HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-10-24 es' '.. RESID~TIAt.. APPLICAT.PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ~L\d\-'d ~OO\(\(\ )df1~ Iffi8.D58. 2> - Ta:c Lot N r-oRCD Subdivision: Gt:ld Q (\ \....QlffClJ'O J~()-G t ~, ~l\<.~ I L\ cm.erU\lA . Trrl(\n~k AddreBB:~ID ~CAA m(\JR\ . odd (fjtJ () ] ~UL l:5~~\\\ \~ -3C1 A ro. , ) ~Cl- '\p80 Data ':;::::~::icn ,I h - \ \ ,O[) Value 47\l CC{) ", .lob Location: AS.Gesaol'Z Map N Citlp n n II n NPl,' Addi ticn Remodel SPRINGFIELD ~ Phone:14tcy!Jtl I, rr-v1 /Q. (, Zip: '-1 rr I U , Receipt ,1/ L XSL{ ~ ..~....-.~..~..,.~. ~ , ~ . ,', ~. .. Sigr.ed: Date: ~~(DlJ It) .,44-,-({ ) LiRe. g Bldrs ff\~ \\,{\~R, Board Reg, 4\ nL\- 'l ~ J'110nf' ,(,/f,-, -CJ/7..L Cont.ractors l... \ ArlcirP'Hs 'General (, l)\~)" U..'t ~-l3l.9 m ,Plumbing i Hechanical _ . _ I E~~ctri.!;al\'<fI, _" \,)\:' ~("h~ I SUDeIi~~~;_~~~~g__~~ec t~\clnn It is the l'Bsponoibility of ths permit holder to BBB that all inopections al'e made at the proper tim~~ that each ~e8B is 't'eadab:e from the street, and that the permit oard is located at the front of the property. ' ~Bui!di~ Diui:io~ approced plan shall remain on the Building site at all times. PROCSDUP.E FOn INSPECTION RE:OUEST:CALl 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job number, job address, type of in3pe(!;icn requested a~d when you 1Jill be I"eady foI" inspection, ContractoT'S 01' Ot.mers ncme and ~hone number. Requests T'eceived befol's '1:00 G;':'I ....ill be made the same day, roequests made after '1:00 am will be trade the nczt :.x;rking day. . , ,. Y;"'r City Deaigr.atad Job Number Ia: q ()\ Q4 ( ') Rl?rpi,.prf T'1!Jnp~tir.'lJ;J O SITE INSPECTION: To .be made afteT' excavation, but pM-or to set up of foms. O . UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICIIL & ".ff'.~CHA,'1ICAL: To be made before any I work is ~ovcred. 'IA" FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made ~ after trenches are excavated and forms are e1'ected, but prioT' to pouring cencret~. r-t/W,'DSRGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. W.1TER, L....:.lf DRAINAGE~ To be nnde priOl' to fil- lir.g trenchee. o UIlDE,9FWOR PLWBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation 01' deaking. ROUC!! Pr.U,'1BI!lG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No :Jerk is to be cot.'ered ,until thcse inspections have beer. made and approved. FI.~EPLACF:: Prior to plc:cir.g facing mc:teI'iaZs and before framing inspec- tior:. FRAJ~INr:: Muat be requested after approvaZ of rough plwrbing, electT'i- cal & mechanical. At! roofing bracing & chinmcys, et". 1I1'",st be . completed. 1I0 lJ:1rk is to be con- ; cealed until thin inspection has . be~n made and approved. 10 10 ! o o ./ D INSULATION/VAPOR. BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made afteT' all insulation CC"A '. raqu-:'l'ed vapor baP1'ieT's a:re in place '.. t.' but before any lath, gypsum board or LXlZZ covering is applied, and before any inJJulation is concealed. D DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be ma.de after all drY1.Jall is in place, but priol' to any taping. Exoi-ces \ \ IliLr::I() . ' DE/./OLITION OR ;~,'OVE!J BUILDnJGS ~ Sani ~y se'.JeI' ~apped at propcrr:; lir:e " , ' , , . ",'/"'''_ r,'bllh'f~^""\~"';I' J..~' iU. ,'.~' ~ Septio'J tank ~.u::ped and fille~ tJith gra;;cl I Final - fl'hen abeve items are ccmpleted ~ ar.d when demolition is complete or st1'U~- ture moved and pr~mi3es ~leaned up. 'Mobile Hames ~tocking and Set-up ~lumbing conne~tions S&lJer and wa;el' ~Electrical. Connection - Blocking, set-up ..tLJ and plUmbing connections ,""",st 1;e appro~ed before requesting elec~ricat inspec~io~ ~ Ac~esso"';;i Bui lding ~ pjnal. - AftaY' porcr.es, ~t;. are campletcd. skirting, decks, O MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grouting 01' verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. D f./OODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpZetcd. ~CURB & APPRCAClI APRON: After' forms ~ are cre~ted but prior to pouring """-,rete. . r;:rSIDEWALK & DRIl'Eflt.Y: For all con- ~ crete paving within street l'ight- of-way, to be made after all e:rca- vating complete & form lJOrk & eub~ ba~e matel'ial in plaae. D PENCE: f.lhen compl~te -- Provide gates 01' movable sections thl'ough P,U.E, Ba~~ D All project conditions, ouc~ as the installation of stT'eat trees, 'co~lction of tne required Zandsccpir:g, etc., must be satiaficd befor~ the BUILDINC PINAL can be 1'~quest:!d. ,0 FIliAL PLUMBIIIG I 10 FINAL f.fE(;HANICIIL I !D FINAL ELECTRICI.L !::=J , o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeoted after the Final Plumbing Electrical, and Mechar:ical Inspectiono hQI)(] been made and app1'ov2d. ~A!,.L MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS nU~';T OF: ACCESEIBLF., ADJUST!tENT TO BE ',t.1DE AT NO CaST TO CITY J Paf~c of 2 ,.- I JOB No,c\OL94() I Zone: \ \ lY J .-.,- - SOLAR AaES,S REQ,- Gee,,,,,,,,,," G. \<. .~ WT TYPE Type/Coy:st: . L-COC-1,!; Bedrooms: f!L... Enerq}1 SO:J.l'ces FY'~--, Heat Watar .'/natm' Range Fireolace Wood;Jtot:e Tilve / 1></ "-... 1'--... I Lot Sq. Ft{;. s ~f lot C.:weragc: .f of Stories Total Height Topography I lITEM 1_ 'ffi \\ I Gerace I Cal'vnrt SQ,FTG Aee~ +J TOTAC VAWE Is,o.c. IUCt.UCJ 1.5 '" Building Permit (3? 0 State Surcharge Total Charges lITEM I Fi.rtW'es 1 ResidentiaL (1 bath) I Sani taroy Sewel" I Water 1...'l\tJQf1 , I NO. FEE I I '_I Plumbing Perrr:i t State Surc1-..arge Tota l ChaM68 lITEM I NO, ~fta. NGlJ/Extend~its I I Temporary Service ~ I I Ele~tri~rmit ~urahal'Qe ~. Total Charr;es lITEM fa, Furnace ETlI'.~ E.::haua t Hood I Vent Fan I W::wdsto:Je Pe'l"rlrit I38uanca Me::hanica.l Permit State Surcharae Tota Z. CharaeD -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SeC"~M.tl/ D2D03it I Storage I Maintenance I Permit Total Chal'OCB Curbc:ut I Sid_ tk I Pen::e j Elee tl'ica l ?lCY lQ() ~ [,abet HOK~an* 0..) \)~) I - ':::P?O I TOTAL Al;fOUNT DUE:-4 FEE FEE -- Fees:'-' Value ' I ~L\ ~/~{) I-~' ) ,,~ 1 I 1 ~.~~d I LolL .QSJ. l~,5D I IS( c94 ,LO~I' I I I I I 1 1 I I I ~\c\J. I I 1 I 1 \ \ \n. )j . \4 - SO.! Y,CCJI 1 I ffi ,.:-51 I ~'Jc:;1 . 0 S.dSl -/ CM.ho R ~ B/'fia"~d' Interior Corner PanhandLe CUL-de-sac x CHARGE rys,.CV IRS.CJ{) 1.6) S.l? 17\ ~ .0-11 1 (~.'lS I') ~ . '15... . CHARGE /" ~ ----- CHARCE , I Lot Faces - I I P,C, INorth lEast South IWest Setbacks House Caraqe AccesS. " . 'Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on the erpress condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and UDe of buildings, and may be sUGpended 01' revoked at any time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir-.ances.. ,I Plan Check Fee: I Cate Paid: IRecdpt #: ~ ISig~ Plumbing Permit ~ ----- No percon DhaH construct, install" aUer or change any new cr e::isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, ur.less such person is the 'Legal possessor of a valid plumber'8 license, except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical'Permi t 1 1 1 1 I. Where State LabJ requires tr.at the electrical. work be done by an Ele~trical Contractor" the electrical portion of-this permit shall r~t be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. 1>CJ ~ ~ \)U. illtt ~~~ -~, Mechanical Permit ill ffi: \:\~~ }D,\~qO I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compZeted appZication for permit, and do hereby certify that aZl infonmation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar:d aZZ IJOrk perfoMJed shaZZ bQ do;"le in ac~or~ dance with the Ordinances of the city of SpringficZd, and th& Ur~8 of tho State of Oregon p::;rtaining to the work describad herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any struatura witho~t p3~i8aion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o;"lly contractors ar.d e:rrpl.?yees /Jho are in compliance /Jith ORS 701.055 /Jill be used on this project ~m~ / d t,9!d~() .--/ '~ . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBUC WORKS METROPOUTAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 As required by the City 'of Springfield that vith the approval of the attached manufactured homes viii be placed at Springfield, Oregon, City Job Number Development Code, I understand and per~rq4p,of ~~&D U()\R6L) . agree " Class A Manufactured Home. A manufactured home of not less than 24 feet in vidth and 1b~ ~not less than 2:12),roof pitch; vith exterior dimensions enclosing a space of at least 960 square feet, vith roofing and siding materials that are commonly used or compatible vith site built homes. Class B Manufactured Home. A manufactured home of not less than 12 feet in vidth and 16% roof pitch'- with exterior dimensions enclosing a space of not less than 500 square feet, vith roofing and siding materials that are commonly used or compatible vith site built homes, ~~ Signature . ~ J&/:;L{j90