HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-9-13 r-- Receipt ,If . \<2JL~7" ~. .. RESIDENi[IAL" APPLJCA1'1()~'JlMI1' 2.~5 NOY'th 5th StJ'eet .'Jpr"ingfield, OY'egon 97tJ77 Building Division 72G-.3753 ~Ob Loe.,tian: EJ9';)"(/' OO""~"'f_~.H) / '"""""or= "'.IV # / flj);:L ()3dL'3 Tax Lot N, ()(1 X't5-r:J . ~di"iSion:~J /:1 ~ -4 ~,,-'i~aJ - / ~Je"~m" \;~..J ~r)~/~)~ 4ddl'e"~t? SOdl<l 4J~, J:J- Phone: 7d!(rd).~7 / ,'ity: ~f"'-// ()r~ Zi?: 97~1R -l ~ ~l ,'1;~L.l Describe t/ol'l~: .1dditicn "- ~Pr\V\ CQ(J(J2C'\OU /?<]mo.:!el o :fo"-=- le ,l/vm:! Date of Applicaticn :t)JHr~I(.:tors .~enerill Value ll.umbing 1echan:lt.:ul ~,~"Lru;,t1 ()\ I'::\' '::;C' ~ :llllWti.....~tt.H':lg 1.:1l'(, t r Ie t.ltl ~ Sigr.ed: ~\p -- (\~ - \_~_Ct':-) Date: Add ress Lise. II BIdrs Il,'ard Reg, EXI>ices ppnn,~ D IN:JfJl.A'I'IONIVIlI'O,li UMUUf.'f{ INSP,~'CTlON,' To be macic after alt insulatian a~4 l'equil'cd UapoI' baT'T'iel's aPe in place . but before any lath, GYpsum boaI'd or txll'L covet'in!! is applied, and before any inaulation is concealed. It is the re:lponoibility of the permit holder to se8 that all '~nD[>ections are made at tile proper timE:~ that ccah .::ddress is readab:e from the street. and that the permit card is lxated at the b'Ont oJ" the property. "HII1'.!di,.uJ Mvi::io~ appl'oL."cd plan a1u:ll remain on tlla Bu'~l.dl~"(' Si.t:: at all times. f:FOCSDllr?E pon JNSPEC'rrON Rs.,OUE!JT:CAll 726-3769 (/'cc:order) Dtate !fOUl' City desianated job nun:bel'" job addrcss, type of itl::;pe~"!:-iclI r.l.!quL'8tcd ar.d whetl you !.JiZZ be ready fOl' in8pcction~ Contl'actOrV or' OlJnero nf"JTIe and phone numbcr. Requests received befol'e '1:00 ~ ~ill be made the swne dey, l'cquests made after '1:00 wn will b~ n~(lc the next ~rki~J day. Your City /!eci~rJlted Job Nw,ba rD: q ro)Cf;6? -.- ~~n.'11:1,pd T.!_'lTlf'(.t1:r..!i4' ] .<;"]'1'."-.' INS]>f.'/"''',''!()N: To be made aftel' e,L":.:alJ~tion. bl4t priOl' to act up of forme. I UNDEREI"W PLUMBING. ELECTRIC,lL ,~ ---1 Nr:CH.1:!1L'AL: 'fo be made bajol'.;] any 1.lOI.k ia ~oucl'cd. ~ FOOTING _>:: FDUND.1TICN: To be made after tl'e~whea are excavated ant:! fUJm~ arc erected, but pl'io~ to p..:llll.ing ecneret.::. U!mSRc,r:OI/;'!D Pi-UM.7INC. S,~'Wf.'R. W.1Tf.'t?, f).'MI!lA(;]~>: '1'0 he ITX.J.Jc priol' to fil- T{'YJ - t----;;;ncher:. ~ ~ I1Nn,r;;RPu.JO.r? J'l.l1!.!.rnNG ,~ f.!EC!1ANfCAf,: iFo }Jc mnde pl'iol' to illstallat.ion of [lvol' i~ll1ulction or decking. }'(lST ANI) BEAM: To be made prior to illstall.1t~clI 0/ flool' insulation 01' der.:k.intJ, ~ ] R()!'r:!! !'{,{/.'!.rJT!!C, EU.'CTR!CAi- ,~ UF-Cll- MIfl.'AI.: ,\'0 '..JOl'k is to be cOI....U.cd ~:~ these inspectim:s },ave beer. /fI{ule ,:u,,1 appl'oved. F[.'~f.'P!.AI:f:.': Prior to plccir,IJ facing fIIGC;el'l~al:l and bejore framing inspec- tl0r.. ] ] FR..WrNr;: ,'.fust be requested aftero appr'ov.1l of rough pZwr.bing, electri- eal & mech:l1Ii~al. Al! roofing l.>J.aciIlIJ ,~ cidrTTncys. et~. m:.lst be compl.ned. !lo wOl'k ia to be con- ceded Imti1. thiD inspection ha:J 'been made mIl! approved, o DRYWAl.L INSPEC-'TTON: Tc be made altcl' all dl'yuall ia in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond bewl/o, arooutillIJ 01' vcrtic:ala in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. (roDDSTO'lf.': After iWJtallation is (."crn[)leLcd. I DEMOLITION OR ;'.:OVE!J BUILDIllGS --, Sani~cu'y se'Jel' :!apped ~t prop<:l't:; l.~:-e ~ , . J~"I,"','H\I t,,'";'{\I'~""'-:ll ;:...~,I.,~ :=J Septi.:: tank p:Lycd and fiLled L1ith ijra;;el :J Final - tl'hen above ite:.'1s are ccmpletcd and when der.rolitior: is complete 01" st!'l.i~- ture moved. and premises cleaned up. , Nobile /Jcmes ~ Blocking and Sat-up ~ Plumbing connections s;:wer and wa"!:ero ~lcctl'ical Connection - Blocking ~ se.t-II? =-.J and plumbing connections rrr....st !;e appr:n:ed before requesting elec:rical ins~ec;io~ :=J Acces:;ol'!j Bui ld~ng :J Pin~l - Aft::r p:Jrc1:es~ etc. al'e completed. skirting~ decks, o o D CURB ,{ APPRCAC/J AJ'.r:DN: Afte:, forms are cre;.oted but p,'iol' to poul'ing .::on.::rc te. SIm:rlA[.K ,~DRII,,,;II,1Y: F01' all con- CI'ete paving within street right- of-way" to be made afteI' all exca- vating completa .e rom wOI'k & :;ub- ba:;e rooterial in pla::.oe. D AU PI'o,i."?et c:ond~ti()na, I.HUff: aa the 1..notaLlation of atl'eet trees, "eo.":1pletion of t~e r'{!qU1~l',NI lalll!:wr.fI~~:a, eL(!., rmwt be aati:lj"icd before the BUILDINC FINAL can be 1'2queat:ul. ~ Fl'll,l/.!'f.U:'.!!JltU; ~ ntl,ll. !.!F:.:II..I.'I1CM, :=J PfN/l!, fU'C'!'.'IIC,~f. o D !'ENCP.: lI'her. compl.~te -- Provide auter.; or movable IJectiono through P.U.F;, o F[NAl, nUIl.nINe: 'rhe fillal lJuilding Inopection muat be l'eqlleoted after the Pinal PLwnbinJ ElcotJ'icaL, and Mcc}Zar:.ictll. Inspcctiona ltalJa been made and approl.lzd. o ;,1U, tf,lNlIOI.r:.',' ..lNlJ (,'U.'..INO[)'I':; .'I11.'.T m: :l(,'C,,:::r:fflDf:, A/J.!lfSr!f,t:.'I'F TO .'?E !..'..1m-.' rr ,.'0 r~lST TO CT?'Y I r;l!~"" of:: --, ! I JOB NJ.-\(1)~hQ SOLAR ACCESS OcCU?ancu G. I Zone: Lot Sq, Ft". ~ ~f tot Coverag~ # of storie:J TotaL Height Topography I I ITEN I Main I Gr.raae I Carnort I AccessorII I I Is.v.c. 1.5:r: I SQ.FTG TOTM, VAWE (vaLUe) Bui1.dina Permit State Surcharge TotaL C~Itt~ge3 IITEN I f'ixt~es I Heside"tia~ (J bath) I Sanit:1T"1J SelJ8r- I Wcter I I NO. PLwnbing Pemit State Surcr.arge TotaL Charnes 11TI.~' NO'1 I I I Re.':. So. fta. Naw/EXtend CircuitG I Temporary Service I Eleatrical Pennit Stat~ SurCMr<18 TotaL Charqer. i ITSN 1 FurnacP.' !!TU' S I E:::haun ~ flood I Vent Fan I Woodntove I I NO. I FSE Permit Issuance Mechanical Permit State surcharo6 TotaL Charae::J -- !:NCHOACHNENT -- ISe~~ritq Deoo3it I Storage I Mr1in tenance I Permit Total ChaMOB Curbcut I Sid_~k I,c'rmce I Electrical Labe'L Mobile llome l'1'IlIJ'Jlr_ H.lflUN7' nflF'~. LOT TYP!: Interior Corner Panhand~e Cut-de-sac x Valu~ I Ff.'!: C/lARG!: FE!: CHARGE 'tG~ I _\.75 I r~.{~I. C/lARGE . ~ REQ.- L -COe:' I wt Faces - I I P.l.. INorth lEast ISouth ~We:lt Type/Cor.nt: . II ACCGao.]I II I. 1 : T;wr. 1 1 1 1 I. 8edl'00ms: Ener'!y SOilrCeG !leat Water .'Ir!Otf!r Range Firenlo(:e Wood:;tove Setback:; 1I0ur.e r.aro(1n -- Fans Building Value & Permit I 1 1 I 1 1 I . This pGnnit is granted on the expreDs condi~ion tllat- the :;~d(l. eVll::I.I'II<.'til.1I1 shall, in all respects, conform to tile ordinance adopted by i/w Cu.!! Llf Springfield, i1tc!uding the Zoning Cr>d:.nance, regulattng the ccm,l.l'lI>:l.icll and use of buildingB, and m:::.y be aUDpended or> revoked at c/:y ti.r.;f; 11['0/: uit;- Latton of any proviatona of aaid Or>dinances. Plan Check Per.: Catr.: raid: Hec::il't H: ~Sia""d: Plumbing Permit No pP.r>COII :;llaLl con.'Jtrllct, instal!, aLter or> change G11Y neW Cl' exisil:"!.' plWTIbing 01' dJ'ainage a1jlJtP.:1l in whole or in part, w:lcG:; :n.c11 FCI'::O'1 i:; {,h.: legal poaacsnor> of a valid plWTIber 'n licenae, e.rceri t1:at a pr.:':;oll r.kIil ti" pLumbing work to property whicll is owned. leaaed or operated by U:(! <1Fpli- cant. . Electrical Perm it Where StatP. Law requires th.a.t the electrical work be done by all Sledl't(:,ll, ControctorJ thq electrical por>tion of this permit shall not be valid IiIltil the label ha..'1 bee'l nianed by the ElectricaL Contractor. ~(>(-{> 1'\ . \?~c.oD(ec\ \~ Mechanical Permit ,- . Plall &:rrJTIt.lIer vat.1] I //.1VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED tbe completed application for permit, and do hereby certify tl~t all i~fo~tion her>eon is true and correct, and I fUrtluilr> certify that any ar.d all work perfoI":7led shall bfl do:1e ia ac~or~ dance with the orodinance8 of the city of springfield, and th: La-";8 of tllO .. State of Oreg.J" pertaining to the lJOrk described herei.n, and that NO OCCU- PANCY wiLL be mao of any Dtruatur2 LJithout p3l'mio3ion of the Buildill{i Di- vision. I further certify tlult o:1ly contractor>a a;:d e:npl.:Jyeco w1:o are it: compliance with ORS 701.05E will be used on this project ~ 1fian.~d ~ '/: --' ~ -v/~ YL. I'