HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1990-6-25 .:O:-......>T:...,k... ,..'~, ,..,'.,'" , .. RESIW:NTlAl.. APPLI.ON/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street ,Springfield. Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753,. . Job LoCation:, L/7/4J Ci :;"O-f/Y' Ed AsO;'~Do;" Map 1,'}9 b -z. oC; / "3' .. Ta Lot n () /3 00 -z.. ' SUbdivision: Cl.mer: JL.e YI t1Al\d A-v1 Vlf r A'J)C AdcIJ.m: L-/ 7/ '-i :T Q. 'i.J.e.-v k!-d City: 5;v<l1/L?]hdd J QAr"',' n Addition n Remodel' n ,"fob';'le 110m3 Ph01ls: 741 -3IYCj zip: q 7'f 7 ~ Describe I.'or1:.: c;~ ~~ to'c'1~-G\() Oato of Application Contractors . General Addre,;s Value Li,;c_ /I \ Bid rs lIoanl Ree. Phnl"P I[ ;'1~~~~~~~:J10f'lfl'\1L' ~'.{lC'h) itl){'.1 '55'5 LU \ YI', tA-Q I (;~"ctri.!;ul - ,I ' .. -\ . \. I SI11)eti'Va!:!;;p'.1~ glect . chin Rcce:pt ,f l! -4 X:/ /7 "".~ \.-- - ~ .....\\,,* ~<i)-' . , Sigr.ed: Data: ~\\~)~O~{J EXD:!X('H~ (')(7tloU LD\YI ~L,.'?<,\OI It is ths responoibility of tho pe~it hoLder to ses that all inopections are mada at the proper tim~~ that Qcch ~ddresQ is rcadab:~ from the street, and that the permit card is l..1oated at the front of the property. ABui!dina /Xvi::ior: approt.'ed Flan shall remain on tlls nuUdin!1 $ita at all times. prrOCSDUp.E FOR INSPE:C1'TON R~OUE:'ST;CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City deoignated job nun:ber~ job ac!drco8, typo of in3pec~icu requested ar.d W.1:6n you uill be ready for inspQotion, Contraotors 01' l:Uners name and Fhane nwrrbCJ". Requests received befcre 1:00 C':I ",'ill be. made the sam'; dcy~ request'; mede a~teJ'. 1~OO am !.till b:! made the nat oorkin.] day. r1 , rou~ City Deoiur.ated Job Numb.~ 10: ~L OOlQ h Rl!qVit'Pp_ T't~"!.':I'jt:1~.'?n!t O SITE INSPECTION: To-be made after e.rcavation, but pl"iOl' to Bet 'up of forms. D. UNDE:RSLA8 PLtJ/-mrNC. ELECTRICAL & MECH,lNICAL: To be made before any work is ~ovarod. o FOOTINr: & FOUND,1TION: To be mads after trenchOD are e:rcavated and forma. aJ"e erected~ but prior to pouring ccncret~. UNDSRCROU!W Pr.mr.JINC; SEWE,f? W,1TER~ DRAIHACE: To be ma.:fe priOl' to fi l- l.i,..g trenc/lee. 0, UNDbERPWOR PLUMBING & MECI!~NICAL: f To e made priol' to ~nota~~ation 0 {loor inoulation or decking'. .'., O POST AND BEAM: To be rrude prior to installation of floor insulation or OJ \ deoki",. ~1C'1I PT.tP.1Rl!JG. El.F:CTRrCAr. MECl1- L=:::J'" AN~CA1~: No fJQrk is to be c el'ed ur.tiL these inopections have beer. rrude and apPl'Ove::!. O FInEPLACE: Prior to plccir.g faoinu materiaLs and before framing:inspec- tior.. o o FRAMINr.: Muot be requeoted aftel" appl"o11.:Jl of rough plwrbing, 31.ectJOi- cat & mechanical. All. 1'Oofi7flj bmaing t5 chimncys, et~. must be . completed. No wrk is to be CDn- , oeale" until thio inspeotion has . bf:~n made and appro11od. o INSULATION/VAPOR llAllRIER IHSP.r;:C1'ION: To be made aftel" all insulati3r1 a~.d ~cquirod vapor barrisrs ara in plaoe. but before any lath, !J1JpSU11l board Dr uztz. covering is applied. and be/ora any inoulation io concealed. DEf.IOLITION OR /.tOVED BUILDINGS ~ Sani ~CU"1J seuer Japped at p:.operty tir.s :::J Septia tonk P-""'Pcd and fi Iled r.>i th i/ro,.l :J Final - flhsn above items Cll"e ccmplstcd and ~hen demolition is complete or 8tru~- ture mD11ed and pl"~nrises oleaned up. I Jr.lobi le Nemes ...... " =:]'BlookinD a7Ul Sst-up =:] Plumbing connections .- scwsr and ~~er --,' Eleotrical CCf1neation - Bloaking, set-up .-J and plumbing connections rrr..l8t 1::e approved before requssting eleo~l"icaZ inBpec~io;'J O DRrWA!~L INSPECTION: To be made aftor all drywall io in place~ .but prior to any taping. . O MASONRY: Steel location~ boiul beamo, g~tina or verticals in accordance L1ith U.B.C. Seetion 2415. o rIOODSTOVE: After insta.zz.ation is ccmpleted. ~ AOJ8SS0f9!J' Buil,Ung :J Pin.2l - AltDr p:n.cl:eo. okirt';'n!], dacka, etc. aJ"e oanpZetcd. o -~l"t $;~e~t""~ohCl~'ti'ons:"iiuc1: a;;'" tllS installation of streot trees, ~lotion of..the required landscapir.g; etc. ~ must be satisfied before t1:tI BUILDINe FINAL ,can.be ~8quB8tad: .1 q ;JP"L PWIIDIIIG ffi PINAL MEC/lANICAL o CURB & APPROAC11 APRON: Afte:- foms. are erected but pl.iol' to pouring xn.:Jrete; SIDF:I/AT.X & 'DRIVEWAY: FOl" all con-I Drote pa11ing ",it/lin stl"sot right- 1 of-L1C.Y~ to be made after all e:rca- 'vating oompleta & fo~ work & cub- base material in plaao. O. ~IINALt ~UILIDI~~ MTheha~nall BuI ildi"!1t. InsPhacctiobn mustdbo ~~eotsdv ad!tsl" the Final Plwrtb.in.3 '" cc J"1.Ca ~ ana ee r.~ca nspec t.ono va esn ma il Onu app~ 3 . o PINAL ELECTRICAL o O !'ENCE: lIhen oompl&te -- Provide gates Ol" mouobls sections through P.U.E. ' o ~Ar.r, '-tANllel,F.:. AND Cr.flANOvr:: }l1J.'?'! m: ACCF.'S!;1f/Lf\, ADJlI!J7'f1f.'N'!' TO tip. /.f.1m: AT NO CaST TO CT'!'Y I P:1:1r of.~ ~OB I Zona: NO, Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ ,f lot C,oerag= 6 of StorieD Total Height TopographU ITEM Sq. FTC Main Gerace I Ca"OOl't I ACCeS80l"fI I I TOTA& VAWI: Is.o.c. tVC::LUC} 1.S % Buil.dina Permit Soots Surcharge Tota l Cha:'ge. IITI:M , Futures I Residential (J bat/I) I Sanit."t'!'y Sewer Water Plwnbing Pern:i't State Surcl-.arge Total Cha.roes SOLAR ACCESS OcCUDancy Group:. LOT TIPI: lfO. FI:I: F~~ lITEM I Ras. Sa. fto. N.w/EXtend Circuits T .....r'.... _ d Service I EIB~tricaZ. Permit Stata SUl"cha.J'oe Total Charges lITEM Furnace 1!TU' S EXhaust Hood. I Vernt' Fan I WOodstoV8 I Permit IaslUUIoa Mechanica.l Permi t State SUrcMrae Tota Z Charaso -- ENCROACHME:NT --' I S(JC".J.M. tll DePOsi t Storaqo Main tenance I Permit I Total Cha.1VICB I ClD'bcu~ I Sid_ lk I"Fone8 I Eledtrical Label "I Nom to . Home I I fWtlJ"Ar AAVlflN'P nil,;'," NO. NO. FSI: I ~ .10J.)d~.~; I"terie,. Comer Panhandle cut-de-sac x Value CHARCE CHAHCE CI/AnCI: IS.OO ,"l") ~. I I I --. ~ . -,," - I I \ REQ.- L-COC""" . Bec.roGms: I I Ene~1I 50i'1'ae8 !leat Wats1' Hnatl?r I Range I I FireDlace I WOod3 tot:o I . TI/PO Type/Canst: I Lot Faces - I Setbacks I P.L.' I House Carage I Accoss. INorth lEast ISou th IWGot -- Faes Building Value & Permit This pel'rfti.t io granted on the expreos eondition that the said construction ShaUl in aU. respects, conform to tllo Ordinance adopted Hy the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdi.nanco, regulating ths ccnstruaticn and uoe of buildingsl and mcry ~o suopended or revoked at cr.y ti.me upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. I I. I I ,. I Plan Check Fee: I Date Paid: IReceipt U: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No percon ohaZZ conotructl instal!1 alter or change any neW Cl' e=isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such peroon io the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e.:ecept that a p6:"son 1OO:,} do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- , cant. . Electrical Permit Whsre State LaJJ requires t"'.at the electrical work be done by an Eloctl'ical Contractol"1 the electrical portion of this permit shall. roOt be vali4 until the Zabel has been signed by tho Eloctl'ical Contractor. . Mechanical Permit 01,- P"Lan Examiner 110<6 I IMVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application fol' rrormit, and do hereby cOl'tify that all. info:mation hereon is true and correct, and I furthel' certify that any am all work perforr:ned shall be do:1e in accor- dance :.nth the Ordinances of the City of Sprinafield, and th: La'..;s of tho . State of Oregon p~rtaining to thd work described hel'oinl and tllO.t NO OCCU- PANCY will be llI7de of tIny stzouctUl'a lJitho:.tt ponnis3ion of the BuildinO Di- vision. I further certify that o~ly contraetors ar.d e:np'L"yecs "'ho arB in ~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this pl'oject ~, ~ -2s- ~ "70 fute .,;.,.,.0.\- , 'j..;.,h",\~" , BLD~NSPECTION TRACKING RECORD issu date: 092183 BP138183 name: COX. KENNETH . phone: 746 0267 1802051303002 site: ***EXP'D BY LI - TO C/SPFD. 12-17-93 - RES/ACCSRY BLDG inspectrs: JL JL MAC contractr: COX, KENNETH date appvd inspr comments 091085 JL 101585 JL 102885 .JL 112585 DB 052887 elL 052987 JL 061687 JL 061887 JL 072787 JL 022091 JL 022091 JL 022091 JL 121793 MAC 121793 MAC 121793 MAC 121793 MAC permit #: map-tl #: project : inspect ions UNDRFLOOR PLMB ROUGH MECH ROUGH MECH ROUGH PLMB FRAMING INSULATION ROUGH PLMB ROUGH PLMB FINAL MECH FINAL MECH FINAL PUiB FINAL BLDG FINAL MECH FINAL PLMB FINAL PLMB FINAL BLDG appvl X X X X X X X no appvl X X X X X X X X X EXP'D BY LIMIT