HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/03/2008 Work Session City of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, MARCH 3, 2008 The City of Springfield Council met in a work session in the Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, March 3,2008 at 6:30 p.m., with Council President Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Councilors Lundberg, Wylie (via conference phone), Ballew, Ralston, Woodrow and Pishioneri. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery, City Attorney Matt Cox, City Attorney Bill Van Vactor, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. Mayor Leiken was absent (excused). 1. 2009-2013 Capital Improvement Program - A Community Investment. City Engineer Ken V ogeney presented the staff report on this item. The draft City of Springfield 2009-2013 Capital Improvement Program, A Community Reinvestment Plan, was reviewed at the Planning Commission's February 5, 2008 meeting. The Commission recommended Council approval of the plan. The CIP attempts to balance the use of scarce capital construction funds with the long list of infrastructure needs for our community. It is not a document with budget authority, but it serves as a guide for programming funds and planning the annual workload of Public Works staff. There are a few completely new projects being proposed in the next five years of programmed funding, and we are making significant progress toward completing the backlog of projects from previous year's. capital plans. These items are detailed in the attached Council Briefing Memorandum. Mr. Vogeney introduced Jeff Paschall, staff engineer. The CIP was a planning and programming tool used to identify funding for the projects on the list. A public hearing was scheduled on the CIP for March 17. Mr. Vogeney highlighted some of the major projects that were underway, but were not in the CIP because they already had funding: Bob Straub Parkway (County lead project); South 69th Street Reconstruction, B Street to Thurston Road; and Harlow Pump Station Expansion. Councilor Pishioneri asked about the 69th Street project. He asked how they would be addressing safety issues on that project and also how they would be addressing long term vegetation abatement. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes March 3, 2008 Page 2 Mr. Paschall said the safety issues would be to improve the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) ramps on the sidewalk on the west side. They would also be placing a guard rail along the drainage channel along the east side. There wasn't much that could be done about vegetation abatement because of the channel in that location which was a water quality channel. Mr. Vogeney said maintenance of the channel was done by the City's maintenance crews under permits that allowed limited maintenance for the channel, including the vegetation. . Mr. Vogeney discussed the overlay of Pioneer Parkway and noted that the City was working on an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with Lane County. The County would be overlaying Hayden Bridge Way, Pheasant to 19th, so the City asked if they would do the Pioneer Parkway overlay as well so it was well coordinated with better economies of scale. The funding would come from Service Transportation Project (STP) funds. Combining the projects would provide . the City the opportunity to get the work done more efficiently. Councilor Lundberg asked how they would stage the traffic during that construction. " Mr. Paschall said they were working on that scheduling. The work would be done in 2009 and they would determine how to have the least impact on traffic which could include some night work. Councilor Lundberg asked if it was coordinated with L TD and the EmX. Mr. Paschall said they would be coordinating with them. Mr. V ogeney said the proposed sanitary sewer master plan and the proposed storm water master plan were not reflected in the CIP because they had not yet been adopted. On March 4, the public involvement process would be started during the Planning Commission meeting. He also noted that there was a request to add several projects to the CIP. He referred to Attachment A, page 2 and 3 which listed those projects. They included the following three drainage projects that would eliminate either local flooding or winter icing issues: the 68th and D Street drainage project; the South 59th and Aster Street drainage project; and the South 67th and Ivy Street drainage project. The A Street overlay project was also added to the CIP. This project would overlay A Street from Mill Street east to 5th Street, and also 4th Street from Main Street to C Street prior to the opening of the jail. Mr. V ogeney referred to the CIP document (Attachment B in the agenda packet). He reminded Council of the Capital Improvement review criteria (page 3 of 58 in Attachment B) and referred to the definitions of project categories as listed on page 4 of 58 in Attachment B. Page 6 of 58 in the attachment gave a summary of proposed expenditures by category. He discussed these figures. Councilor Ralston asked about the big difference between 2009/1 0 and 2010/11. It was noted that it was the Jasper Natron sewer extension. Councilor Ralston asked for the total amount of the additions to the CIP. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes March 3, 2008 Page 3 Mr. Paschall said the three neighborhood improvements totaled about $.5M. They were included in Attachment B, pages 25-29. Councilor Ballew said a third of this plan was unfinanced and that was substantial. Some of it might have to be financed at the same time the MWMC and the City raised their rates and that concerned her. She referred to the unknown revenue source for the Jasper Natron extension and maintenance of City buildings. There were big holes in this plan that needed to be further discussed. . Mr. Vogeney said generally staff brought a CIP that was balanced and had identified funding. In this year's proposal, they wanted to identify the Jasper Natron Trunk Extension project as high need, but without a funding source. Some of the questions Councilor Ballew had would be addressed with the Capital Financing Plan which would be brought to Council along with the SDC and user rates. The user rates on the local side would be partially driven by the sanitary sewer master plan. There was still a lot of work to do. Councilor Ballew discussed the City's participation in private projects and said it was time to revisit that. She referred to oversizing and the cost to the City. Mr. Vogeney said he would talk to the Public Works manager to see if that fit into the capital financing plan discussion or if it would be brought to Council separately. Councilor Woodrow referred to page 28 of 58, the South 59th drainage improvement. He asked if that would resolve the weeping across Bob Straub and 58th Street. Mr. Vogeney said the project on the CIP was in a different location. He explained where the proposed project was located, which was further north and east of the location referred to by Councilor Woodrow. The project was working through an existing wetland area. Councilor Woodrow referred to page 56 of 58, Lighting ofthe Pioneer Parkway path. He asked if LTD was paying for part of that with the EmX project. Mr. Paschall said L TD would be putting up lighting along the path. The project listed in the CIP was along Pioneer Parkway East and Pioneer Parkway West, not the path. The L TD design would include putting in conduit and the City would put in the wiring and lights. Councilor Pishioneri referred to areas along Jessica that had a great deal of weep age and were often a sheet of ice during the extremely cold weather. He asked if that type of project was eligible for abatement. Mr. V ogeney said they would look into those areas. He confirmed the locations. Councilor Lundberg asked Councilor Wylie if she had any questions. Councilor Wylie noted that she couldn't hear much through the conference phone. Mr. Vogeney discussed the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding. He said it was currently blank as a revenue source because the Community Development Advisory City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes March 3, 2008 Page 4 Committee (CDAC) hadn't reviewed applications. There would be an application from Public Works, but the approved funds had not been identified yet. Councilor Ballew said different parts of the City got more attention from year to year. She would like to see the projects spread around the City so everyone got something. Mr. Vogeney said staff did try to work that in so there was something going on throughout the City in terms of preservation or rehabilitation. He explained. He discussed the quarterly reports which indicated the ward each project was located in. Mr. Paschall discussed the A Street and 4th Street overlays that would be done after the Justice Center was significantly completed. He noted the funding for this project as well as the other overlay projects. Public Works Director Dan Brown said the reason Public Works was overlaying those streets was due to the closure ofB Street. By closing B Street, 4th and A Streets would be the new bus routes and needed the overlay to make them able to handle buses. Councilor Ballew said there was $25,000 left from the Justice Center budget fund. Mr. Paschall said the budget funding followed the CIP funding. Councilor Lundberg said this report was well done and very easy to read. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm. Minutes Recorder - Amy Sowa Attest: Am~ Mw"- . City Recorder