HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-6-3 - .. RESIDENTIAL" APP~ICATION/PERJ{[T 225 ~orth 5th Street Sprir~field, Oregon 97477 Building Diviaion 726-J75J .lob !.oC.:ti071: 4406 Kalmia St. ..t8~eSGOl"'Z .'.!ap " Springfield, Oregon T= [,at.~ 3000 Lucerne Meadows Lot 43 SUhd{,tr;$icn.: .4tUL"es,: 985 Country Club Road A200 ~~er: Empire Financial Services, Inc. Pr.ane: 686-8075 s:nof 1~~dv1~ Ci.ty: Eugene, Oregon ~ n n n ']."." ACd-:. ticn. Remodel .'fob";!2 .1Cff':;] Date of .4pplicatic7I April 15, 1983 ,;om::rcctol'S Zit': 97401 . :~cce..;,:)t ,~ -~::~. ~'LD\b55 Desc!"";ce rl'Ol'k: Va~ue Addres3 $61,100.00 I ~~cV I . . I I I .~ Si{1r.2d: ~/J:OJ Date: - '(r3-J3 (t " " Lise. # E::r::;ircs Phone:: 484-2405.' 345-3055 6BB-8720 J J ~ Development Co. 985 Country Club Co.Eug., Ore. 97401 1010 VanBuren St. Eug., Ore. 97402 987 Fayette Ave. Eug., Ore. 97404 Ceneral Harsch Construction & P!=binq Alert Plumbing eLectrical. Peter Stoppani Electrical M6ahar.ic::.l Cons t.,....IC'~~ l.~TIlier It. is :hs resp011oibili:y ot tr,s permi: holder to see that:: aZZ incpect'ians are :-::ade at the proper ti!1!€~ t,t-.at ~h .=ddres8 is rea.:::a.b:.... from ths street. and ;hat the permit ca...""C! is l..xa:ed at the front of the ;;roperty. .t3ui!di~.g Divi:iol": C:P?l'OT:ed'p!.c.n s;..c.U remain on the Buitding $it~ at aU times. P.70CEDUPS 20{'{ INSPE':TI()l1 RSOUEST:CALL 126-3769 (rcaord.el"J state yOu:zt City desigr..::zted job number,. job address,." type of ir.3?ec~icn raqu.estcd a...,.d W.':en you. ..,UZ be ;oeady fo1" inspection,. Contractors or Ct...-ners r.cme c:r.d phone numbcr, Requests received cefc1'tz 7:00 c::t :..'iLl be Trade th(; same dc.y,. requests mcae aft;::r 7:00 a:'7t /JiZZ ,be made the nc=t :J01'king day. F~,'.C'".1{~".tf -rtm"p,...t--:r.~,q o o SiJ'~ D1S?!C':':O!!: To be r.r:de af;er e:cava~i~n,. ~u.: prier tc set up of forms. UN[)~RSr..:.? ?U.J!.f3!.VG. ELEC':'.=tIt;,1!, ~ ,~fECi:'.:c.,'j;C:'L: 'i'o be made Defore any work. is covered.. [l] FCOT::1G ~ F'O!.',','!)AT:C,'l: To be r:rui6 af:er :renches .::re e::ca-.Jated ar.d f~~J are erec:ed,. but prier to pourir.g c~ncret~, t.:.'!D!RG.=?QTJ.',r;) ?~~'?f2I.';G.. S~,~. W.1TE.1, o,rUI.~'ACE: :0 be rr.a.:is p'l"';c;r ~o fi~- iir.g :rer:cr..ez, lK] [K] UNDE,1:!P:'::JCR !?!J1.'.$T:1G 1 N!'::H.4..VIC:'L: To ce mace prior to -::1'lJ"ecLw~-:.on oj f!oor in6uLc~ion o~ de~King. PQST MID 3EAU: To be ",.ade ~'l"'~or .to ins:::all.:;:icn ol {Zoor ir,stolat;icr. 01' c..oki"" [l] [K] RQ'YJ.!.!. ?!:.{.~~F! !,'./C. ?"!.E::::'.f?~C_:'!:. ), '.'E(7,,- :.nI~:::. Yo ~or~ ~3.=~ j~ co~ere4- ur.:-:.~ ;r.cs~ ~~~~ea:-:'cr:s ~v€ beer. made =r~=??r~'e~. Fr_~??!.:'C2: .?rial' to -gl.c.cirn :-"'::ci1'la mc~aria:.s ar.d b&foJr€ f!'~r4 ;;nspe~- tior., (> ~~ ~#~.-fN<i!! lKJ [lJ F.'!..4.'~I.'lr;~ ,'1t.lst:;e requear::ed Cr~€l' CI?prov.:;l. of rough -;ZWi.Diru;,. az.act~- caZ ~ mec;..anic:;rZ" .HZ 1'Oojir.g bracing & ~hiT.n~Ys. Jt~. ~~3::: be .comvle:cd. Yo ~rk is to:;€ con- - cec"Zli!d uncil this ir.$'t'ec~cn ;',as 'been made end a?prQved. Your City. Desigr.atcd Job Numba' Is: 1)( I INSr.lf.ATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSP'3:CTIGN.' To be made after aLl insu l:;ti.:m ar.d . recr..tired vavOl' barriel's are in place . Cut (;ejo1"e ~y 'lath,. gypsum bcdrd or wZl covering is cppZied,. er.d before any in3uZation is -eonceaZed. ~ DRY'HALL INSPECT!DN: To be r.:ade after all. Q.oy!.Xll.l is in place,. but priOl' to any taping. I~SO~RY: Steel location,. bond beams,. grouting or verticals in accor-iance r.r~th U. E. C. Section 2415. "83\S~O I DEt-fOf.ITIO;Y OR ;'.fOVE; 3UILDI,'/GS ~ Sanito:r'J se..Jer ::c:p?ed =t p:~po::r~' Ur:e .=J Septi~ tank p'....'?ed a7IJi f-:'ll..a~ :.Jith ;ra:.MZ I Pinal - fliten a.;..."'Ve i:t;e~s are ec!rnZeted ~ ar~ when ie~oZ~tior. is campZate or St7~~- tzc.e r.o,Oved ar.c ?r~Jes :;Ze::ned up. I Nooi!€ Hc..::es :::J Blocking aPA Set-~p :::J Plumbing connections S&W8r ar~ wa~er :::J Electrical Connection - Slocking,. set-u? and p'i.wnbing connections r.r...st ~e appr:;ved be;orc requesting eZectricaZ ins?ectio~ :::J Acces3c~';; Building. I Fin.::Z - /J.ft~r ;:7rcr.es. aki!'~ing,. dec;"~,. ~ etc. are cc.mpZe;ed. o CXJ. Pli'IAL PLUX3I.'iG :^ I. Fl,'iAL .\'S':HA.'IIC.1[, All project condi:ions,. ~uc~ as th~ ~nstarla=~cn ~f street =r~es. ~~~!a=iQn of :ne required laruiscc:pir.g. etc.,. .'11US t oe scr;isfiad b.:1.J~~ore the aUI1.DI:iC PD'AL ~cn be raqu:zs c.zd. ~. F"I,'IAL Z!.SC':RICri:' .~ o .::'INAL 3VI[,DING: The Fin.cZ B!.I.itdir.g rns?eetion .~t oe requeated.::f'tel' the _:'ir.al P!u,>r.bir.g ELectrical. cznd Necr.ar..iccl Ir.specr;ions rtavc been :r:ade ar.d cpprovad. o D :VOODS'!'OVE.' Aftar installation is comp Ze t€d. *AU, NA,.'HC!.2S AND CLEANOU'I'S ,'WST BE' AC':F:SS12f.c. .4.tJUS';';'.S::! ':.'0 BE :.~1DE :!'!' llO ::S':' TO Cr:'! I ?:::;e ! of 2 fl] CVRS & _4PP.90AC,t{ .4P7:")Jl: Alter" forms are ere.::ted but prior to pot.tr'~rIfJ ,zoncre te. SIV:;W,J.Li<. & DRIFE'W'AY: Far all con- crete paving wi~hin street right- oj'-way,. to be made alter aU e:::ca- vating complete & fo~ ~rk & $uO- base mcte1"~aZ in pLaae. [l] o ~ENCE.' When compZ~te -- Provide ga;;s 01' movable aecticns through P,U.E. o : J.OB'~:~';';)\~I'I() SOLA~CESS REQ~=a~::J dR -L-COG~ !:C'J':e: ~-L t;'c~J.::anc".J G~.J.::: R... ~~ M.., ' ::~'De/CQr.3t: ,,-IV 3ed.....'o~s: 3 Il<>t Sq, F..., 6"~~ LCT T'!?S 1 :0: Faaes - '2r:z1.L7'H I ! sr.er':)' _:0,,"=<3 c:r-> I 5et"a=<3 I I ..e.. <::: L-,..; ~ ,f "'. ,over=go ~ t/ /of!'- Inter~or I .'. .... I Ii. I 7 11:"" - I '~~oi:.6. . Ca:rc.qe . ..;!,ccess. I I ;.{a"t(:}!'::"'c-;':?'f'~' ! # of 5't"ries 2 ~ COM'!B:" I"Jc:"~i1 ~ '/~ I I 3anq2 " .. ko.a! HeiGh: ::2:3' ' Par.har.dZe IFes:. I . I ,"'. I I XI .~~repi.cae d ~~€A-""AAI<€ , ..........-- S..o--':n 2"~"1 III I "oo",,:o'e Tc."oqra=.h.oJ ~ ~ ~ ~~L-de-sac ". , I-es: I~' I'!.'E.~! ~ SQ. F':'C ,~J.zin 1~2C l./ y~ ~X2 I ! ::.n-:-:'r: i. 1.-ic::ess:n''.J TOTAL VALl.;r IS.D,C. j ....c.~:A<:) 1.5 = euildir.g :?e~;: State Su:rcnrge TotaL Cr.n.:'ge3 l!':"D! I E'i--:ures ,.....-..r.o:r -.w.,.... __:"& I ResidaItiaZ (J ba:hJ i Scr.it..7'1"'! Set.JB'l" I~t~ I IpRf7ldlM< &.TN 12 I NO. i II I FEE It? .... I PLumbing Perr.:-i t State Surcharge T=tal C"tlCraes I !?E.'I I ::0. I I...., SO, ft3. /6 ~ II I NGZJ/Ertend Ci.rcui es Tempcl'c:ry 50"Jice EZe::tri.cal ?e~t St.=te Sur::;..arce Total O.m'~e8 I7'~,~f I '"" . "..... .~:o ?..a-r..=ce =TU 'S E=hau.st Hood I Vent Pan I . I iloods to:;e / 4{ 13. ClIO I I I I I I I Ia CL..€~~ Penri: I33UaJ1Ca Me::r.anic:::Z Pe"t'r.Tit State SurcJu::z.~c ;; To'";,,:! cr~'7~!J I -- ~:ICR.";ACE.\''[:r:, -- It:" '. D . I~e~~_~u e=03~t Stora.ae I "-n::nt~.cr~e I. '. .CI'r.r'_.. I i C""U';'C-..I: ! Si.de:J02l7< I ~ ,,;o~n::e l.:toZc~r-".:c.:1z. l.cl;el. , i .\fobiLd H:;me Tota! t;"',-o.cr-:as /-;Ze!J' /5"/o! : Sz:a:::. .~..:"....., ~M!'" :J;.7)k ~/7' lL~s I-"''''T'.r 'vOU'~ "U:o,.. .,,1................ ".l l.I... x V"az.ue I I I I I I ~/,~. - I I ~6.~'. "2/1.... I a.ySl ':if /"J. 'PI Ci'A?GE I -zs:- I I .w.... '$IS: - /.B:J Sl6,.80I. :"..'.:'iA.~GZ I zs: 00 I I I ::?). .- /,-/ ~.0"1. I , ~. Se:1 I 1<.001 I s:--I /~."'O 1 "31.50 I /,'261 3'<'.761 I I I I I I I I J I I I I 9/e;S~1 I $SS,S'f I /~?2,3yl CHAiiGE /~,~ /6.~Y "T:J=e .:::~c;.. Fd2S Building Value & Permit This pe~t i:; gl"anted on the e::pl"ess ::ondition that the s.did. const:l".4c:-:':on s~~ZL, in a.Zl res?ccts, ~onf~~ to the Jrdinar.ce adopted by the :it~ of Sprir.c:-.";etd. "':11C!~~na the '::onir.o Crd~r.an.ce, reO"..Il.atir.a the ccnst:-:lc:i.;r. ar~ ~;~ of buiZdir~s,war~ m=y =~~Jus;e~~2d or r;vo~e~ ~t cr.y t~~e ~;~r. vic. La:icn af ~y ?r~vi~ior.s of said Ordir~es. IPlan Check Fee: S63..30 IDate ?a~d: 4-1 e:; ,<f '""i /Recoipt #: (nO 130 ISip:ed: (I,..;., rL ~ ~ Plumbing Permit No person $r~ll cons~.4ct, instal!~ attar o~ ahange any new cr e=istir.g plumDir~ o~ drainage sY8te~ in ~hole or in part, unless such person is tr~ legal posse3sor of a valid pLumber's license, e:cept tr~t a person ma~ do plur.:oing :Jerk. to propert-~ which is O1.JT!ed, "leased or operated by the cpp~i- cant.' "',' EJectrica I Permi t Where'State U:u requires tr~t the electrical work be done by an Elcu:trical C07'ltl'-:lctor, the electrical por:ior. of this ?er::rit shall. roOt be valid ur.tiz: the labeL has been 84;ned 'by the ElectricaL :;'ontrc:c:or. Mechanical Permit ~M~ 5'-S-B"3 't..'a:;e I HAVE CA..:?E?Ur.:.S !XA.'1nrE:D ;."!.e conrpZ.3tad ;:?pl.ication for permit, end do hereby certify that aU i;o;to~-=ion hereon is true ar.d cOr!"cct. ar.d I fur:her certif~ that any ar.d all. !.;ork ;;~rfo~ed shan be do:-%6 i;o: ac:or- dance :r;ch ~he Gl'dir.::r.C2S of tr..z Ci':'~ of Springfid.d, and the: [.C"..:3 oj" ti:3 .. Statd OT Orec.::n !:l,zrt.=ininc ~o the iJOrk d.esC'::'i.bcd herein, c.r.a thc.~ .'10 acc:J- ?J.~CY wiLt b~ maie of anyv3truc:ura wit~out ?~r.miS3io~ of the 5ui!dir.g Di- vision. I f!OI''th2r ~e!'=i;'";j tr.::t o:1ly :::ocntrc:::otors ar.d e::rpl..;yees 1.);'.0 .::1'g in c~ptiance with CRS 701.055 wiZ~ be used en this projsct . x/~/;) /h/tJ Date