HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-5-5 . ':"::'~~",:, ....'~ ~:'" .. ...... ~~...., . .~.. . fob Loc3.tion: tfll&)~ #'A~.M/A 46"'escor= Map , ," \ ~T.. Tcz Lot , 3ubdivision: ~7' q'3., ~#<,pN,r::- ~z)aJ.V.s , :\.mer: C/7'~ ~r <~(J'(5.'::-/e'-..)!) :ddress: ~ 2:) N ,~l12.. :5"/." 'P~.one: 72&:-~p ;ity: 5'"'Azl/~,..c:-/~~D, ~. 97,,// Zip: ~/c:;;>" G/i!it:>~ - h~P~~TY MA-/YA-e:; &;;;P ~NG~E fi-P?/L 7' l1~))~C&= ~~~~~7'T/er;v~,r /Ic~~ O...,...z:>~) I !fobile Hom. <. ~?ltU;7/5"H-~c-/4j}#83/.5'7.:sj Dats of Application /tP-/h-&S'" Valus ~/,/~.'" Xl I I ~J"...J Additicn Remodel Describe rl'ork: ,ont:rG:c:ors - Addres3 41!:).,c: S~;t:$/W6.~~'e-~ 7-?~ He S7Sz.'5;r > ;ene""l Lr?'<r ?twnbing S'l.ectrical '.te:har.ic.:: l :'onstructi07't Lendel' ,.. ... J)A~~.OiL Rcce~:'t~ .' , .,''. " * Siqr.ed: Date: Lise. if Expircs Phon:; 72'~-"3'7~~ i j I is rea.::a=:e .t i.s the respontribility of ths permit halder to see that alt. inopec'tions are made at :;he proper timE" tr.a.t ecch .::ddress "rom the street. and that the permit card is located at the front of the property. BuiZ.di~ Di.vi::ior: approL'ed F~ shazz. remain on th.; Building Sit~ at all timss. .'?OCSDU,'t!E Fan INSPECTION REOUEST:CAlL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City designa.ted job number" job adiPcss. type of ir..spec-:icn aquest:ed a'!'".a IJ::en you IJill be ready for ir.spccti.on. Contractors or OIJne:"s nc:me end phon.e number. B.equ~st:S received before 7:00 =< Lz.z. DB made th~ Bame day. requests mc:de after 7:00 am LJi1.1. ba made the nat :x>rking day. ': ,,:;~) . : J ~aui~p.d Tnsop.eticr~ ] SI'l'E INSPEC':'ION: To be made after' excavation" but prior to set up of forms. ] . U!lDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & l.fECHA,"JICAL: To be made before any work ~s .::ovcred. ~ 1';"'" City Deaigr.ated Job Number Is: 85~98S- ~ FOOTING ~ FOUND/~TION: To be mads after trenches are e:rcCZ'Uated and forms are erected" but prior to pouring c=et<.PC.N<! €.,..8? u.-m'SRG.ruJUHD P:'lfl.!2ING. SEWER. w'1TE.'1 D,f?AI/JAGE: To be roode prior to fi'L- hr.g trenches. $~W~ ?..a:>-s:;> ,VI UNDE.~FLOO.~ PWl!BINC & MECHANICAL: i1J To be maae prier to in3ta'LZ.ation of ~.?~~.%'_1s>~king. . .iA POST AND BEAU: To be rr.adc prior to ~ ir.st:alLaticn of jLool' insulation or dscki7!f;.~ 6-/6-t!l3 ,~ ROT/eN PLU!~I!lG. El.ECTR!CA!. & UECR- ~ AUICAL: No :.JOrk is to DC covered untiL thcse inspections have beer. . made and approve:!. 1'<~ 7ooI/~~ Y1 FIREPLACE: Prior to pl.c:cir.g facing 'lJ mctel'iaLs and bt;fore framing inspec- tion. C-C::"~~""N<G ~ FRA!!INC: Must be requeDted after ~ approvaL of rough ptwr.bing. electri- caL & mechanical.. All. roofing bracing ~ chimneys. st.::. nr.J.st be . corrroLetcd. No wrk is to be con- .. esa'led until. thio inspection has . bE:'e:n made and approved. I V I INSULATIONIVApo'q HARHll:R I.'lSP;<;CTION: /\ To be made after aLl in6u~ti.:m a:".d _: . . required vapor barriers are in place . . but before any lath, gypSW1l board or wz.z. covering is appl.ied. cmd before . '. ~!L. inau Zation is cancea led~ :" U~~~~c;-r.?-a3 .r\It DRYWALL IlJSP!:CTTON: To be made ~ after aU dry1JaLz. is in place. . but prior to =y taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bo1ui beam3" grouting 01' verticals in accordance LJith U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTO'IE: After instal.lation is ccmpletd. ~ CURB & APPROACH AP.~N: Aft~ forms are created but priOl' to pouring con:::rete. . rvl SIDEWALK & DRn'EWAY: For an con- ~ crete paving within street right- of-fi/CY" to be made after aU e:rca- vating complete & f~ wol'k & ~ub- bass material in pla::e. ~\ O PENCE:: When compute -- Pl'orJit!.e. gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. . o DEf.!DLITIO!! OR gOVE:; B!JILDnlCS =:J Sani-:ary se:Jer :apped at f1220Pcrt-i l.ir.s :=J Septk tank p-...rr.:ped and fiZZ2~ uith gra-~..z. I Final. - When ab..."'"'Ue items are cc=tpl.etcc ~ ar~ IJhen demolition is compLete or 8~~- ture moved and pr~3es :leanea up. Nobile Hemes ~ Blocking and Set-:tp ~ Plwnbi"'B connections -- So::lJer ar.a rJater --, Electrical. Connection - Blocking. set-up --1 and. plwnbing conn.ections rrr..:st ];e appraved before requesting elec:ri:::al inspec:icr.: ~ Acaesso1"d Building -, Final - After parches. serting, decks. --.J etc. are comp'Let~d. o All projcct conditions. DUC}: as the i.nstal'Lation of street trees. c~Lction of the required Zandscc:pir.g. etc.. must be satisfied bcfol'e the BUILDING FINAL can be r~questad. ~ FIlIAL PLUt1BIllG ~ FIliAL 1{;<;~HA:lICAL . ~ FIliAL EUCTRICAL ] o FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must be l'equeated c..f:er the PinaL PLW':'lbin; Etcctri.::al" and Mechanical InspectioJUJ hcwc been made and approved. -ALL J.IANHCr.tS AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE" ADJUST!!E:I'!' TO BE f.:'1DE I.'!' 1:0 C'~ST TO C~Y 'p~~e! of 2 I JOB NO~C'9~ SOLAR AC -:e -I ILctSq. re;. ~<t> I: of wt c"".rcgo '2 r~'-> !.~ of 5:o'T'ies '2. I ~ota~ Height 2-:;> , , ITopog""'hY ~.2~ I:OEM S~. FTC ; ZC1":C~ f)eC"04::anc:J Gl'O'.l':): Be::roor.:s: ? Main /t;:20 l/'1t> Cc:racl! I CaI'TcJ-t I AcC'cssoru I I Is.D.c, TOTA!. VALUE IVc"u:c) 1.5 ::: Building Permit State Surcharge To::'::! Cha:ogea iITEX 1-,,'0. I FEE ~ Fi-~es ) Residential !1 bath) ; sar.i~J Sn"c1' IWctel" .P,~~r.g Pe~t . State Surcr~e T.........1 C1u::raes j .:.. 'I';,:.~ I..qes. Sa. f't~. i NZIJ/E=:er.d Cir:ui.ts 1"0'1 I ! Ter.:J:Jrc::ry Service Ele::::Mca l Perrrri t St:::te Su.r::harae Total cr.a.r>ces 'i7~g ;,c., I I I I i ! Purr..:zce !'!U r S ! E:.::haust Hoo;!, I Vent Fan I . I W:JOdstcrJe Pel"r.':";t Issuance Me::r.ar.ic::! Permit State Surc1u:roac To:d C'r.:raea -- ENCROACHNE::T -- SeC"04ritu D2~O~it Starane P.ai"tenar~1? Pcrrrrit Teta! Char>acs Cz.aobcut Sid(!t).2lk .f:'('n::e Electrical Label Mobile H.:xne :"'OTAL AJ.!OU".7' D!lE:- IYc:O LeT TYPE FEE lr:tericl' -X COl'11e1' ... PanhandLe Cu I-de-sac Val.ue Cfl.ARG2 ..:.;';'.='u:. C!fAii~E I I I I I I I I j, Fce: aK. A." l-COG~ -:;"'De/Cor.st: I Sctha~ks IllIo~~~. ItS;; I II Caraoc East I JC1 ' Is,," tit !?!2 ~~ u IWest I ':d::l ' I f'1'!:!rf7:1 SO',.lr~,:'s .ica!. T"J,e C~ II II I I I~ I i p.~~~r Watl'!r -'!f'!a.tp!" ~~ Hanpc I :'eeess. ,.. ~ .cc.~GF. Fircni.a(."c Wc::oa~tot:e F:3es I I I This pennit .io granted 072 the express condition that the s~:iid_ construction BhaLl~ in all. respccts~ conform to the Ordinar.ce adopted by the City of I Springfield~ incZuding the Zoning Crd:.nance~ regult::tir:g the ccnctructicn and U.:JB of buildings~ and m::y be Buapended or revoked. at c:r:y time upon vie-' I Zation of any provisior:s of said Ordir.ances. . I I #~7G", Sa Je:.'B#8?IS~ I, ~h7/71}~ ;rec:-D~~. I. . , I I I. Building Value & Permit ~l"f ,C;,'/c:7/'/.Y~ " IPlan Check Fee: I Date Pa;.d, I' R~c~ipt fI: S'/..fred: :'. " '':'';.,',Plumbing P~rmit \ No percon chall.~~truct~ instalZ~ a~ter or change any r~w cr e=isting pLumbing or drainage syst~ in ~hoLe or in part~ unLess such person is t~~ legaL possessor of a vaZid pZumber's license~ except tr~t a pe~son may do pL~bing work to property ~hich is ow~ed~ Leased 01' operated by the ~pLi- cant. ...., I I I I I . Electrical Permit Where State LaLJ requires tr.at the electl"icaL lJork be dime by 'an Ele~t1'ical Contra.ctor~ the eLectl"icaL portion of this permit shall roOt be valid. untit the ZabeL has been signed by tne ELectrical [:ontractor. . Mechanical Permit I I I l . I I I I I l' I I I I , , > ~J~~ ~~-"7 I::zamine ~~.g:? f,i;.. ... . I HAY!.' CAREFULLY EXAMINED the eomp~eted app~ieatio" fo~ permit, and dD hereby cerotify that all i':':fo:oma.tion hereon is true and corrcct~ an.:! I f'olrthero certify that tmy ar.d all lJOrk performed shalt be do:1e in ac~oro- dance :.nth the Ordinances of the city of Springficrd~ and th~ La:.Js of tho State of Dreg:m p:::rtaining to the work described hcrein~ c:r.d :hat NO OCC:.J- PAllCr Lrill be m:lde of any structUl':3 Lrithout pzrmisaiO:1 of the Su.iZdin!l Di- vision. I furthcro certify that ~ly contra:::tors ar.d enp~yees who are in ~lianee ~ith CRS 701.05t ~iLl pe u.sed on this project I. Signsd Date