used on this project /b '$0 3S.('.S' 1 . , I I I '\0.. qY -;;~ /7 ,z#> I, ~ ,2.~ l- /C;~9V D.::tt: