HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2002-8-8 August8,2002 Mr. Vince Hinton 2110 W. 24th Avenue Eugene, OR 97405 RE: SOil SUBGRADE INSPECTION, 1-5 GLASS, 3490 MARCOlA ROAD Dear Mr. Hinton: GeoScience, Inc has completed inspections of soils at foundation subgrade elevation at the referenced site The Inspections were conducted on July 31 and August 7,2002 The purpose of the inspections were to confirm that an allowable subgrade beanng pressure of 1,500 Ibs/ff, as assumed by Mr Hal Pfeiffer, PE (project structural engineer) for design purposes, was present within site salls at design foundation subgrade elevation At the time of the July 31, 2002 inspection, the site had been cleared of vegetation The site sloped to the southeast at approximately 3 percent and the surface material consisted of crushed aggregate (approximately 2 Inch minus). The subsurface wasexplored by means of two hand auger holes, one which was located 40 feet west of the eastern boundary and 42 feet south of the northern boundary, the other was located 72 feet west of the eastern boundary and 27 feet south of the northern boundary Each of the hand auger holes was advanced to approximately 2 feet below site grade In both hand auger holes the crushed aggregate was approximately 4 inches thick and was underlain by hard brown sandy Silt (estimated gradation' 40 percent sand, 60 percent fines) with low toughness, rapid dllatency and medium dry strength The subgrade salls were clasSified as sandy SILT (ML) In accordance with the Unified SOil Classification System (USCS) as proVided In Amencan Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Test Method D 2488, Standard Practice for Descnptlon and Identification of Salls (Visual-Manual Procedure). The sandy SILT stratum was designated as SU- A for purposes of this report Pocket penetrometer measurements were conducted on samples of SU-A collected from the hand auger holes. In all samples, the pocket penetrometer measurements Indicated an Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) of greater than 9,000 Ibs/ft2 for the subgrade SOils The site was VISited again on August 7, 2002 for the purpose of confirming that SOil conditions encountered In our hand auger holes were representative of subgrade SOils Within the pen meter foundation excavation At this time, the site had been excavated to subgrade soli elevation Within the penmeter foundation excavation The depth of excavation was approximately 1 foot below adjacent site grade throughout the excavation with an approximately 0.5 foot high step near the middle of the eastern footing hne excavation Salls exposed In the excavation were clasSified as ML (sandy SILT) per the USCS and appeared to be consistent With SU-A observed In our earlier hand auger holes. Pocket penetrometer measurements were conducted on SU-A that was exposed Within the pen meter foundation excavation In all locations, the pocket penetrometer measurements Indicated an UCS of greater than 9,000 Ibs/Wfor SU-A P.O. Box 2238, Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 607-5700 FAX: 607-5701 CCB # 127073 .t, ". 175 Glass, 3490 Marcola Road, Springfield, OR August 8, 2002 Page 2 USln~ the Bell-Casagrande Method, the ultimate beanng capacity of SU-A IS at least 18,000 Ibs/ft USing a factor of safety of 3 for dead and live loads, the allowable beanng capacity of SU- A is at least 6,000 Ibs/tf When consldenng Naval FacIlities (NAVFAC) Presumptive Values of Allowable Beanng Pressures for Spread Foundations (Manual 7.2, pg 143, Table 1) a recommended value of 6,000 Ibs/W IS provided for hard sandy silt (i.e. SU-A) On the basIs of sOIl type and allowable beanng capacities as Indicated by pocket penetrometer measurements, the design pressure of 1,500 Ibs/W for foundations beanng on SU-A, as prepared at the time of our Inspection, is conservative. If you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to call us at 607-5700 Sincerely, \ . #2332 I 1M 5 GLASS HAL PFEIFER PE, P.C. LATERAL WIND DESIGN Ce= 0.69 FROJECTED AREA METHOD Cq= 1.30 '97 UBC qs= 16.40 1= 1.00 p=Ce x Cq X qs x I p=' 14.71 wall Identification # W W1 len'\th of llhear wall L tributary area of wind loading A 421.00 totalllhear on wall V=p X A 6,19325 unit llhear per ft of wall v=V/L ERR 'j 171.50 r., 171.50 "'l; "~ 85.75 '<"'r',..,~), "85.75 ..! - ~ " ... f:97.4EJ\ 287.27 , see seismic CDXor066"" D~orOS6 see seismic 8d@6" 8d@4" 588 seismic 1/2x10AI3'S@2'.) 2x10A6's@2' W2 \ W3/ W4 ''''O~~8-33 1833 r::-t::.;tV · 55 00 25 00 l':l/A~ 033 0.73 0\ 3,480.92 7,658.03 1.37198 1,371.98 L1At r"}O~~ 919.23 ~O ~VV ~69 6.738.80 see seismic see seism'6 1I2x10A6's@2' HD8A 7/8" A6 ~f.? ...PA,' note: N-17(16ga.) staples may l1e used in lieu of 8d nails @ 75% of req,'d. spacing ,~_ ~ ~ SHEATHING: 1/2"CDX or'r~ted 7/16" OS,6,shtg. or 112" 066 siding wI 16" ole studs note: recommended minimum 4' ole anc~or l10lt spacing ANCHOR 60L T = 1/2" X 10" A.6.'S 1 6ILL= 2x6 P.T. hem-fir I p)( 1.33 = 731#/bolt/sill plate 1 50urce = 91 ND6 vert;ical dead load along wall/ft. 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