HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-7-8 .. RE~tENTlAL" APP[,iCATION/PERMIT. 225 Jorth 5th Street Spri"~fieZd, Oregcn 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 f4~ 05" SPRINGFIELD ' .1 .'ob !.cc.:ti.on: 4. '?.BC) 1::::.1.. I MI~ ,1.:;"1101": .'.t%p I /s -02- ()c:;- - 'Z..d... Ta Lot , 4-t:.O() SWNl~U--;.iCJ1: Luce~E. M'?A.........,WS L6r4 --- .=?cc:e";~e Ii / iJ { ~L;<::" - l~L ~.:".~: Etv1PI~E. FI~C-I A..L ~~V1CI;S JNC-, Add..-m: 18c:o VALLf..Y e.IU5R- D'i':.\\lE. p~","", ro8 G,-' 8081 C.ty: EU6F.l\E.,f"R., Zip: CJ1Anl Ra n n n ,"IP" 'b1/0GGE. f'AHIL..Y g,E.SI D€.NCC Dtlscrib. I.'ork: .tCd~ tic" Remo.:!sl .'~ab"';!2 .~cnJlJ 8 ~ut.J~ 8~ AdcireS3 l'entl of AppH::a::icPl ..~cnt:rc:c;ors '. Vatu8 r;'f, LOO * ~ Siqr.ed: Data: ~&(JJ Ii? -X-f:)~ - Er:;ir:1 S PhD"" ~83-814: 3.:4t7.~O'i ~'b ./j"7.Zi C...."'l !-j-Al2:..SC.\4 C",,'''?-2.lIr.'Mn~' Pt..,.;,i~ A/ ~PI PI II Mp.,11-l6 !l.c'''':c=/ F!:n:e. ~TnpPAH I l.i.ac.1I 8'11? Coom~'( ('/,p" ;>0)5";0 In VA,t-) f.'>11~El\ 2.Dz f".5 FA'f'ElIF_ 70 ~~4L. q-~~e3 t'>-~D-f>:r, 6 .go .,.5)-a.., .~!.=Jv:r.ic::t CQ".t~~c~~ t~nder ~- , 9;o,? I: -i. ~h. ruponoibili::y ot' eM p.l'Mi.: N:itd.zo eo ~(te :ha~ aU i1UJpflctians are !:".ad. at ::ha P1"Op.zo tilT/C, t.1..at =en. ::.d.dr.~1I is l'fI~":~:': Jrcm tit.. sCl"UC, an:! ehat, the pcrr.n:t c:JZ'd i. l.,ca:.d at the front of the property. A!!ui!.di:--.g :n:J'i.:io~ ~;:1"01:.d r-lan sh::Z1. remain on tit8 S;.,-f.Ldinp Si.t.: at aU timES. Pt?OC~IJPS .:"cn r,';Spr':TIOtl R!'C'LEST:CALL 726-3769 (zoccorc!er/ seata your City desig7'..:lted joe numb.r, JOO a.c:c.rcss, type of ir.3pflc-::icn zo~qtAeBted a....d :J.o:en you 0JiLl. be ..ecdy for iMpcc~;on, Contractcl"S or CUne:"s r.c:ms O".d fhanfl rwr.zbcr. Requests l'flceit:.d eslcr. 7:00 =:: :.....:u. be Ir.tJd. Ch~ M:1I:8 Ct=y, NquUCII trU:tU afCa' 1:00 ~ uiZZ ba nr:zd. C.~8 nat :JOrkin.; day. <6)/7S9 o,,"Vi,::".:f 1"'1~"'''''er.".",,, O C'......r ..,S...-,.........., T' . '4- ...1':_ .I, r.:...__'J:.: 0 tlfl nr::ae al...~zo e:rcav.:ti.;n, ;u; pl""icr t: 3.: up of [0...... o U:ID=.~Sr..;3 ?!.t:.V3I.'IC. ?!E::::'.=?I':,t!. i .~.'ECr::"!'''IiC:''L: 70 06 rr.ade b_tor" any worK ::8 .:c'V(:rfld.. 00 FCC'!'!'?;G ~ ;Ot.':/!JAT!C:I: :'0 C. r.r:JJ!. at:"r :rmcnes ~fI e.:ca"Jatfld and for:n3 cr. flr.:::-IC, .;u: Friel" to pcuri.ng C:nc:-fl:.. ~, U."o~c_~rr..t' F:.t.~~r_""c" S!:"..Il'R. :l.1T!'R, OP.AJ.':AGF: :0 iu, rrrz.::fI pMar ::0 [i. z.- 1.i.r4 ~r.r.cr...:t. ~J cm!JERFZ.:;O.~ :'!.tr...'!JT:IC ~ .'~'::~ANIC,U.: to ~. maefl "Mer :0 -::n3tali..:::-::on of f7,oor in,uz.C;un 'or dl1cktrtg.' ?'JSf AND 3EAU: To be ~ ;11-;01' to i.nn:aLLo.:;icn of j'loor ir..8ula:icr. or C4ck;ns. [1J [2] ~ ;:O'-''J.".! ?~~'!!!"!c. E'!.Z~.~!C"-!. .r V~C:':/- Ai/reA!.: .~.o '.Jork. ~.a ::J ;;e COI.'flrlle. w::H ::i:.C.108 ir.,3::ec:::V7':s i&,:'V9 bee: ma:i. ':1"'4 :::Jt:'r~:'..=. FT:J:;?r ,~...- ::a-.,'_.. ...... F:"'-"r.:g ,,..-...... -..- '-"'-... .,,-~. ...., -.. ,;........":f mc:::..ria~s c:r.d ;'~for.e l~r.g ins?flo- e.oro. 0 ~<'~AMN<. ' F.tt("~I.'IC: ,~:!:. rflt;t.l-fl:Jud afJ;ar Q?Prov..:L of l'~gh pZur..Di,..g. "Zact"':;- c:zZ .f n:cc;..an\.:.:r.Z. .H~ raol!.r4 bra.ai'V ~ ohi:nm:y., at.:. r.r..lat' ~. . comDZ.:ad. .'lo '.;:ark is to a.. cOPt- . cflc,'Z_d :o:tiZ :hiD ir.soflo~C" ;.,Q., . be61t rrci. t:N! ap.,ra1.'cd. , - ~ .Your Cit-i. DeDig7'.atcd Job Nwnba ED: 1;< t illSlJLA'!'!ON/VAPOR :.4RRIE.:l I.'lSF'!Y:'!'IG1/: To b. madfl ateer aZL in$ul.:;ti.::m cr.d . reqzd.red 'Vapor tarriers arB in pZaCQ but ];6jo1'8 any lath, 9Ypswn beard O~ wLt co'Vering i. IZ?pLied, erA De[or. any in3UlaHon is conceated. fX1 D.T:{YWALL INSP~CT!O:V: Tc D6 r.:ad. ~ after aLL al'yt.;aLL is.in place, bu.t prior to c:ny eaping. O NASO!lt?Y: St..!. location, ~ond b#ar.J3, grcu~ing 01' t1wticcl3 in a.::ccZ-V:-4nC. lJ";th U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOOD~On.: Aft.l" i~taZZaticn i. cc:npL~:ccJ. ~ CURB & AFP.qO~CH _4?~N: Aft.':" ./0rr.r1l ~ ae crs:::t,:i out pl"'"..or to p.,"UM.ng .;on.::rtltfl. SIDEflALX & DRIt'EWAt: For aU CC7t- cretfl paving ui~hin street right- of-/,JeY, Co be mads',alt-lr aLL e:::c.- 'Varina cC1TIl1t.Q:e J fo~ wl"k & .:u.a- baSil ir.c:.riaL in pLa.:::fI. fK] O !'ENCE: :thdl': co:trpZ.tll -... Prot1U::.e gatfIB o~ :novabL. BeoC'i.t;ns throcugr. P.U.E. o Dr.'..'OGITIO,'! OR /:Ov::; aUILDr;iCS =:J Sarti:ar, 8e:Jf1Z' capped ::t l'l2::Jp.:rt':t. Lir-il :J Septic tank p'...,?i:d !::".d }'1.Lt.~ r..li.th ;ora'",;' --, Fi.naL - [/hen c:.;..-ve "-:Il:::S arB cC--::::1Zstec ......-J ar~ ~hen ~~L1.:i.o~ is compt..:. or s:~~~ C1l.."'tl mDv.c ar.a pr~;3f1S ::tll.:nd U? - Nobil~ H::.".":BS. :J Blocking and s.e-~p . . :==J Plumbi~ co"nec:~ans .~.l" ar.a wa~ar --, Electrical CCTl1:tlct!.cn ...' BLackin;, lll':-~~ --.J and pZumbing com:sccicns /T..lst ce C?pr:Jl:tl:' be;ol'r: rflqUtl8C-;ng e!do::rical. ins?ec~-::a:-: :=J AC::flS:;Ol-;j 3ui.l..i~r.g --, Fin.:7.L - I.ft~r ,;~rcr.ell. akirting, diJc>.3, -.J .t.:. are o~l.:~d. o AZL F~jBct cor.di:ions, 3UC~ as ~hs {ns::aLlation of ,:reflt =r~flS, ~::~!a:~11 of :n& required l.aru!scC?ir.g, etc., .'r.Ust be satisl:.ed actor6 tr.ll 3VI!'CI.W: ir:,','.!. ~c.n b. r'c;u.~s:,zd. .... @. FIllA' n.fJ:tSI:,'C :Xl n.VA' ,'.fE::iiA.lICA' : J( I n'IA' Eu:r::,~!c.:, .=:1 q) .t'r,v.1.L BUI!.DI.VC: The FinaL Buit.d:ng !1:s?_sctian .~t a9 re'quflated ,:.f:#r ti:# .:'inaZ ?!:m:bing ELectriaaL, c:nd N'c~:caZ Ir:spect;on3 ~uo be.n mad. and =;prcrJ-Id. fAU; UA,'lHC:.'ZS AlID C!.EA,'lC!.I:'$ ,'IUS':' 3E AC~ESS!3!.~, ACJr.'S;:!Z,~'T ':'0 3~ -.~~1CE ..!1' :.'0 ::5':' :, Cr:! P:':-I! o~. a P~~.2 , I JOB No.9\i7f:;C{ SOLA CESS REQ.- Y"~. ~A'" I:""., R ~ t... CcC'""'a",,' Crouo: ,;Ii'- "':3 "/<;1-/ . - ;:;;0"/('0'.3.: ~-k Bedrooms: ::? !r.oe Sq. Ft;;. M~ l.CT T'R:; .. -', [,oe Foces - ~OT;',i' - I' ::ne,,,,, So:.,.e. - : :Jf lat C~.rag& 2;Z ~ .K.. Ir:tmcr I P.:'. I Houss set~~~~6 I Aacess. ~::;l" 1!::;rPGF ',I.; 01 Stcri.ss '::( Corner lfIorth q ~ I II .qa~8 ,- I Toeal 9..,h: "2"3 I PaMondlo lEase 'f"' I I' III X I FireoLace 0 <:t!~XAN<E' ~_<~ IS"".;' :<:..~' '<0' I Wooo.'o"e I Topo,raphy CUl-do-oaa Iw..e I "7' I I Ir::.'1 I"'bin 1~~.2 I IC~.:'rt I I .-1c=8'ss~!"'''J' I S;~';C I "YPI I , Is.D.e. ro!.H, :'A[,liE 1. S = 11J(::'U.J Ewi Zd~ng Perm"';:- State Surcn~e Tota t CI-.a.....gl3 1r:~M f Fi-~.8 I a.sid'27Icial. (1 b<:t:h) lsc:r.it:.:z;"., SItlJ'l" liIc~L90 #~T/6-N4-L I ,"0, I Fr:: III I I . I I =< I/00ue>1 i Pl:unbing Pe"", e Stat, SW"c"~e T.:'tal Chcraes ,I :!EN I.~... SO. feo. /6 :<Q ,.VAJ/Ert8ru:i CiroCtd ts IT........... .....;>1 SemcB .'i0. I ~:-t" II I i I El.e=trical P.m: . St.::t. SW".:'wae Total C"lllU'ces ID:r.~ I P".aor..:zC8' ?tV'S I ;:e. J r" 1/ I I C; 1"3:'...D I I .i>ods.oo. I I I 1e><:'('~~MN<G' Ai;?1 I I I I j E::haust Hood V,,"t Fan Pemri.t I38U:::1'1Cf HfI::r.cnic::.l ?emi t State Sureht::rce "''''~t!l ~lI!tJ .... ~.'1CR:AC.~',~!!:I': .... I StlC'.l1'";tu O.r:03i.e I Stor-:v;. I !~~"t~e JParnri.t Total C"N:l"u!$ I Cur:'C"..l: I Sid.T.JaZ:C I ?'''''e I e!<lt::trica.l !.c:;d , j.lfobil. H""'. / - <0 . L/O' x Value I I I 16h/~-1 I "/6.Sb , ' , ~11.- I l!!. If'l I '2.~: 'I'll ' I I 2S': '-1 I CP.AP.GE ~"'D StS""'D /.So "'6'.80 , I I I I I CHARGE. I ,:<~0Ca I I I I I I I I I ,=<,,S':c::lClI' I.cal '~6."'O' ' CHARGE I I ".~I / :< ,$al I S:c:>61 /c?- :r /. So. ;.<61 ~<.;::tG'1 ' I I I I /, I'!- '/0 I 7. "'0. I ! ~ ~Dh? ABov~ ~/6. ~c::> I ! 7",rAL ~k"""'/7'r~ I iW'~IfO '7OTAt ANOIJ.'IT DIJ!:' 1<6 <.~ "L-COG~ T;;-::. tC~. F~t!s Building Value & Permit This pen:r:.t ia gNnted on the '--press ~ndition that tn6 atiid constl"'..lc:;:on BhattI in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinance ~doFt,d by th. Ci~~ ~f Sprir.gf':.etd, ';rtC!~i1tg th. Zonir.g Ordinance, l'eg'olk:tir:g ths ccr.3t:""..l.::i.;r. ar.d :laB of ouil..iings, end r.t:!' be JU:;PBnds.:l or revokec at C1".rJ t-:..":I. :.Irar. vie- la:ion: cf -:rr.y pl':Jvi3i.cr.s of said Ordir.au:BS. IPlan ehook Fee: ;:::;~. ~O ICat. Paid: Go -10 .'iS3 IRe..";pe *:f:> (>9 I D ft: lP IS.:g,:od: .~ 1',/ Plumbing Permit No pereon &haZl construct" ins:al!" attar or chan;e any r.stJ ar tt:is:i.r:g plumaing or drainage systen in ~hola or in part" unless such ;arson is tr~ legaL posssasor of :z uaZid plumber's license, ~cspt tha.t a pa:os01l ma~ do pZ04r.:bing :.;ark to propsrt-:I which is otJr.sd" l.~.d or operc:t~ by ths c:pp'Li- cane. 1/ /' Electrical Permi t 1lhe1'e. $t:ate LcJJ requires croat thd sZBctnca.'L fJOrk ,,, dons by an E1.aotM.cal Contractor, the BlBc:rical por:ian of :hia ;ulmit shall roOt ba valid ;u:ti~ tM label has beB71. signsd by cM El.sctricaZ ~ontrc:c:or. Mechanical Permit ~.~~ ;;..en G=:n~-'f--I...:~ . ?-/~8':Y '-'Cl...t r HAVf: CARErol.l.:t SXA'fINED t.1uI compl~t.d cppli.catiol't' for pflrmit, end do hflreby csrti.fy that aH i..",:fO:mat:'011 hereon i.s trt.l" ar.d COl'!'cct, ar.:! ; t.ao:J:er certi.l:; :ha:t a.7'ly ar.d aU l:ork ;erlo~8d shall b" do~. in aC::Jr- <lanes :.lith tits Ordinances of tM Ci~ !Jf Spri.ngli~Ld, a.nd tn;o ~a of" tJ:3 St.:Ita of Oreg"n patJ.ining to tJ:. IJOr.lc c.ss~bcd herg,:,n, cr.i! tha: .':0 OCC!1- pl-lIe"l :Jill. Dd nr:::::e of QUJ se:l"Uct:.u'B IJitho:lt parrrr'i.33ion of' thit :uitdir.g rr;- vision. I ftcrther :er1:i{;; tr.:;,t o:tly ~c":rc:t:Jrs ar.d erpL:yess r.:;."o .::'8 in ~pZiancB Llith CRS ?Ol.'ose wilZ.be used en thia proj:ct $iil1Jd llats