HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2002-11-19 FF.B1 . ~ .. FAX NO. Nov. 20 2002 10: S4AM Pi ,~ MORTIER ENGINEERING, ec., 1245 ;:>EARL 5711EET EUGEN!:. OREGOI>J 97401 PH3NE ::]4 11 .1&:-908C . FAX ~S41 J 451.6859 TOll FREE IN OREGON 1-877-661-9959 STRUCTURAL BUilDING DESIGN · FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT' PlAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION November 19, 2002 DavId & Teresa Lues 6812 A St. Spnngfield, OR 91478 RE. 6842 Jessica St. -Inspection of Beam - W.O.#14725-GPlvl As requested, a sIte visit was performed on November 18, 2002. The purpose of the visit was to inspect notches made at each end of the 51/8" x 15" GLB located in the garage, The supports at each end of the beam have been notched on the tension (bottom) face The notch at the north end of the beam is 5.125" wide, 5.5" long, and 3" deep T 18 notch at the south end of the beam is 5 125" wide, 5.5" long. and 4 25" deep. Using NDS equation 3.4-3 with d=15", V:::5125-(500~(15112))=4UiOO#, b=5.125N, and d n=10.75P, the worse case shear stress in the beam due to the notches is 171 psi The allowable shear stress per NOS Table SA is 190 psi. The beam has adequate shear strength to resist the design roads prescnbed by the code. Due to the possibility, of the flexural strength being reduced b} a horizontal crack In line with notched depth. W'x8'1lag bolts are to be installed 2" from each elld. See detail included with this letter. The deflection of the beam is not significantly affected t y the notch at the ends of the beam. Thank you for this OPPol1unity to be of service The enclosed Building Analysis Report and Statement of Conditions and limitations Is a part of this report. f you have questions regardIng this report, please contact me at 484-9080. Sincerely, <1 - IFROM : FAX NO. Nov. 20 2002 10:54AM P2 /"'\H..'(. \ A(2.<'-, ~,-.LNT CALCULATIONS I ~I~ I 0'- ShED tole __ 0' (r~ t14J...CUu,\T~O 8'- STRUC1UMl. 8Ult.O'IvG JES,GN . FiliI' i>ROTEC rlON CODE CONSULT^,~~ . ?:..A"l CHECK!NG C()NSTRtA.'"'T1ON INSPECTIO~' ... _I - UA '" ';HECKEIl BY __ 1 "1-'\ '1.. 'S WOo OH. _ .,..-. ------ ..::-" j. ,- &- t, ~I~,& \'S r- / ,.~ ,; 1 7 I /' !!~ ~ I i~ I \. - IJ~ 0$ '" ~. L,. A. ~ \1,. 0 l-l"" ~~~ 1t.,)-() (G.ll-JJ~ t>,.J teAM) ~ :z.~ Ie. s..>-tP~~ .ll1.~J D~ "~ '-.. f5E A M END DETAil=- I..! _1."5 . 1.1 , ,I 'I ~ , " .. 1 .'... 1245 PEARL $1: · EUGENE. OREGON 97401 TEl.: (541) 484-00aO -, a