HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2006-2-7 -e Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax " 541-726-3769 Inspection Line ., SITE ADDRESS: 4266 JASPER RD ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1802052406400 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD * Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2006-00138 ISSUED: 02/07/2006 APPLIED: 02/06/2006 EXPIRES: '08/07/2006 VALUE: $ 11,000.00 Springfield TYPE OF Paving TYPE OF USE: Repair Commercial PROJECT DESCRiPTION: Paving and site work Contractor License Expiration Date WILDlSH CONSTRUCTION CO law \@.?Jires yml to 10/22/2007 WILDlSH CONST~~CiT:ION:-GO ore,~~n h" \h,(jSllregon WIIIIV,.. 10/22/2007 ~""-'- ~"~'4__ - are ~lS" . .-" ,"BUn;DlNG.INFORMA<f10NI AR 9';:' ,rh;- NU""~-Q~?_001-001 0 tr)ru~\J" - he fI"'" "I in OAP#.oc Stories:,)tain cOpies of t, ,_ "Lot Size: 0090.Heighi'~f ~ter (Note: the \~,en":, , Sq Ft 1st Floor: Car;fypehtrUeat:'r'egon Utility No'",. " 'Sq Ft 2nd Floor: .' f~- 'ne ~ 3~ 4) nunWater TYJle:. 1_800-332-2 " Sq Ft Basement: r<T-l~r I'::) Range' 'ype: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Energy Patb: Sq Ft Other: Sprinkled n/a Occupant Load: - Owner: KORNER MARKET Address: ,4266 JASPER RD SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 Contractor Type General Sewer # of Units: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy .. P'rimary Construction Type Secondary Construction . # of Bedrooms: Front yard Setback: Side 1 Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Street Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: Notes: 'CONTRACTOR INFORMA nON I Phone 541-485-1700 541-485-1700 I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I REQUIRED PARKING Total: Handicapped: Compact: Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Paved Drive Rqd: % of Lot Coverage: IPUBLlC IMPROVEMENTS I Sidewa"l~WOP.~ ~Ol\C~: S\'\t>.\.\. ~~1i~1P1 ~i:~~r~~ U~~~: ~~~~OO~EO fOR COWlWlt~Co~~ PEI\\OO. t>.~'t ,all 1 of 3 . Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone :j 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Description Tvpe of Construction Use Bid Amount .. Pavine Fee Description + 10% Administrative Fee + 8% State Surcharge " I Fixture Paving Storm Sewer - 1st 50 Feet Storm Sewer Each AddtllOO' Total Amount I Valuation Descriotion I $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier $1.00 Square Footage or Bid Amount 11,000.00 . CITY OF SrKli'\jGFIELD . Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2006-00138 ISSUED: 02/07/2006 APPLIED: 02/06/2006 EXPIRES: 08/07/2006 VALUE: $ 11,000.00 Value Date Calculated Total Value of Project Fp.p.sP~ Amount Paid Date Paid $11,000,00 $11,000.00 02/07/2006 $23.02 $9.20 $42.00 $115.20 $45.00 $28.00 2n106 2/7/06 2/7/06 2n106 2n106 2n106 Receipt Number 1200600000000000121 1200600000000000121 1200600000000000121 1200600000000000121 1200600000000000121 1200600000000000121 To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. .. , , $262.42 I Plan Reviews I ~eouireCUnsnections I Final Paving: After paving is complete. Storm Sewer Line: Prior to filling trench. 2 of 3 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2006-00138 ISSUED: 02/07/2006 APPLIED: 02/06/2006 EXPIRES: 08/07/2006 VALUE: $ 11,000.00 Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR .. 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances octhe City of Springfield and the Laws of the Stateoc Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY wiD be made of any structure without permission octhe Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agr to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, the permit card is located at the front octhe property, and the approved set of plans wiD remain on the site at all ti during constructiolL ~ :2 -1- 0 c.. otr or Contractors Signature Date 3 of 3 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-126-3759 Phone " '( , ,,~ Jii,/Journal Number COM2006-00138 COM2006-00138 COM2006-00138 COM2006-00138 COM2006-00138 COM2006-00138 Payments: Type of Pa)11lent Check .'.1 i, '. ,; '. " " 1,1 :r , - , " ,. " 2/7/2006 . RECEIPT #: Description Paving Fixture Storm Sewer - 1st 50 Feet Storm Sewer Each AddU 100' + 8% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee Paid By KORNER MARKET 8:~',. ~i ...iity of Springfield Official Receipt .velopment Services Department, Public Works Department 1200600000000000121 Date: 02/07/2006 Item Total: Lbeck Number Author1zaUon Re<:elved By Batch Number Number How Received djb 9180 In Person Payment Total: I of I 9:40:25AM AmOll nt Due 115.20 42.00 45.00 28.00 9.20 23.02 $262.42 Amount Paid $262.42 $262.42 FEB, 7,2006 8:01AM WILDISH COMPANIES . WILDISH CONSTRUCTION CO. NO, 7597 p, 2 . _..-::;:.<~._,..., . ,'...', ,,~ '., . ". .... "',' '. ,'0 "'.' .. ., . . Posl Office Box 7428, Eugene, OR 974014428 Telephone (541)495-1700 . Fox (541) 6li3!7722 SI".. 1935 ESTIMATE Owner/Representative: Wvane Cochran Komer Market 4266 Jasper Road Project Location: Komer Market Sprinqfield. OR Phone: 541.748.8833 Estimate Date: Contract Type: 217/2006 Lump Sum WILDISH CONSTRUCTION CO, to furnish labor, equipment, and materials to peltO"" the following work: Overlay existing ae parking lot at the Komer Market, 4266 Jasper Road. Overlav Exlstina AC Parkin~ $ 11.000.00 Special Conditions: Excludes traffic control, parking lot markings (paint), and parking bumbers. Pave to existing grades. This eslirnallll8 aubjecllo credit opproval, al'lcl ia not bindOlg on Wildish until approved by eulhorized signalu1'eG, When siGned by _or & Wildiah. ~ Is. conlr8c>t. IMPORTANT:.... allllched Tenn. & CoIlditlona and ether nDlad atlaohrnenls, WILDISH CONSTRUCTION CO. (CCe # 00695) OWNER/REPRESENTATIVE Submitted Bv: Agreed To: Jason J. While Wlldlsh Approval: Date: 02-07-2006 08:05 PAGE1 FEB, 7, 2006 8:01AM WIlDISH COMPANIES . NO, 7597 p, 3 . TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. Wlldf.h agraea to porf."" .11 of tha c....truction work as dcoorlbod on 'h. eo'I...," f.... eccordlng to tha pI rd speclffcatlom f.r '~.proj.., .r accordlns to verbal fnet_tlano 16 preslnted '0 Wlldlsll by the OWnlr or Its r e.:-~t~ve for purpoaea of preporing thle Esttlllllte. Thes. pl.ne and opoclfl..d_ and/or fnstructl.na arB by thfo r.feronc.\nco-roUd In the Est lmoto_ ,~ . 2. Wlldi.h agr... that tho owner "'V moka .ny -"161')' chona.. In tha pl.ne lIl'Id IpllCfflcetlona for tho work coverod by 'hi Estl..t. and Controot th., ...., be - n_..ry durIng tho progress of tho ...rk, ~lthClUt IlMllldatlns t~l. Contr.ct blrt ,,: chonse .h.ll be bll'lclfng Ultll aerced to In ~rHfng by Wfldhh. If." .uch chllnQe I. made raeultlng in additions to tho work ondIor mat.rlals required dlm such additional ...rk will be bflled et .Undard Oregan SUt. HIlllIlI.y Dlv!.lon r.... and ....'hcds If any such eh.l'd!os .r. - resulting In reduction 01 tha ....unt of work ondIor IllOt.rial. requfred. tho _troe:, ch.n, ~ equItably edjuated. , , , 3. In tho evont Wfldl.h la delayed In tho porfo_ of .ny of It. oblfe.tlans hlll'eVlder aa . raM' of strllcae loclcouts were. unawllabfl Iry of ...tulal., floods, IIelItIl.r condftlone. Gover......t regul.tlona and .OU. or any othar .a':'.. beyond Wfldlllll's reasonabl. control, then 'h. time for the perfONllGllO. of any.uoh obllsetfon .. dollyvd ,"",II "" .xtonclod for 'hi poriod of such delay. If Wildl.h Ie deL.yed .t Iny tllllO In PI'Oll...... of tho work by an ..., .r nllltect of the OWner. In """lov- o. IIlIOIIte. or by chong.. ordered In the work. thon Wlldlsh I. entitled to racoin frOlll'OIntr r.eaonabl. ...,.., .tlon for .11 CDCU ....uhtna 1rOlll the .lBY~ . . 4. Should ooncesled candhfona be _tired In the porf.';""". .f the oontroc' belOl/ 'h. surf... 01 'ha oround Or oIIould concaeled or LIlIcnawn condttlOM In oxtatlng at""'turas or otlwlrv'aa be at v.rlance with, dl. condhlono tl'lcllceted by tho pI.... oncl epocfflc.tlone .v.ll.bla far ..tllllllto. .r ehould IIlIcnoIM llftyalc.1 condItions bel.. 'he .urlac. 01 tha ground .. .hauld cancaeled .r unknown conditions In an .slatlng at"""tu.. .r .th.r~ls. .f an unuoual nat~r.. dlff.rlng ..t.rl.lly from ,h.s. OI'dlnerfly _t.red el'lcl sona..lly rooOgnhccj .. ""'.rent In tho I<Ork of "'. charecter prowl clod for In 'his con'r...'. be encOll'lt.rod, the con'ract price aheH be equltebly .djusted """" el.11II by Wlldfah. S. In tho event of .n cqu\tebl. OdJus~t or chang. to the contrae, prl.o. or dlllllge to Contr."or. owner" Iteblllry for costs fncurred by Contractor an Owt1er'. beh.lf, or on aecQl,lr'ft of OImor, Mill fnclude nett anly Contl"8Gto"'1II dIrect: or out"of. pocket cost. but ullo ContractDr'. overf\e8d "Goctateet with such Coati. I,. Ild:Utton, Contracto,. .hBll be entitled to . 15X ma,.t~ up on cost.. fhle ..rk-up I. "'" prall' nor . .....1'1. but I. osUbllahed eo tlquidated d....... '0 ~.to COMr.".r for fU aclulnlstreUve .oat ondIar to eHaw Contl'8Ctol' to reeov.r It. pr.flt an work far...n. ., . result of OIntr" octo .r GG'lnlsllons. . 6. tn c... tho wort should. betare c~letfon, ... llhoLly or portl.lly doatroyod by flro, dafoe, I.,. soil. ..''''qulk., .ct .f Gad_ or CD",rBCtar or uti \.Icy Qr ut8v'.fon prOYidet lI'dot' Ovntreat to Owner or .ny one o~".r than VHdiah, then the Lou ""...Ioned thereby .hlll be .uatelnod aol.ly by Olmor., . .,. T.nns of pe)1nlmtl . . a. unles. tho bId fa e lump 6UIlI. tho .~I..,. can'r..' prlc. t. lubJect '0 adjus!mcnt for ...suromsnt of flnol qUoIl'ftlel on unf, prlc.. .r .'her varfabl... Wher. _OllremenlO sre requlred. the OloIlor .hall .rrensl for lu enol_. .r Arc"'...' ,. provIde suolt flnol .............to tn wrltlns to Wlldl.h et tho oorlt.., pea'lbl. ".... lIhel'<l th.re II no Englneor .r Architect ropresentlng 'h. llNnor, Wlldfah sh.H provlda tha ..I.urlllllllnt.. Wlldloll Ih.11 ClOke prOllr... billings for 'hi work _l.ted en or about tho 25th of ladllIlonth.. """ ,ho poymom an each aucII billing 011.11 be due al'lcl pey.bl. In full on the 10th of th...",'" fallo~IilIl the prograe billIng. A lat. ch.rs. of two rrcon, (lX) per iIlcnth will be llIIIlOGcd en pas' due bellll'oCOJl. Plnol blltfng la due 10 days .fter r_Ipt of fino bill Ing I_I c.. . Wlldlch .h.ll hovo tho rlgl" to atop lIOn on tho proj..., and cl.l.. . CoIletl'LlC'ton Lion If .'" ". ., .ra not ...,. In . tl.ly Nnner. b. c. S. Wlldloll ........... the rill'" ,. Ol.IIlcantrom .11 or SJrf portion of 'h. IIOrt vhhaut .rhun 0"""'"". OWnor..h.11 _ .sslgn thll contract. Its rlghte horllllClol', or In tho praperry _ed horoby. lIl"'out the prl.r wrltt.n cons,,", of Wfldillh, Ilhlcll consent .h.1l not ... rollOOl'lllbly ~Ithh.ld. 9. In tho oveRt eny ",It or octlan Is Instl'U1:ed by Ifther porty .rl.lng CIUt of ,his contro.t. the pI'OVOlltng PO''r In .llcII OllIe ar action Ilhall be """tlod to reosanobl. luarney'. f.ea. oI'lcI If SJrf .ppo.1 I. t.ken tl'COl tho declalon of tho trial....'" .uch f~nh.r ..... os II1II\' be fIxed by the OllPIIllste ....rt .. roeoonabl. .ttarney'. fees. 10. The Qwner esr... to obt.ln el'lcl pey for ell permit.. lfcono.et offlclel InsjleCtlana. al'lcl aubdlvlslon or oth.r bands IIlldo ........ry by "'. -'<, .1'lcI .....Iy vith.lI I..... ordl_ .1'lcI regu .".... bearing on tho IIOrk...... It. cor.cA.ot. lIIIl.s. oth.rvl.. ".'ed an tho foco .f tho lllI'l...t.. 11. If OIntr or prl... controot.r lnolet. upon .....l.uon of IIOrk 1lll.lnot advice of WlIdloll bee..... of _,hor or Sllbosurf... conditions. the OI<nGr or prlllll .,",tr.ctar ........ ell risk for dafects .1'lcI .ll .xtra cast. cIu. to llUch ....'her or .ub-eurf... ool'lclltlana. .. , 12. Wlldtsh Ih.lI ... reopcnalbl. for SJrf direct 4eInog.e ellUSad sol.ly by It. neglfsenco, but not far delnesea C8l1llod by others. WlIdlllh .hell not.... lIabl. for eny _Ial. Irdlrect. or conslqllentlel denla8ea arl.'ng In any lII8MOr frCII the work perfOMlled. FOllII\OUOT! Rovf.ed 11/88 02-07-2006 08:06 PAGE2 FEB, 7,2006 7:49AM WILD ISH COMPANIES . NO, 7597 p, 1 FAX TRANSMITTAL . ~... ~..,",'.- '. ~ ',-: :..,..... . ", .....-........,' . "1'111 I.... . Wildlsh Construction Company P,O, Box 7428 Eugene, OR 97401-0428 TO: Wayne Cochran Korner Market Phone: 541.485.1700 Fax: 541.683.7722 FAA.: 746-6833 FROM: Jason White Date: 7-Feb Pages: 3 (including cover) RE: Komer Market Comments: Wayne: Please see attached, Thank You, Jason J. White If you do not receive all pages or have trouble with this transmission, please call Wild Ish's corporate offices at 541-48!>-1700, Thank You. 02-07-2006 07:54 PAGE1