HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Land Drainage Alteration 1998-11-23 ..~"t(J~~Ji~rrJ~~~\iT!:~~'f)"!!t;~tIt!~Tii;S.9FlIl~(t1 (JUt''!i'lA'ifP~C~~~'f,!:~;;\'~1''':(':~.. '.'.,", ' , _",~r:~~~~~~~~:~:o~~:rI::t:ra~~~~~~~;:rel;I~~~:'~~~~~:v~~ei~~;:,a~~~I~e~~~~~~~;~:' of ' ',:.-'.,...:<......L.\.......... . ".. ., .... ^"..." -'....-. I -',; i.'.... :," ~" ~. 52 lJ.:.t . '0.;.'. \: f".. " Z,:. '. '". '0'" . .' , , ,,1=;" '~",,' " . . . .'- , , ' UJ,.- . L..;;, ~" .~ "~,'...; ~-. UJ o ~. .~'. Z..,. , , , " " .~. ^ U. '",> .W.. Z '<C' Q' z; "::5" , , , , , a: UJ Z ~ o . .. "' ',' ,.' t';J~of~~~ilc~~n.,'li:; Iff! " r:Prope~bwnet .,II?," 'I . l .' _. I ~~ . ~ , '. Address ':'~~ 9," ~AL1 <;,0;.>> "," , .". " 'Permit EXplr8tton;D8t~: :PIi~ne: (b~ 11_ Lf Set,,~ nO? .' Cltv ~vTkb r:. Stlite:21:.Zlp~, ," " . I . .' '. . . ,; Springfield. Oregon " t1W:i n ~, " Cy, "I'? 1'\ ., , Site ,Address:lp.;,b '\G-S SI (J4ISlIlvb' UJ I- ii5 f . ~ . o UGB Tax Map No: \ ~ a 7 '13 'i U. ' 'Journal niinibarappUilableLand Use Ap, pllcetlon ,. . ..' ... '. '/ '+8~ Lot:j) 3 <I- on z o !;;: a: UJ !:i <t Cl z :5 "'~ " Fltl.;Ouantltv '.',' f l.f? VUJ) Source L\lcatlon ':. '" :, . Supplier .~ Q..~,'A' C,d,L: ~..,<vlt '. Material, ,?//' t:r~RADING,aUantlty.r ' ' , 'tJ 'EXCAVA1;ON>'Quantltv DestlnatJon~ .; , Supplier: ' . Project Supervisor ~ddreS8 . ': " " ',: "', Phone -~'" , " .._.. - . ..: , , . ' '~. 'V~, ~ z UJ :2: J: U <t ~ Cl UJ a: 5 a UJ a: ',''!Dr 'l'~ , ' ..', ,sITe PLAN R~ulr~d Dsts:Quahtltv of material. Property lines and descrllltlons;;Tex r'nap"md , lot, number, Site address. existing contour IIn!'s. ProllOl!ed c.o!"tour, lines, existing dralnagll W8Yl!"PrOllosed drainage wavs. Significant trees and foliage, ,Ground cover."SoDJypesi ," , ~lr~I~~~~gC:3 :if~~~o~:~:~~s.Areas subject to f~oo:drng.,lJt!lltles.:Areas s~bJect to land ; '"1,"," . ,. ." . , . 'CROSS SECTIONS, , SC>ILS 8. GEO':'OGVPLAN. . -' .'. . " DRAINAGE; POLLUTION, AND EROSION CONTROi,pLAN ,:tl ",b' 'IBI ,'0 , "[:1 .... . r " '.' ".,.:., ," en I- Z <t !:i :J en z o u , 'COMPANY NAME: . , i:PROJECT SUPERVISOR: , ,ADDRESS: . . ,COMPANY NAME: .,: -. . ,'PROJECT .SUPERVISOR: .'" ,". ". '\ " : ADDRESS:, '.:, , ". ....../" . STATE ',PHONE CITY ~ATE . ; PHONE' .. ~: .' CITY, ,....'.. ~. a: o I- U <t a: I- z o u .~, . .,.~: : . ,1/.0 /lAb, ,,^-O RTi....~ . , ' ,;"'CONTRACTOR'NAME:, ' ': 'PROJEct SUPERvIl:iOR: , '"0 . ,,'Regl~on Number: (ADDRESS: ,: 'STATE:', ,.; MOBILE PHONE: , (lW'N~ ,"': ' ~ - '.' "PHONE . Expiration Date: . erTY:' ,. ., .! ". OFFICE PHON.E ,.' , EMERGENCY PHONE: ' I FAX . , ZIP: 'I und.iSt8nd ihoi ~or my .....,,:. '" moy h~vo Mur. pl~no ior'my Property whICh ';'OY be~ntlolplited ~r ~~i\lIeI~ed at ", IhIa tIrrie. I', . ,..,..' ndthat suell futuraplon. mov.roqulre,parmlts ond dll1. ,:., ,... nt opprovalo frOm the aw,~f Sjl,ririgflold, ," 1 uncIoround thltnot\l, "',' ,Ing ony opprovol of thlo Land ond Dralnogo Allemon hrmit'ILDAI!I.that It,thUlmo,of I . Ipplloatlonof f&$n'permlta or .approvels the City mey revIew and reoonatder:all'.ctlona Wh oh' or rny"u~~~o~ h~v. .;'. .uitilertalcell ~ to,lhIa LDAP. I undorotlnd thot tho City moy aO'1 condlllgn of any. future_~pp_iil. raqulrli ,tho ' . undoIng. changing. or inodlflOltlon of any actIons whIch I hay, undsrtakan 81 . result of th, Clt'(1 approval of this LOAP, . ,-' . ' - - " ' . -1 ' ."~. .~, en z :5 n. UJ ,0: :J I- :J i:... '. ,.:. '.' ,'.. '. ,'. ': . .' .' ','t'";' '. BY atgnetuie, I oioti ond oliree. thot I hlvo corefulIY axomlnod th8'Completed oppncatlori arid do hereby cet'tify that all .', It\formotlon,horeln '" tNo ond correct, and I funher certify thot any ond en workperformod ohan ba dona In accordonce ' ',.wIth the,Ordlnancea of the City of, Springfield, oppnceble City Stondard opeelflcatlona ond Drawlngo. and tIili;liiwo'of tho e' ::,Stete"of Clfegon Il0rt0lnlng to tho work creoorlbod'horaln.1 funhor eart!fy.thot,only,co,...,.,...", indemPIOyell!rhO,ore In ....,...,.... wlthORS,701,OBlI will be uoodonthlo proJact. " . '", ,','., . .: '. .'.' .' " , I The ~ iney 'Inopiict the work lito daoorlbed In th, ',Ii pOrmltat on~iimOdutl~ e ani yeor period fonOwlng,th'O ,reca lin by the CItY of notice of oomplotlon.of tho dooorlbod'work 'ond opeel ,It the CitV'i'oo'o diaocritJon, any oddltlonil ,...., "on workrequtred ,to retum the 'alte to . atan~ardacoeptablll to the .. . Thepennlttee,wm be notified In,wi'ttIi'tg.of any work ~ _ wmheYe thIrtt,130J:daye frOm tho doto of thonotlce to complote the'worlc. Work not ooinploted It tho end'of ' ,1hethirty,daye wID be performed by.tho CIty and tho coote wID be bmed to tho " ,'.., I." , ' . r.-, :. ',' ," ~,,:., .', ;' ,,' , ". , " ,:1 ful:ther agree to enluiethat,oll required lotion. ore roquootedot the ptOper time. that project edd,re'" '" reodobro from o:,theotreet..,~ ' ," .., o~:'}p'ona IremOlnOnth..IteItOUtlmeaclurlng~rmruotlOn. ',:',. ' ,.S1 ... ,,(/\/, ''-, Dote.. '. ..~'t:./.!'~..._~""'~..... ," ._. . '. ~ ..., '!t ',-. " . " oJ"",,, ~, " ".. ' . . ii!;li.t\.:' ";;"'" ,.~... '._~ ~.___ _.._....__~.._....:..._.~_.'-':.~~g~i~:~~~~: UJ a: :J !;: Z Cl ii5 .:,7,~' -- ./-..", ~~J:.., 9<6%l/4g~ " I' ~O -'1 '\ , ',' r-' -, ~," 'c!:' L.U 0- Z o C r ~.,. L.U I- ;......J <( u.J <.J <( Z - .<c:, ' ~' o o z -< A, L--J Z ::s 116/1998 '" I:J '. , 'il '~ q DRAINA(3E.,C Storm, C Ditch. C Culvert. C Netui~1 WETLANDS. ,pescrlptlonJ1lme. FLOOD PLAIN. Z~ne: /'... , FEMA Community PeneINo.:41-SS4ft..'~~ 4A .' ,,'......... -''''':0- . '", -,- ..".. "~____'. '''LOOOWAV. "IMA Comm.unltv...ana' No;i ' . Clltal ' "" . ~. ," PLAN CHECK FEES: , UP ,TO 1 CO CUBIC YARDS , .101 TO 1,000' CUBIC YARDS 1 ;001 TO 10,000 CUBIC YARDS 10,000 TO 1 00;00'0 CUBIC YARDS . 100,001 TO ,200,000 200,001 CUBIC YARDS OR MORE , 'GRADING PERMIT FEES: ' UP TO 100 CUBIC YARDS 101 TO 1,000 CUBIC YARDS 1,001' TO 10,000 CUBIC YARDS, ' 10,000 TO 100,000 CUBIC YARDS ,- $20.00 r,ao,uu ) .a.u.{;u.. ...". - . , $40,00 For the first 10,000 'cublc,yarela"plus " . '" $20.00.for each additional 1 0,000 cubic y.,ds or fraot/on th",eot, . $220.09 For the first 1 00,001 cublo y.,ds; plus ' $20.00 for each additlonall0,000'cublo'yards or !raot/onthillil.f. $340 F,or the first 200,001cilb1o yafda, pi... ,', ".::,'. , $6.00 for, each edditlonall0,OOO .ublc:,yards or fiaCtlorithoiOiif: .." .,. ........ ." " .-.... .. , . ". ." , '100,001 TO 200.000 . $30.00 , ' ,,' " . ..' $30.00 For the first 10'6 cubloyarila; pi... ' .. $14,00 for eeoh edditlonall00 oublo yard. or fraot/on thereof. .', $156:00 For the first I,OOO:cu~lo,yarda, plua, ' . .. ' . "'. " $12,00 for each additlon.1 1,600 cubic yard.' or !raot/on thereof, '$264.00 For the first 10,000 cublo vardi, plua, , '. '. "." \. :~. $54,00 for each additlonall0,OOOcublc,yaidi or fraot/onth~..f; ; $750.00 For the flist'100;001 cublo yarela.pl..., ..i;' $30.00 for each additional 1 0,000 CUbic yard. or fraot/on ther~of" , . ;' . .,' . ; .:.' 'X-'" ..-~~::.".'I. Receipt No: 6 3;/ /. ,! 6at~:~1 Z =6 Ill;>"', /') j-'\.. ~,', .' FleceIPtNo:f' ' , ~ate:' 'Es~lmafed Volume:" , " ". " N' , .', .., "7. A ~, Plan ClieckFee: '~J ,CJU . R~celved By: :.s; I. '..e" Gral:ll~g permltf~e:~O.lJ7,' 'Date: ',' , Recel~ed by: .Date: " " '.."-, I I <'" " " . .. ./. - ;,", ~ planning J( fhi<-, . . ~ Engineering 'er-' Buliding:c /~f'~M," o "Malntenance:' . , " ..e~tl!: , I;l~te: . Date: Date .'i"'. ;. 1,. I, Permit Number Issued !;ly: Dafe:' :aa"'lj~;..r4 s:1...~, I':'~'~AM-~~n'... Planning:' , eriglneerhig: Building: ' Maintenance: ' ; Date ',,' ".- ',Date' Pate '....~<-: ~: .' " ... '-.'~'" ~ . <t':;~.:;:,' .~ .". :~~~. ',:, ..... . Date: ,',' " , ,',', .,...'., ',';'7' "L '0' ,Land and Drainage activity as outllne!lln this permit hasbeen'i?ornPleiedln'~cc#irda.n~~wii:h,. 'theprovlslonsonhispermlt.' ,,' , , '.'.. ,;,". ,',','::;".', "... o ' 'Wl~ nn,dp9b~lYrclWs ~cr~~fj 3~r~Yl!lrI!ld ,In this permi~ h~l! ri~t ,l;>e~~i:9mplete~ln,~.~~C)rcl!lnCe . , " \ ..,,' - . -.' ',,:". ':. ':.,., ',_:;:.' .... -' o : Ll!nd and Drainage activity _was performed prlor,to appllc:!lt)c;1O .for tills p,ermlt. c' -,' . i ' . j -. '. . '. "..:' '. ',,". .. . : ",' .'1....,.-..<" - . ", ' ,'1', Acc811ted by: "Date:' " . ""."" 't. .j ',' -" ',:" :,:~r./,~> I " ;':~::;;7:":"{:~ " :,,( .' , ," - .~ .... .' " .