HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1994-7-12 O{u/c..q :57/?~. . RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections: 726,3769 Office: 726,3759 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK' ASSESSORS MAP: -( B o'Z. I.-/~ LOT' SPRINGFIELD a.-- JOB NUMBER qy~yc:9 225 Fifth Slreet Springfield, Oregon 97477 t/ t/"3 S D'5 -z-4-. $~L/>?/-" ??""'--.. , BLOCK' OWNER: $01"''1 --n::;.~ ~Sf~"" i- CDt.I,SrtaJc"n",j ADDRESS,' 1%73 ~~~ ~~, CITY: .-1iU'-<f ~ L STATF' . ..0 ~ TAX LOT: SUBDIVISION: '5'[QO Lu~$~E ,,7.4,..;....;.... ,.) PHONE:~4LBtf- 5c..J--7 4- ZIP: 9 7'10 3. DESCRIBE WORK' S./146~ ~1'.,I'-'f' 1<:fi..510~c...<...-/'5"/~=L NEW"'/-." REMODEL ADDITION DEMOLISH OTHER CONTRACTOR'S NAME GENERAi. Sol"'1" -r~q4.- PLUMBING: Ie> ~ /hJr-z.bJ MECHANICAl' , ELECTRic,,;, '8JNN S QUAD AREA:~ . OF BLDGS' OCCY GROUP: \ R~;1V\ \ t~ . OF STORIES: ~~-- ., . )Wf-TER HEATER: ADDRESS. 1~73~4-( CONST. CONTRACTOR' i o~fX)S . ~ ~40/1 h> 1"'=-.-;;-.7"':> _ ~. 1, EXPIRES PHONE t,.,~~ fl.g'f~>~77.. --f"], '7,qzr ~gb. .,Lr,e,e. I to. fL; ,C1S bS"7' 13'" V ./' ----~ To requesl an Inspecllon, you must call 726,3769. This Is a24 hour recording, All Inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, Inspections requested after 7:00 a,m. will be made the following work day. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS 'J';;;;?f. Rough Mech~nl~al ~ Prior 10 ~ cover. . o Temporary Elec~~lc D Site Inspection - To be made after excavation, but prior to setting forms. 'K:7rUndersla~/Eleclrlcal/ ~ Mechanical - n n...[ to cover. k?r"Foollng - After Irenches are ~ excavated, . o Mesonry - Steel location, bond beams, groullng. ~ Foundation - After forms are ~ erected. but prior to 'concrete placement. o Underground Plumbing - Prior to filling trench. O Underlloor Plumbing/Mechanical - Prior 10 Insulation or decking. o Posl and Beam - Prior 10 1I00r Insulation or decking. . '!v>I Floor Insula\lon - Prior_to )C>..! decking. stJcd eD4'c- I'V'f Sanitary Sewer - Prior to filling ~ trench. -,=::::::;rStorm Sewer - Prior to ""Ing ~ trench. . raWaler Line - Prior to filling ~trench, Rough Plumbing - Prior to over. * ..' fJ3')(b'd. - OFFICE USE - LAND USE: \\\ \ \ . OF UNITS: CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOURCE:!? ,;...r_.?'~?- RANGE: S '1V1. Ro'u~.h. Ele~trlcal - Prior. to ~cover. .. , , ~Ieclrlcal Service - Must be approved to obtaln..permanent leclrleal power. :r 10'}:..~ o Fireplace - Prior 10 facing mate~lals and framing lnsp. a Fra~lng - Prior to cover. ~Wal"C.elllng Insulallon - Prior to ~ove~ . "E:lDryWall - Prior 10 taping. o Wood Stove - After Installation. o Insert - After flrepface approval and Inslallallon of unll. lYrCurbcul & Approach - After ~orms are erected but prior 10 placement of concret,e. ~Sldewalk & .Drlveway - After .J..Al..excavatlon Is complete, forms. and'sub-base-materlal In place. o Fence. - When completed. ~Stre8t Trees - Wh~n ~1I required l..7'trees are planted. I'\7f' Final Plumbing - When all " ~ .plumblng work Is complete. .. . . . . . , .' rV"f Final, EI~ctrlcal - When all ~ electrical work Is complete.' !><fFlnal Mechanical - When all . ...echanlcal work Is complete, l'9r Final Building - When all ~equlred Inspections have been approved and building Is. completed. O.Other MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS " o Blocking and Sel.Up - When all blocking Is complete. . . o Plumbing Connecllons - When home has been connected to water and sewer, D Electrical Connection - When blocking, set,up, and plumbing Inspections have been approved and the home Is connected to the service panel. o Final - After all required Inspecllons are approved and porches, skirting; decks, and venting have been Installed. . , ~ , i~pe. ';:' .j "'~";' '.l~..~~.~:,~:. ""'" ,-. '\. Setb ,cks - ;.S THE PROPOSED WORK IN THE, \ Interior I FiL. HSE GAR Accl HISTOI:lICAL DISTRICT, OR ON IN 1$ THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? Corner If yes, this application must be signed Is 5'0 and approved by the Historical Panhandle Iw Coordinator prior to permit Issuance, ~ Cul.de.sac IE 2-0 W . APPROVED: . . , Lot faces ~ Lot sq. flg, ~ Lot coverage /.z!;b Topography ~o - Total height ~ r~0 (') BUILDlN~ PERMIT ITEM SQ. FT: X S/SQ. FT. a VALUE Main , 12dC> ,-/y" ~_?1IS /y./t:> ~7~Y~ "~26~ Garage Carport 73blfY -:<C; <i" de - I 'i 7'.. !JPJ Iftl'flt(./; /0, "oJ (A) ~'-'7'~O SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) pi ?Y~7> Tolal Value Building Permit Fee Slate Surcharge Total Fee (B) -j~ :' PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM FEE Fixtures Residential Bath(s) N' '2... San!!ary Sewer FT. Water FT, Storm Sewer FT. Mobile Home /,;;.,0.t>-tJ - , Plumbing Permit State Surcharge Total Charge - ~,~ 31:1 ~/.v. 4, >>-Q (C) /.-7;j,. !ftrP MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace Exhaust Hood 4?O 9.l!W Vent Fan N' ~ Wood Stove/lnsert/Flreplace Unit Dryer Vent '?~ Mechanical Permit /G;;,F<J 1-0.&10 ,S.r , ::>c.; .:2~.'P Issuance State Surcharge Total Permit 3~ ~M,4, (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home State issuance State Surcharge Sidewalk 80 fl Curbcut 32.- It ?-:l..- /1,&0 Demolition State Surcharge Total Miscellaneous Permits (E) 3t::>,eo -;2.W5,se TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding electrical) (A, B, C, D, a'nd E Combined) BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This permit Is granted on the express condition that the said construcilon'shall,ln all, respects, conlorm to the.Ordlnance adopted: by the, City -of Springfield, Including the Development Code;regulatlng the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon violation 01 any provisions 01 said 'ordinance's, Plan Check Fee: :2' 9e>, 7-5"'" Date Paid: ..h--9;~~ q /~~I Receipt Number' ./2......:J.' ~,. . Received By: -~-[~- t- ~~~ewed By ~ .~~~ .' Systems Developmenl Charge Is due on all undeveloped properties within the City limits which are being Improved, ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ~ l 'w\ ~r\ Q) l\ r\Q t..L:mDU - ,J.+- T' /j '750 . ;d\MQ})( lYrlo.>: \~"'R . .....- bJ$(.:;C/ tJd;. -s . tj7&tc-c:.< 9/~7 I<;(v~ ~~t: ?l5"c; ~ ..f(V'i/t"-;tff ;7jj'sr By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed appllcallon and do hereby certify that all 1I1formatlon hereon Is true and correct, end I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done In accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permfsslon of the Building Safety Division. I further cerllfy that only contractors and employees who are In compUance with ORS 701,055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required Inspections are requested at the proper time; ~hat each address Is readable from the street, that the permit card Is located at the front of the property. a the approved set of plans will remain on the site at al tlme}J"rl~ cy:'r7/ ~ature b,Aff~c'J Date 17 . ry /2 VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUMBER DATE PAID AMOUNT RECEIVEO RECEIVED BY /5' $?F ~0sL 2wGJS; ';8 -~- . o l!Y.i!I~I!!!!~.!!t; . Job No. ~ SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET NAME .,'t:Qr,\n ~~ PHONE L\B\.'3\f\'L ?'~ru~,91~STAT"~ "p~ LOCATION OF IlROPOSED BUILDIN.F SITE: 4" r \ Street Address if Known: 4,q.. ^~ \ I \ m l Q) ..-.-- -, Platt Name: ~~ J\ ~ Tax Lot Number: \5~ar ffa.C() I 1. DEVELOPMENT TYPE (Check appropriate dwelling(s), SDC Calculations and dwelling type definitions are on the back.! A. Sinl!le Familv - Detached ~ Single Family home NO OF UNITS ( \ B, Sim,le Familv - Attached NO OF UNITS C. Multi-Familv Aoartment NO OF UNITS D. Manufadured Home Park NO OF UNITS WPRD SDC Manufadured home not in a park cJJ X $400 PER UNIT _= $ ..1I:Dl . X $370 PER UNIT = . $ X $277 PER UNIT = $ X $280 PER UNIT = $ $4DD~ $f! $1{)O fXJ 2. SDC CREDIT (If applicable) SDC-payer must fumish proof of WPRD Credit approval. See SDC Credit Worksheet. 3. TOTAL WPRD NET SDC ASSESSED (If SDC reduced for Credit> bt L Community Services Dl i City of Springfield I I Date rJ HCjf" 'if'? CITY OFtiRINGFIElD SYSTEMS DEVElO.NT CIIAllGE WORKSHEET (COMMERCIAL & RES1DENTIAL) NANE OR CONPANY: 5'd/ Vb.4' j).n4~ ;. ~~ . / . . ; - LOCATION: 443.1 J::rI~ 5.-1 DEVELOPNENT TYPE: 5FR / ~ ~ ' / / BUILDING SIZE: - LOT SiZE. - SQ. Ft. 1. STORH DRAINAGE IHPERVIOUS SQ.. FT. 22. '1.6. 2)' X SO.203 PER SQ. FT. (~b,&~ 2. SANITARY SEWER-CITY 110. OF PFU'S (See R.everse) 3. TRANSPORTAl'IOfI ;'i' X S42.08 PER PFU ("'75"7. ~ <.......... ;../ NO OF urllTS X TRIP RATE X COST PER TRIP I X 1,01 X 5424.31 X _ X S424.31 ~2P.S-9 s x X 5424.31 s 4. SANITARY SEWER-MWHC NO. OF PFU'S IT' x S15.125 PER PFU + SID MWMC ADH FEE S ,,' (Use PFU Tota'] From Item 2 Above) MlmC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) s 'f-4,/~ TOTAl-MWMC SDC~' '- ---- SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1,2,3 & 4) S /'i70,z.r 5. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES ~~E //;t:VEl X .05 /' ~~~~i~~~ <( 'l~,~~ TOTAL SDC Lif'8--t, fl) r .'".------- for 'rcn,od~$, (':t1cul~J;C only the uEr ,.ddi;i(lll;tl fi'..lwl':') . /~ l~l'I,~Hn oF\.:~ l':":lr rr:-:r UR(; 1':101'1 n.\1 L'i;E 1:0L'i\';.1I:IH U::IIS I ., z.. .. '. J G ./ 2 :2. G G I 3 2 2- I/Head , 2 '2- 2 ?. I '2- 6 2 ~ "i fIXTUr.E TYfE OJlhlull.......................... ............ .. . ........... Drinking Fount~in........................ .... ..... ................... floor Drain.................. ............ .,... ....... ... ... ..... ...... ..... Interceptors For GreJsc/Oil/Solids/EIC................. Inlerceptors For Sand//,uto Wash/Elc....c.............. La urxlry Tub /Clotheswashcr... ..,............. ..... ........... Clolheswaliher . 3 Or Morc......,..............,............... Mobne Home Park Trap (I Per Trancr)................., Recep)or Filr Refrigerator/Waler Slalion/Elc........ Receptor For Commercial Sink/Dishwasher/Elc.. Shower, Single .Slall,....,.......,..... ....... ,........ .............. Shower. Gang..........,....,.................,........................ Sink. Bar, CommerciaL...............,...............,....:...... . Urinal, Stall/Wall....................................................... Wash Basin/Lavatory, Single....,............................. Water aose~ Public Installalion.....,......,.............,.. Water Closet, Private.........................,..............,...... Miscellaneous: TOTA,L FIXTURE UNITS = /R CREDIT CALCULA.TION TABLE: Fru"" cr~r. ;:' Based on assessed value. II improvements occurred after annexation date in table, Rate per $ 1,000 Assessej Value Year Annexed Rate per $1,000 Ii Assessed Valua ,: S 2.24 1.93 1.57 1.18 0,79 0.4-4 0,28 = 44'-1 ~ = ~ = $ ~f!'./4L 1979 or belore lsa.~ 1931 1932 1933 . 1934 '1985. $3.21 3.13 3.08 2,96 2.82 2,68 2,51 193-5 1937 t983 1939 199J 1931 1992 Cred~ lor Parcel or Land Only II Applicable '5..?-1 X S /3. 7-S-() (Rate X Assessed Value) Improvement (If after annexation date) X S (Rate X Assessed Value) CREDIT TOTAL " RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR STORM DRAINAGE Resid ent ial................ .....,.......................,.......... 0.4 Commercial......,....,..,....................................... 0,9 I nd ust rial.... ..,:.........,.......... ....,. ........,................ 0, ~ 5 GovernmentaL....................,........................... 0.5 IMPERVIOUS AREA = TOTAL LOT SIZE X RUNOFF COEFFICIENT . . CDt/cCtC5 ~~ (' ~!4(cp ,o/f~~ #--5fo8~1 ~~.J~ /</f-C/:o/4 ~~~~i;itH~!~i:ii i!~; i;;j.:;g;~;thit:i;i ~!~~~:(:;:;:! ~i:~l~}:;;:i-~j~:~i:: ~ H!i~ U;i;i~ ~~,~~!:~d I '-... i I, .1-1,"",... ! '. I ." .' .,.,. 1HL ~,~'. '!: / S'o; . j~,:~~::"S..;;:.d;;;'t:.=~., ~" ::; r"~ ? 7' ; .::t -:;'?:~'-:: ,.'.~.....,S";;}:.:'r; .,.....,'. ..:'......:.:.),j.,..ljl,C:~I-' ,- .", ,_ _-_-. ~:~'w~;~~l "".','1[' :;,0: ;:;:f:.\.:.:,;,} ".':' ,;; " -' l~' :....;", ., " S'u":''':'' T_=C_, l._,}.'; :-~ (i' ~.:' J- "U';1r; "';':"7'';''.:! .:::.,.."... - ~ ,_, I ,= - _.;. "1_:},! :::t,';':;.,./ ~_i or; '-i"i. 0::' Z::.;): r<_ ,;0"-4-03 , ,jc:i.."1 :~ i " ~;.-....i ~ ~~i';!9- ~-:'., Cj.S'~3 .' :.Jes::'1 _ . , '.~ o'~ i or: I r.. , .' t~'.ll c.,; ::;r,'~r-'1; teE,- T01;;:].1 : i::O.DO;."' r.:::'C.t'.li,_,p'_I_ - '-J ~ :::hC:II-';' .~ .....r. "I':. i6BG4 ,~~jG ~ Dc: i;:;O.Ol"r ..... - Lh:?C:i.~ : h'::';rli: \' . .. ou, DO!1 M~ { i I .' ".', .-'-, i:; ~i~~~~;~;ni~ii~~;;: ~:i:~;~::L~~i~;i;:~:~~1~~~1: '.' :;: .::>::. : ~:;;~ '....r. lli..:.:;.J::, c'